Some Highlights from My TUSCL Messages (with redacted usernames)

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wiffle shwaffle
"I'm actually really curious. What do people even ask about in explicit messages? I'm guessing it wouldn't be super offensive if it was something like "Hey your pictures look cute, would you like to have sex sometime?" (at least I feel like I wouldn't be offended because of a message like that if I was a girl). They must be saying unspeakable things."

Heaving posted that question as a comment and inspired me to share some of the highlights from my inbox of messages. I haven't responded to most of these (especially if it's a new member who hasn't reviewed a club or participated in the forums). My favorite is last one. I redacted TUSCL usernames. Also, some of you guys follow me on my private Instagram before I got into porn and greet me by my real name in messages on here. Please don't because it's kinda weird.

(name redacted)
April 23, 2021
What is your ideal customer?

^why does it matter? the fuck kind of time wasting question is that? dude lives in another state and isn't coming to mine, so why the question?

(name redacted)
April 15, 2021
Do u sell vids ????

^didn't reply because my links are in my profile and I was sick with Covid and sex work was the last thing I wanted to deal with while sick.

(name redacted)
April 14, 2021
Hi, You will be a standout in porn if you ACT. Talk about your feelings, your body parts, his body parts and what you want him to do to you and what you are going to do him. Do not just grunt and moan; be an actor. It will take quite a lot of mental ability and forethought. Decide whether you want to act as an innocent girl, a slut or and out right whore. You will be one of the few that make porn interesting. Good luck hope you can pull it off.
Tell you partner to talk, even if it makes him cum sooner. Nothing more boring then a 20 minute blow job or a 30 minute fuck with not a word between them. Ever seen a movie with 10 minutes of silence much less 30?
Good luck!

(name redacted (same person as above))
April 14, 2021
If given the chance TALK.
Good luck!

^both from the same guy with a new account and has never posted or reviewed any clubs messaging me telling me how I should act in porn. He randomly messaged me the above and it pissed me off. Don't tell me what to do or give me advice I specifically and clearly did not ask for at all ever. I blocked him because he can just fuck off for doing that. Idiot doesn't realize that there is a director/producer who calls the shots and it's not always improv.

(name redacted)
March 9, 2021
Where do you work in Michigan.

^didn't reply because he had never interacted with me before and messaged me that. Kinda creeperish.

(name redacted)
December 10, 2019
Which town you at now?

(name redacted (same person as above))
January 15, 2020
Where do you dance in Michigan?

^both from the same person. Seemed kinda creeperish with the forward questioning. Did he want a specific address with which town I'm in? Also hadn't previously interacted with me or posted at all.

(name redacted)
February 23, 2021
Are you in Michigan this week? Love to see you
February 23, 2021
You just joined this month. Who are you?
(name redacted)
February 23, 2021
Yeah have been traveling for work, not going out due to COVID, etc.

^thanks for not answering me question. He had never messaged me or posted anything on the boards. I feel he was making assumptions about me with the "love to see you" comment. Nope thank you, Officer Setup.

(name redacted)
January 3, 2021
r u still a stripper

^is he still dumb?? hmm... also had never messaged me before and had a brand new account. My State was shut down when he wrote that.

(name redacted)
November 3, 2020
Where I can find this private chat? Would love to socially engineer my way into it.
(name redacted)
November 3, 2020
It's private. You can't.

^messaged me thinking I'd just happily hand over links to the private/secret dancer Facebook groups I've mentioned before. Does he want to hunt us all down and murder us or something since real names are used on Facebook? Shit's private for a reason. It's called dancer privacy and respect.

(name redacted)
December 30, 2019
Care to get together?
December 30, 2019
(name redacted)
January 12, 2020
What about now?
January 13, 2020
Go away. Thanks and bye.
(name redacted)
February 18, 2020
What club you at?

^my favorite conversation yet with someone who cannot take a hint and had never interacted with me before or posted/reviewed anything. I wasn't dancing at this time and he was alluding that I do out calls. Yeah, let's get together and knit some sweaters, Officer Setup.

I'm sure some of the girls here get way worse. I welcome them to share so long as TUSCL names are redacted.

