dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
our tranny friend posted the following on papi's thread about the police killings in louisiana and minnesota. so dallas, can you actually provide real citations for your stats?
GACA, don't try to argue with dallas702. He's just a cranky old white guy who isn't very logical.
Notice how his source he cites for his statistics is just the main web page for the FBI and CDC. Not the actual page that has the supposed statistics. He probably just got it off some nutjob white power site that claims it is based on FBI and CDC statistics. I sincerely doubt that dallas even understands statistics. Or basic math.
GACA, don't try to argue with dallas702. He's just a cranky old white guy who isn't very logical.
Notice how his source he cites for his statistics is just the main web page for the FBI and CDC. Not the actual page that has the supposed statistics. He probably just got it off some nutjob white power site that claims it is based on FBI and CDC statistics. I sincerely doubt that dallas even understands statistics. Or basic math.
stick to the hacky sacky you damn hippy
"87% of confiscated illegal fire arms came from blacks men"
Even if that were true (which I'm sure it's not) all it demonstrates is that cops focus on catching and confiscating weapons from blacks.
Doesn't speak of all the other illegal fire arms that are not confiscated. That would be like me saying I banged more nuns last year than any type of female ergo nuns are sluts.
First the population sample is already biased as I'm only doing stats on girls I fck not the entire population of females. Just like the cops are only doing stats on people they bother prosecuting not the ones they didn't prosecute or the others who don't get caught at all.
So if cops are mostly focus on policing blacks, blacks are going to be a hire sample of their stats. It's not that other people are not doing the same, and if we were policing equally, which we are not blacks get prosecuted at a higher rate for the same crimes as their white counterparts, then we would probably see the that 87% bs state be somewhere near actual population %.
That's all I was trying to say. Most white kids who commit crimes get a break (aka Stanford rapist boy) while the black kids don't padding these legal Stat against blacks making the seem more criminal than whites.
Now that said ...I hate poor ignorant people and some if these niggas do need to get their shit together. But the cops, the legal system has to stop being part of them fckn problem
or try this table from 2014 that shows Blacks committed over half of all murders .
If you are too stupid to actually read a web page and locate "statistics" I find it amazing you can type comprehensible words!
And GACA, actually the 87% figure was from 2007 - that is the last year that stat was provided on the FBI statistics pages. But no matter how much you want to be "sure it's not," it is simply a statistic. You are right, statistics do not tell everything.
But when Black gangbangers are murdering 500 Black people - every year - in Chicago alone, and no other identifiable racial, ethnic or cultural group is identified in committing murders at even one fourth as often - the problem isn't with the statistics, nor is it the cops!
(Note "illegal aliens" - presumed to be overwhelmingly Hispanic - do commit a large number of crimes and several hundred murders every year - but the FBI classifies Hispanics as "white" and does not track illegals as a crime group. Homeland security "dhs.gov" does partially track this but the information is now buried in their website making it impossible to actually see how many crimes are committed by Hispanics illegally in this country.)
Your OPINION that white kids get a "break" when they commit crimes - cannot be supported by any facts. I know you want to claim that is because the cops don't file reports when they give white kids a break, but your claim is false. White kids who are caught as teens committing crimes get arrested, booked and processed just like any other race, culture or ethnic group. Even racist cops, simply don't have time to make crimes disappear, no matter who commits them.
I didn't take cops for me to catch Hell when I shoplifted as a 7 year old. My father caught me. After he pounded my ass until it was bruised he took me back to the store where I had to pay for that damn piece of candy, apologize, and commit to never steal again. Then I had to go back every damn week, for two months, and pay for a piece of candy which I was not allowed to eat - I had to give it to the clerk and ask her to give it to the next "nice" kid who came in. All the money I used to pay for that candy came out of the lunch money I earned doing chores - that meant I couldn't afford what I wanted for lunch - for two months.
It didn't take police to teach me not to steal. It didn't take police to teach me not to bully, or sell drugs, or beat up others, or vandalize, or commit murder. I didn't do that shit because I learned - very early in life - that I am responsible for my actions and I will face consequences for what I do wrong. I do NOT see that early behavioral learning happening in "black culture" environments.
Pulling isolated, distorted incidents out to "prove" an invalid position, is absurd. You could just as easily claim that O.J. was not convicted, so Blacks always get a break.
