Hypothetical question

avatar for JohnSmith69
You meet a Dream Civie. Your DC is about your age, she's a 9, fantastic body, and the sex is awesome. You get along great, and the sex is about as good as it can get with non-stripper. And she doesn't want to get married, but just wants to keep fucking you and having fun. But as good as she is, she doesn't understand or approve of what you do with strippers.

If you are dating the DC regularly, and you both understand that you are not dating other people, what do you do about your strippers? Do you keep playing with all of them, do you stop playing with strippers completely, or do you just keep a DS who is very special but not play with any others?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
This is why divorce opens up lots of real big issues. You've got to figure out how YOU want to live, instead of just responding to women.

And as far as the Dream Civie who just wants to fuck but does not want to get married, highly unlikely. Women know how to hook guys. That is just how they are. But they know that doing it openly does not work.

You've got to decide what you want.

For myself, I would never ever want to be cohabitating with a woman, or married again.

But I also don't think strip clubs or P4P are really a long term solution to anything. I feel that we need to set up other ways, counter cultural solutions, things we have to invent. And this is what I am working on.

And this also relates to why I don't think intoxicants do any good. We all need all of our powers of critical thinking, in order to chart a new course.

Good Luck,

Secrets of Hermes Trismegistus: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I'm not good at multi-tasking - if I'm supposed to be w/ someone monogamously then I stick w/ that until my desire to be non-monogamous outweighs the desire to be.

I treat my civvies like I expect to be treated (not trying to put myself on a pedestal) - if I can't treat them they way they feel they deserve/need then I rather not be w/ them at all.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
@Smith wants to know whether he should continue paying for sex, even though he has a new GF. Second time he's posted on EXACTLY the same topic. As if an anonymous board can tell him whether prostitution with teenagers makes sense in his situation.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
If it's me and I have a civi I can fuck on the regular with no strings, plus she's hot and cool, OTC goes away. I'm about simplicity and it's doesn't get a simpler than that. If things fizzle i can always return to strippers. Strippers willing to suck and fuck are easy to find. Not so much with a civilian who's hot and cool to chill with to boot!
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
My opinion is that you should choose one or the other. My main reasoning is that if she clearly doesn't want you fucking strippers, and you continue to do this without her knowledge, you are putting her health at risk for doing OTCs with many strippers, several bareback, and those strippers are also fucking plenty of other people (probably bareback as well). It is not far fetched to acknowledge the possibility that one of these strippers (who are indeed prostitutes) could give you an STD without you knowing. Hell, both herpes and genital warts are spread via SKIN contact even with condom use and aren't usually tested for in routine STD checks. I don't even think guys can be tested for HPV unless they have a wart. Most people with those viruses don't even know they have it, and the demographic whose herpes infection rate is on the rise the highest are: white teens. And those are a specialty of yours.

So, you can fuck all these young girls who have no commitment to you, might not even like you, and are solely after your money, and are fucking other guys. Or you could choose the "civvie" who probably genuinely likes you and has money of her own. Or, you could be a shady asshole and do both, possibly exposing your civvie to infections she didn't sign up for.
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
a '9' who is DTF and does NOT want to merge bank accounts or make babies??? If I were you, I'd try to take care of the civie (since she sort of sound like a 'unicorn' to me).
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
What do you think she'll do if you tell her you're fucking strippers and don't want to stop?

Is she worth not fucking 19 strippers ever again?

Seems like a pretty straightforward situation to me, and a decision easily made by walking the decision tree.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
"what do you do about your strippers?"

Fuck them right in the pussy.
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Well John smith its kind of hard for me to relate to because I'm not really attracted to most women my age. i guess there is always an exception but in general its hard for me to imagine a woman my age being a 9. That being said if I were you honesty If this DC as you call her is all that to you. i'd probably keep her and keep a DS on the "down low" . I mean i wouldn't try and balance a bunch of strippers since she already knows about your hobby. But i wouldn't cut all ties to the SC industry all together. You can still hit a club once in a while and probably manage 1 DS without her knowing honestly.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Why don't you put a stripper-pole in the CS's bedroom and make it rain on her that way you don't miss the SC altogether - you can ever convert a spare bedroom into a VIP and ask her to play the stripper role of approaching you and all - you can even hire a fake-bouncer for da full-effect

avatar for K
9 years ago
If you agree to monogamy with her, then you don't fuck anyone else. If you haven't then you continue , observe proper precaution and don't volunteer details. if she asks, tell her you think it neither wise nor appropriate to discuss details of other partners with each other.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Hypothetically if I found a 74 yo 9 that was hot in bed, I'd probably marry her. :)
avatar for ime
9 years ago
John have you been smoking a lot of weed? Seems very improbable a women in her mid to late 50's could be a 9. Do you mean used to be a 9?
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Put the strippers on pause. Stash the cash for a huge binge next time you're single.

I get it, in practice you're giving up the DS. She is unlikely to be there 6 months later when you cut her off.

But the DS has cut you off once before, and it will happen again. Time to give the DC a fair shot.

