
Bipolar dancers

Atlanta suburb
It's seems to me that I have been running into quite a few dancers in the last few years that claimed to be Bipolar. They seemed pretty rational to me at the time. So I have to wonder are these women just using that as an excuse for irrational behavior or are they really Bi polar?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Wait...you mean there's dancers who AREN'T bipolar??? My ATF, my old #2, my new #2 and my 'maybe' new ATF are all bipolar. I'm not, But I sure seem to be attracted to them! Luckily my wife is so insane, mere bipolar disorder is child's play for me.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Bipolar? My view on this is that it is bullshit. People who are not in touch with their feelings and who have not learned how to live in their own skin will always seem this way.

    Alcohol, Drugs, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medication make it much worse.

    But probably, almost certainly, you are dealing with the survivors of familial childhood abuses.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SJG: The era of curing severe mental disorders is long gone. While I think most of the drugs they use are inappropriate, a good doctor can improve the quality of life for a lot of patients. I know a lot of bipolar people and it's not just an inferior theory of the universe.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Yes every dancer I ever met said they were Bipolar.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    SJG, do you work with the welfare dept, or Child Abuse Services?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Imo, nowadays so many people claim to suffer from bipolar disorder, ADD, depression, anxiety and God knows what else that I always take it with a grain of salt.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Hmmm personally I am going to have to go with the side of people thinking they are bipolar and really aren't. Emotional issues... yes, bipolar... no.

    I have known a few people that really were diagnosed bipolar and two that commited suicide because it wrecked their lives so much. If someone really has it, it certain can be a very serious thing. Crazy strippers think that because they have wide ranging mood swings are bipolar are full of shit. Stripper shit to be exact. Probably the same ones that are 33 years old and claim to be going to college to either get their nursing degree or criminal justice degree. Face it babe, you're batshit crazy and you're always gonna be a stripper.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Channel surfing the other night I ran across Doctor Phil interviewing former Olympic runner Suzy Favor Hamilton about her experiences as a high priced Las Vegas escort.

    She suffered from bipolar disorder and was prescribed Zoloft which heightened her hyper-sexuality and contributed to her becoming a prostitute.

    Just speculating here....but perhaps that's why some bipolar woman turn to stripping.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Lots people use the word bipolar out of context. Nothing new.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Bipolar for strippers means crazy and crazier.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I thought bipolar dancers meant dancers that used two poles while dancing on stage.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    +1: Papi
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Lol papi
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @motorhead "Channel surfing the other night I ran across Doctor Phil interviewing..."

    what the hell are you doing listening to this quack. oh wait a minute...
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Papi +1

    SJG -As someone who's marriage was destroyed because my spouse was bipolar your theory is not based in fact. I've lived with it up close and personal. Watched her try different meds before finding the right one that worked for her. Unfortunately it came to late.
    It is not something someone can turn on and off and to say its just circumstance is reckless and uninformed.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @rh48hr "SJG -As someone who's marriage was destroyed because my spouse was bipolar your theory is not based in fact."

    and why pray tell would this be any different than any of the other fabrications, delusions and outright crap that make up everything the uneducated imbecile has posted?

    a "fact" is something san_jose_guy is incapable of comprehending

  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    I see Diva posting here. Does it mean that John will accuse me/her/us in being bipolar? :)
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @Dancer95 "I see Diva posting here"

    you must be mistaken, he, ooops i mean "she" is doing six months in county
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never had a dancer tell me she was bipolar. must not be something they tell everyone.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've had a couple tell me they had personality disorders but never heard one claim to be bi-polar. One of my faves told me she just got a medical marijuana card for her anxiety. Now she can legally grow her own. And she's one of the most tightly wrapped dancers I've ever met.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Crazy ass talk
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    I thought when a dancer told me she was bipolar she was into doing two guys at a time.

    Kidding aside, i have had several mention bipolar disorder and also the right drugs that are used to treat it. Are strippers intelligent enough to research their stripper shit backstory? Yes, but my bet is these are truly being diagnosed and treated for it. Who would say so that was not?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I don't remember any dancer telling me she was bipolar. Depressed, frustrated, and hated her job, yes -- bipolar, no. I wonder if the ones who claim to be bipolar might be confusing the condition with the effects of whatever drugs they're taking.

    Mikey: "SJG, do you work with the welfare dept, or Child Abuse Services?"

    Mikey, SJG doesn't just work for them -- he's a client, too.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Googled bipolar disorder and got this...