Or if any of the forum members want to share weird messages sent to them from the girls (redact usernames)?


last comment
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wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
There are several other messages. I know there are worse ones further back than the last one I posted. Most of the weekly posters and commenters here who have messaged me are really cool. I don't mind messages from most of the forum members. It's when somebody who has zero posting history with the site messages making assumptions that I just want to meet up because I'm desperate or cheap or who knows what. I know some assumptions will be made and people are curious, but messaging somebody without even introducing yourself or giving any information asking to meet up is not okay. And I have been called names before. But it was a few years ago in like 2017 or 2018 before I started doing hoe stuff. I remember one message I got from a guy who had never posted and he simply just asked if he could eat my pussy. I don't know where that message is, but I remember being annoyed by that one. There was a message I skimmed over where someone was demanding that I post a photo. For a while I had removed all of my photos because I stopped dancing while my state was shut down. Someone demanding that I show what I look like pissed me off, too. I know there are some entitled pricks out there. But I respect the forum members who message me and actually talk to me like I'm a human being rather than just an object they feel they can have control over.

I am not surprised, but I am disappointed, that so many lurkers and newbies confuse TUSCL with back page or some other meat market.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Jfc y'all should see this shit show I was just sent. I felt bad about not replying to the recent message asking if I sell videos. I gave a nice, polite response and they responded with something that I honestly don't ever want to look at again or even deal with. Most of you guys are really cool and understanding, but like 15% of the guys signed up on here are just fucking weird and creepy.
Like to put myself into the other 85%. Not so weird or creepy.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
^based off your last few messages, you're... Okay... I suppose. You said you like my cat (real cat, not vagina), too. And he was more fans than I do anyway. So, not a weirdo I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
You guess correctly. Glad your feeling better.
Thanks for sharing these. Some of these are annoying and some are funny in a creepy way. I expect that some of the other dancers have received similar or worse messages.

I'd be surprised if the men on the web site receive as many creepy messages as the dancers. I mostly get requests for additional information such as: "does dancer xxxx do extras and how much do they cost?" "what days does dancer xxxx work?" My first inclination is to say "I'm a customer, not a pimp. Make a trip to the club and ask for yourself." But, I usually try to be helpful, recalling my much younger days when I was astounded that I could see and touch some boobs at a strip club. All of us were neophytes at some point.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
I sometimes get questions for recommendations for clubs or girls. This site was originally designed to be a review site. All of their questions are answered in the reviews. So, I just ignore those questions. It's not like all dancers openly share with each other what services they do or their prices, plus I'm also not a pimp. Who knows if some of those guys are jealous boyfriends or ex-boyfriends looking for a particular girl. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Also, in my experience, girls lie to each other about what they do in VIP and for how much.

I had assumed the guys on this site get
messagess from girls trying to solicit their services.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Also, I'm glad someone else finds some of those messages annoying, too. I also get som crazyyyy messages in my porn instagram messages. I don't reply to any of them at all.
I appreciate you providing context regarding the odd messages you received. That helps to paint a more complete picture.

Iā€™m not comparing your requests to the ones I have gotten in the past, but after posting several reviews, Iā€™ve gotten messages from long time lurkers asking for dancer names and asking what they will do and for prices. Itā€™s odd, but some other TUSCLā€™ers arenā€™t big on contributing.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
^ my question is why don't the lurkers just go for themselves? Just because John had a great time with Julia for $150 doesn't mean Craig is going to have a good time with her for $120. (Sadly, realistic prices for Detroit.) Plus Craig might not find her as attractive as John did.

Or again, it could be a bf, ex, or pimp trying to locate someone (like in the most recent few posts on the Detroit clubs thread on USASG). Unlikely, but a lot of girls get freaked out about be talked about like that.

^ I donā€™t reply to the lurkers requests. I donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate to discuss those things with anyone - let alone a person who provides no background about themselves.

My thought is - these guys are lurkers for a reason - as they donā€™t interact with people. They want to know that Bubbles (the Brazilian with the cobra tattoo on her left breast) - sucked Jim off (without a condom) in a stall - for $140. Thatā€™s their basis for negotiation. My assumption (which is likely prone to error) is that the lurker will go to the club - after trying to find out when Bubbles works - and ask her for a covered blow job for $120. When Bubbles turns him down - the lurker will counter by saying ā€œI know you sucked Jim off for $140 - and you didnā€™t use a condom!ā€

