Your on a date with a stripper...
Nice dinner date. She is gorgeous. And now she starts ordering a little recklessly. And then a lot recklessly. $50 shots, the caviar, lobster, things are getting to point where the food costs more than the pussy.
Do you step in? Do you hold it down? Cost of doing business as some say. What’s your move?
last commentAt the beginning. Or it can get out of hand. She may think you are some big roller that enjoys it. Some girls will just take advantage of you. If you stop it in the beginning, then she knows her limits. Maybe you get proactive in ordering for her.
Me I’m a notorious coupon cutter. I will literally bring the Olive Garden coupons in if I have them. My favorite girls always are excited for me and the ones that get bitchy because of it I know it’s probably going to be a shitty time anyway. It’s kinda of like my barometer sort of like in Bronx Tale with the girl and the car door.
So I would gently nudge “Let’s not go crazy on the first date” and then if I have to get to, I do t want to get to, it would have to be bad but I would have to get to “Uhh No Bitch” then so be it. I am not dropping OTC money on food. Fuck. That. Shit.
Wouldn't do this but it would be funny to excuse yourself to the bathroom and sneak out. Would serve her right.
Just take her to the Golden Corral. Juice got this problem solved already.
Upright you know what I addressed that in a previous thread and the problem is you replace the money devil with the explosive diarrhea devil. And I may rather face down the former.
There are plenty of delicious restaurants that don’t even offer $50 shots nor even go over $50 a plate for an entree or whatnot.
Putting somebody in that type of environment just to tell them to restrain themselves seems like an unnecessary set up for preventable drama. I get this thread is probably a joke anyways but this just sounds like a non-issue lol
^. +1 to what the Spicester said.
Nice dinner date?
C'mon @Mutty -- everyone knows you're famous for car dates in your 1998 Kia hatchback. And you throw in a bag of cheetos for good service.
Stripper scale fancy guideline:
Fancy - Olive Garden / Outback
Kinda fancy - Applebee’s
Not fancy - Buffalo Wild Wings
Sub-fancy - Chipotle / McDs drive-thru
Every take a stripper through the McDonalds drive-thru? Yes I have after closing down the club.
With the guide above you will never be in sticker shock over the bill. If you have a super fancy stripper like Nicespice then you may want to take her somewhere superior like Macaroni Grill.
What kind of place are you taking her where there are 50 dollar shots, a stripclub, I go to high end restaurants often and I don’t see any 50 dollar shots or even mixed drinks at that price.
It depends how "gorgeous" we're talking about. If she's that gorgeous spare no expense(provided its understood afterwards we're going to a hotel, her place or my place).
50$ a shot 50$ a plate? WTF? bih!! try a local diner call it a day. u still gotta pay to play too. plus whatever else the night brings. either keep in the club or car. keep it simple jeeez
+1 to Spices comments about it being a setup. It's simply an issue I'd ever encounter.
I'm not taking a random stripper to a restaurant where I have to worry about what she orders. What's the point? She's putting out cause she's getting paid, not cause I charmed her pants off with fine dining.
I'm also weeding out those girls at the club pretty quickly. That's an area where Subra's "order for them" technique fails, but you can spot this behavior quickly at the club and you're out a single drink at 25-50 tops. I always give girls the leeway to do that and consider it money well spent when I quickly learn how they operate. You also don't incur the time or opportunity costs at the club; She can be dismissed as soon as she's had a few sips of her drink. I'm never gonna have any fun with that type of girl anyway.
===> "Maybe you get proactive in ordering for her."
Right? Kinda' like the 1920s, when the man ordered for himself and the lady. After all, what could go wrong with that? 😉
To the broader point, I can only think of twice in all the years I've been taking strippers OTC where I brought one to a restaurant nice enough to even make that possible. I was splurging a bit in each instance, so between the food and the wine the tab got up there, but not quite as bad as the OP's scenario sounds. I guess that if either one had decided to hit the caviar or the European white truffles, by way of two examples, I'd have taken the hit but would never seen her again after.
But as others have said, why bring a stripper to a restaurant that nice? To most of the girls that I meet now Longhorn Steakhouse if a fine dining experience. There are plenty of ways to impress without setting yourself up for that kind of problem.
