
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    More evidence of Biiden dementia
    are u weirdos still grinding on this shit. remember that this is the front room of a strip club web site. baby jesus cries when u post about politics in the front room of a strip club web site lets discuss something interesting. how about the following baby jesus approved topic? when u kiss a woman while having anal it is sort of like ur using her whole body as a giant straw to suck ur own dick DISCUSS
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Brit Brit
    also did u know i used to work in a thrift shop and i gave prince his first pair of assless purple pants. he came in before he was successful but it was still clear that he was a musical geneious. he said phil i need a look. so i suggested going all purple he tried the all purple look and said something was still missing. thats when he realized the pants would be 100 times cooler if they had no ass. so right there i took out the pinking shears and removed the ass. the rest is history your welcome
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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Brit Brit
    u know what mr shailyn i know the brittainy spears and she does indeed have a great moscato and valium cocktail she likes to drink. she calls it the dead elvis lots of fun to drink as long as u use lots of coke and red bull so u dont fall asleep. but dont try it at home because brit brit is a professional
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    3 years ago
    Ot: Snow Flashers
    mr crazy if the flashing drivers are hot girls u rly should ask them to flash u as usual my space geneiousness has found a solution to a problem. your welcome
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    More evidence of Biiden dementia
    and please mr dadilac and doctor evil help mr skibum by nudging him to use the politics room for his rants. i prolly should not divulge this but mr skibums doctor has consulted with me. mr skibum has real problems he thinks that he is getting baby jesus tears lube for his 18 hour a day jackoff habit but all he is doing is rubbing the skin off his dong. i have pledged to help mr skibum and u could rly help by breaking him of his habit. if he stops thinking that political posts in the front room lubricate his jack off habit he may stop jacking off. then his little red dong - his doctors description - may heal. help mr skibum heal
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    More evidence of Biiden dementia
    as a space geneious i was going to point out that political posts in the front room make baby jesus cry but the evil doctor had the honor to admit a simple mistake. honorable move doctor. ur making baby jesus calm down. now baby jesus just wants to point out that biden only has one i mr seek u should post ur comments to another thread in the politics room. as i said - and as a space geneious i should know - politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry what u dont understand is that a certain tuscl poster uses baby jesus tears as lube when he jacks off. and i have it on good authority that he jacks off a lot. that is why said poster constantly brings politics into the front room that tuscl posters name? u can prolly guess that it begins with ski
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    street smart people, why work when you make free money sitting at home
    u seem to have poor readin comprehension mr skibum although that can possibly be forgiven because this thread has an inappropriate title both of mr bdirect examples are indeed working altho neither is declaring all income from said work to the government. in one case that allowed one individual to exploit an income stream that did not require addition work but she was still working. i thought u understood this given that u actually made an on topic and fairly intelligent comment. perhaps that comment was just the proverbial broken clock that is right twice a day regardless i hope u appreciate all of the effort that i as a space geneious expend trying to help u write better. i am sure that improved written communication will come in handy as u move forward in life. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    alas mr technenology the poster on this site are either current space geneiousness who need no help or they are incapable of learning the technenology. u will get no takers here your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Hayley Hasselhoff is huge in Germany
    in other news i just drank inspired milk so im going to have stummy rumbles tonite
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Hayley Hasselhoff is huge in Germany
    then he sold the applibies to the ihop and died a rich man
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Hayley Hasselhoff is huge in Germany
    before my pappy decided to leave this mortal coil by raising his middle finger to everybody he was a pretty nice guy and he convince brian mays to write a song about the fattys then he got really cynical and decided that humanity sucks. he was inspired by the fat bottom girls song to found the appliebies where he could punish humanity by feeding them cheese sticks
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What’s Your Favorite Appetizer?
    did u know that my pappy founded applebies? he said phil my son i shall found a place where i can serve crappy food to idiots and then sell it to the ihop. then we got into an argument about whether the ihop deserved the international in its name he was adament that that food give patrons the farts. it was his way of raising a middle finger to the world befor he passed away. i miss my pappy but he was kind of a dick at times
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Elizabeth Hurley Bikini
    as the tuscl poster most connected to major stars like hugh grants i can reveal the actually reason why he decided to get blown by miss divine brownstein during his relationship with miss liz h are u ready for this? it is really not that complicated! here is the answer: hugh grants was a horny idiot
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Have any of u been visited by a female sex demon?
