Which TUSCLers would you like to hang out with?

avatar for MrDeuce
I know this has been discussed before, but personnel and tastes change over time, so I'll ask again: Which TUSCLers would you like to hang out with and why? My list:

papi_chulo: a very nice, helpful, and informative member who could help me navigate South Florida dive bars full of big-booty black girls
shadowcat: the Godfather, who could make an afternoon at Follies even more fun than it already promises to be
JohnSmith69: a highly gifted writer and storyteller who would attract the big-breasted young white honeys and leave some for me
Subraman: an easy-going, fun-loving afternoon guy whose style -- party with a girl for hours and raise the comfort level for ITC or OTC fun -- is a role model for many of us
lopaw: a cool chick, undaunted by this sausage fest called the TUSCL discussion board, who is the opposite of me in almost every conceivable way -- I'll quote from my prop:
"Sure, I'm an old straight conservative Protestant male from a small Midwestern city and lopaw is a young lesbian [liberal] Jewtholic woman from LA -- but we're united by our shared love for stripper T & A!” -- but would be a hoot to hang with.

These are just the first five that come to mind. I enjoy reading reviews and comments from very many others, so please don't be offended if I omitted your name.


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avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
i've met duomaxwell, shadowcat, GACA, johnsmith69, snowtime, verybigdawg, eyeamlong, chandler and Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx

chulo is the one i want to meet the most, but truthfully i'd be down with hanging out with all of ya'll excluding trolls
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
GoVikings because "Vikings"
Juice because "Juice"
Poledancer because (you know)
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Um . . . because you have a pole and she's a dancer :) ?
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx is a *very* cool username. It reminds me of both Fetty Wap and Daddy Warbucks!
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Jackie, heck, crazyjoe, sjg, dougster...
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
juice, sounds like quite a likeable character, though I am not really sure which account name is his. Mostly what I know about him is what Shailynn posts.


avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
So far I have met the Following:

Bones (Thisoldman played 1)
John 08753

I haven't heard from a few of these guys in quite awhile and at the same time a few of them have become true friends. Always room for more.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Some of the younger crowd: Mistah Fetty, Nina, Estafador. In between: Meursault, ButterMan, JamesSD. Older: VM, Jackslash, JS69, Wallanon.
avatar for metaldude
9 years ago
As always, Shadowcat lives up to his reputation. Very impressive.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
The TUSCLers I've met have all been great. They include Papi, Clubber, Silkypants, Wongy, Rech, and Vincemichaels. When I attended my first TUSCL meet in Miami a few years ago, I was afraid all the attendees would be disgusting pervs, but I was the only one.

I would have liked to hang out with Farmerart, but that was never to be. I want to meet Gawker because he seems a lot like me in terms of age and proclivities and adventures and spending--but even more so. I think of myself as Gawker-lite.
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
I have met 13 of the TUSCLers on shadowcat's list, mostly when I was with him. If Bones ever gets back in action, I would hang with him for sure as he seemed to enjoy his visits more than anyone I've ever seen.

Gawker would definitely be on my want to meet list.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
i guess im just to intimidating to hang out with. with my fascinating life and amazing family everybody i try to hang out with just feels intimidated

my only friends are equally amazing people like the prince or kim bassetter or sally ryder or charlie sheen. unfortuantely prince and sally ryder have passed away and charlie sheen has the hiv so he may not be with us much longer

i want to meet ginnifer laurence. i bet shes a good fuck
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
i would like to meet the guy behind @mikey aka @GoVikings aka @TheeOSU aka @4got2wipe aka @zipperhead aka @rickthezoo. i really do think i could help him with my psychological geneious

remember that i am a space geneious but im also smarter than most earth people
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
and a few others I can't think of at the moment. Yes, shadowcat is the king, I'm glad we have stayed friends through the years. Everyone on my list I'm very glad to have made their acquaintance. I'll never forget the first time shadowcat and I went to Follies. The only person I have ever known who was getting a hand job out in the main room, there. :)
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
VM - I think you are confused. She went under the table trying to convince me to go to VIP. :)
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
All of the guys here I have met here so far and I have met a few I think, 8 or 9 so far, have been great guys and I would be proud to call any of those that I have met, friend.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^^^^ that is a commendable and positive attitude.

Very few TUSCLer's have much relation to religion, and this is good.

