
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fucking elites.
    ur onto something here mr scrub. i think it might be because the dognappears are from the trilateral commission and they are sending mind control beems into the judges noggin u should send a stylish bowler had covered in tin foil to the judge. u should send multiple hats by usps and ups and fedex and maybe even hand deliver u never know when the trilateral commission will intercept ur hatmail in fact u rly need to start dressing head to toe in tin foil befor they take ur mind over. they might even be behind the two s scrub just trying to help a brother in need. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Some Highlights from My TUSCL Messages (with redacted usernames)
    Okay, I’m going to break character and apologize. Joking that nicespice is actually dugan was a bad joke. That said, nicespice comes across as exactly who she says she is - a dancer with a sense of humor. Second, Waffle, why did you ignore Dessert? I admit that the gay jokes are a bit tired, but I’d say that 90% of the fun on this site is the idiotic jokes. I mean really, who actually talks about strippers on here? There’s you, dugan, goldmonger, and maybe a few others. Things would probably be different if covid wasn’t ongoing, but the reality is that a lot is shut down and people are bored. I know that the Dessert guy is just fucking with desertscrub for shits and giggles. I think skibum really is so obsessed with conservative politics that he spends his time dreaming up ways to bring it to the front room. That is far sadder than just wanting some shits and giggles. To finish my apology to nicespice I’ll just say that I doubt that she is the lion. As with everything, who knows? But, I think it is most likely that the lion is some random guy who saw an opportunity to make a joke. Then nicespice saw the opportunity to leverage that joke. However, the joke that the lion might be dugan himself might be correct. I’d give 4:1 odds that dugan is the lion. Think about it. Dugan loves two things, taking about out of the club stripper encounters and taking about dugan. I give dugan credit because he is pretty damn entertaining when he discusses stripper stories. Some of his meta discussion focused on himself is also pretty funny. But the point is that the lion and the other rick animals accomplish one major thing, which is to get people talking about dugan. Hence my bet that he’s behind the lion and maybe some other animals. But who knows? Maybe nicespice is the lion after all. If so, my hat is off to her. Finally, you’re right that people shouldn’t send obnoxious messages to you. But you know they’re going to. I watched 1 minute of a video on reddit that showed a woman making pottery and dudes were commenting on her tits. Mind you this was not pornographic pottery, just a woman making pottery. Guys can’t resist... Okay, back to being a know it all “geneious”. Your welcome everybody
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Worst Stage Names
    i would have told her to fuck with everybody by renaming herself daesh your welcome for the space geneious advice
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Athletes you tune in to see
    ^ why do u insist on misspelling everybodys names mr skibum? everybody knows it is the marvin haglestein-thomas herndon fight and larry bird? what kind of stupid made up name is that? no sane person would name their kid after a bird. ur obviously just confusing reality with a movie where they teach a bird to play basketball. i think the movie was called babe if u didnt know now u know. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Some Highlights from My TUSCL Messages (with redacted usernames)
    now back to ms waffles post. are any of u surprised that there are sick perverts among us? kind of like ther being a fungus among us but with more pervertedness.ii think the good nonperverts of tuscl should make a stand by sayin we are sorry ms waffle we will refrain from sending unsolicited dick pics u should ask what the minimum size dick she wants to see is and only send if u are big enough to satisfy her SO. MS. WAFFLE. WHAT. IS. THE. MINIMUM. SIZE. DICK. U. WANT. TO SEE? as always your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Some Highlights from My TUSCL Messages (with redacted usernames)
    ^ it has not yet been established that mr two s scrub is mr juice. these things take time my initial analyses suggest that the lion troll may actually be mr dugan himself which implies by the transitive powers of beingness that mr dugan and ms spice are one and the same. what if mr two s is actually mr dugan? for that matter what if mr two s is actually u? would u know? I. DONT. THINK. SO.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Athletes you tune in to see
    ms anna hasselborg is a never miss
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Your on a date with a stripper...
    perhaps it is just that i am a space geneious mr heaving but i think ms spice has a friend write on her a special sexy lesbianese friend so there is no need for ms spice to learn to write using a mirror and most importantly so they can lez out afterward your welcome for this geneious information
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Worst Stage Names
    has anybody met a gonorrhea?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Your on a date with a stripper...
