
Fucking elites.

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:29 AM
Half a million for her dogs but no reward for the shooter. Lady Gaga's dog walker was shot and her two French bulldogs, Koji and Gustav, were stolen Wednesday night in Hollywood, a source close to the singer tells CNN. The source said the singer "is offering half-a-million dollars to anyone who has her two dogs, no questions asked. Anyone who has the dogs can use this email, [view link] to retrieve the reward." The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said a man was shot during a robbery before 10 p.m. and was transported to the hospital in stable condition. The male suspect took the two bulldogs from the victim, used a semi-automatic handgun and fled the scene in a white sedan, according to police. The investigation is ongoing. Content by Thrive Market The source added that the singer's dog walker is thankfully "recovering well."


  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    What exactly is the problem with this? She’s basically offering $500k to the shooter to return the dogs she can’t very well offer a reward for the shooter and hope to get her dogs back. Might be different if her dog walker was more seriously injured but the police can still handle the crime. Also might be different if we found out the dog walker wasn’t being taken care of by Gaga but that isn’t addressed.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    "To anyone who has her two dogs, no questions asked"... not necessarily the shooter. Let's be optimistic that maybe she is giving the dog walker half a mil for his troubles.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    There’s got to be more to this story I can’t believe that a dogwalker would be stubborn enough to get shot over a couple of pooches, and I find it hard to believe anyone would shoot a person over a pair of ankle biters unless there’s more motive than stated by this tale.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    If they knew they were a celebrity's dogs, maybe it's just a straight up petnapping. People love their animals.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    It's a typical liberal mental defect. The shooter, no matter how despicable a person, is a "victim of the white patriarchal system" (unless of the shooter is a white male, then he's a right wing domestic terrorist, even though he posts online love letters to Bernie Sanders). To offer a reward for the capture and conviction would be to weaponize her money, fame, and law enforcement and participate in the hunting down and assassination of a poor, marginalized, shooter and dog-napper. No, it does not make any sense and it is not supposed to.
  • Senndvera
    3 years ago
    He︆︆︆llo , go to t︆︆︆he pr︆︆︆iva︆︆︆te d︆︆︆at︆︆︆ing ch︆︆︆at ___ w︆︆︆w︆︆︆w︆︆︆.︆︆︆e︆︆︆r︆︆︆o︆︆︆s︆︆︆d︆︆︆a︆︆︆t︆︆︆e︆︆︆s︆︆︆2︆︆︆3︆︆︆.︆︆︆c︆︆︆l︆︆︆u︆︆︆b
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Do you think it’s an inside job? A dog is a loyal companion - and stars love dogs because they don’t need to walk them or clean up their turds. But dogs make horrible witnesses under cross examination. Maybe Gaga slathers her thighs with peanut butter and finds the dogs are much better at certain things than her man...
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    She's probably one of these "defund the police and abolish prisons" leftist whack-jobs - this will become commonplace the more the left enables to the whackjobs in their camp - particularly California, and LA that has a total whack-job DA that refuses to prosecute a host of crimes and wants to let people out of prison and put them on the streets.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    All she is doing is making dog-napping worth $500K. In LA they do not identify the race of suspects because that is racial stereotyping. Oh, a direct Lady Gag-me quote: ‘I hope that all cops who have engaged in or are engaging in any racist activity are met with the highest form of law & order, although we know the law & order in this country is predicated upon racism and is itself corrupt.I have endless compassion in my heart as we struggle as one nation to find bold and effective solutions to an insidious and systemic problem that’s plagued our country since its birth.’
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Wild story. Kidnapping a celebrity’s dog, without the stupid violence, could be very lucrative with fairly low risk. What’s “dog napping” ? Theft? Don’t even ask for a ransom. Just wait for a “no questions asked” reward to get offered.