You gotta really be specific in your hypotheticals or y’all will pick that shit apart I give y’all that. Nicespice and shailynn literally dragged me out of the nice restaurant and put me in an applebees.
Alright let’s say she’s a 9 or 10. Fucking hot as hell. It’s her favorite restaurant you were talking all about it before you got there. And now your talking over dinner on what’s gonna go down in bed. Although it may seem like a set up, no she’s down to fuck. And you know what when your in that situation, your not even thinking about the Bill your just thinking about what’s next. I think it’s tough.
I don’t want to sound too extreme with the scenario with the caviar but you get the idea it’s getting a little pricey. And @25 I wouldn’t take it so literally but I’ve seen a lot of places with mixed drinks maybe not shots per se but in the $25-$40 range those can add up big time.
^ Muddy, I understand. Both of my most expensive fine dining nights out with strippers were in Manhattan, which I believe is your stomping ground.
Then all you can really do is take the hit. What else can you do? If you agreed to bring her to that expensive restaurant in the first place then it's on you. What's the alternative, tell her which menu items she can and can't order?
Then next time YOU choose the restaurant. You have all of Manhattan to work with. There are a plethora of wonderful restaurants in the city with ambience and excellent food, but without those stunning budget killing options.
It doesn’t have to be between the finest restaurant in town or Applebee’s.
I googled “farm-to-table New York City” and found this:
Good ambiance. Good location. $38 is the most expensive dinner entree item on the menu. $16 for a cocktail. Not saying it’s a place that you have to go to, just picked somewhere arbitrary for a quick example. Can easily escape $25-40 range mixed drinks even in Manhattan.
$50 shots? Damn where you taking her man?
I like taking my OTCs to nice restaurants, especially if we've known each other a while. Good food with a hot girl is a simple pleasure I enjoy, so I always go to decent restaurants and decent hotels, and if she's an ATF we'll go to increasingly nice ones. That said, I agree completely with Rick that there are fantastic restaurants with amazing ambiance that aren't necessary $50 a shot. And, on top of that, I've just never had this happen, even though in places like Saratoga and SF there's plenty of opportunity for it... perhaps partially due to the fact that I'm not taking a stripper to a really expensive restaurant unless I know her well. This notion of "$75 a plate, you barely know the girl" isn't something that I'd do.
Goddam this board is humorless. I agree with you Muddy. If the rest of you want realism just change ‘shots’ or ‘cocktails’ to ‘whiskey’ or ‘wine.’ Bonus realism points, the wine prices aren’t always on the menu. In some places, they used to have separate menus for the wife/date without prices but prices on the gentleman’s menu. That would add the uncertainty that the girl was trying to get over by ordering expensive wine. Maybe she just didn’t know that the 1975 Rothschild was a few hundred bucks a glass?
For me, I’d let her order up to a point and then say something like “save some cash for your after dinner gift” just to let her know she was ordering against her own interests. At least I hope so. I’d probably just be a pussy, say nothing and pay it.
@Rick actually no not really my stomping grounds although I’ll hang in Manhattan sometimes I stick to mostly the outer boroughs, Long Island or Jersey girls wise/and hangout strip club wise for that very reason.
@Nice you know what I really should do more research before but I’m kinda spontaneous sometimes where I’ll just be on a street and see a spot and say let’s just go here consequences be damned. And then you end up in a fucked up situation haha. But I don’t want to be doing research on my phone looking at prices with a chick I just met it breaks up the flow you know what I mean?
@Jimmy lmao I think that’s great answer and real one too.
Why ruin a good night with crappy food and crappy booze?
cocktails and shots are almost never that price. A good port, cognac or whiskey might cost that much for a glass. i am not going to deny my date if i am ordering something like a 30 or 40 year old taylor fladgate. The proper thing to do is to help her pick.
If you can't afford a place don't take her there.
I've only ever had one girl try to spend my money like that but she wasn't a stripper hoe. Just a hoe lulz.
You can have a great dinner date for under $300.
===> "@Rick actually no not really my stomping grounds although I’ll hang in Manhattan sometimes I stick to mostly the outer boroughs, Long Island or Jersey girls wise/and hangout strip club wise for that very reason."
Fair enough, but all the same comments apply. There are plenty of nicer restaurants to be found in those areas that won't put you in that position.
LOL, you guys crack me up saying there is no such thing as a $50 dollar shot.... Not everyone drinks some rot gut bourbon like Jack Daniels Black.