    ^u sir are a sociological geneious that was able to convince a stripper to whore her friend out for waffles house food congratulations my space geneious hat is off to u
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Michigan Club Suggestions
    ms waffle it would greatly improve the quality of my advance machine learning project https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=75807 i am certain other strippers would follow suit if u took the plunge and provided data so consider how much u would be helping tuscl science thank u in advance
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    I asked a dancer...
    as a space geneious i know this can be tested. what we need is to estimate the probability that a club is an xtras club by machine learning. we can train the non extras clubs using data from the yelper site becaus i do not think many waffle house wait staff are giving hand jobs in the bathroom stall i mean rly have u seen a waffle house lav? anyway we then train a model using known xtras clubs and ask whether the other unknown clubs have a high probability of offering extras. this should be of great interest to the perverts on this site. well everybody xcept mr skibum and mr theosu who have stated that they can only cum when they imagine aoc describing the green new deal but that is not very healthy because it is hate cum rather than joy cum just doing my space geneious bit to help tuscl. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Strippers of tuscl we need more data
    your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    It is never too late to get your rick on
    i will set up a space geneious analysis of the handwriting in her bewbs photo using a convolutional neural network of my own design to see if it indicates that ms spice wrote rick the lion on her own bewbs. i am confident that my elaborate program will be able to classify the photo appropriately into such informative categories as: wrote on own bewbs had friend write on bewbs had lion write on bewbs of course it will take some time to train the cnn appropriately but i will report back and this will settle once and for all whether ms spice is mr lion as mr dugan alleges your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Shitting around women
    I never shit when women around unless it is at an especially funny but it can be funny to convince others to shit inappropriately. my pappy convinced ted nudgerman to shit himself and live with it for about a week my pappy was kind of an asshole
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    It is never too late to get your rick on
    did any of u know that I was buds with cthuloo? fun guy. it was during his brief stint as bassist for the damned or maybe that was lemmie. regardless either cthulu or lemmie was a nice guy. and u should listen to more damned. it will make ur lives better your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Teacher on school trip took pupils to strip club
    he sounds like a mean drunk. obviously cant handle his booze so he should really just stick with the costa rican strippers
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Kim Kardashian Studying While Wearing G-String
    reading comprehension is important mr skibum. while i would not want kardasherman counsel in court the article clearly states that she has been apprenticing as a law firm in san francisco. the dates stated in the article are consistent with ms kardasherman taking the bar four years after beginning said apprenticeship didnt they teach u to read things in law school? i hear that the best lawyer read things so i strongly recommend that u try it your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    I have now figured out why mr skibum is so out of his mind
    u have taken the first step mr justin. u are asking the important question of whether coors was ever good beer or if it was all just nostalgia watch the video i linked too an ask urself this: is that look groovy? can i pull off that look just as well as carl anderman? if you said ‘trick question becaus only an idiot would say groovy plus that look is stupid and even carl anderman cant pull it off’ u are on the path to healing choose the healing path. the other path involves thinking the worst of every decade is the best. before long u will be claiming to be a third rate lawyer, driving a minivan, blasting the emerson, lakes, and pallman on ur 8 track, calling people ‘jive turkeys’, wearing a faux suede jacket with fringes, and - worse of all - u will wear ur hair like the guy from flock of seagulls dont take that path that leads to darkness. avoiding it is simple. pick up a can of coors. if ur brain says ‘shotgun that coors’ u just say ‘bad brain im gonna drink good beer!’ and then party like its 1999. u will feel better. trust me your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    here is another question that will blow the minds of u non geneiouses: how many of those waitresses are wearing but plugs when they serve u? NORMIE. MINDS. BLOWN. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Butt plugs.
    good point mr jacksoi i too am turned off by girls with multiple butt plugs. a single butt plug is my limit and i should know becaus i am a space geneious