  • latinalover69
    3 years ago
    This is a FAKE story designed to mislead us peeps. Makes no sense at all. Everything you read/hear from mainstream news just believe the opposite.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    dont be such a dupe scrub “latinalover” is the real culprit here. my algorithm yields a 99% posterior probability that latinalover is actually a member of the trilateral commission sent to ferret out the commissions enemies. this whole thing, starting from the dognapping to this thread on tuscl, is a classic trilateral commission “id the enemy” op bad news is that they know youre the enemy. good news is that my space geneious algorithm predicts that the trilateral algorithm would assign u a danger rating of “dont bother with this one”
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    what made me question all of this that the dogs that were taken were pitbulls. who the fuck in their right mind would choose to take away pitbulls? i've never heard of that ever happening.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    found out they are french bulldogs. they're pricey too.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Offering a reward for the shooter would be illegal
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    What are you talking about? Is there some California law that makes offering an award for turning in attempted murderers? If so, that State is more retarded than I thought. California is Idiocracy. Watch the movie and you’ll agree and see where it will be in a hundred years or less.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    California prioritizes convicts in prison and homeless bums over for the Covid vaccine over working taxpayers. CAN’T YOU SEE THAT’S RETARTED ?! If you don’t know when to stand up and rebel you’re stupid sheep who deserved to be fucked over and treated like pussy cucks.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    China is chock full of industrious, smart little sheep/cucks who let the government rule their lives instead of the other way around. We’re getting there minus the industrious, smart part.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Illegal Mexicans working low-skill laborer jobs have a more fun and better lives in the US than the working man in China. I work with them and they do something great with their families like family parties or the park or zoo etc every weekend. And they eat (and drink) well too. This is a great Country. If you don’t realize that you’re stupid.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    I play soccer with a bunch of Mexican Sunday mornings Spring Summer Fall. Everyone works and has money. The whole community shows up - drinking (Clamato and beer is a favorite), eating - it’s the greatest ! The American dream!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    A reward can be offered for information via the proper authorities. Offering money on her own would be like putting a hit out on someone and vigilantism. She'd be held accountable for something stupid someone would do
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    Just heard the woman who "found them in an alley" could not remember which alley it was.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    "... A reward can be offered for information via the proper authorities ...Offering money on her own would be like putting a hit out on someone and vigilantism ..." So you're saying it's preferable that the perpetrator of a violent crime not face justice and thus family, friends, or concerned citizens, should not provide/increase a reward? I think that California smog may be clouding your judgement - a healthy reward can often lead to the capture of violent criminals especially the bigger the pay-out - usually the person will be ratted out not taken out - if they are killed then they won't get the reward - if they get killed out of revenge it won't be b/c of a reward since the tip/info is going to the authorities and often anonymously.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It also leads to hyper vigilance and wrongful accusations.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    This is obviously off topic, but the only reason I'm aware this even happened is because a few TUSCLers got wound up about it. Update on the dogwalker case...[view link] or [view link]. Pick a link. "Five people have been arrested and charged for their alleged involvement in the February shooting and robbery of Lady Gaga's dog walker, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Three of the suspects, ranging in age from 18 to 27, were arrested Tuesday on charges of attempted murder. The other two suspects, aged 40 and 50, were charged with accessory to attempted murder. The LAPD said four of the five suspects are documented gang members. Ryan Fischer, a close friend of the pop star who was walking her dogs, was shot during a violent altercation on Feb. 24 that ended with two of Lady Gaga's three prized French bulldogs stolen and Fischer seriously wounded. Surveillance footage later showed the brazen incident, which Fischer described as "a close call with death." "Detectives do not believe the suspects were targeting the victim because of the dogs' owner. However, evidence suggests the suspects knew the great value of the breed of dogs and was the motivation for the robbery," an LAPD news release stated. One of the suspects taken into custody is the woman who purportedly found the dogs a few days following the shooting, after Lady Gaga offered a $500,000 reward for the safe return of her pets. Once the dogs were turned in, detectives connected the woman who "found" them to the father of one of the attempted murder suspects, police said. All five suspects are expected to be arraigned Thursday. CNN has reached out to representatives for Lady Gaga and Fischer. It is unclear whether the suspects have retained legal representation."
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    LG basically offered the thugs $500k to return the dogs. No questions asked. They returned the dogs. She is unlikely to pay. I don't think she should pay. But, she did say she would pay for the safe return of the dogs.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    ur onto something here mr scrub. i think it might be because the dognappears are from the trilateral commission and they are sending mind control beems into the judges noggin u should send a stylish bowler had covered in tin foil to the judge. u should send multiple hats by usps and ups and fedex and maybe even hand deliver u never know when the trilateral commission will intercept ur hatmail in fact u rly need to start dressing head to toe in tin foil befor they take ur mind over. they might even be behind the two s scrub just trying to help a brother in need. your welcome
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    BLM supporters and Biden voters are killing dogwalkers if the breeds are perceived as valuable. Thank God I have two rescue mutts.
  • casino
    3 years ago
    I quickly scrolled through the tangents and random talk about liberals and illegals. I do agree that its fucked up what GAGA did. I'd be beyond pissed if she was more concerned about her damn dogs than me the human that was actually walking them.
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