
Sex and everything about it

Saturday, September 19, 2015 10:24 AM
First of all I'm wondering what are your strategies for lasting longer in bed? My girl told me about a soccer player she used to be with, and she said he could last for 5 hours. Holy shit that made me feel inferior. Usually I'm only good for 15-20 minutes. I recover fast, and can go for Round 2 after a 5 minute break, but I would like to last longer in the first round. People always say rub one out before sex, that's fine, but if you're fucking a civie, there's no set time, you don't know exactly when you're gonna get the pussy. People also say don't think about cumming while you're having sex, that's valid I guess, but sonetimes holding back the feeling makes the sex less enjoyable. I'm a young man, so I'm not interested in taking any pills. What's your strategy to make a girl cum during sex? I usually make them cum from DATY with no problem, but during sex it's a lot harder for me to get them off, a lot of times it doesn't even happen. Can you be with a girl that doesn't like to suck dick? If she's with me, she better suck my dick even if she's terrible at it, I want to see the effort. I'm going to do DATY, so I expect you to suck my dick. Do you prefer kissing during sex? I definitely do. It makes it more intimate. Thoughts on all of this?


  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm with you on most of your statements. However, after Round 1 I have to wait at least 30 minutes to get it back up again. I typically can last about 20 minutes during the first round and at least 30 minutes during the second round. I don't like to rub one out if I know for a fact that I'm getting some later that evening. If I cum prematurely then so be it. But I just try not to focus too hard on the task at hand. My strategy is to try to make the girl feel as comfortable as possible. I try to avoid playing all of the hard rap music and play more of the R&B/soul type music. I tend to be sensual as I most caress and kiss all over their body. I'm big on foreplay, so I like to kiss around their neck and ear area while doing deep moans and heavy breathing. I'm a big strong broad dude so most of them love that shit. Next I will kiss over the erogenous zones such as her inner thigh and her abdominal region. My intent is to tease and build up anticipation for her orgasm(s). Once she starts grabbing my head and guides it to her pussy then that is when I know she is ready. After that, I will do DATY until she receives her first nut. It is a lot harder to have them cum from sex in my experiences but I guess you just have to find that G-spot and hit it right. Out of all the girls I've only made about seven of them cum from straight up fucking. I'm like you, I can't be with a girl that doesn't suck dick. If she is terrible then I can always give her a crash course on Fellatio 101. And like you, I definitely enjoy kissing before and during sex. Not so much afterwards as the sensation is gone.
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    Don't sweat it, just let it fly and come back for seconds if you are good at the recovery mode. As far as making them cum hopefully you can communicate with them a little and have them guide you a little if necessary. As for lasting that takes practice and technique and a partner that's willing to let you slow down and even stop for a minute. The times when I've been able to last it is with just the right person and I am able to get into the zone where I get close and then back off and then get close again over and over. Usually she will tire of this and give you a hint that iti is time to finish up :)
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @gewings- I'm with you on the music choice, that R&B puts them in the mood. Also I agree on the foreplay, I like to kiss everywhere. @thunda99- thanks
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If I get high, I can last for 1-2 hours easy. But the longer I go the first time, the longer it takes me to recharge. Having an orgasm when high takes some concentration and effort so I can keep going by just not trying. With DS2 the first time I wasn't high and just barely lasted long enough. It was a wonderful mutual bareback orgasm but 30 seconds shorter and it would not have been long enough. Story to follow maybe. How you get a woman to cum varies widely from one to the other. DS wanted her breasts sucked, her pussy loved, and then fucked n a couple of positions. She liked to add in a vibrator sometimes. That would be good for 2-3 orgasms on a average. Im still learning the body of DS2, but clitoral stimulation seems key to her. You have to learn their bodies. And if they're new, you learn to read their reactions to what you do. Only woman I ever had sex with who wouldn't suck my dick was my wife. And no I don't put up with that. If I pleasure a woman with my mouth, she pleases me with her mouth. Most strippers understand this obvious concept. On the last question, kissing is very erotic and key to a great sex session. And DS2 is a wonderful kisser as was DS1.. Video girl, however, doesn't like to kiss. One of a dozen reasons she's not DS3 despite giving me the best blow jobs of my life.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Ehhh, I think, 20 minutes is good enough. Seriously, we don't need you to last too long, it won't get us off and it can even hurt. I don't believe that this girl enjoyed 5-hour marathon with her soccer-player, it's just absurd, lol. Do you stimulate her clit during sex though? All my girlfriends told me that unless guy does it to them, they won't get off. Same with me. I do enjoy kissing a lot.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Dancer95- thanks for the insight, it's good to hear it from the female perspective. JS69- Check PM
