
Hillary Rant....

Can you hear the crows squawking in the background?



  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Bullshit...she's a super hypocrite....notice when her party's policies are debated and criticized (crappy Iran deal) Obama calls you a terrorist.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    This is why I hate talking politics in public... On here it's different...

    Today I heard a black gay guy ranting "anyone but Trump" and I wanted to say "I think you got it wrong, it's anyone but Hillary."
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    She is so fugly, no wonder bill did a lewenski
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Bill Clinton tried to cheer up Hillary this morning by reminding her Nelson Mandela got elected President after he was released from prison.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I wonder what the love child of Hillary and Don Trump would look like. That would be one ugly kid.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    What does Hillary Clinton do after she shaves her pussy every morning?

    She sends him to work
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Isn't it time for Washington to stop blaming everyone else. Yes Bush was a douchebag but it has been 7 years since he was in office. Stop blaming the republican congress for inaction on your programs when you had a super majority in both housed for the first two years of your administration. The one thing I liked about Bill Clinton and Ron Regan is that they seldom blamed their predecessor for problems without having any kind of solution proposed. Yes I would like to know the real reason Bush invaded Iraq, just like I want to know why Hillary invaded Libya, why Dick Nixon was stupid enough to order the break in plus tape private conversations and why the white house instructed the IRS to bully various groups past (Nixon)and present (Obama). I think that Obama may have to pardon Hillary like Ford pardoned Nixon in order for us to stop the investigations and to protect himself. Lets face it if anyone else(not a political power player like Hillary) had done what she has been documented doing with her emails would already landed you or me in jail.
    I also think Biden will 'reluctantly' agree to be drafted as the Democratic candidate (I think Obama may be behind Biden all the way).
    Washington is the problem not the solution and to me the best candidates running are either not politicians or they are governors. Look at the past 30+ years (whether you like the individual or not): Regan= outsider governor(successful), Bush1= Washington insider(not successful), Clinton = outsider governor(successful), Bush2= governor but Washington insider(not successful), Obama= Ultimate Washington insider from the most corrupt and biggest political machine left in USA (not successful).
    The last 4 elections we have only had a choice between insiders and look what we got.
    Can we really survive for another "connected" politician out for themselves and the rest of the Washington "ruling class" thieves.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    ey SamPepys where did you come up wth that stupid, inane post? Political dissent was shut down after 9/11? You mean there were no anti-war marches? No Code Pink? How ignorant are you, yes even for a progressive. Simple fact is that in 30 years historians will look back and see George Bush the same way harry truman is now viewed and barrack Obama as the single worst president in the history of the country. The reason Bush invaded Iraq was simple, if you exclude the wmd's that Syrians got from Iraq and use on civilians then Iraq had no wmd's. Saddam bluffed and as it happens to this poker player sometimes....he got called. Thats how the war started. Just as stupidly as WW1. Yes we need Joe Biden. No matter he's tried and failed twice, no matter he makes gaffe after gaffe when speaking, no matter that he was thrown out of harvard for plagarizing. he is a lying, cheating doofus and the face of progressive politics.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The Obama haters will be disappointed to find out in 20 years he will be remembered as the best president since Kennedy/Reagan. History will remember his administration as the era of Obamacare (which will morph into national health care), the saving of the economy from depression, avoiding major wars through shrewd negotiation, being only the second president in my lifetime to reduce the deficit (Clinton was the other), not to mention being the first black president in a very conservative white run country. Oh, and laws against gay marriage being declared unconstitutional was under his watch too.

    His two terms will have seen major positive changes in American culture in ways that effect all of us. I think in 20-30 years these changes will still be reverberating.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Shouldn't our conservative friends prefer Hillary to Saunders? After all, he calls himself a socialist out loud. Hillary is no socialist. And I'll wager anyone that our next elected president will be a Democrat no matter who they run. There is zero chance the GOP can muster the minority/gay votes they'll need; and no matter who the GOP nominates a huge chunk of their party will hate him/her. This will result in a lower voter turnout from their party.

    So before you go bashing Hillary, you better be careful what you wish for.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    ^ Meh. Personally I can't make myself give preference to any of them. Both are *cencored*.
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