
FBI fail.... Obviously Hillary's server was scrubbed too clean for them

They should have hired Rech


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I thought the FBI confirmed she committed (a) crime(s)....?
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    You don't meet with the chief people over the investigation if you don't know they aren't going to white wash it unless you're making a secret deal. Obama knew it, the Clintons knew it, only the people who vote for her are the ones who don't care if they are voting for a liar. Other people served time in jail for just one questionable email. Half the country doesn't care if she's a criminal who breaks the law if she can get those in charge to not file any charges. Even the FBI director said career oriented people would be making the final decision. Hint hint, their careers are finished if they don't side with the boss. I expected nothing less from an administration that hired a treasurer who hadn't filed his income taxes as required before he was hired. You have to be crooked to be part of the current reign. They don't want law abiding people in office. If you break little laws like national security,no problemo.

    Now if some guy like me just put one sensitive email document on a private internet connected device. Arrest and detainment. Just like in the movie transformers where the girl copied the alien signature file to a private pc so that her friend could hack the signal. Ordinary joes get arrested right away.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Hillary may be crooked but she has friends in high places to cover it all up. If no charges filed or only misdemeanor charges filed, her voters won't care. They will say it was no big deal, no charges filed. Then Hillary can say, "What does it matter?" In my personal opinion she and mr Clinton were very negligent in handling their emails and put national security in jeopardy.

    So will you vote for a crook and a liar who cares only for themselves while lying to you or will you vote for the arrogant businessman who probably made a deal with the Clintons ahead of time but decided he has a shot at winning it all and double crossing Hillary?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Well, if you don't vote for Clinton, you either vote for Trump (who never told a lie in his life), or you don't vote. Me, I'm voting for the devil I know: Clinton. I DON'T give a shit about her email server any more than Trump people care he's a lying homophobic bigot.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Trump is right. The system is rigged.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Rich people don't go to jail.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Rock, she could be tried and convicted right now for gross negligence. FBI labeled it extreme carelessness and that they won't pursue that. Kinda chickenshit
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Hillary could say, What does it matter? You're all screwed no matter who wins.
    It does make an interesting circus of news and comedy. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Half the people see it coming no matter who wins. The question I have to ask, who is the worst train wreck? I think Hillary is the worst by a slight margin because it will mean years of more gridlock. Could have some if the same with Trump because so many Repubs disagree with him.
    On the other hand, we might have nothing to worry about. Everything will be good.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I'm currently undecided who I will vote for. I voted Liberterian several times as my none of the above crap before. I just hope they don't screw up social security, my Ira and retirement savings and everything else whoever gets elected. I'm hoping Hillary raises the cap on social security rather than raise my middle class taxes and do a combo with lifting the cap and reducing benefits gradually for those farthest from retirement. I expect her to win. Time traveler said she did. Things could surprise though.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    You cannot tell me his decision was not political. Hillary R.Clinton committed treason and the only reason she is not on the gallows is because of fear of her cronies going down with her! The powers on both sides of the aisle are afraid of The Donald. He will not put up with theft and graft these leaches live and get rich on. He is an outsider and I do not think he would hesitate to expose the wanton graft that is DC.
    That is why the elitists like Romney are frightened
    I was not a Donald supporter but now that scum like Romney and Bush are against him I think he might just be the man for the job.

    Here is what we have to look forward to under the hilda-breast and its gestapo. It will laugh over the corpse of the USA along with her cronies as long as they get rich enough on our back to be kings.


    Look forward to the thought police everywhere: on the net in chat rooms and private emails, monitoring phones, reading mail, recording church services, and any meeting will require a permit and be monitored by a trusted snitch. If you violate the rules you will be able to count on a visit for a totally unregulated enforcement agency that has unlimited power and no oversight the IRS = unlimited power and no oversight.

  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Oh it doesn't matter Murica is screwed with Trump or Clinton.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    A sad day for America, indeed.

    The Director of the FBI stood up in front of the American people and said the investigation found she violated Federal law, allowed Classified material to be handled improperly, and most likely made it available to our enemies.

    But we don't think she should be prosecuted! WTF! Disgusting
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Politics as usual. :)
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Did the Clintons coax Monica out of retirement to blow the FBI director ?
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Sometimes the bar for legal proof is higher than the evidence.

    There was some sloppiness. It's a legitimate critique of Hillary. Shame you guys are running a scam artist asshole.

    Gary Johnson isn't a good choice, nor is Jill Stein.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @RockStar wrote: I thought the FBI confirmed she committed (a) crime(s)....?
    That's right.

