
Old timers

Ok so i've been reading the posts but i havent post myself before i would like to know who are the oldtimers in here and see if i can get some tips on the stripclub scene


  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    How old? Will be 60 in a couple months.
  • Mmaguy
    8 years ago
    I meant oldtimers as in been on this site for a long time lol not in age
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Oh, you mean experienced club hounds. (I am neither). You might check out the articles section, though.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You can't throw a rock around here without hitting an oldtimer and breaking his hip. This is the Get Off My Lawn of strip club forums
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The best advice I got on TUSCL was: Never pay in advance.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Just ask the most generic of questions. This is the Love To Give Advice Site
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah - if you got SC questions just post them that way all can answer and it's up to you to sift thru the answers and see what makes sense or applies to you - and oh yeah - GET OF MY LAWN PUNK

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I doubt I'm the longest posting member, we know who probably is and I'll let him speak for himself. I've been on here since about 2004. I've been strip clubbing since 1978. My words when you are with a dancer. Negotiate. Never accept the price they first quote for extras if they are available. The price drops as the dancer realizes she's not going to rip you off.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Was there a question ? If not get the fuck off my lawn!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    While I can't prove it, I was on here before tuscl started using this forum software, in the fairly early days after tuscl started up and even had a forum. I'm fairly new -- 2 years or less? -- to this incantation of the forum, but likely was posting on tuscl forums before any of you young turks :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... I've been on here since about 2004 ..."

    VM - your profile sez you joined in 2001 - where you one of them lurkers at first

  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Been jacking off since 1986
  • K
    8 years ago
    I joined in 2003 but did not participate in discussions until recently. before this forum I was discussing strip clubs on usenet and a few bulletin boards. Do you have a specific question?
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I did my first review on TUSCL around 1995. Back then you could submit them anonymously. I did about 6 of them before they went to registered user names. Did my first SC visit back in '61 in TJ. If you want to consider those clubs to be strip clubs.
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    it depends on what you call an old timer @Mmaguy. @mikey is a troubled sould on the discussion bored that only joined in 2010 but he also posts as @zipperhead, @TheeOSU, @CaraLynn87, @4got2wipe, and a bunch of crap accounts that pretend to be animals.

    so if you add up the number of years all of his accounts have been posting here longer than anybody else, including @shadowcat. does that count for you @Mmaguy?
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    how do i know this? simple. i am a space geneious
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I think that we need to change "TUSCL" to "GTFOML".
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    @Mmaguy just so you know @lopaw is one of those lebanese

    be careful not to be a homophone on here. youll offend her and @san_jose_gay and @ldkstranny. and @mikey who apparently has homosexual fantasies about @juicebox69 and @shailynn.

    not that theres anything wrong with that. in fact, picturing @juicebox69 and @shailynn expresing the love that dare not speek its name is probably the most normal thing that @mikey thinks about

    your welcome for the warnings
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Get the fuck off my lawn
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    And kid, I catch you one my lawn again - - - I got a shotgun!
  • Mmaguy
    8 years ago
    Ok thanks guys for your imput on the site ill try to stay away from all those lawns its just that i've know a stripper for a while now and i just cant seem to figure her out like she said she like me in vip we even dfk and she acts jelous if i talk to other stripers but she always tells me she cnt see me outside the club and tell her tha just to tell me the truth that if she just wants a regular ill become a regular because i llove the way she dances and she keeps saying tha she really likes me so idk i think she just wants a costumer and like i said im fine with that but if find out she just playing me ill let her loose because i gave her pleaty of chances to tell me the truth
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ that may be the most awesome sentence I've ever read. I'd hate to see how long your posts are when you write 4 sentences :)
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Okay, to be serious:

    -->" i just cant seem to figure her out like she said she like me in vip we even dfk and she acts jelous if i talk to other stripers but she always tells me she cnt see me outside the club"