The lurkers could be boyfriends or pimps - or creeps obsessed with a particular dancer too - but that takes more work - and I think most guys are lazy. (No offense to anyone here)
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Bubbles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm changing my stage name.
I get inappropriate information requests from time to time, while I will respond to a member Iā€™m familiar with I share information about different clubs, never about people that work in those venues.
I guess Bubbles isnā€™t as realistic a stripper name as I thought!
avatar for aussiehinz
4 years ago
A very intriguing exchange here.
avatar for Iknowbetter
4 years ago
I would agree that most messages that girls receive through this site are probably creepy, unintelligible, or inappropriate. So why are you here? It seems that you are here to promote your ā€œbrandā€, and you are succeeding in getting a lot of attention. Isnā€™t that what youā€™re after? If so, why lash out against your supporters? I get it - weā€™re a bunch of creeps, perverts, and losers. Unfortunately it kind of goes with the territory.
When you put yourself out there like you do in this anonymous uncensored site, youā€™ll have to understand youā€™ll get responses like you got. It shouldnā€™t be a surprise to you, and if it is you need to quit this board. Freedom to ignore us as strong as the freedom of speech.
I still think it ok for Waffles to shame these people into acting like human beings.

Just because the site is anonymous doesn't mean we have to put up with inhumane behavior.

I'm with Waffles on this one, if I wouldn't say it to you on the street I'm not going to say it to you on the internet.

Keep shaming these guys. Keeping it just a little bit more honest around here.
Waffle isnā€™t lashing out at her supporters. Obviously she and the rest of us are on this site and no one is likely to message her about her favorite Sunday school characters. I read her as just saying a little decency is appreciated.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
"So why are you here? It seems that you are here to promote your ā€œbrandā€, and you are succeeding in getting a lot of attention."

I'm sorry your butt hurt over me sharing things I find disrespectful, etc. I find your response equally as such. Are you someone who has messaged another person like this?

I'm here because 1. I want to be and I do whatever I want and 2. Because I simply just can. I owe you or anybody else here any explanation for anything I choose to do. Obviously a stigma comes with being on this site, but that doesn't mean I have to put up with this shit in my messages. I'm a human, not an object.

I'm not promoting anything. If I were, I'd have wayyy more photos up and I'd be a lot more friendlier. Clearly, you haven't worked in sales or know what promotion is.

Things I don't have to put up during my stay here: demands from trash in my messages that turn into annoying, repetitive messages from desperate boys. Demands that I tell them where I am, where I'm working, giving my schedule, stage name, to post pussy photos, to share any "intel" on girls who sell less than $100 or do bareback, etc.

I could care less about attention. Sorry you think you know me. You must be new here.

And where did I lash out at anybody? Check your definitions, retake your psychology courses, and then try again. Or go fuck yourself. Whichever. I'm going back to bed. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
I was gonna say that it doesnā€™t really affect me, but I looked a bit closer

February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
February 17, 2021
Where you from?
^This was an account who had no reviews or discussion history. I just left this one alone.

January 3, 2021
r u single
January 3, 2021
Kinda...sorta? Iā€™m having a fling with your mom atm so Iā€™m having fun šŸ¤—
January 3, 2021
January 3, 2021
what r u talking about
January 3, 2021
Fun stuff šŸ˜„
January 3, 2021
i will be ur boyfriend if u email me a pic of u completely naked deal
January 4, 2021
Hell yeah, Iā€™ll send you a pic of my dick and Iā€™ll be a great boyfriend xD
January 4, 2021

Another one from last January that switched from asking if I knew a dancer at a club, then what was the club like, then questions of a personal matter. I stopped responding. I think this was before founder started to impose a limit on how many PMs a non VIP status member can send or receive.

And then thereā€™s the odd occasional stuff, but I donā€™t feel like meticulously filtering through the other PMs from the past three years full of legit dialog with other individuals.

There was one time somebody made an account solely to mock me though, then I posted about it on the board. Sadly, they went away. I was hoping to start a flame war lolā€¦

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
"I will be ur boyfriend if u email me a pic of u completely naked deal"

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Gtfo. And your replies are perfect.

I went to bed about three hours ago and the same person who asked me about selling videos has sent me a whole four messages since (two just now as I'm writing this). He's beyond annoying and I'm about to go block him.
I messaged a dancer one time because it looked like she was going to be passing through Rhode Island. Didn't pan out, which was fine. No feathers got ruffled.

I'm painting with a broad brush here, but this probably isn't the best website to look for a critical mass of guys with good manners and social graces. If we're being fair, though, dancers can be their own mixed bag of nuts.
ā€œ Open offer, I'll be a superb boyfriend to whoever sends a "completely" naked picture! DEAL!ā€

Sounds good. Check your PMs
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
^true love.
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wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
" this probably isn't the best website to look for a critical mass of guys with good manners"

As evidenced within this thread.
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wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Fuck. Hit post when I was trying to scroll. Founder, these spaces are too small on mobile.

