
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    CDC update
    i think everybody should just wait until mr ricky dugan chimes in on this becaus he says that he reads the cdc web site and he also says he is a geneious. im sure that he believes that he has important insites on this issue
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    I am done with seatbelts
    i have a big question mr dugan: what the hell was that answer? i was expecting u to provide some detailed analysis and insights to show the other readers how smart u are but what u wrote makes it sound like everything the government did was perfect. after all what happened is that we shut down, everybody who needed protection has is, and now we are reopening. indeed the new cdc guidance is that vaccinated people should removes masks indoors. of course u know this since u read and understand the cdc every day of ur life i sure hope u havent posted any criticism of the government closure actions in the past because u sure seem to support their actions now. i have to say that i have questions about whether the government couldnt have found a better balance between protecting the vulnerable and keeping things open. for example this closure was hard on kids. but i bet u havent thought about that i am disappointed in u
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    3 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    I am done with seatbelts
    mr toolook and mr gassagain u dont want to be debatin with mr dugan. as mr dugan sez it is all based on acceptable risks. he has no doubt developed geneious cost-benefit risk analysis algorithms using cdc data to come up with the most optimal solution for everybody for example he has clearly stated that if there was an ongoing polio epidemic he would immunize his family against polio because it is one shot but would not if it required yearly shots. i suspect that he is absolutely rite becaus riding in a car while mr dugan is driving is very dangerous. apparently he is totally drunk off his ass every time he gets behind the wheel u can thank me later for clarifying ur geneious risk-benefit calculations. i know u are busy rite advising the county commissioner for cousinlover county wher u live so be sure to show ur work when u present all of ur policy proposals. ur doing gods work i hope this helps everybody understand the correct answer
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    ^ Dugan, I suspect that nicespice feels that spending too much time parsing the arguments of a person playing a perverted and demented drunken twistoid on the interwebz is a fools game. Especially given that there is always a chance that you are a drunken perverted twistoid. I know, I said that I think you’re playing up that demented character for shits and giggles but who knows? I also think that you’re behind at least some of the rick animals - and if you are behind the rick animals all I can say is “bravo”
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    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    Also, does skibum claim to live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal? And did he only start smoking the wacky weed after legalization? It would sure be surprising to discover that guy professing his views - a lawyer to boot - would actually be a routine and casual “breaker of the laws”!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    Okay, I’m going to break character on this and offer a limited defense of dugan with respect to random member’s comment. All I’m going to say is keep a guys kids out of things. Saying shit like “I feel sorry for his kids” etc is a bit over the line. Now I don’t know if dugan actually has kids. In fact, persona could be total bs so he might not have kids anyway. But, if he does kids, it is probably best to assume he loves them and hides the more inappropriate and twisted aspects of his personality from those kids. Anyway, it is not like there is much any of us can do about it if he is unable to turn off his demented drunken pervert persona when it is family time. I strongly suspect that - if dugan really does have kids - he is playing up the drunken demented pervert aspects of his life to amuse himself. Thus, I also suspect he limits his “drunk driving” to cases where he is actually comfortably below the legal limit. And, if not, I hope he gets caught and learns a lesson before killing anybody. No that skibum fellow actually seems to be a demented twistoid. His story of driving after drinking nine beers (no doubt he means “I shotgunned nine cans of PBR” because he strikes me as a PBR guy) and smokes a few bowls of the wacky weed (or uses oil or whatever drug nonsense he claims to be into) may very well be true. Watch out for that guy.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    wow. i just looked up the cousinlover county flag and it is a guy with a bottle of cheap bourbon getting into a car while fucking his cousin so lets stop giving mr dugan shit for living his culture. u be u rick on the other hand mr skibum has no excuse unless he moves
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    ^ skibum u should move to cousinlover county where u and rick can drive around carrying out florida tea party activities. rick has a super fast ford pinto with a confederate flag painted on top. i have it on good authority that he has been involved in many super fast car chases where he has lost sheriff roscoe u will have a lot of fun together. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    ^ the $100 hand jobbie is not general inflation. it is a special price for grumpy old men that bore the strippers with their political rants. if u stopped that shit u could get the standard $40 handjobbie your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    mr tetra don u are being intolerant or the proud culture of cousinlover county mr dugan comes from a long line of wife-cheating children-deceiving drunk-driving moralists because thats how they roll in north florida. well at least thats how they roll in east bumfuck florida. i have heard that some other parts of florida are downright civilized
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    3 years ago
    Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks when driving?