Also, to be able to get friendly with lots of women, a guy has to have a fairly open attitude.


avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
We should register as a non-profit "Perverts Actively Taking Home Empty-pocketed Tarts to Incentivise Coitus" or (PATHETIC). Then we could hold an annual convention in Detroit or Atlanta for a get together and right it off.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^^^ Meursault +50

I tell you, no other forum has been willing to have me!

And tarts with empty pockets are the kind of girls I most like. And what I like to do with them is take them home with me, so I can go multiple rounds with them and feed them and shower with them. Not interested in motels and hotels. And no hot tub, yet.

I like them dressed slutty, and I like them cheap and hungry and down to earth. Cheap sluts, street hookers, broken hearted bad girls.

Even though our local strip clubs are not touching, they still have lots of girls who meet the above qualifications.


avatar for ime
9 years ago
SJG this forum isn't willing to have you but you still show up and post nonsense.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
"I tell you, no other forum has been willing to have me!"

Imagine that LOL
Back on topic, no offense to anyone and nobody in particular but if I was to meet anyone here I would like someone that wasn't desperate, has guts and wouldn't let strippers walk on or take advantage of him. I see lots of evidence of that happening on this forum.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I am a *yuuuge* ignorer, but even I have never considered ignoring SJG. He's weird and annoying and wrong about almost everything, but he's *our* weird, annoying, wrong-headed dude!

SJG, just be you. No one is forced to read your posts. You have found your niche in the ecosystem of the TUSCL discussion board.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
"I would like someone that wasn't desperate, has guts and wouldn't let strippers walk on or take advantage of him."

I also see from the posts that lots of guys do let strippers walk all over them. That is my main point of promoting the use of the Front Room. I mean, think this stuff through. The girls certainly have. And the people running the Deja Vu think tank certainly have.

But compared to the general population of men, I feel that the regular posters on this forum are way above average in their skills for dealing with She Wolves. I mean, you do have to learn to understand them, and to a point you need to become somewhat like them.


avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Thank you MrDeuce.


avatar for RTP
9 years ago
I have only met a few on here, Shadowcat, Magicrat, VeryBigDawg, and all are great. I would like to meet GoVikings because he seems like a very nice guy and Shailynn because he makes me laugh. Papi has helped me numerous times when I used to travel to Miami, would be fun to hang with him. Hamster, Chandler and LousyGolfer have given me some help and seem like we have similar interests. I am passionate about a Big10 Team which is not OSU, so am not sure I could take TheeOSU. I could never keep up with JohnSmith with $$$ and am not a weed guy, but we would be complementary, because I like women whose ages have 2 digits and start with a 2, 3, or 4.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Juice, SJG, crazyjoe (three distinct aliases but I'm not sure how many distinct people that is)
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I'll meet Juice one of these days, he's been a friend to me here and I'm sure we'd have a good time clubbing.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
I wouldn't mind *meeting* most of the regular posters here, sans trolls, but whether or not to hang with them (or whether *they* would want to hang with me) is another question, answerable only by meeting. :)
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Meeting SJG would certainly be interesting. I think the phrase "expect the unexpected" would come into play.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I have hung out with a number of tuscl'ers and there are plenty more I'd like to meet up with if given the opportunity.
I won't list names as I don't want to forget anyone, but outside of the trolls, I'd be happy to meet up with anyone here if they at are in Phoenix or if I'm in their neck of the woods.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
1) Subraman
3) Dougster
4) SJG
5) Nina bambino
6) Clackport aka Nika
7) Meursault
8) The real Dr.Phil
9) Rockstar
...and of course Papi
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
I've met (*)lowpaw, shadowcat, (*)ChiliPalmer, (*)RebbecaAvalon(dancer, 1 review), (*)flguytampa21, Samsung1, JohnSmith69, and Eastcoaster. I enjoyed meeting all, but looking back, spent little time hanging/conversing before moving on to important business. Exception being RA who I bought dances from. I'd say I wouldn't mind meeting several, including some who don't participate on forum, but have submitted some real good, useful reviews.
(*) denotes those who I know on non-tuscl websites. (ZBone, etc.)
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
i know you want to meet me gaca. everybody does. it is the curse of being incredibly interesting and coming from a fascinating family. i could fill a library with stories about my family

alas, i dont think you are fascinating enough to interest me. so ill have to decline your request to meet. i hate to say it, but the only people i might be willing to meet are @san_jose_guy and @mikey. @san_jose_guy who might be verbose enough to act as my scribe and @mikey is a sick individual and id like to help him. im just a nice guy like that. your welcom
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Hmmm...a few names that come to mind are sinclair,Supra,JS69 and Larryfisherman.
avatar for founder
9 years ago
No love for founder or Emily?
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
Forgot to mention Shailynn.