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Dancer95-I don't think that 5 hour thing was a regular thing. I asked her the longest she's had sex, and she brought that up. That might have been a one time thing, I'm not sure.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Yeah, I think so too. Although I can't imagine how she handled several hour sex. I never had sex for too long but once my friend complained to me about her bf who was staring at TV and fucking her at the same time for 40 minutes. I guess, that's why it took long so long for him to cum, sigh, but yeah, the point is she couldn't wait for him to stop and was very sore afterwards. It's a pity you don't speak Russian, I would send you a link to a post from St-Petersburg's ex-prostitute's blog, where she explains in details why girls do NOT enjoy sessions when it's too long. Anyway, don't sweat over such nonsense, 15-20 minutes is perfect, imho. :))
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Five hours of pounding is way too much for 99.99% of women. 15 to 20 minutes of actual ducking is plenty for most. I usually like a CIM BJ to start things. Then I DATY and give her a good fucking where I can last as long as I need to. This works better with girls who know me or submissive women than your average ONS. For a ONS my strategy would be make them cum with tongue and fingers before my dick comes out of my pants.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    JamesSD has got to be one of the most wise people on here. That's a great way to do it. Have her suck you off and make you cum, then make her cum from DATY, then fuck her (there's always more endurance in the second round). Brilliant! @dancer95-Thanks!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Don't sweat it Ranukam, with all the advice here, you'll be a world class lover in no time. When I was your age, I had to learn by practice, practice, practice.....
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Ranukam - IME there are some women who don't cum from sex, or it just might be rare. I was able to make a couple of girlfriends and my ex wife cum from sex after they told me they never cum from sex. They would say i don't cum from sex so don't feel bad or any pressure. Then by maybe the second or third time they were cumming during sex. I don't know why they did with me and not others and they didn't either. They were just happy they did. It didn't happen every time, but if they didn't through intercourse I would DATY or finger them to completion afterwards. And I agree with others that 15-20 is plenty of time for sex and plenty of kisses and foreplay. I love foreplay and it would generally end up being longer then the sex. I love to tease my girl and get her so excited and begging for me to fuck her or lick her.
  • Zjz
    9 years ago
    When I was with my ex wife the last few years I needed V help. I have been with my DS for 8 months and never use V power, the difference in maybe we are great in bed. I can be hard for a long time with her and when I cum need 30 minutes to reload. But what really works is kissing each other a lot, move to lots of body parts only kissing nipples and pussy very little, this may go on for 20 min. Then I will kiss and lick her pussy for maybe 30 sec, come up and kiss her on the lips and tell her I am only going to put my dick in and out 3 times to tease, pull out and go down again licking for maybe 30 sec again, repeat 6 or 7 more times as above, and she allows cums for me. We usually go for 45 to one hour, fall asleep for awhile, and I will wake her up by kissing her neck and caressing her nipples and we just fuck for maybe another 20 min. For me its the foreplay and getting her off that's gets me off.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    When I was with my ATF, we'd do the oral thing for a while, sometimes 69, but most times serially. She'd get off a couple of times, then we'd fuck for a few minutes where she'd get off a time or two as well. Then, because the V tends to prolong things for me and she would get sensitive after cumming that much, we'd stop and rest for maybe 10 minutes just playing with each other. The second time we fucked was for me, though she always seemed to nut a couple more times then, too, though not always at the same time as me. All tolled, we probably never actually fucked for more than the 15 or 20 minutes Dancer95 seems to like, unless there was a second round, and that almost always ended with me in her mouth after only a couple of minutes, and one or two of her orgasms.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Now a days it takes me all night to do what I used to do all night. I gotta have the GFE.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    One learns different ways to intersperse kissing with FS. Some of it is just a matter of learning to let the girl go completely crazy. But as far as lasting longer, climax happens when the para-sympathetic nervous system clamps down on the sympathetic. It is to stop you from gong too far. So if you try not to cum, that makes you come. So the way to let it go on is just to take a tantric approach to it. Allow yourself to go ever deeper into the experience, letting your self enjoy the experience of your and your partner's energy centers resonating together, and feeling each time the energy going up the combined spinal area of your both, and letting her get close to the top each time, and then go over. That is a good time to go to some light kissing with her, and then start to bring her up again with g-spot massaging shallow strokes. If you do it this way, I don't know that there is a time limit anymore. SJG [view link]
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ( . Y , )
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Sex advice from SJG - priceless lol