    Bipolar disorder
    Also called: manic depression
    A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
    Very common
    More than 3 million US cases per year
    Can't be cured, but treatment may help
    Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong
    Requires a medical diagnosis
    Lab tests or imaging not required

    What sticks out to me is the last line. So it seems it is just someone opinion.

    There are just wacky people in this world.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    It's hardly difficult to believe.
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    One of the defining symptoms of Bipolarism is an inability to perceive the reality of the condition. in other words people who say they have it are generally misinformed and that girls who really have it think they are normal. And yes I do work in this field. Self diagnosis is rarely accurate and mental illness is only definitively diagnosed with a brain autopsy.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    Seems you found the cure!
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Obviously, we have to be careful about over-generalizing, but it's definitely my perception that the percentage of strippers who are or have bipolar/emotional-issues/anxiety/etc. is far higher than in the general population. In addition, it seems to me that like drug addicts, many strippers' emotional maturity is developmentally delayed or outright stunted. Some of this is due to very tragic emotional or sexual abuse, which an alarming number seem to have suffered, again beyond the percentage of the general public. Again, this doesn't mean every stripper is like this -- I'm trying to avoid the wrath of dancer95 -- but just my honest experience that the general stripper population reflects an out-of-proportion number of these things.

    So, I don't know whether it's really bipolar or not -- the girls may be using "bipolar" as a trendy catch-all for all sorts of conditions, but do believe there are serious clinical conditions in disproportionate numbers among strippers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    AFAIK women in general supposedly suffer more from depression and are also more apt to seek treatment and be on meds.

    It may also be a cry for help/sympathy – e.g. “woe is me” kinda thing.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "...a good doctor can improve the quality of life for a lot of patients."

    This is true only if you believe that dissociation and tune out is better than facing one's pain. People don't become psychiatrists or psychotherapists unless they have an extreme need to deny their own childhood pain and the effects it has had on them.

    Learning to live in one's own skin and to be fully present in mind and body is a the work of a life time. One cannot even begin this until they have completely renounced all intoxicants, like Alcohol, Drugs, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medication.

    Psychotherapy is predicated on denial as the goal.

    Pg 61

    Before publishing my first book, I gave a lecture on the mental adjustment of psychoanalysts and their presumed childhood history. After that lecture I was asked: “But you can’t seriously mean that all psychoanalysts were abused children?” I replied: “I can’t be sure, I can only assume it. But I would say that no one can be a psychoanalyst who has experienced abuse—widespread as it is—in his own childhood and no longer needs to deny it. For in that case psychoanalytic theories cease to make sense.”

    From Banished Knowledge by Alice Miller, 1988, translated by Leila Vennewitz 1990

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I remember this frightening statistic.
    25% of women are on medication for mental illness.
    That means 75% are running around unmedicated.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Papi, is it really a cry for a help or maybe more of a selling point, basically a means of trying to guilt a PL out of a few more bucks?
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @bvino “One of the defining symptoms of Bipolarism is an inability to perceive the reality of the condition. in other words people who say they have it are generally misinformed and that girls who really have it think they are normal.”

    that is the most cogent observations posted on this board in a very long time.

    another related truism is that about the only people who rail against psychiatrists and psychiatric medications are the – technical term coming up – “batshit crazy lunatics” unable to perceive reality, thinking they are somehow normal and who have almost certainly stopped taking their meds.

    and @san_jose_guy, stop sending the psycho PMs and take your fucking meds already

  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    San Jose Guy: You sir are an idiot. A Progressive idiot to be more concise. That inane comment about born again christians have you away. As a divorce/criminal attorney I run into a lot of bipolar people. I look at the comments here, the heartless comments and hope some of you get to experience it. Maybe learn some empathy and humanity. I also disagree with bvino. One of my clients who was diagnosed as bipolar at age 9 is aware of her condition. What is beyond her control is seeing the signs of a manic or depressive epsisode creeping up on her. She never thinks she is normal. What she thinks when her meds are working is that she has been "cured" and since the medication merely suppress feelings, once she is "cured" she wants to feel again and goes off the meds. I have had dancers tell me they are bipolar, usually followed by a massive softening of the wood, but in reality they are just using it as an excuse for their behavoir. Real mental illness is tangible.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I have had a very close friend for about 30 years who is bipolar. A lot of what skibum says is true. When she wasn't on her meds she'd have extreme emotional swings and sometimes it would come on very quickly. Then on her meds, she would seem normal to most but I knew she was taking them because she had no emotional range at all. Then she'd stop taking them like skibum said, to feel again.

