
Tampa Clubs

Avatar for jayhawk123

Ok I need all the Tampa experts out there to give me you favorite club or two in Tampa and the reason why it is your favorite? Is it because of mileage? Hotness of dancers? Price? Extras? Other?


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Avatar for larryfisherman

Read the Tampa reviews :) Those reviews will give you a better idea than a few people here who have been to Tampa a few times but don't live there and don't go there often.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Tampa seems to be Mons Venus then everyone else - 2001 seems ok but reviews seem to fluctuate - Scarlett's seemed to have been the go-to place for extras but reviews are mixed w.r.t. the dancers' looks and dancer #s (not al lot of dancers) - and recent Scarlett's reviews complain about the curtains being removed from the regular lap-dance rooms although it seems VIP is still private.

I don't have first-hand knowledge but seems only Mons gets consistently good-reviews and most of the other clubs seem to be more miss than hit.

Avatar for gammanu95

Papi is right, but Mons has its cons. No booze. No privacy. No extras. Limited mileage.

Avatar for minnow

I'll ask the same question that I asked in your Minneapolis thread last month: When are you actually going to reciprocate, and write a review on a city that you've been asking us about ? Since August, I count no fewer than 10 threads by you asking us to write an essay on our favorite club in particular city, yet you've only written ONE review (over a year ago, Mons Venus) on a club outside your KS stomping grounds.

If you want such a vast scope/depth of information from us, how about letting us in on your preferences. Throw in an essay of your own on your favorite club visit, and why it was your favorite, along with your most disappointing visit and why.

I did take some time to read your threads, noting your stated preference for attractive Caucasian dancers, particularly blondes. In that case, Mons Venus will be your best Tampa bet, though I didn't see a blonde called Sophie there in my visits earlier in the year.

Avatar for goosman

Mons is on average, the best place if you want a lap dance. It's not a tipping club, its not an extras club, so lap dances drive the club and earn the money. If you're looking for models, look elsewhere (although there are no dogs at Mons), if you're looking for extras, look elsewhere (also as stated above if you want a drink other than juice, look elsewhere). But if you are looking for lapdances, go to Mons.

Also when you get back home, your friends will probably ask you if you went to Mons, so you might as well go to have an answer to that question. It's not for every taste, but it is an icon in the strip club industry, and rightfully so.

Avatar for jayhawk123

Larry thanks. I know I can read the reviews but I feel like I can trust the people in the discussion board better.

Avatar for jayhawk123

Minnow what are you talking about? I haven't had over 10 threads asking about clubs. I doubt I have even posted 10 discussions since then. Don't give me that garbage like I am one of those 0 review guys that come in here asking things. What would you like me to write a review on to make you happy?

Avatar for BigPoppa99

I've been to Scarlett's. It's was just alright. Maybe it was just that day, but I didn't think the talent was all that good. It was very clean, though. I'll give it that.

Avatar for skibum609

Here are my two cents: Fuck Tampa. Drive North to Holiday and go to Bare Assets. Nude, great contact, full liquor. End of story.

Avatar for gammanu95

I'm heading to Tampa in June, but I don't plan on going to any of the clubs in Tampa. I'll take some time at the end of it to check out Diamond Dolls and Bare Assets just north of there, if I can.

Avatar for Longball300

Scarletts (Ybor City) and Bare Assets up in Holiday. Also, I would give Diamond Dolls in Clearwater a try.

Avatar for WetWilly

I have such great memories of Scarletts, mainly one Czech hottie who drove me nuts in the VIP time and time again.....

Avatar for rl27

I was at Scarletts a month ago, and it went way down hill. Not even close to what it was even two years ago.

Avatar for minnow

"What are you talking about"..... "I haven't had over 10 threads"..... "I can trust people in the discussion board"...

Jayhawk123, may I suggest that you see a doctor and undergo a formal evaluation for amnesia, because I count 11 threads started by you since July 2016 asking for information on particular cities (St Louis, Minneapolis, Houston, Indianapolis, and others), or clubs (BDD). Nothing wrong with that on the surface, but frankly your posting patterns make my BS meter flicker just a bit.

I don't expect a club review for each and every city you inquire about,(Clearly stating your club preference which you rarely do would help us give you a better answer) but at least expect some reciprocation beyond the 1 Mons Venus review. I'm considering the possibility that you're nervous about going outside of your comfort zone of your 4 KS clubs, for whatever reason(s). If blowing a cover charge and a rental car (or Uber roundtrip) on a disappointing visit is going to break your bank, I can't help you there.

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