@Founder. .wow I thought you were just a myth
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
@ Founder:

We've tried in vein for years
avatar for maho
9 years ago
From the discussion forum, Papi-Chulo seems like a cool dude. Jacklash and some others too. Nina seems like a cool girl.

There have been a handful of people I've had PM discussions with who seem like cool people.
avatar for Shylynn
9 years ago
If I really could I would like to see juice drink his four loco in person. Then buy him some chanken fangers and watch his retarded ass try to work over a few strippers

His got down syn drum lol

avatar for azdd
9 years ago
Met up with Chili Palmer and Richard Head at the HiLiter in Phoenix, but it was eons ago, when we were the AZ contingent on the blue side of SW. Would like to meet up sometime with Lone Wolf, ndnman, Corvus, rh48hr, scguru, desertscrub, or other Phoenix junkies if the opportunity arose. With my schedule, it's not likely to happen.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Only the women, and I'm not even sure about them.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
I'm hurt! No 4got love! :(

Is it the fact that I don't always remember2wipe? Don't like wiener dogs? Worried that little 4got will piddle on your leg? Afraid of frogs?
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
I already met the one TUSCLer that I wanted to meet so I don't see a need to meet any more.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
Seriously though, I don't think I'd like to meet anybody, with the possible exception of juicebox69. No disrespect, but we all misrepresent ourselves a bit on the net. Mostly harmless jokes, but you never know how folks will be IRL. Also, I'd probably be disappointed with reality. The crazy aspects of people's personalities that I find humorous probably don't emerge when we're being real. You'd find me a lot less weird than I appear on here.

That said, I'm being basically truthful. I do have a little doxie bud. I do have pet frogs. I am an oddball. The nicest oddballs on here like are no doubt great guys and we might end up as good buds if we met some other way. This is just a weird way to meet other guys.

juicebox69 might be ok because he's an open book. The guy posted links to his facebook and instagram after all. I think he is as crazy as he seems! And that's brilliant! ;)
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I made a very generous offer to have a meet up that founder and emily could attend but as I recall got no response. But the offer is still open. A meetup at the club of your choice, and I'll buy a few lap dances.

I've met 2 dozen or so members. I would like to meet sjg but I recognize that a juice meetup is more likely to happen than that.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Meeting SJG would be trippy. Attendees would need to brush up on their local San Jose politics beforehand. Too bad San Jose has shit for strip clubs. Best option would be to get SGJ to travel to COI (a much better location for a TUSCL get together).
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
I've only met 1 TUSCLER and that was DaOnion. I see rh48hr is in Phoenix so I'll hit him up whenever I go to Phoenix again. I missed possibly meeting some others in Phoenix some time ago because sh*t fell through with this civie (possibly stripper) I met on POF. Plan on hitting up Papi since I'll be in Orlando Aug. 1 - 4.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
So far I've met minnow & sclvr5005. Both are great guys and fun to club with. Would love to meet Mr.Deuce, Corvus, founder. JackKash.....and I'd especially love to meet shailynn so that I can sell him some beachfront property in Nebraska ;)
avatar for metaldude
9 years ago
Would like to meet
Dancer 95
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
I would like to meet those that desire to meet me
avatar for scatterbrain
9 years ago
Not sure I'd like to "hang", but I'd still like to meet judyjudy. Although I'm not convinced this person is a real nearly 50 wannabe dancer.

avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Thanks, lopaw!
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
Both of us want to hit up Follies at some point and get the guided tour from shadow and whoever else is in the area. Maybe js69 can get there too. Whenever we're able to make some weekend plans to hit up the Trapeze club we plan on doing Follies.

I think we'd love hanging out with lopaw. I think her and mrs sea would go batshit crazy in a SC together but I just don't see us getting to LA anytime soon.
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