But that was a stab at you, Ishmael. This is a spin off of a discussion another girl created.
avatar for how
4 years ago
I wonder if there are any good or worthwhile messages?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^Yep, itā€™s the vast majority of them. šŸ˜
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Same. Most are great. But a lot of those are also frequent commenters.
avatar for how
4 years ago
Alright, so I will offer this completely irrelevant but nice message: I just looked at the profile for nicespice, and she has a picture of Baby Yoda (or Grogu for serious fans, I suppose) giving a stage tip to a dancer. That's awesome and hilarious! I salute you, nicespice.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
So, I felt bad about not replying to one of the messages I posted at the top. I learned my lesson to simply just not ever even bother with the fucktards who create profiles to lurk and be creepy in messages.

There was this lovely exchange today. I hope no girls fall of this stuff.

(redacted) April 15, 2021
Do u sell vids ????
(me) 16 Hours Ago
Hi. I was sick with Covid when you wrote that and was focusing on getting better. At this time I do not sell videos because my apartment building is way too noisy and I don't think the videos would be the quality people would want to pay for.
(redacted) 12 Hours Ago
Well I see u donā€™t meet in person. Wat state u in
(redacted) 11 Hours Ago
I prob would still enjoy a video from u Or. How bout we start w a non se x Ian arrangement I would pay u for that ur right itā€™s not all about sex
(redacted) 11 Hours Ago
So if u donā€™t do extras u just do reg dance.
(redacted) 7 Hours Ago
(redacted) 5 Hours Ago
So ur not gona talk
(me) 5 Hours Ago
I'm sleeping.
(redacted) 5 Hours Ago
Oh I'm sorry ok would give me ur number ill text u wen u
(redacted) 5 Hours Ago
Ur ready
(me) 5 Hours Ago
Dude, fuck off. You're creepy and weird. Do you think I'm dumb and naive or has this actually worked for you in the past? Don't answer, because I'm blocking you. Go fuck yourself, psycho.
"Hi, You will be a standout in porn if you ACT. Talk about your feelings, your body parts, his body parts and what you want him to do to you and what you are going to do him. Do not just grunt and moan; be an actor. It will take quite a lot of mental ability and forethought. Decide whether you want to act as an innocent girl, a slut or and out right whore. "

That one is easily my favorite. I love when guys explain things like this. See, you have to ACT. Emphasis. That's it, that's the brilliant insight no one else could have, you ACT. You are welcome for the lesson.

Then, my absolute favorite, I love it when they give you your choicepoints between virgin and whore.
These messages are so sad, really.

Occasionally, a man will realize that only when he stops talking with his dick will there be a chance that a women will be interested in it.

Too bad it doesn't happen very often.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Now that I'm not on mobile and can actually read everything... in my response to Ishmael earlier, I meant to say that that reply was NOT a stab at him. The window on mobile is damn small.

And back to the asshole from earlier on here trying to condescend me for this thread, I pay people to promote my "brand" and me.

Nicespice, I didn't know Founder did that with messages. I sort of wish it were a "make x amount of posts or reviews" before having the ability to message people though. Also, I just read through that link you pasted earlier. Ugh.

And Subraman, Ahh yes. Demanding I ACT in something that may or may not be scripted or improvised and I wouldn't know until I'm on set. To be fair and honest, I actually did reply to that guy. I was nice at first and tried to explain to him that porn isn't just improv acting and more about the scene I filmed. And he just annoyed me after that with his replies:

(douchebag) April 14, 2021
Hi, You will be a standout in porn if you ACT. Talk about your feelings, your body parts, his body parts and what you want him to do to you and what you are going to do him. Do not just grunt and moan; be an actor. It will take quite a lot of mental ability and forethought. Decide whether you want to act as an innocent girl, a slut or and out right whore. You will be one of the few that make porn interesting. Good luck hope you can pull it off.
Tell you partner to talk, even if it makes him cum sooner. Nothing more boring then a 20 minute blow job or a 30 minute fuck with not a word between them. Ever seen a movie with 10 minutes of silence much less 30?
Good luck!

(me) April 14, 2021
Well, we sometimes don't get a say in it. I have a background in theater though so I did plenty of acting during the interviews I did for my scene. There was a car sex scene in the back of a Porsche and definitely did a lot of acting for that one. But what it came to actual sex, it is hard to act because we have to focus on camera angles and whatnot. Plus I was told to just be myself for this scene. But it's also up to the producer regarding what they might want as well for the scene.

(douchebag)April 14, 2021
If given the chance TALK.
Good luck!

