
Comments by Dancer_ (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Nope, no lesbian strip-clubs
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Strippers do NOT have to fuck or suck. It's a duty of prostitutes. Don't let anyone convince you in opposite. If you are okay with doing extras, then escort instead. Speaking of your income/wear - depends on the club. Some require gowns/short dresses, others are fine with lingerie and bikinis. Clubs can be bikini/topless/nude. Buy tuscl VIP membership to read reviews, do research, call clubs to ask about dress-code, etc
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    It was alright. Some scenes were so goddamn lame though - Berkley licking pole(eww) or that sex scene in the pool where she was shaking like crazy, wtf. But whatever, it could be worse.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "A woman is over the hill as soon as she’s old enough to drink"
    @former_stripper, I have to disagree with your first statement. I am 19(well, almost 20) and I do find older guys way more attractive than boys my age. By "older" I mean smth in 25-33 age range. And it's not about money, it's just guys in their early twenties are mostly childish ass-clowns. There are exceptions, for sure, but I have no patience to weed through them. I don't really see myself dating a kid living with parents and playing video-games all day long. Also I need serious relationships and generally that's not what young-ish guys are looking for.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    @twentyfive, we will see when she shows us her tits. Woooo
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Pfft, you guys will scare her away, lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    ^ Oops! :(
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    As a Christian, I am indeed very happy about his visit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Follow Up on Stripper/Daughter from a while back
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Tell me the last thing you put your finger in
    In my mouth after eating delicious but melting chocolate. I can be gross sometimes, yup.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    What exactly do you want to know? "Everything" is too blurry, sorry.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How's this for a threesome opportunity?
    @JamesSD, wrong. Some guys will pay several hundreds just for a dinner. Just like lots of custies come in to the clubs and spend money on conversation/flirt,why not to do the same in a restaurant? I mean, dinner will last like 1,5-2 hours, so guy might spend even less this way than in a club, compensating girl for her time. And such customers do exist. We are not talking about grand here, it's only measly 300$. So having said that, I do believe that her mom bought into this story. I strongly would not recommend pursuing threesome with them cause as much as mom might seem weird/crazy to you, she is hardly so fucked up to agree to bang her own daughter and you. And I am pretty sure, video girl will refuse too and even more, it will turn her away. It's a real life, not a porn. C'mon, John. Don't make me call you "nasty horndog" again.:)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sex and everything about it
    Yeah, I think so too. Although I can't imagine how she handled several hour sex. I never had sex for too long but once my friend complained to me about her bf who was staring at TV and fucking her at the same time for 40 minutes. I guess, that's why it took long so long for him to cum, sigh, but yeah, the point is she couldn't wait for him to stop and was very sore afterwards. It's a pity you don't speak Russian, I would send you a link to a post from St-Petersburg's ex-prostitute's blog, where she explains in details why girls do NOT enjoy sessions when it's too long. Anyway, don't sweat over such nonsense, 15-20 minutes is perfect, imho. :))
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Well, I am only almost 20, so didn't really have a lot of time to change my tastes, however, I have always been into slim, not too short white guys with light eyes and blond/light-brown hair. Now I have a weakness for muscled, tattooed hands.:) As long as a guy is not fat or really skinny and weak, I don't care about his body at all, face is way more important.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sex and everything about it
    Ehhh, I think, 20 minutes is good enough. Seriously, we don't need you to last too long, it won't get us off and it can even hurt. I don't believe that this girl enjoyed 5-hour marathon with her soccer-player, it's just absurd, lol. Do you stimulate her clit during sex though? All my girlfriends told me that unless guy does it to them, they won't get off. Same with me. I do enjoy kissing a lot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Waka Flocka: 5 Best Atlanta Strip Clubs
    "Barbershop, food good as shit, women good as shit, fish plate, real strip club, no bougie shit, good ass food, bad as fuck. I wish tusclers could be as descriptive in their reviews." "Wow – his oratory skillz were so impressive I had to watch it twice" Lmao, guys:)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    A Big Thank You to Every One of You Mother Fuckers!!!