    There is nothing to figure out -- she can't see you outside the club, because she doesn't want to. You are being VERY foolish for thinking this is anything but incredibly straightforward. Beyond that, she's doing what strippers do and what we've all seen a zillion times: telling you what she knows you desperately want to hear, to keep you spending. Stop spending, and she'll be done with you. Easy peasy.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    "who are the oldtimers in here and see if i can get some tips"

    I'm pretty goddam old

    Tip 1. Learn some grammar and punctuation

    Tip 2. Learn how to spell

  • Mmaguy
    8 years ago
    Srry motorhead but i thought this was the iternet i could write however i want
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Papi, thanks for pointing out my error, I didn't think of checking my profile for accurate info. :)
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    LOL, Papi, I just looked at my profile, that information can only be seen at someone looking at your profile, not the person in the profile.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ Mmaguy:

    In my professional opinion :) you are being played like a yoyo - your situation sounds like one of the most basic strippers hustles - the old string-along.

    For the most part dancers will tell us what we wanna hear and make us feel what we wanna feel so they can get paid and get the most out of the custy - let's face it; many PLs do not take rejection well whether from civvies or dancers; i.e. a dancer saying she is not interested in you may fear that it will affect the way you feel about her and thus your apending on her.

    Bottom line if she wanted to see you outside the club she would - most likely she does not want to or perhaps she can't (good chance she either has a BF/S.O. already or a baby-daddy).

    PLs falling for dancers or being "confused" w.r.t. dancers' behavior/motives probably goes back as long as strip-clubs have been around - i.e. your story is not at all unique nor odd and actually quite common w.r.t. newbie custies.

    As I often post strip-clubs are bizarro world; i.e. the opposite of the "real world" - in the "real world" guys often play the girls to get the coochie and the girls are the ones that get attached - in strip-club bizarro world it is often the dancers/girls that play the guys/custies and it is the guys that get attached - dancers don't go to the strip-club hoping to meet a guy - they only go w/ the sole purpose of making $$$ by any means possible - guys go to get their physical and often emotional needs met whereas dancers just go w/ the mindset of getting their financial needs met - thus is the old trying to fit/force the round peg in the square hole.

    Getting emotionally attached to a stripper for the most-part never works and only "works" as long as one is spending on them - it's not real; it's an illusion - but does not mean one can't enjoy it for what it is - just like one can enjoy a professional magician doing a magic trick and one knows it's a trick and not real but one can still enjoy the show - it is her job to make you like her so she gets paid - if strippers were honest and told custies how they really feel/think about them they would make any $$$ - their job is to pretend to like-us and our job is to pretend they do.

    There are strippers that will fuck and suck guys; does not mean they like the guy/custy - i.e. no matter what she does it should not be taken as her liking you or being into you.

    Most likely you may think we are just too cynical and that ihere is a good-chance your situation is different - all custies that have been played/burned at one point probably thought the same thing - it's the nature of the beast/game.

    When you have time read some threads over on StripperWeb.com which is a site for dancers - I read some threads there from time to time and it's all about how to bank as they refer to it - very rare to see a thread about a dancer being into a custy for other than the $$$ - if anything most custy related posts are about dancers upset b/c custies want to date them outside the club and at best dancers talking about what to charge a custy outside the club that they don't want to lose as a custy.

    And finally - most custies should not want to date strippers b/c dating strippers often times means also dating their problems and most of these chicks often seem to have drama and financial issues they will want you to constantly help them with - if you can pull pussy on the level of strippers' looks outside the club; then stick to civvies; and if you can't then don't expect you can pull it "genuinely" inside the club other than the fact you are paying them.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    Words to live by courtesy of @desertscrub:

    "(S)he takes her SNATCH home with her at night along with your $20 bills....you take home a fantasy."
  • Mmaguy
    8 years ago
    Thanks papi se aprecia tu ayuda
  • metaldude
    8 years ago
    I've been on since 04 but Papi said it all.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

    The most consistently accurate advice I have received on here is to remember that it is always about the money.
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