There are racist cops. There are even racist BLACK cops. Police are humans, with all the foibles and skills of humans. I don't think the cops are as big a problem as the people who do commit crimes.
Of course, now that you have actually linked to a table with actual data I guess I shouldn't ask you to think more deeply into those data. For example, by considering the acquisition bias that GACA mentioned or by even by remembering that correlations does not necessarily reflect causation. You do realize that those data aren't split by income level for example. Perhaps the primary variable is actually poverty and those data simply reflect higher levels of poverty in the AA community.
But that wouldn't be consistent with your narrative, would it?
I actually suspect the tranny actually had a point about you given the hostility of your response. I think you've already made up your mind about all of this and just went looking for data you don't completely understand to back up your case. You probably only found said data through some nutjob web site you read.
I might have actually tried to engage in an intelligent discussion with you but the fact that you stated out by calling me a moron convinces me that you aren't capable of an intelligent argument. All you're able to do is parrot right-wing talking points.
Aw snap!
But chessmaster, if you want to see this fixed, more will have to be done than is now happening. If you only want to pass blame, that is much easier. Welfare! The LBJ Democrat "Great Society" socialism that started paying poor people money if they didn't work, then started paying more to poor mothers - if daddy wasn't around - then started paying more for more children, and added "free" health care, discounted apartments (but only in certain buildings) and food coupons; is where the fatherless, hopeless ghetto culture began. The welfare system began with liberal Democrats promising (in the mid 1960s) that their social welfare plan would completely eliminate poverty in less than 10 years.
While welfare was, from the start, supposed to be "color blind," Blacks were disproportionately enrolled in Section 8, AFDC, Welfare support, and food stamps (now SNAP). Within a generation, an entire sub-culture was created. It is the descendants of the housing project welfare moms who are living lives of violent desperation, who are murdering each other over turf, drugs, or just because, "he dissed me."
Blaming "white privilege" is both a cop out and a lie. It is a cop out because no matter whether it is true, or not, that does not excuse the behavior of any black. It is a lie because, in towns where black officers outnumber white police (there are several) the rates of blacks arrested and the rates of whites arrested are little different than elsewhere. Unless you now want to claim that just being a cop makes a black officer hate other blacks!
I agree police probably stereotype. Any cop who is willing to put his life on the line and chooses to ignore an easy to identify group representing less than 2% (young black males) of the population that assaults cops 85% of the times cops are assaulted - is a fool! And likely to become a dead fool.
You suggested that poverty was the (sole offered) reason for the extreme violence of a certain sub group of black culture. I asserted that facts do not support that position. Then I offered a specific and verifiable alternative explanation that applied to certain members of a specific, limited group and the violent subculture they have created. What "thought process" do you engage.that allows you to ignore facts, avoid reality and make false accusations against me?
You won't even consider the hypothesis that white privilege might have an systemic impact, explicitly saying that it doesn't matter whether or not it is true. What "thought process" are you engaging in?
I would probably argue with you more respectfully if you could simply avoid the slams like calling me moron and putting scare quotes (or should I say sneer quotes) around though process. I'm not sure that a strip club discussion board is necessarily the best place for a data driven debate regarding race and crime in America but you started that debate.
And when asked to even provide a real citation (not just a link to the FBI, which could have guessed was http://www.fbi.gov) you get snippy about it. You write a lot of words but provide precious little information. Perhaps that is just the subculture you are a part of.
I bet the other welfare states in the world are real hellholes. I'm always seeing on the news how all of Northern Europe is erupting in violence due to their welfare state. I hear that there are buildings in Copenhagen that have literally been on fire for 50 years. Every time their fire department puts them out the criminal welfare recipients just light them back up.
Since you may be a bit irony impaired, with the exception of using the old sneer quotes, I'll clarify my point. These issues are complex and deserve actual thought, not a simplistic "well, look at raw percentages in the FBI table" without putting those data in context.
Sort of ironic given that you started this whole thing by trying to put data on the number of black men killed by police "in context". See, I can use sneer quotes too!
I guess your sort of hoist by your own petard, Mr. dallas!
Aw snap!
Too bad Obama has helped turn the narrative into a black and white issue when clearly it isn't. It's called "get a job" and "respect authority".