    When I called most dancers bipolar I concede it was an exaggeration because as a group they weren't like my friend. Like my ATF for example...she says she has ADD which I believe because I've seen her when she's tripping so to speak. But bipolar? No.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @Subraman, oh nah, no "wrath" from my side.:P Another day I heard coworkers talking about their mental illnesses and I was surpised that so many of them mentioned suffering from something.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The first step towards wholeness and just being able to be with yourself is to refrain from intoxicants like Alcohol, Drugs, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medication. Until you do this you will just continue to get more and more dissociated. Then once the shrinks are able to convince you that you are held together by the scotch tape of medication, you have no chance.

    When Freud first started his work, he stood with his patients, 18 female hysterics, and every one of them sexually molested as a small child. So he presented his work and he was vilified. So in the decades which followed, he changed his views and put forth his infantile sexual seduction fantasy theory, culminating in his 1901 "Interpretation of Dreams".

    Ever since, the therapists who have succeeded Freud have stood with the perpetrators. They did indeed used to routinely tell juveniles that they were fantasizing sexual molestation.

    Today that would land them in a prison cell. But they always still say that the remedy to sexual molestation and other abuses is, NOTHING!

    Ask your psychotherapist, How many criminal convictions of child abusers have you gotten?

    How many law suits or actions to stop disinheritance have you gotten against parental child abusers?

    What have you done to try and get laws change so that the child victims and not the parental abusers are protected?

    What forms of direct action have you employed?

    Your therapist, any therapist, is committed to doing nothing. After all, they see anger as evil. They don't want to have to face their own anger, and this is why they are a therapist.

    So your therapist will say, "I let my patients lie on my couch and confess their angry tendencies and their reluctance to forgive. I also let them vent histrionically as they punch pillows and scream at them. I help them to understand that their parents just didn't know any better."

    After this my patients always feel so much better, and sometimes I can even reduce their medications.

    Therapists enable the parental abusers. They turn the experience of injustice into a medical problem and a self-improvement project.

    If they did not feel their own need to deny, they would not be therapists.


    "The practice of psychotherapy is wrong because it is profiting from another person's misery." Jeffrey Masson, former curator of the Sigmund Freud Archives.

  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Here is another sex worker that claims to be bipolar:

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    your meds!

    take your fucking meds san_jose_guy
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    DoctorPhil, do you take psych meds? You certainly sound like a prime example of what happens when someone does.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    that's it san_jose_guy. deny the reality of your mental condition. those mean old psychiatrists all molested you as a child, isn't that right?

    take your fucking meds
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    and stop sending psycho PMs
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Have you received any psycho PM's? You sound like someone who is probably sending them.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    i can't help you until you admit you have a problem

    take your meds
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    His basic thesis is that they are starting kids with ADHD and Autism / Asperger's diagnoses and putting them on medications, knowing full well that these medications have a good chance of getting them a bipolar diagnosis and more medications, and then likely a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    is that when you were first diagnosed? as a kid?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    “i can't help you until you admit you have a problem”

    you’ve heard those words before haven’t you san_jose_guy? many, many times from many, many professionals is my guess

    and if i’m not mistaken, and we both know i’m not, the terms of your parole explicitly forbid you from having any contact with any children so take your meds, your urges will pass and you can stop fantasizing about giving GHB to young children
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    OMG!!! SJG made like 3 posts that weren't as long as War And Peace!!! I may actually read them. I've never gotten through a SJG post and so I have no idea what he's saying, but judging from the feedback, it's not good.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I know many people who have accepted the interpretation that they are Bipolar. All it really means is that the white coats have convinced them that they are in danger of a nervous break down if they stop taking their meds and start to feel their feelings.

    These Bipolars, they do say and do stupid stuff. But they reason they do this is because they are out of touch with their own feelings.

  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Some people have body disorders which respond to medication and therapy they kidney, heart, liver and other diseases. Others have mental disorders. Nothing that can be fixed by simply feeling your feeling.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Feeling your feelings releases what is repressed and makes it conscious. The bad brain thesis is bullshit. It is just away of further abusing the victims, a kind of second rape.

    Thing is though, if you are really feeling your feelings, you will start to act. You won't just declare yourself to be a "Clear" or "Saved", you will be looking for comrades and you will be looking for weapons, and you will be striking blows. If you feel your feelings, you will be acting. So feeling your feelings alone does not fix anything, but building up a band of comrades and acting does.


    Stones, Gimme Shelter, Montreal, early Lisa Fischer
  • TheFword
    9 years ago
    I have never had a dancer tell me that she is Bi-polar. If she did I would tell here I was bi-sexual, when I want sex I buy it.
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