    thank u for the clarification mr dugan i happen to agree with u on this one. a little alcohol in ur system really makes u pay attention to the road if driving drunk was so bad then i am certain that the sheriff of cousinlover county where rick lives in north florida would have caught mr dugan by now. but we know rick is still posting here and i attribute that to the fact that the endless drinking losens mr dugan up so he can give the sheriff the slip mr dugan i hope u dont mind that i have reaveled that u live in cousinlover county but since u have stated that u live in east bumfuck florida and most tuscl poster know that east bumfuck is the seat of cousinlover county i thought u would be ok with it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Silver spoons and poon. Poontang that is.
    mr schroder u are correct that there are many here that are named rick and they appear to be led by a fellow named dugan if i understand mr dugans biography correctly he is an obsessive whoremonger who is also a family man. i dont want to dox mr dugan but i am certain that he would be comfortable with my telling u that he lives in east bumfuck florida, which is located in cousinlover county now here is the thing. i happen to know that the sherif of cousinlover county is a man named roscoe p coltrain iii whose parents moved down from georgia. sheriff roscoe has been plagued by a number of incidents where a man believed to be the one and only rick dugan enters the local publicks supermarket and shits in the tea aisle to protest mask mandates. said man then flees the store in his customized ford pinto with a big confederate flag painted on the top fortunately the governor of florida has lifted mask orders so the ongoing tea aisle terrorism in cousinlover county is expected to subside until mr dugan discovers something else to be a giant pussy about i hope this has been helpful. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    mr bang pls post this in politics room ur making baby jesus cry
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    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    He still doesn't get it
    mr slash ur confused. mr bang is worried about his there guns but ur not worried about ur guns. I guess u do not have any there guns so ur not worried wait isnt this political? mr bang do u know that political posts in the front room make baby jesus cry?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I am done with masks
    Okay dugan, I’ll break character. I was mostly fucking with you and was actually hoping you’d respond to my shitting inside Publix suggestion. That would have been funny! Hell, even TheOSU thought the Florida tea party was funny and he thinks I some guy who creates multiple characters to fuck with him. Nope, Mr TheeOSU, it is just that your responses to being fucked with are funny so multiple people want to fuck with you! Also, you should work on your paranoia. Yeah, folks want to fuck with you, but on here it is all in good fun. Just relax with your persecution complex! Back to dugan. He actually got some things right. But then again your major thesis is still dickish Dugan is right that we won’t be able to vaccinate covid out of existence. Not because of vaccines. A concerted effort would work. But people like dugan don’t give a shit so we’re probably as good as its going to get right now. In other words, we’ve like arrived at the “fuck it, whoever dies dies” point with covid. We could to better, but we ain’t because people are fucking retards. But here is why dugan is being a dick in this thread. Nobody else pointed out is that many store employees are still being told to wear masks. I know dugan claims store employees ain’t wearing them where he lives in East Bumfuck Florida and maybeeee that’s true...but somehow I suspect he’s seeing what he wants to see and not seeing reality. So there is some minimum wage worker being told to wear a mask all of the time they are working. But now in comes dugan walking past the “we want you to wear a mask” sign all maskless. Minimum wage Jimmy looks at dugan and says to himself “I ain’t gonna confront this asshat because he’s probably strapped and will go nuts and kill me.” But trust me folks, Jimmy still looks at dugan and thinks “what a dick.” Maybe dugan is really some sort of princess and the pea kind of guy for whom even 5 minutes in a mask is just intolerable (aka “a giant PUSSY”). As for me, I actually respect the little guy enough that I’ll put my mask on for 5 minutes in the store. And I’ll do it until the store actually takes down the “mask up” signs. Not like I’m wearing masks all the time - just when I go in places with signs saying to mask up. Guess that makes me a sheeple... But if I’m a sheeple then I guess dugan is just one of them elites that thinks he is better than those proles working minimum wage (in other words, he is “a giant DICK”)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I am done with masks
    well mr dugan i know that u think ur an epidemiological geneious but i was only addressing ur statement u said we could never vaccinate covid out of existence. what u acktually MEANT is u dont think people actually care enuf to vaccinate this out of existence for a guy who seems to think he can give the remedial learnings u rly dont think very clearly. maybe u should organize ur thoughts and come back when u can state ur thoughts clearly just a space geneious trying to challenge u to be ur better self. i will give u a gold star if u can make ur points succinctly and clearly. i know u can do it mr dugan! your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Just saw on CNN: "Black Holes" and "Dark Matter" are racist
