
i had to tell charlie sheen he was partying to much

Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
i really helped him out after his crazy breakdown on the 2 1/2 men. he called me up and said "phil ive got the tiger blood" and i said "charlie my friend youve got the goos that lays the gold egg in you 2 1/2 men show since you can show us drunk or stoned and your characters name is still charlie so you dont have to remember another name".

he lost it and put his tiger penis and the cavernous privates of the brie olsons but then he faced up to his problems and called me up and said "thank you phil you saved me"

that is why you people still have charlie sheen to entertain you. your welcome


  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Classic Zipman post. Still trying to outdo Dougster and Juice
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Here I always thought it was Slash of Guns N' Roses that told Charlie Sheen to slow down or he'd kill himself. Just sayin'.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    Old Yorkshire saying "there's nowt so queer as folk".
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    smh. @mikey aka @Hugh_G._Rection just had to post too replies. one of which accuses me of being one of his aliases. sad

    it just turns out that slash and i led an intervention trying to help our good friend charlie. not that you would know anything about that @mikey

    and @mikey you need to try harder with your troll accounts. learn to spell and use proper grammer why dont you
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Honest Phil, I wish I could get my hands on some of the drugs you are on. Or maybe not. On second thought you are probably drinking the kool-aid from whatever 'Cult of Personality' SJG has running at the moment- that Rosecrucian Fellowship bullshit. I noticed how none of the people you label as "Mikey clones" were linked together until they pissed off SJG.

    So go ahead and drink the cyanide laced kool-aid you got back at the mothership. You're late for Hale-Bop but I'm sure they got a short bus to take you to where the Klingons are circling Uranus. Come to think of it, I think the whole load of self-importance you and your buddy SJG are running makes stripper shit look logical!
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    interesting how @Hugh_G._Rection aka @mikey is reverting to his @zipperhead personality by posting nonsense about klingons. just go baack to playing with your star trek dolls in your mommies basement

    and now hes trying to link me with that @san_jose_guy loser. how dishonerable do you have to be to randomly link people. everybody knows you have to use a clever algorithm to carefully establish linkages between trolls accounts like @mikey and @Hugh_G._Rection

    but then again i am a space geneious and @mikey aka @Hugh_G._Rection aka @zipperhead is just a weird pothead that plays the hacky sacky and lives off welfare checks
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    ^^^ you got this figured out
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    He snorted enough cocaine to kill 2-1/2 men
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I always thought DoctorPhil was anti-san_jose_guy. Sometimes you can't tell the players without a scorecard!

    I don't think there is any pattern to the people DoctorPhil links to mikeya02. I do like the fact the he calls it "the tiger blood" and "the brie olsons" though! Brilliant stuff!
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Phil.: Don't you mean 'Charlie Shean'?
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "Phil.: Don't you mean 'Charlie Shean'?"

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