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    What I want to know is when, during the process of making love to an AMP girl, does SJG stop for a gravy bowl break. I'm guessing every 10-15 minutes on average.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Just great, I tune in on a panel of AARP members talking about Ranukam's premature ejaculations.Heads up Randy,you gotta do it two or three times a day to lose that sensitive trigger that you have.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    "I can't imagine how she handled several hour sex" Answer: Good silicone lube ranukam, it just takes practice. Lots and lots of practice. Daily practice with a real live woman. Multiple different women. Basically, the bigger a male whore you are then the bigger sample size you have and the more you learn different techniques women like. I remember when I was younger I only knew one speed. Deep, hard and fast. Those first few dozen in my college years had to be seriously unsatisfied because I was an idiot. 15-20 minutes seems really short to me. You've got a naked woman in front of you. Why wouldn't you want to at least spend 30-60 minutes or more pleasuring her? Kiss her all over, rub her all over. Pick somewhere to start and just work to the other end. Rub her shoulders and work down to her feet or vice versa. Do the back then do the front. Get a nice edible massage oil. When DATY pay attention to her clit and get 2 fingers in there. Get them deep and press up with either a "come hither" motion or rub in a circle. Some women can cum from just oral and some can't. Some like a finger in their ass and some don't. It's up to you to test the waters and see what the response might be. You have to listen and watch. Watch her facial expressions, body language and listen to her breathing. If you don't have one I suggest you buy a wedge pillow. Buy an actual Wedge and not a foam knock off. The Wedge Liberator is perfect and slides right under the end of the bed when you're done. Sex in a bed is a horrible position. The mattress gives a little so you're pointing down when you actually need to be angle UP. This is near impossible to do and what really tires most guys out and makes them finish too quick. The wedge raises the woman up off the bed about 8 or 9 inches to a height where you're pointing up and you can go deep and hit that G spot every time. Then eventually when you find the one who blows your mind and makes you want to settle down you should be an expert in bed. i always say that marriage license; mandated by church and state, is a legal document that says a wife should be a whore and a husband should be a stud. If they're going to require that piece of paper they have no say what we do together afterwards. Nowadays, we can go for 2 hours no problem. You can still go deep and hard but save the fast until the end when she's begging for you to pound the fuck out of her. Yes, I could cum at any time but i enjoy spending as much time as possible satisfying mrs sea. The journey is just as enjoyable as the finish. Making her have a dozen or more orgasms is amazing and something that happens a lot. I'm not saying it happens all the time. Sometimes you just have time for 15 minutes and sometimes you've only got time to do a 5 minute quickie. The point is to focus on her completely and if it's a healthy relationship (even if she's just a fuck buddy or FWB) she'll focus on you as well. Just take your time and go at a medium continuous pace. As for someone who refuses to suck dick....she just needs to hit the road. If she just wants dick in her and for you to make her cum and she refuses to do anything you like she's really not worth it. If she's a solid booty call you know you can call at a moments notice late at night when you have no other option and just want to cum then keep her # but I wouldn't waste any money or extra effort on her. As far as specific positions; holy crap that would be a LONG post.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Tumblingdice just said something sensible. Is the world coming to an end? "So if you try not to cum, that makes you come." Realest thing SJG has ever said. @Mikey- "world class lover" That's my goal! @seaboardrr- great advice! As much as you guys made me feel better about only going 15-20 minutes, I would ideally like to be seaboardrr and go a hour to two at a time. Also when I say 15-20 minutes I'm just talking about fucking, not the foreplay. The foreplay alone lasts close to 30 min most of the time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    There are lots of factors in my unprofessional opinion: + it's not uncommon for young guys to cum quick – the younger one is the stronger one's hormones are + IMO – guys that can reload quick usually tend to cum quick - it seems to be part of their biology – I don't have a lot of meat on my unit I'm sorry to say; but I mention this in the context of education – my little Papi is thus very muscular; kinda all muscle when I'm hard and thus I get some raging hard-ons and my little Papi becomes very very sensitive where I cum sometimes in the first couple of minutes of thrusting – but once I cum the first time; I can go for a good while once I reload which does not take too long – if one can reload quick then they can overcome the first quick nut (although there is nothing like the first nut) – it seems to me guys that are extra-endowed and meaty seem to sometimes not get as hard and thus their dicks are not as sensitive b/c it not has hard – not saying these are facts but sorta unscientific observations on my part + as one gets older though one tends to last longer b/c one's hormones decrease and one also has had more experience in the sense of “been there done that” so one does not get as excited for sex nor are one's hormones raging as much + as others have mentioned – it is not uncommon for many women not to be able to cum from vaginal sex – men are like microwaves that get instantly turned-on; women are like crockpots/slow-cookers that often tend to take a much longer time to “heat up and get cooking” - thus why as others have mentioned foreplay can help to get her up to your excitement level (or closer to it) and then you can do vaginal sex one she is more excited and thus closer to a possible 'O' + it is often said communication is important for good sex – i.e. each partner should be able to communicate to the other what they like (different things turn different people on and different things turn different people off) – it helps if the partners know each other well and are comfortable w/ each other (especially for the woman) – in the past when I was in relationships I would often finger-bang her if she did not cum from vaginal sex – this would usually get her off b/c I could do it for a long time b/c my finger did not cum and get soft LOL – but there are women whom may not like the finger and just like the dick in there + also – if one is not in a relationship where they are having sex regularly it is more common to have a an itchy trigger penis