    One more thing. Maybe this is better but why the fucking obsession with politics? You people do realize that you will definitely be able to register your opinions - at the latest - in about two year. Maybe sooner depending on where you live. Probably won’t matter since most people live in areas where few races are competitive. But there may be some ballot initiative that most voter probably don’t understand to vote on. Isn’t that exciting! Too much thinking about politics will drive you INSANE. You’re probably overestimating the impact elections will have on your life anyway. You’re almost certainly overestimating your understanding of the issues. I’m not saying that I have a deep understanding of the issues. I’m just saying I know what I don’t understand and choose to focus on politics as little as possible in between elections. So come on you spherical bastards! Write about some crazy stripper stories. Laugh about them. Make fun of the other spherical bastards that post here. Laugh about THEM!! Hell, write about fucking dark matter if you want. There is more to life than politics. Oh yeah... since i am giving you advice that will help your mental health I’ll end with “your welcome”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Just saw on CNN: "Black Holes" and "Dark Matter" are racist
    To move this away from “politics” or whatever I’ll disagree and say that it’s not insane, it just stupid. Dark matter was named by Fritz Zwicky, a Swiss astronomer who postulated that “dunkle materie” could explain the motion of galaxies in the Coma cluster. He simply referred to it as dark the amount of matter in the Coma cluster exceeded the amount he could account for by studying light. The idea of dark matter was largely ignored until Vera Rubin found that the rotation curves of galaxies required a halo of - guess what - some unseen diffuse matter around galaxies. In other words, dark matter. The nature of dark matter is unknown, but I believe the most popular theory is WIMPs, relatively massive particles that only interact via the weak nuclear force and gravity. First Zwicky would have been a valued tuscl poster. He liked to call people “spherical bastards” because they were bastards no matter which way you looked at them. He was also a genius who came up with the idea of supernovas in addition to dark matter. And did other work that escapes my memory. “Black hole” originated - I think - from work by John Wheeler. However, I think he got it from somebody else and that it was a comparison between collapsed stars and the black hole of Calcutta. I’m sure it’s traceable if you really care to look it up. I suspect the astronomer being interviewed mostly wanted to make a for herself and came up with something she thought would be interesting. CNN was irresponsible for letting her do that. But I’m sure she knew the history. An astronomy elective at a university probably covers that. Maybe not all of the personality stuff about Fritz Zwicky but I thought he seemed cool.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A Bear Shits in the Woods
    this is a good cartoon mr theosu. u should make more posts like this since are prolly good for ur mental health
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    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A Bear Shits in the Woods
    i think ur confused mr scrub. the only visitors u have are the people u capture and put in ur basement pit like the guy in the silences of the lambses movie. they cant piss in ur toilet becaus they are stuck in the pit i think u should call the police and discuss ur situation with them and i am sure they will resolve things for u. the pit people will be helped out of their pit and maybe they will piss in ur toilet on the way out your welcom
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I am done with masks
    but i do have a real problem with dugans plan. it is such a fucking PUSSY plan when the king of england gave royal ascent to the horrible tea act of 1773 our forefathers did not take that shit. they dressed up as indians and dumped some fucking tea overboard so dugan shouldnt take this shit either. since he lives in the florida he should dress up with one of those tricorner hats and then go in to one of those publics supermarkets and go right to the tea aisle. then he should have the florida tea party the florida tea party should start by having dugan take a page from the thomas jefferman by declaring that when in the course of human events people are mildly inconvenienced by being asked to wear the masks during a pandemic we must take a stand and then he should drop his trousers and take a giant shit in the tea aisle. as the coupe dee grace as it were he could then wipe his ass with a mask people will hoist there new hero rick dugan on their shoulders and celebrate him as a liberator. well they will till after the ass wiping so the dont get the shit stains on their shoulders but theyll still celebrate him as a hero. i bet dugan will get a medal if he does the florida tea party so lets all encourage him to be our load star guiding us to freedom and away from mild inconvenience
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I am done with masks
    damn straight were not going to vaccinate our way out of this. vaccines totally dont work. i mean rly how many people do u know that have had the polio? like fucking everybody and the smallpox too. i have had smallpox at least twice since this whole covid thing started. i just rubbed some dirt on it and got back in the game. why cant u covid cowards just do that when u get the covid?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Who Pays For College?
    maybe the major universities could set up a partnership with the onlyfans and help out the hotties. perhaps they could have a tax exempt revenue stream going directly to tuition and books and dorm housing see the kind of geneious ideas u can come up with if u stop bloviatifying about politics and focus on real solutions to real problems?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Who Pays For College?
    im not going to get in the middle of the erudate discussion between the putative financial geneiouses but to bring this discussion back to paying for a university education university education is important because how the fuck are we going to get to mars unless we train the next generation of space geneiouses. not like elon muskerman can just get out and push his spaceships to mars. the newtownian dont work that way as a geneious i have a multipronged solution: geneiouses willing to build mars spaceships or the next generation of tensor processing units or stuff like that go for free hot chicks who are not geneiouses can fund themselves using the onlyfans nongeneious males and uggo nongeneious chicks are kinda fucked as always your welcome