Try some Pappy Van Winkle, Eagle Rare, Blanton's, etc.... For scotch even a crappy blend like Johnny Walker Blue will run you more than $50.
Secondly, if you cannot afford what is on the menu do not go there to eat. NEVER try to impress a girl you are paying. I took a girl to Ray's on the River here in Atlanta... She ordered Filet Mignon and a Lobster tail. She only ate one bite of the lobster, I asked if it was bad preparing to send it back, She said "I don't know, I've never liked seafood and I ordered that because it was the most expensive so I figured it had to be the best". These girls for the most part will be impressed with anyplace they do not have to unwrap their food.
"You can have a great dinner date for under $300." - two weeks ago, BYO mexican. tacos, desert, bottle of wine, tip, under $50.
Augustino's in hoboken. inexpensive and amazing italian. anyone will be impressed. getting a reservation is a bitch. I usually make one right after i eat for the next time
McDonalds and a fifth under the seat I guess is not an option?
Anything is an option.... Some of the best food, drinks, and atmosphere are in cheap hole in the wall joints. Also you are spending money on yourself not one her.... you are treating yourself to dinner and her charms... so do what you want to do for you and don't let anybody tell you it's wrong. Just have fun, life is too short to be an uptight prick
"Try some Pappy Van Winkle, Eagle Rare, Blanton's, etc.." those are not shots.
i've not had Blanton's... do you recommend it?
"Also you are spending money on yourself not one her" - exactly
I enjoy Blanton's... My favorite bourbon is Elmer T Lee
—>“@Nice you know what I really should do more research before but I’m kinda spontaneous sometimes where I’ll just be on a street and see a spot and say let’s just go here consequences be damned. And then you end up in a fucked up situation haha. “
Compromise idea: search Yelp, Instagram, google reviews, weekly newsstand free publication in the restaurant review section, foodie blogs, etc for a bunch of places spread all over your territory that seems like it might be appealing and that you want to get around to trying eventually. Quick glance at the menu online for prices and eliminate if too expensive.
Have a document in your phone broken down by zip code or neighborhood or something. This is your food bucket list. When the time comes, pull out the document and pick something. Possibly let the date have input from the list.
But idk. I’m the kind of person who is dorky enough to enjoy the idea of making plans for something or putting lists together and when time comes not actually doing half the stuff I meticulously think of. But spending a day or two putting something together will probably help you, at minimum, be able to eyeball a place and intuitively figure if it’s to your liking or not.
When I'm traveling I often use It lists every restaurant from food network and has a gps function and road trip function to make it relevant to where you are or where you are going. I have planned many road trips based on where I wanted to eat when
Interesting answers. Maybe I could plan more. But I have been in instances where I’ll just hit a spur a moment place with a dancer that just left the club together. I look at the menu and think to myself, this could really go sideways. It never has, I could think of a couple girls who got $30 girly drinks that they took one sip that hurt but nothing too out of control. But I always got to be thinking of a back up plan that’s all. When I look at the menu pricing I’m like a kid on a rollercoaster 🎢 that doesn’t know exactly what he’s in for. I’m willing to bite the bullet on a lot but if I have to I gotta shut it down. Not leave but just explain to her look I can’t afford it, if that ruins the hookup then so be it.
Im not familiar with new York.
But dates don't have to be expensive anywhere. If you want fine dining yeah you'll pay $$$. But you can find historic places. Popular holes in the wall. Yoi can create a vibe anywhere. You can do something trendy...most girls like trendy places.
But you have no reason to impress a hooker
^^^ pretty accurate.
I will say it’s not always the case. One stripper loved for me to take her to a nice dinner date because without me doing that, she never would be able to do that. She was appreciative of it, not doing it to take advantage. Probably not the norm.
You know what scrub love when somebody comes in with that take it’s fucking hilarious to me and true in a lot of cases. But with a lot of the hotter girls that don’t really do extras like that they don’t want to feel like a hooker IME.
@Daddillac : wow, idk how I didn’t know about that site. That’s so awesome
^ you can use it when you and Ricky D go out on a date.