    I am glad for you, man.:)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wait until lopaw hears about this. :)
    @Dallas702, to be honest, I don't think that "no unescorted females" will reduce money available to strippers. Generally women are the cheapest customers ever. There are some exceptions, for sure, but usually it is what it is. I never had an issue with girls at white/mixed clubs,maybe because I always avoid them, however, for some reason, urban clubs attract the most annoying kind of bitches. They ALWAYS take pictures/videos and don't even bother to ask for permission. Several civilian hoes tried to record me and when I stopped them, they either played stupid (oh, I didn't know!) or gave me an attitude. Well, I deeply apologize for not wanting to have any photographic proof of me stripping. My family will disown me if ever finds out and all because some stupid-ass bitch posted my pic on Instagram. Also they like "wooing" when stripper is dancing on stage. And try to dance as if they are at night club. They just act silly in general. It always makes me lol when I read reviews of some broad whining about how club didn't reduce cover for her. "I am a lady, why they charged me a full price?". They totally forget that its not a night club where owners don't want complete sausage-fest hence try to attract more girls. Hello, girl, it's a strip-club, your annoying ass will hardly spend a shit there, hell, you can't even pay 20$ to get in without whining, we don't need you here at all. I won't be upset if women will be banned from coming in at all.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Hillary Rant....
    ^ Meh. Personally I can't make myself give preference to any of them. Both are *cencored*.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Commentary: Patronize a strip club? You’re no gentleman
    Yeah, I agree with everyone that article is a bullshit. It's really a pity that so many people view strip-club custies as pervs, creeps, etc etc. However, I don't mind stigma against strippers, if it wasn't for that, we would make shit money.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bipolar dancers
    @Subraman, oh nah, no "wrath" from my side.:P Another day I heard coworkers talking about their mental illnesses and I was surpised that so many of them mentioned suffering from something.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The “It’s a fantasy” lecture
    ^ And get bouncer whoop your ass:) Anyhow, I do think that some custies look for fantasy, not all, of course, but still. There are lots of lonely guys craving for affection/conversation/cuddling/attention by pretty girl. Now I am analyzing my regulars and even though some guys visit/used to visit me just to get lap-dances and grab tits, there is always someone coming in to pay me for conversation or taking me to the room to pretend to be my SO(and no, that's not what you just thought, lol). One of my regulars buys 2-4 hours of VIP, where I dance for him a little bit, then we cuddle, talk about his kids,work,traveling, then he will ask me which American cities I would like to visit and will start hinting on us going there together and what a nice couple we could be and how I am so nice and cuddly and this and that bla bla bla. If it's not selling fantasy, then I don't know what it is. Also when I just started dancing, I was mechanical and kinda cold. Thankfully, later I learned to be more sensual and sexier. That helped me to make guys buy more dances. Partly, it's also selling fantasy, no?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    And you think I overpay the DS for sex?
    But considering her hourly rate, it doesn't seem surprising.:)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bipolar dancers
    I see Diva posting here. Does it mean that John will accuse me/her/us in being bipolar? :)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racism in pornography.
    @GACAclub, that's cool but they should not smoke inside. Lots of clubs have smoking areas or they can go outside.Or wait till the end of shift. But I don't wanna destroy my health by breathing this poison. @Meursault, prostitution is legal in most parts of Europe yet nothing like that happened there. I don't see how porn actors would be penalized for it - I see a guy. Nah, I don't feel any chemistry with him. Next! It will never be illegal. Also if stripping was more regulated, it still wouldn't be possible to control girls like that. There are tons of reasons why strippers do not approach certain custies and race is just one of them. And if you were the one to ask her about dance, how it would be possible to prove that she refused because of your skin color, not cause you are stinky/overweight/sweaty/she had a regular on his way to her/she felt tired/only does VIP-rooms while you wanted just a lap-dance, etc etc And nah, I can't say I approve these policies, it's just that smoking gets on my nerves, sigh. However, case with wedding cake was outrageous.