(me) April 14, 2021
Thanks for the advice I didn't ask for

April 14, 2021
Even if it is a few 'fuck me', your so big, etc.
Good luck.

(me) April 14, 2021
Why don't you give advice to somebody else. I don't need advice I didn't ask for. I'm ignoring you now.

^^ lmfao! Juice! Juice! Juice!
it has not yet been established that mr two s scrub is mr juice. these things take time

my initial analyses suggest that the lion troll may actually be mr dugan himself which implies by the transitive powers of beingness that mr dugan and ms spice are one and the same. what if mr two s is actually mr dugan?

for that matter what if mr two s is actually u? would u know? I. DONT. THINK. SO.
now back to ms waffles post. are any of u surprised that there are sick perverts among us?

kind of like ther being a fungus among us but with more pervertedness.ii think the good nonperverts of tuscl should make a stand by sayin we are sorry ms waffle we will refrain from sending unsolicited dick pics

u should ask what the minimum size dick she wants to see is and only send if u are big enough to satisfy her


as always your welcome
Wiffle, first of all I want to to thank you and the other dancers who post here. You guys provide interesting insight and a different perspective. In some peopleā€™s minds if you take off your clothes for money and also work in porn and then come here to talk about it you waive the right to expect privacy and you draw the attention to yourself.

This is a site where a good portion of what is posted is pure bullshit. There are some posters here who post just to share about their clubbing hobby and enjoy hearing otherā€™s stories. Others here are trying to find girls who will put out.

I think the only options you really have are an ever expanding ignore list or move on. The mindset of those causing the annoyance for you will not change. Many guys want to brag they banged a stripper or a porn star so you have two targets, and some guys really think that they have a shot through an anonymous message board.

I hope you decide to put up with the crap and continue to post. Good luck with everything moving forward.

NiceSpice comments concern me.

Iā€™m concerned we are going to see more accusations about her being a he - as her sarcasm might stir up a few guys who hold the belief sheā€™s packing.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Know why I have to repeat myself or keep defending myself. I'm pretty sure I've already explained why I posted these. I'm not stupid. I know what these people are looking for when they message me. But those people also have a strip club review a website mistaken for Tinder or Backpage.

Many of you have said in the past that you want more females on this site posting. But this whole thread is littered with examples of why they veer far away from here.

I know what this site is and what it isn't. I don't need an educational lecture about giving up privacy. If I wanted to be completely and 100% disrespected though, I would go over to the USA Sex Guide and post there. At least on this site, many of you at least treat me like I'm a human being.

Regardless, I don't need to be harassed and badgered in my private messages. If I wanted to actually advertise myself, I would put up a dancer or escort ad. Nobody should have to deal with people making demands in private messages regardless of what's between their legs.

I would have stopped posting here a long time ago if I wasn't able to tolerate it. I'm above the bullshit that's messaged to me. That's why I don't reply to a lot of it. I put up with a lot worse when I'm actually at a strip club working. But I would hope to find sanctuary here where I could at least shoot the shit with customers.

And how or why would someone accuse nicespice of that?? People from this site have met her. Wtf.

The only people that I have seen accuse nice spice of this are those trolls that would never meet any other TUSCLers, why do you waste your energy responding to them, for the record I have me nice and sheā€™s as lovely to look at as she is to talk to she and I have exchanged numerous PMs and I consider her a friend
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
I don't reply to the trolls. I ignore them. Like the dessert one. I don't even know what he posted because he was ignored long before that.
Okay, Iā€™m going to break character and apologize. Joking that nicespice is actually dugan was a bad joke. That said, nicespice comes across as exactly who she says she is - a dancer with a sense of humor.

Second, Waffle, why did you ignore Dessert? I admit that the gay jokes are a bit tired, but Iā€™d say that 90% of the fun on this site is the idiotic jokes. I mean really, who actually talks about strippers on here? Thereā€™s you, dugan, goldmonger, and maybe a few others.

Things would probably be different if covid wasnā€™t ongoing, but the reality is that a lot is shut down and people are bored. I know that the Dessert guy is just fucking with desertscrub for shits and giggles. I think skibum really is so obsessed with conservative politics that he spends his time dreaming up ways to bring it to the front room. That is far sadder than just wanting some shits and giggles.

To finish my apology to nicespice Iā€™ll just say that I doubt that she is the lion. As with everything, who knows? But, I think it is most likely that the lion is some random guy who saw an opportunity to make a joke. Then nicespice saw the opportunity to leverage that joke.