@nicespice.... I use it a lot. I was in Nashville a couple weeks ago and ate at the Grilled Cheeserie there, found it on that site. In Charleston I ate at the Tattooed Moose, again from that site, and this past weekend in Charlotte I ate at Cabo Fish Taco's. It is very handy... enjoy
I’ve seen guys making their rookie mistakes with otc whores at Red Lobster a few times. They sit their whore at the bar - let her look at the drink menu - and suddenly they order some $20 drink with half a pineapple on top. The bar tab is more than the food.
Here’s how you handle a whore at Red Lobster. You go directly to the dining room. You stop at the tank - and make sure the whore looks directly in the face of a defenseless lobster - and you tell her how only a sociopath would order a lobster after that. If she actually orders lobster - make sure she doesn’t carry a knife in her purse (no offense to blah).
When you are seated - you notice the table is wobbly - and immediately use the drink menu to steady the table. You order drinks for the two of you - and you make sure to keep track of her drinking.
Also, Red Lobster is greasy broiled food. I recommend you push the Free Cheddar Bay Biscuits - to avoid a misfire later in the evening.
Your welcome!
Randumb said...
"Nice dinner date?
C'mon @Mutty -- everyone knows you're famous for car dates in your 1998 Kia hatchback. And you throw in a bag of cheetos for good service."
^ Lmfao! What is your issue with car dates? Did you catch your ophthalmologist on a car date with another dude?
Also, you need to work on your spelling you smug prick. Op's name is spelled Muddy, not Mutty
When would I ever be on a date with a stripper?
===> "^ you can use it when you and Ricky D go out on a date."
Please don't give her any more false hope shailynn. It was bad enough when I had to let her down the first time. 😉
===> "you fuckers think you are dating these GIRLS or are you fucking them? be real.. they dont even want to go to dinner with you..they much rather fuck you and get their money and LEAVE"
For the vast majority of them I'd have to agree, but they come in all different mindsets. There are definitely some girls who need to feel like an outing is about more than sex for money so that they "don't feel like prostitutes." That was the case with almost every girl I ever took out to dinner/drinks/etc. Funny I know given the realities of the situation, but sometimes one has to role with it if one wants the girl enough.
The girls know they're hookets. Its an act to make the guy feel like he's not a trick
We beat dates is in da sleeper of da shitz truck. Joe Differ got it rite.
Get da $5 lapperz in were too
I get all da ladies because dey always love a pickup mane wit da new dat never has to be made! I da pickup mane in da shitz truck mane! Ask Joe Differ
Smart talk
Wit da bed dat never has to be made
$50 shots not happening. Food wise - as long as she eats it, I could care less
My best luck dining with a stripper was Waffle House. When I was really young I knew a dancer from outside the club. She would dance for me no problem but we never took it further. The club had VIP but I cold not afford it. I would sometimes close the club down with her. I would go with her and some other strippers to Waffle House across the street at 4 AM. Not once but twice she hooked me up with a friend. "Gertrude has to drive an hour and a half to get home. Can she crash at your place tonight?"
Come to think about it, she got me free pussy from her friend so I would pick up the $20-$30 tab. Clever.
^u sir are a sociological geneious that was able to convince a stripper to whore her friend out for waffles house food
congratulations my space geneious hat is off to u
I work with girls who have actually taken advantage of customers and took over control of "dates" like that. It's actually kind of shitty because they brag about it and encourage others to do it. And then they'd be shocked and call you cheap when you refuse to pay them what you both agreed on later that night or the next day.
Anyway, establish ground rules before meeting. "I have x to spend on dinner and the rest of the night. Whatever is left of that after dinner is yours to keep." If she wants money, she'd be a lot more cautious. And go during a happy hour if possible.
"^u sir are a sociological geneious that was able to convince a stripper to whore her friend out for waffles house food"
Well I did provide her bed and breakfast. Breakfast was about 1 PM though.
The second time a different friend needed to crash she just gave me a thank you BJ and slept in my spare room.
Both times all valuables were accounted for afterwards, which was my only hesitation :-)
Wiffle, I'm not sure what you mean by "date' in that context, but for me it always includes a stop at my hotel near the end of the night. In that situation it's tough to fuck the girl and then try to fuck her again in a less pleasant way by shorting her.
My philosophy on this is simple: If you can't pay the freight, don't do the date. For example, if a guy brings a girl to an expensive restaurant, don't be surprised if she orders something expensive.
