
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Which TUSCLers would you like to hang out with?
    i would like to meet the guy behind @mikey aka @GoVikings aka @TheeOSU aka @4got2wipe aka @zipperhead aka @rickthezoo. i really do think i could help him with my psychological geneious remember that i am a space geneious but im also smarter than most earth people
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    8 years ago
    Which TUSCLers would you like to hang out with?
    i guess im just to intimidating to hang out with. with my fascinating life and amazing family everybody i try to hang out with just feels intimidated my only friends are equally amazing people like the prince or kim bassetter or sally ryder or charlie sheen. unfortuantely prince and sally ryder have passed away and charlie sheen has the hiv so he may not be with us much longer i want to meet ginnifer laurence. i bet shes a good fuck
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Like liquid candy
    dont tell me we have another @mikey troll. this is just sad. you need to be quiet @mikey because the board wants to learn about my fascinating life and family and you should stop inventing trolls that cant spell or use proper grammer. thats just stupid
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    8 years ago
    Background Check
    background checks are the way the fascist government in washington that suck george soros dick keep tabs on freedom loving patriots. i refuse to keep money in banks because the fascists will just freeze your acount. my advice is to keep your money tucked in your mattress. and i am a space geneious so you should follow that valuable advice. your welcome.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Juice sent me an email
    smh. i go away for a few days and the first thing i come back to is the master troll @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @Hugh_G._Rection aka @4got2wipe aka a Pierson of other crap identities is posting about how he wants to suck juice dick. sad
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Question for londonguy.
    of course you hoy polloy idiots that have no actually money invested would be pro-brexit. i on the other hand realize that the peasants in england would be better off as part of the eu. the hoy polloy in england just voted to destroy the uk by causing the scots and northern irish to leave and youve fucked up the world economy you idiots will probably cause the apocalype by voting for my former boss Donald Trump. trust me hes an idiot and he only entered the race to help Hillary because they have a secret cabal that i happen to be privy to. now he thinks he can do a better job than she can and hes actually trying to win. but shes just corrupt where as he is corrupt and crazy now you know. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ex step daughter is a stripper
    @Quagmire248 has all of the classic signs of being an @mikey troll sock puppet. notice ho many other @mikey aliases respond to this obvious cry for help @mikey doesnt have an almost step daughter because he is a weird hipster with dreadlocks that plays the hacky sacky 24/7 and never showers. would somebody like that ever have a fiance? i dont think so. would somebody like that have dated an actual woman? i dont think so
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A pic of Dr. PhilDOT...
    more proof of the weird feces obsession that @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @4got2wipe aka @Hugh_G._Rection has. you need psychiatric help @mikey
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Nina come back...
    @NinaBambina left because of your incessant trolling @mikey. im sure she was disgusted by your weird feces obsession and here you are trying to get her back so you can troll her some more. you need psychiatric help @mikey
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    interesting how @mikey is so against adding an abbreviation for butthurt to the glossary given how butthurt he is over my efforts to expose his incessant trolling i am trying to help you @mikey. dont be a BHPL
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Craziest Thing You've Ever Witnessed
    this happened when i was working as donald trumps spokesman in the 80s. he was an extremely randy fellow at that time and he would chase big breasted women around the office while they played yakity saxy over the intercom. it was like being inside a benny hill sketch. good times
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    getting a hover blow job
    another admission from @mikey that he is a "ghost writer" aka troll. we all know that your @zipperhead and many other crap characters. we want to help you. i am a psychiatrist and a space geneious so i do want to help. i can get you into trolls anonymous meetings. all you need to do is admit that your a troll
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Latest Presidential Poll
    dont take the bait that @mikey is putting out there. he is posting as @Throwbackthursday trying to get everybody worked up. he cant help himself because hes addicted to trolling just remember that @mikey is not the conservative white male he portreys himself as. he is actually a hipster with dreadlocks and a soul patch that wears hemp cloths and plays hacky sacky 24/7 except for the time he takes off to cash his welfare checks. he also avoids showering for months at a time so he has a powerful aroma. my private eyes have identified him and we will soon be getting him the psychiatric help he so desperately needs
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    @mikey admits to trolling as @zipperhead then trys to take it back
    i am phil, not that jackie @juicebox69 moron. you should really be offering to help @mikey find help for his trolling addiction @crazyjoe. i think @mikey may listen to you
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Is this creepy?
    if you have to ask whether its creepy it is definitely creepy
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Zip it about the ricks Hugh_G._Rection - or it is wildebeest time. ROAR!
    so now @mikey admits that he created the @zipperhead character and considers him his worst creation. glad to hear you confirm what i already knew @mikey you should really aspire to something better than an internet troll @mikey. your life will never be as amazing as mine but you might be able to succeed as a wallmart greater or something menial like that
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Too much Juice
    i agree with @Papi_Chulo, your trolling and taking up valuable space that could be spent complementing me for everything i bring to the board. would you have heard about the three way i had with kim bassetter and prince if i hadnt told you? i dont think so. would you have heard about how my great-grandpappy sold harlun sanders his first pressure fryer if i hadnt told you? i dont think so just remember that i am a space geneious and everything i say is much more important than anything the rest of you have to say
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Zip it about the ricks Hugh_G._Rection - or it is wildebeest time. ROAR!
    @Hugh_G._Rection, your starting to make me think that you might be another sock puppet for @mikey aka @rickthezoo aka @Meat72 aka @san_jose_gay aka a bunch of other crap characters
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Sword fighting with a strippers vibrator
    did you know that im related to sir gallahad? true story that my pappy told me
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    i wan to be a PL
    PL is still better than internet troll. internet trolls are the worst
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    i wan to be a troll
    why would you want to be an internet troll @chessmaster. is it because you actually cant play chess. try tic-tac-toe with chief TUSCL troll @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @CaraLynn97 aka @Meat72 aka @san_jose_gay aka a bunch of other crap characters. i would love to see an @chessmaster versis @mikey tic-tac-toe game. they would be drawing all sorts of stupid things in addition to x and o. it would be like watching that juice retard order 4 loco in a 4 star restaurant
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's the dividing line?
    typical @4got2wipe troll bullshit. everybody knows your @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @TheeOSU aka @rickthezoo and a bunch of other characters, but you just create the @4got2wipe character just so you can share your obsession with feces and praise that idiot @san_jose_guy we can see through your double bluff troll act. it took a space geneious like me to point it out but now all of TUSCL knows. smdh
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    typical @mikey troll bullshit. create the @zipperhead character then randomly accuse somebody else of being @zipperhead. we can see through your double bluff troll acusations i have definitively revealed that @mikey is the master bullshit troll that is posting as about 20 different people and taking up valuable space on TUSCL that could be devoted to telling me how great i am
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    tell the truth @Clubber, your just posting this to get people to say "oh boo hoo TUSCL will be so much worse without you", arent you? now TUSCL would be a lot better without idiot trolls like @mikey aka @4got2wipe aka @CaraLynn87 aka @rickthezoo aka @4got2wipe aka a bunch of other crap characters. you i could take or leave. your not an idiot commie leftist moron but you havent lived a life like mine. you see i am a direct descendant from orpheus so i have god blood in my veins and my pappy sold jimmie hendrix his first guitar. i am also a space geneious and i sold prince his first purple suit. so stay and learn about my amazing life if you want. or leave if you want. whatever
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Nude dance
    dont tell me that @meer is yet another @mikey sake puppet. that guy is ruining the board