However, the joke that the lion might be dugan himself might be correct. Iā€™d give 4:1 odds that dugan is the lion. Think about it. Dugan loves two things, taking about out of the club stripper encounters and taking about dugan. I give dugan credit because he is pretty damn entertaining when he discusses stripper stories. Some of his meta discussion focused on himself is also pretty funny.

But the point is that the lion and the other rick animals accomplish one major thing, which is to get people talking about dugan. Hence my bet that heā€™s behind the lion and maybe some other animals. But who knows? Maybe nicespice is the lion after all. If so, my hat is off to her.

Finally, youā€™re right that people shouldnā€™t send obnoxious messages to you. But you know theyā€™re going to. I watched 1 minute of a video on reddit that showed a woman making pottery and dudes were commenting on her tits. Mind you this was not pornographic pottery, just a woman making pottery. Guys canā€™t resist...

Okay, back to being a know it all ā€œgeneiousā€. Your welcome everybody
Waffle and NiceSpice - Iā€™m glad you are both active posters here. I know we arenā€™t the most welcoming group. It requires a pretty thick skin for a woman to post here.
avatar for lopaw
4 years ago
^ True for the most part about a woman needing a thick skin to post here, tho as a female customer I've had a fairly easy time of it over the years posting here. But as a dancer it kicks it up to a whole new level of misogyny from the bottom feeders that I can't even fathom how a dancer can deal with. Thank goodness that some have the fortitude to forge on, mixing both humour and biting sarcasm to keep unwitting trolls at bay :D
avatar for lopaw
4 years ago
Dick pix or gtfo
avatar for lopaw
4 years ago
No worries heaving.... I'm just joking too. You have to have a sense of humor to hang around on some of the mongering sites that I visit, lol. I realized very early on that it's all just locker room banter... pretty easy to navigate around once you know the way.

And yes I really am a woman, and the handful of tuscl members that have met me can attest to that fact. I don't post here much anymore but it is fun to pop in from time to time to see what all of the crazies are up to!
^^ I have met lopaw and can attest to the fact that she is, indeed, a woman. And a delight to hang out with.
I appreciate lopawā€™s perspective as well. Her posts offer a different perspective on the club experience - and we can benefit from her insight.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s different for a dancer vs a female customer when posting here.
Best wishes Waffle. Breakfast (reading) won't be the same ā˜¹
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Kinda wondered at first if I should have redacted anything, but since this goofball was blatantly trying to impersonate a D-list celebrity and running a scam forget it, I am redacting nothing and putting this account on the thread of shame:

My name is Carlos Vacchi, I'm a Latin American, I'm disciplined, fun to be with, lovely, I care and respect women a lot but I don't like dishonesty, I'm a Sugar Daddy in need of a professional and serious Sugar Baby, I need an SB that I can share secrets with, someone that's trustworthy and I'll spoil her with luxury. Hit me up for more details, I'll like to do a zoom call with you: two six two five nine two one six one seven (2625921617)
August 19, 2021
Thanks for the offer. I donā€™t really have sugar daddies and thatā€™s not my style. Hope things go well!
August 24, 2021
Lol, I think you have no idea how much I'm offering, and you'll collect the first payment after you're verified
August 25, 2021
How much is that?
August 25, 2021
$30,000 monthly but you'll be sending me nudes if that's fine I'll verify you and I'll give you a peanut first for you to know that I mean bizness
August 27, 2021
Hit me up: 7.60 281-30.31
August 27, 2021
Hmmā€¦wanna see a pic of my juicy butt?
August 27, 2021ā€¦
Lol, thatā€™s funny. Have nice time
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Another copy/paste šŸ¤£

9 Minutes Ago
Hey I donā€™t mean to disrespect you, I am a very disciplined feminist man who is trying to empower a few girls around me. How would you feel having me as your sugar daddy not necessarily sex but for you to keep me company in an honest relationship and being loyal and reliable sugar baby and youā€™ll get an allowance of $69420 monthly for it? I am ready to foot your bills, I can pay through cash app or PayPal, kindly text me at 420-694-2069. Looking forward to hear from you.

Yours sincerely.

PS: If it is not insanely forward, do you mind sending me a few nudes for verification purposes? As you may know there are a lot of people posing as girls with 9-inchers but only a few can back it up with evidence. Thank you very much.
8 Minutes Ago
Please expose me šŸ˜
avatar for DenimChicken
3 years ago
Goddamnit i was going to offer $69000/month. And now i'm out-bid.

Fucking whales.
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