I haven't done any fancy dinner outings for some years now, but the few times I did I was prepared. But I DO sometimes bring "friends" to check out other clubs and when I do, I'm prepared then too Between a steady supply of $12-15+ fruity drinks and the tipping from my stack that they inevitably want to do to make friends and smooth things over with the home turf girls, it can get expensive. So be it. When I do this, I'm having fun too and I go in knowing what I signed up for.
And finally, when I feel like she's burned through what I'm willing to part with that night for non-sexual activities, I move the party to the hotel room for the finish. Easy peasy.
But if you're talking about guys who really just want to take the girls out with no backend payoff, then maybe they deserve what they get, lol. Those types of guys probably don't have the balls to have that kind of limit conversation anyway as they are often eager to please.
I put it in quotes because I some. Might not call it a date. I heard these outings called dates, appointments, engagements, meeting up, etc.
I would not mind if she ordered something from the high end of the menu, but turning her $75 meal into a $300 meal I would have to put the breaks on that. One way to do that is order a bottle of wine and if she tries ordering expensive mixed drinks just tell the waiter "I think we are just going to stick to the wine" and see if she gets the hint.
Does the label really matter? These are paid encounters, no?
Wifle, I guess my real question was whether these guys were getting the payoff at the end. Your description and advice sounded odd if they were, but is a lot more understandable if these were meetups where the backend activities were not locked in.
Damn Rick wants his backend locked in, but won’t respond to my PMs where I sent him my ladyboy dick pics and has rejected me publicly. BBBC must be keeping him on a tight leash.
Rick you’re always making assumptions, “these are paid encounters “ but we all know the old adage about assuming anything Just because that’s your experience doesn’t mean you have a clue to what anybody else’s relationship or arrangement might be.
Nice, you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's not healthy for you. I'm not sure if you're in the denial or bargaining stage of your grief, but you need to let go if you ever want to become emotionally healthy again - or at least your version of that. That includes desperate attempts to maintain a connection using yet another toll account.
Your ultimate goal needs to be to work through the pain of perceived rejection and move closer to that ultimate goal of acceptance and reconstruction. I'm rooting for you Nice - I really am.
Interesting 25/DE. I guess you interpreted this a bit differently than I did:
===> ""I have x to spend on dinner and the rest of the night. Whatever is left of that after dinner is yours to keep." If she wants money, she'd be a lot more cautious. And go during a happy hour if possible."
The advice was quite obviously given in the context of a paid encounter, hence the follow-up question. Shorting a girl because she ate something more expensive than you wanted is rather difficult if a big reason for your payment is the after-sex.
Speaking of alternate accounts, I get both your Rick and Red handle were both offended at me joking around about small dicks. Please don’t take it that the dick pics I sent to you as some type of challenge to you. Just wanted some backend activities locked in, after all, why call me out as a ladyboy who wants you if you weren’t fantasizing about some kinky stuff? 🦄
My point was you’re assuming there’s a payment after sex, sometimes the girl doesn’t want to get paid and other times the currency might be a shopping trip or maybe help with the rent, or a nice vacation trip, you just don’t know what her relationship or expectations might be, another possibility is she’s not available to anyone else, so is she still a whore , that to me is where you seem to think everyone’s experience is the same as yours, and for all practical purposes it really isn’t.
Nice, you're definitely in the "denial" phase if your still if you're still having sexual thoughts about me and even sending me nude pics. I blame shailynn for this since I'm sure reignited your false hope the other day with that date post of his. Again Nice, I'm terribly sorry. It's not you, it's me. It's just not meant to be. For your own emotional well-being, you really need to find a way to move on. Again I'm rooting for you Nice and feel free to text once more when you feel better, but please no more nude pics.
25, to a degree fair enough. I do indeed tend to look at these things through my own lens, which I suspect is a common ailment.
But keep in mind too that my lens has a rather wide view given how many of these things I've done over the last 20 years. This includes girls who purportedly weren't expecting the money for the sex as much as their time, yet I noticed counted the money carefully at the end of the night. IME when you throw sex in the mix with a girl who you are already paying for related services, she tends to get a loss less relaxed about how her return on the interaction. So I'm going to remain skeptical about any story in which a girl is perfectly fine with having sex with a guy who is paying her for [insert here] and then gets shorted because her drinks were too expensive.