    She had over 100 classified docs on her server. But it's clear there was never anything treasonous or disloyal going on, nothing to indicate obstruction. It's a pain to handle classified docs and she probably thought she could get away with it because of her elite status. The FBI knows, and she knows, it was reckless and careless -- but that doesn't mean she belongs in jail.

    Bill Clinton meeting with Lynch was a stupid, unforced, error. Bill's getting senile.

    Sure that @Skibum is out celebrating the decision to not prosecute.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Any member of the military, if they did much less than Crooked Hillary, would immediately have their security clearance yanked, and their career would be over.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    In other important news.... I took a piss when I woke up!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Bill probably felt out Lynch about her intentions. Not that either one would admit it.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Lesson to the nation, if you get in trouble, meet privately with the head of the organization doing the investigation if you think a deal can be worked out, if you have enough clout to meet with the head of the organization. If you get caught, tell the head that he or she will excuse themselves from the case which will be handled by career employees. Meaning it's their career on the line if they don't agree with the head of the organization. Don't cause trouble after your boss already met privately with the person being investigated.

    This would be like the owner of platinum plus meeting privately with the head of the organization of the soliticor doing the investigation and thinking that everything would remain honest.

    Unfortunately Hillary might start a civil war in the US. Isis would be pleased at the possibility. If she's elected, she will likely work on every sneaky underhanded method to remove guns from legal citizens. Only Isis supporters, criminals and terrorists will have guns and ammo, etc. She could try to register all guns, take away rights for misdemeanors, make ammo prices go sky high and unavailable. A gun is no good without ammo. It's one of her goals to disarm legal people.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    As far as ethics are concerned, I couldn't trust either Trump or Clinton as far as I could throw the fattest Stripper at Bogarts . Its what I was telling friends- before the conventions Hillary would be investigated on the handling of emails and by the election Trump would be likewise investigated on Trump University. Neither is fit to run for the Chief Executive.

    And if you think those are the two choices we are offered out of a population of 320 million, that tells you something is inherently wrong with the system.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Depressing that the Director of the FBI would admit that an FBI investigation revealed violations of Treason statutes and then attempt to attribute supposed lack of "intent" as an excuse for not prosecuting. The Hillary emails currently in the public domain, even though heavily redacted, clearly show more than 200 criminal violations of federal law prohibiting mishandling of classified material. Interestingly, the federal statute does NOT excuse anyone mishandling classified material, but instead specifies that negligence IS a criminal act.

    The "Hillary" extremeophiles will insist that Comey's comments "exonerate" Clinton. A very large crowd of benefit receivers, (from welfare checks on one end to targeted mega tax breaks on the other) will now be encouraged to vote for the woman in November. I am just hopeful that enough American citizens recognize that this felonious woman in the Oval Office would be a worse disaster than the current president.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    This is not too surprising. At this point both Trump and Hillary on track for one of them to be the next POTUS. They have a saying: you don't shoot the king unless you intend to kill him. I guess FBI director doesn't feel he has enough evidence or enough of an argument to "kill" her (and her cronies), hence his decision to call it off.

    “Never strike a king unless you are sure you shall kill him"
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson (September 1843)
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @Flag wrote: " Any member of the military, if they did much less than Crooked Hillary, would immediately have their security clearance yanked, and their career would be over."
    +1 Hillary either thinks she's above the rules that apply to everyone else or she just doesn't understand how serious it is to min-handle classified docs.

    Still, it's more like incompetence than treason.

    Good post @Dominc.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    If you just keep on, keeping on it blows over to her supporters. The American public won't forget it, but we'll see how the campaign goes on from here.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    The problem with saying you all deserve what you get this time if HildaBeast get in is that ALL of the bill of right will be gone. She has already demonstrated contempt for most all the amendments she hates 1,2,4,5,10,11,12,13, actually she considers the Bill of Rights to be valid only if it applies to her friends.
    The only one she demonstrated unflagging support for is the 16th which grants the power of the IRS to unlimited taxation.
    The reason she wants all these muslim refugees in the US is so that they will bring terrorism with them so there is an excuse to invoke the emergency powers act which gives virtually unlimited power to the White House suspends all rights in the interest of "Safety". Can you say political purge! Seizure of property! Arrest without charges or warrant. All communication monitored. The emergency powers act was enacted under carter in case of attack and strengthened to unlimited authority under Bush 1. It is US against them.
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    @mikey this is just sad. we all know that you are a liberal hippie wannabe with dreadlocks and a sole patch that only wears hemp clothing and plays the hacky sacky 24/7.

    truth is that you dont like hillary becaus you find her too conservative but your trying to stir up good patriotic conservatives. this is some of your worse trolling ever. take a shower you damn hippy
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