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A while back I Googled this topic and remember coming across a website that gave some advice/techniques – I don't recall most of them but do recall one which said that if one rolls their tongue back and onto the roof of their mouths this can sorta help – I don't recall why this helped but I think there was a physical aspect to it and also sorta a mental aspect to it in that this excessive would sorta distract you a bit and keep your mind occupied a bit and thus helped w/ not busting prematurely.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    5 hours on and off is fine , now and then, but you can have a life and a job or 5 hour sex on a regular basis. If we all did that the economy would collapse. 5 hour pounding? Not a chance. Every woman is different as you guys must know. It took me years to come just with the penis and plenty of guys found the g spot but had no clue what to do with it. Mr Press is ALWAYS into the latest research and has found about 5 different "spots". About 3 of them feel great and one turns me into a firehose. Kissing btw is a must. And after all these years the blow jobs still happen and they still blow his mind. And sadly to this day I cannot make another woman come. So I do a little bit I'd everything and let him go in for the big finish. We're a damn great team.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Little bit "of" everything. Damn phone.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah – w.r.t. 5 hours of sex – that is probably taking breaks in b/w and probably not having intercourse more than having intercourse. Also – many of us when we are young are sorta introduced to sex via porn which may not be the most accurate (or best) way to go about sex – thus when we are young and inexperienced we tend to perhaps mimic (or try to) what we have seen in porn films (consciously or subconsciously) – I also assume that porn actors may do something to avoid from cumming too soon (some type of med or herb or just having busted a nut not too long b/f a scene?).
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    "guys that can reload quick usually tend to cum quick". That's some good insight Papi. Thanks.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    5 hours WTF? That's not cool, that's overwhelming. Imaging being a woman getting smashed for 5 hours straight? That shit can get painful after a while. Either she's lying or they have taken multiple breaks. There's a spray out there that can help you last longer (not ejaculate as fast). It's generally for those with ED, but man I used it and I lasted an entire hour and a half. I usually last half an hour, sometimes 45 minutes. But generally for me, if I haven't cum after 30 minutes, sex then becomes a chore, which is boring.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I forgot about the 5 hr sexathon. That's just ridiculous. An all night fuck fest is one of those rare maybe a couple times in your life things. Both of you are worthless the next day. You can tell when the porn guys jerk off before a scene so they'll last. They barely cum when it's time for the money shot.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Esta - I got news for you. Men with ED don't need to last longer. :)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    promescent it's called. I don't use it anymore but buy a sample size if you want. You may like it.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @SC men with ed probably don't get pussy LMAO
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I'm just kidding btw
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @PC I'm pretty sure Shadowcat didn't have porn when he was young. I can't even consider playboy porn. A nonmoving picture, not porn, a nude pin up
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Hey we had 16mm stag movies. The film quality was not great but it was better than wacking off to National Geographic. :)
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^ or the Sears catalogue
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I think in shadow's time the first few sexual experiences were often w/ the poor farm animals :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Book List: [view link] [view link] SJG [view link] Stones, Montreal [view link]
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the insight!!!
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    There is a 1970's book called the sensual man, the author is known only as "J". Should be a must read for every guy starting at age 13. I had cool folks and they bought me this book. Plenty of tips, but the best one is a technique that your g/f can perform on you that trains you to not cum too quick. It works amazingly well. caveat: After 40+ years I find that if I have 4 or more drinks I can fuck off and on for the 5 hours, but I cannot cum....at all. Just stays hard, with all the feeling of a block of wood.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Do you mean this? [view link] [view link] Thanks for the reference. Alcohol does not help. Tantric practices do. SJG
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I don't have any strategies for it. I'm just getting old(er) and the diabetes isn't helping matters any either.
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