🤔 It seems all you can say back is doubling down on the same thing have been saying for the past day or two. To the point one post from you is nearly identical to another. Clearly you’re on a one track mind and in need of relief. Feel free to bend over now. It will only hurt for a minute.
^ Nice, you keep expressing sexual thoughts about me and sending me nude pics. How else can I respond? I really do want to be supportive here, but I need to do so without igniting any more false hope. You really do need to let go, for your own emotional and mental health.
But the good news is that you're clearly starting to move from denial to anger, which is the next stage in the grieving process. That is a sign of healthy progression. Keep up the good work!
How is some fun swordfighting and poking an act of anger to you? You’re even kinkier than I thought !
It's not a date. It's part of an entertainment package that some guys like, and if a guy wants to spend money on that, fine. But, like everything else, if you're not setting expectations ahead of time, it's on you.
Years ago, there was one dancer that would text me out of the blue for coffee and a sandwich every so often if she was in town and killing time. She was interesting to talk to, and I guess she felt the same about me. Sometimes there was adult (paid) entertainment built around these meets, and sometimes not.
That still wasn't a date.
@Nice, I say this with all kindness, but you're really becoming a little unhinged now. You really should consider taking a break for a bit. Maybe get a little air. In any event, I'm going to stop responding to these increasingly manic posts in this thread in the hope that it gives you some time and space to clear your head and reset.
@Muddy: Sorry if our posts derailed this thread for you. It was an interesting topic.
@Rick my point was fairly simple, yet you twisted it into something else no nevermind but in never said anything about shorting any girl because she ordered too expensive of a menu item, if I couldn’t afford to I wouldn’t offer it.
Actually 25, except for the part regarding twisting, I'm in complete agreement with you. If you see my posts above, you'll see that our feelings on the matter are similar.
I was specifically addressing Wiffle's advice about setting a dollar limit for the night and then shorting the girl when she spent too much of a guy's money on food/drinks/etc. That is why I asked about the sex element, which I never received an answer on before you and nice suddenly waded in with the posting frenzy. My posts have been consistently on point - which is that sex changes the equation as to how easy it would be to adjust a girl's final payment downward.
Yeah I see that and yes sex changes everything but adjusting her payments down seems to me to be abusive especially if done after the act, if I disliked the way she acted especially if it’s just a paid encounter I could never be so invested that I wouldn’t bail way before we started bumping uglies
This is pathetic. Wanting to impress hookers.... and worrying about spending too much. Just spend within your means
Nice, I’m a bit insulted. You’re sending nudes to the dugan? I understand why you’d want to impress the dugan. He is the smartest hairless ape on the planet. On the other hand, he’s still a frickin’ ape and yours truly is a frickin’ suit-wearin’ lion. We all know that lion > ape
I think you can make appropriate penance by having a friend write “Rick the Lion ROAR!!!” on your ass and posting a pick. Don’t be afraid to spread your cheeks for the perverts on this site. Just pretend that you’re auditioning for the backroom casting couch web site.
All will be forgiven. ROAR!!!
^Then get to work doing that, alternate account of mine. 🦁
Shes the queen troll
perhaps it is just that i am a space geneious mr heaving but i think ms spice has a friend write on her
a special sexy lesbianese friend so there is no need for ms spice to learn to write using a mirror and most importantly so they can lez out afterward
your welcome for this geneious information
Well yesterday I took two girls that I have known a little while to lunch. I think I originally met them at Tattletales, so I was thinking of this thread as we ate. We went to Joey D's, lunch for 3 was about 100 with tip, they did not go crazy ordering. After we went to their condo in Sandy Springs. I messed up here as I blew my first load in T's mouth.... 30 minutes later S got me up again and I rode her doggy to completion. I rested 30 minutes and T started trying but at 51 years old I just cannot cum 3 times in an afternoon anymore. I paid her the same as I always do because it was not her fault her head game was particularly good yesterday.
It is not a date and its is transactional. Tear it out the frame and send her on her way. If she wants food, tell her to hit the Wendy's drive through once she leaves.
Sorry Scrubbie - the real guys are talking about an Italian restaurant called the Olive Garden.
I take Scrubbie out monthly to Olive’s Garage and he wears his black leather vest and biker hat. He gets ridden like a pony at a carnival -
Excuse your self to the bathroom. And sneak out.