
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    But will DoctorPhil be there?
    and to answer your question i will be there but andre simone worried that id show up the rest of the band because i am a space geneious. so ill just be respectfully dancing in the audience. wearing an assless purple outfit. but dont hit on me @mikey because i dont swing toward the gents. plus the stench of sweat and hemp that comes off you turns my stomach
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    But will DoctorPhil be there?
    stop trolling me @mikey. i know your also posting as @4got2wipe and a bunch of other crap characters
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    8 years ago
    i should get you to shit in the gold toilet of the sultan of brunea. punish that dick for buying the andy worman wig i wanted andy worman was my pappys buddy. i used to call him uncle andy and hed bring over aunt candy and uncle sugar plum fairy for dinner
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Build that wall! Build that wall!
    Build that wall
    also do you really want to bang your daughter? i want to bang her to. maybe we could get together for a three way
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Build that wall! Build that wall!
    Build that wall
    hi donny great to see you posting here. remember when i worked for you and you used to chase the big breasted women around your office while i played yakkity saxity on the stereo for you. those were good times dont let the damn liberals get you down im going to vote for you because your a geneious like me. i remember the good times we had when i worked as your publicist. id help you with things that were hard for you to pick up with your little baby hands and youd let me bang your secretary.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT Stat Bias: Strip Club enthusiasts are smarter than the average bear
    well i suppose some of you have a passible understanding of statistics but none of you are space geneiouses like me. remember i have devised the doctorphil space station repair simulator and troll detection algorithm based on my sophisticated understading of the number theory i can make number sing like that meat load guy. did you know that i actually wrote paradise by the dashboard lite? i just gave it to my buddy jimi steinhertz because my life is so amazing that i really dont need any more accolades. jimi gave it to the meat load and the rest is history your welcome
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is your method?
    but to answer the op question just use the just ask system. or use the rickieboy system because that works at least 35% of the time
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is your method?
    reading these posts makes me wonder who would win a troll off between @mikey and @juicebox69. @mikey has the advantage of having more aliases so i guess it will be him
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Paying for pussy is over rated if you think about....
    but i suspect my problems are different from yours @mikey. after all, your an internet troll with 500 false identities and no woman in her right mind would want to date a guy with that kind of baggage
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Paying for pussy is over rated if you think about....
    well what options do you have when your occupation is internet troll. internet trolls are the worst i just pay for pussy because girls get too attached to me since im a space geneious. i fuck them once and they want to move in with me and become my wife. but i dont want a wife. so i pay the bitches to go away
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Old timers
    @Mmaguy just so you know @lopaw is one of those lebanese be careful not to be a homophone on here. youll offend her and @san_jose_gay and @ldkstranny. and @mikey who apparently has homosexual fantasies about @juicebox69 and @shailynn. not that theres anything wrong with that. in fact, picturing @juicebox69 and @shailynn expresing the love that dare not speek its name is probably the most normal thing that @mikey thinks about your welcome for the warnings
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What will Shailyn and Juice do together?
    this is a new low @mikey. your fantasizing about @shailynn and @juicebox69. that is messed up
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    8 years ago
    dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
    smh. not another @mikey troll of course your saying shit to a real american dallas. your actually a damn hippy with the dreadlocos and a sole patch and im sure you just want to make fun of a real american that might just have some minor problems finguring out the statistics stick to the hacky sacky you damn hippy
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hypothetical question
    go with your "dream civvie" John. she may be a dirty slut but shes an age appropriate dirty slut. yes you may catch the multidrug resistent herpes simplex 9 and your dick may fall of but at least it will be an age appropriate std with your teenage crack whore - im sorry, dream stripper - you have a young girl and all the while she is thinking – why do all these old geezers do the exact same thing. thankfully it will all be over in 3-4 minutes. then I just have to tell him ‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o (lol that was so 2005) world. you a regular stud’. then i’m out of this flea bag motel. i hope Jelly Belly still has some heroin for sale. i NEED it after this one. oh wow that was fast. here we go – “‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o world. you a regular stud.”
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Summer Blues
    so if you see a couple in your local club wearing eyes wide open masks it is probably me and kim. ill buy you a drink if you come over and introduce yourself. offer stands fro @mikey aka @4got2wipe aka @TheeOSU aka aka aka trust me @mikey i want to help you. if buying you a drink can start the heeling process i am happy to do so
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Summer Blues
    i have been trying to do a strip club tour with my old friend kim bassetter. we used to hang out with sally ryder and dress up in eyes wide open type masks and go to swingers clubs. good times
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Old timers
    how do i know this? simple. i am a space geneious
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Old timers
    it depends on what you call an old timer @Mmaguy. @mikey is a troubled sould on the discussion bored that only joined in 2010 but he also posts as @zipperhead, @TheeOSU, @CaraLynn87, @4got2wipe, and a bunch of crap accounts that pretend to be animals. so if you add up the number of years all of his accounts have been posting here longer than anybody else, including @shadowcat. does that count for you @Mmaguy?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    i had to tell charlie sheen he was partying to much
    interesting how @Hugh_G._Rection aka @mikey is reverting to his @zipperhead personality by posting nonsense about klingons. just go baack to playing with your star trek dolls in your mommies basement and now hes trying to link me with that @san_jose_guy loser. how dishonerable do you have to be to randomly link people. everybody knows you have to use a clever algorithm to carefully establish linkages between trolls accounts like @mikey and @Hugh_G._Rection but then again i am a space geneious and @mikey aka @Hugh_G._Rection aka @zipperhead is just a weird pothead that plays the hacky sacky and lives off welfare checks
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Job Interviews
    companies ask me to work for them because i am so amazing. remember, i am a space geneious
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FBI fail.... Obviously Hillary's server was scrubbed too clean for them
    @mikey this is just sad. we all know that you are a liberal hippie wannabe with dreadlocks and a sole patch that only wears hemp clothing and plays the hacky sacky 24/7. truth is that you dont like hillary becaus you find her too conservative but your trying to stir up good patriotic conservatives. this is some of your worse trolling ever. take a shower you damn hippy
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    i had to tell charlie sheen he was partying to much
    smh. @mikey aka @Hugh_G._Rection just had to post too replies. one of which accuses me of being one of his aliases. sad it just turns out that slash and i led an intervention trying to help our good friend charlie. not that you would know anything about that @mikey and @mikey you need to try harder with your troll accounts. learn to spell and use proper grammer why dont you
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Which TUSCLers would you like to hang out with?
    i know you want to meet me gaca. everybody does. it is the curse of being incredibly interesting and coming from a fascinating family. i could fill a library with stories about my family alas, i dont think you are fascinating enough to interest me. so ill have to decline your request to meet. i hate to say it, but the only people i might be willing to meet are @san_jose_guy and @mikey. @san_jose_guy who might be verbose enough to act as my scribe and @mikey is a sick individual and id like to help him. im just a nice guy like that. your welcom
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    of course @4got2wipe (aka @mikey aka @zipperhead aka a bunch of other crapola indemnities) like barabara streisands. that ugly liberal bitch appeals to the gay and bisexual
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    i only eat exotic fruits like carambola and jackfruit and mangos. i have refined taste