Dump the DC the minute the sex gets boring
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
This is a personal choice and depends entirely on you. I'm not wired like you are and I can't decide for you. Because for me the choice is obvious. But maybe you've faced this type of decision before and you're questioning whether you made the right choice last time and if you'll make the right one this time. Don't look backward. Go with the DC, if that's what she wants, and see what happens. If she looks backwards, that's a problem, and you might end up cutting ties. It's like that. You make a decision to give someone what they want and then they want something else. Remember this is for fun.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Use the force
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
go with your "dream civvie" John. she may be a dirty slut but shes an age appropriate dirty slut. yes you may catch the multidrug resistent herpes simplex 9 and your dick may fall of but at least it will be an age appropriate std

with your teenage crack whore - im sorry, dream stripper - you have a young girl and all the while she is thinking – why do all these old geezers do the exact same thing. thankfully it will all be over in 3-4 minutes. then I just have to tell him ‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o (lol that was so 2005) world. you a regular stud’. then i’m out of this flea bag motel. i hope Jelly Belly still has some heroin for sale. i NEED it after this one. oh wow that was fast. here we go – “‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o world. you a regular stud.”
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Pretty easy decision, bye bye strippers.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
If I could get a 9 in the real world at my age I wouldn't bother with strip clubs would I? As it is, the best I can do is probably a 7.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
I'm becoming more happy saving money, jerking off, eating and being fat

avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Juice you have no money or bitches.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
When I said she was a 9 in my hypothetical I was adjusting for age. Or you can say she used to be a 9. Or she's a 9 among women her age.

Thanks for the responses except for the usual cast of assholes off course. I thought what James said makes sense but no telling what will happen. Hypothetically speaking.

avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
First, there are no "9s" my age! Hell, that's why I go to strip clubs - to find 9s who want my attention (or money - and for my purposes - same difference)

Second, If you want your dream civie AND you want to go play at strip clubs, know the risk you run if you hide the strip clubbing from your girlfriend and she catches you! Then make an informed decision and go for it. Just be prepared for consequences, and be prepared to reevaluate your decision often.

I really don't understand your issue. You are supposedly nearly a grown-up (I have lately discovered that adulthood usually begins about age 45 for men). You are capable of misdirection, deceit and lies, since any functioning male does this daily. Hit the strip clubs - or don't.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I loke the stripper pole in the bedroom idea
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
I think there are 9s at every age. There's more to a woman than tits (Horatio).

As far as this situation goes, however, since these are all "dreams" and not real women anyway, why don't you just invite them all over for a Caligula-style pool party. I'm sure they'll get along great. Keep them away from the Dream Pool Boy (DPB) though.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
In typical fashion, my spin is:
- I often SC with buddies, it is a male-bonding and stress-relieving activity for all of us, and has become a pretty important ritual -- we all have busy lives, this is the one thing we all make time for. I can't imagine simply stopping that. As a result, I'd certainly keep seeing my ATF in the club
- But, I COULD see, if my girlfriend hit all my buttons as far as personality, beauty, and matching sexual kinks, suspending OTCs and ITC extras
avatar for azvic
9 years ago
A 9 hot that isn't crazy? She's a tranny. Remember the hot/crazy matrix.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
^^^ That might change things. Is her dick bigger than mine, in this hypothetical?
avatar for ldkstranny
9 years ago
Subraman, don't knock a tranny with a bigger dick than yours. Makes the mutual handies more fun
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
I would simplify things. No more strip clubs.
See DC regularly and the DS once a month.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
The civvie doesn't want to pick up any stds from you.
The DS just wants a regular source of income.
What do you want? Safe sex or keep doing the same until you pick up an std?
Of course if the civvie had time to fuck a second or third guy, then she is doing the same thing you are except with other civvies.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
-->"The civvie doesn't want to pick up any stds from you.
The DS just wants a regular source of income."

Right. For me, this is pretty easy -- the SC for me is about more than just getting extras or OTCs. I can easily enjoy regular trips to the SC (on the down-low) for no-extra fun with my ATF ITC, and then go home and have sex with my girlfriend. Really, easy situation to manage.

I think this is more of a problem with you guys for whom extras ITC or OTC are the main purpose of SCing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
John, how do you really feel about your Dream Civvie?

And even if you do care for her, after all that you have been through, would you really be willing to stop fucking your DS's?

avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I would think that a women in her later years who wants to hang with you but not marry you is either lying to you or is emotionally wounded to the point of not wanting a commitment. These women can be hard to keep around as they are always waiting for you to make the first mistake. They tend to have serious trust issues. Your continuing with strippers only confirms what she thinks is true about men and keeps you at an arms length and therefore safe. I would pause the strippers for awhile and see if I could readjust to a short menu instead of a buffet again. The strippers will always be there if this does not work out. I wish you luck. Remember to pause once and a while and think about it. The unleashed Id is a dangerous dog.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"I would think that a women in her later years who wants to hang with you but not marry you is either lying to you or is emotionally wounded to the point of not wanting a commitment."

I'm not so sure. We all have different needs and desires and they change all of the time. Or at least they have for me.

JohnSmith69, I'm not surprised that she views your strip club habit as non-brilliant. Does she actually know about all of the paying for sex or just strip club visits?

And will you continue writing crazy stories if you stop with the strip club visits? Because TUSCL needs you. Your stories are half of the reason I read! Well you and rickdugan, but he posts less and I don't believe his stories. His stories are entertaining but read like fiction about a d-bag that's really full of himself. Entertaining fiction, but fiction nonetheless. Your stories ring of truth! ;)
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I have an 'open' relationship with my g/f but I've found I really don't want to fuck anyone else. So I've been monogamous with her for over a year now.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
I would consider how much it would hurt to lose the DC. It seems to me that it is the only risk that could be permanent. And decide based on that.
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
I wouldn't call her a DC unless she was bi and wanted the both of you to hit up SC's together and bang all your DS's. That's a true DC.
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