    good points mr cashman i just hope that the weirdo pervert who sent me that pm - and he knows who he is - takes ur advice and does not put transmission fluid in his fish tank whenever u gave good advice like that u should end ur post by saying your welcome. it helps casual readers to identify post that include good advice your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    by engaging with me - a space geneious that is also a psychological geneious - on this thread ur taking ur first baby steps toward becoming a better man mr skibum what u must understand is that ur need to post about politics in the front room is a sickness. u post these things to get a reaction because deep down u feel inadequate. u want somebody like mr cowboy to react to the nonsense u post so u can react. that makes u feel alive but - as a geneious - i know that u find that to be a fleeting feeling. u will soon need a stronger stimulus. soon u will enter a death spiral where u will carefully transcribe hours and hours of cspan and post it in the front room just to see how people react. lets stop this before u go there remember that everybody on this board just wants a better skibum. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Discussing politics in the front room makes baby Jesus cry
    as do i mr scrub. somewhere there is a universe in which i am a boltzmann brain with memories identical to those i have right now. somewhere there is a universe in which i gave prince green assless pants and he never became a star. and some universes are really weird but there are no universes in which posting about politics in the tuscl front room is acceptable behavior
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The look of horror on her face when your having sex with her
    u could also imagine the parallel universe in which u are a handsome space geneious. in that universe she does not have that look on her face your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    ^ and yet u feel compelled to respond. right now u cannot acknowledge ur addiction but the mere fact that u have responded indicates that u know u have a problem helping a grouchy old man who pretend to be a third rate attorney may not rank as high as helping to preserve one of the most creative bands in history but just as i helped lars ulrichstein and james hetterman continue working together i shall help u be a better man your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    if only i thought u were actually trolling mr skibum the sad truth is that u really are so obsessed with politics that u incessently bring it into the front room. something that is known to make baby jesus cry only after u lose an argument do u claim u were only trolling. u rly need to relax and fess up to ur addiction to political posts. only when u acknowledge ur problem can u begin to heal. it is like what my good buddy lars ulrichton said when metallica almost broke up: we need to learn to listen to each other and feel our shared pain anyway the metallica are still going strong and u can get urself right with baby jesus. just admit ur problem and begin to work on it one day at a time your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    relax mr skibum. let me help. if u make a stylish bowler hat out of tin foil it will totally cut out the mind control beams that tell u to be upset with twentyfive. it will also help u to stop making baby jesus cry by posting political bs in the front room your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    please mr skibum dont make baby jesus cry. there is a whole politics room on this board and u can post this stuff there. or u can post normal people stuff here. ur choice but ur breaking baby jesus’ little heart when u do what ur doing. please stop
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    while u make salient points mr cowboy what u have to recognize is mr skibums ultimate goal. as a space geneious i can see it. i understand why others might not what u have to understand is that mr skibum is addicted to complaining about democrats. so much so that he has to post about it in the front room. posting about it in the politics room doesnt quiet the voices in his head. it has to be the front room but u might ask how one might post about politics in the front room without looking like a giant asshole? mr skibum thought and he thought until he thank all the thoughts he could think and he came up with a strategy: i will ask people where they would choose to live and then describe the quality of my municipal services while letting it be known that they are administered by republicans if he was trying to disguise his intent he might have added something about the climate, the cost of living, location of friends and family, the restaurant and bar scene, the quality of venues for sports and entertainment, proximity to leisure activities he enjoys. The sort of stuff normal people describe when discussing places they like alas - despite his name - mr skibum has no leisure activities he enjoys. he lives for the complaining. we need to help mr skibum find something to focus on other than politics. and my space geneiousness just devised a strategy!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    wait mr gamma if ‘im not a liberal’ is what liberals say and u have stated that ur not a liberal that would make u a liberal. u rly should consultify with a some sort of geneious before u make proclamations like that the only question i have is why there is so much damn politics on this thread. it seems like there is a shared delusion that ur all a bunch of political geneiouses rather than a bunch of perverts making proclamations maybe those of u who are obsessed with politics should start a megathread on the politics board and try to figure out what u believe. once u get the ‘politics’ out of ur system u can come back here and post proclamations like good perverts as always your welcome for my geneious advice
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    good point dougster. trolls are the worst but give theosu a little break. he is kind of like the guy in that accidental racist song. only with trolling if only the accidental troll theosu would accept our generous offer of help he would be so much better off. all good tuscl citizens like u and i can do u is keep trying to help our fellow posters. keep up the good work
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How to properly to close a letter to a CF
    ur probably offering her something, so close with ‘your welcome’ and since i have given u good advice i will also close by saying your welcome