
Comments by Dancer_ (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I get married to have more money for OTC?
    Are you a citizen of US? If yes, we should get married - I will gladly split bills with you and I couldn't care less about you banging anyone as long as it's not me.:) And you can show me off to your buddies, if you like. I might even learn to cook for you.<3 Tell me you are down! Pretty please.:'(
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Yeah, don't use backpage. It's mostly low-quality girls there who would have to streetwalk if it wasn't for Internet. You might find diamond in rough there if you get lucky but ehhhh... Also lots of them have pimps and LE uses BP all the time to bust both hookers and clients. I would suggest going to Eros and pick a lady with TER reviews or something like that. Although some girls prefer to avoid reviews. Anyhow, you will definitely be safer if you stay away from this gross BP.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bringing a Stripper Home
    I wouldn't do that, if I were you, to be honest. Sure, you have gun and nice security system but do you really want to push your luck? She might seem nice but key word is seem. Too many shady-ass bitches out there. Or just strippers hanging out with wrong type of guys with criminal background. And gawker, sorry, but it's disgusting. Cheating when your sick wife is in another room? Seriously?:/
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best Seattle Club?
    My buddy got 300$ hj at Deja Vu, lol, that's all I know about Seattle clubs. (:
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Free OTC
    Why not? If it's not p4p, then at least, you are somewhat attractive to her. Girls fall in love all the time with their fuck-buddies.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Free OTC
    Oh wow. It's weird, indeed. It might be very true that she is into you physically, I am 20 and have a regular customer who is 45, yet he is pretty handsome in my eyes. I have no idea how you look like but if you are at least cute, then why not. Probably she still loves her husband, hence is hurt by his actions and wants to fuck you as a revenge. I don't know, man. It's seriously some messed up shit. All I can tell you is to watch out for her, catching feelings, it can seriously hurt her later.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers on drugs
    Instead of dealing with this broad, better ask yourself how come your boyfriend got involved with her in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Has anybody ever taken their son to a strip club?
    Please, don't. I find it sick to arrange sex with a prostitute for your kid. And don't encourage him to think that cheating is normal. Who cares that he has issues with girlfriend, they should work it out or break up. Banging strippers behind her back isn't a solution. And that girl didn't do anything bad to you, why would you fuck her over like that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Reviews Where OP Bitches About Well Known Facts
    I don't understand it either. If dude is so goddamn broke that can't pay cover and bottle of water without whining, then probably he doesn't belong there, anyway. And don't even get me started about custies who complain that they had to pay 3(!!!) dollars for coat check.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Planning a trip
    Papi, I see your point but there is a difference between meeting custie you already screened either ITC as a stripper(I mean, seeing him in the club for several times to make sure he is not a creep) or thru information he gave to you(if you are an escort) vs going home with dude you met literally an hour ago. There are so many psychos out there looking for victims that money isn't worth risk getting killed/raped/hurt. Specially if we are talking about only measly 300-400$.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dealing with rejection
    Hmmm, are you sure that she realized you need her number simply for business interactions, so to speak? She might have assumed you were trying to date. Or she didn't learn about prepaid phones yet hence is afraid of getting stalked by her number. Or got scared you could be a cop looking to bust her for solicitation or something. I would make sure that she didn't misunderstand me if I were you.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Planning a trip
    1) Meh. Whatever makes you happy. :) 2) I agree with guys that you should specify your destination. And I wonder how picky you are regarding dancer's hotness, it is a very serious factor too. I am not sure about possibility of OTC - we get offers from random guys to come fuck at their hotels/houses all the time(this eternal "What time do you get off work?", grr) and imo, girl should be either dumb or super desperate to go for it with a complete stranger. Probably extras ITC are your only option. Then again, I need to know city you going to. Cause you wouldn't get a shit ITC in mine for several hundreds.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I love the mountains
    Most of them are too big.:(( And not perfectly perky. Although I love the way huge tits look in bikinis.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much stripper shit are you willing to put up with to get the pussy?
    Jeez, guys, when I read you posting about strippers who flake out/ask help with bills/etc, I can't stop wondering how y'all have patience for this nonsense. If I was a man,taking part in p4p, I would be damn pissed and tell her off. You are the one with $$$ hence no need to put up with disrespectful and unprofessional behavior, imo.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What are the best stripclubs in the midwestern states?
    Both Dacotas are not what they used to be. San-Francisco is dirty and takes a shitton of dancer's earnings. Also it's not travel-friendly at all. I would work in Cali just to cover travel expenses, but I wouldn't go there specifically for banking. After reading reviews on tuscl, I have made Chicago one of my future destinations <3 And I like Midwestern custies, they are always the easiest to deal with. :) Damn, girl, I am jealous, lol. I am stuck in New York since immigration didn't decide anything yet regarding my case and keeps raping me with new bs requests or else I would be out of this city in a heart beat!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Stripper Advice - Jedi Master help required
    ^ Me too! :(
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Stripper Advice - Jedi Master help required
    Yup, +1 to what John said. Personally I tend to get pissy when guy asks me about extras but it's cause some dudes are retards and don't even know how to do it properly. Mind you, even if I did extras, these rude "Do you suck dick?" ; "Are we gonna fuck?" etc would make me cuss them out. So if you will be nice about asking her that, I don't see her taking an offense. I mean, it's Detroit,she gets asked to perform sexual services all the time. Besides, she makes out with you, she is not innocent at all.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    I don't know, rockstar - I just think that if a girl has to drink/use drugs to handle this work, then probably she shouldn't do it at all. I got a drink only before my first night ever and after that I always worked sober. And I do make decent money. I know girls who don't get wasted but they are doing fine too. It's definitely a hard job though and my coworkers always claim that they make more $$$ being drunk but imo, it will only hurt them in a long-run.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Sure. PM'ing you.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Oh, and I forgot to tell you, OP, save, save, save that money! As much as possible. It was your my first summer dancing and fuck, it was so slow! Fortunately, thanks to my savings, I wasn't stressing about bad nights, however, these girls who spent money made during busy season, were struggling. Make sure to have money for 6 months of your bills ahead, just in case you will get injured or face severe burn-out. If you want to be a full-time stripper, treat it as a job, ie, you have to learn self-discipline in sticking to your schedule and working as much as you can. Personally I work 5-6 days per week during busy season, but when summer hit us, I cut it off to 2-3 days. Don't do drugs (at all)and don't drink alcohol at work. Not even "a little bit to loosen up". If custies will try to get you alcoholic drinks, just order water/juice instead(you are "diabetic" for them). It's a night out for them so they can afford to get drunk but if you start drinking every night you work, you will look like a hag. As I said before, don't do extras and be clear about it. Never promise anything you won't do. He can be undercover cop looking to arrest you or he might get mad and assault you for "not providing". Expect them trashing you online for being a ROB. And it's just a bad work ethic, imo. I would suggest yoga or at least,some stretching before your shift and deep tissue massages once a week or so. Define your boundaries from the very beginning and don't let anyone cross them. And don't listen to guys, lol. I mean, I really like tuscl boys(specially when they don't ask me to go away to SW) but they are hardcore hobbyists, hence a different animal from average customer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    Awww, what a gentleman:)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    First time back at the SC in a while
    No, don't worry about her telling you something in front of wife. Trust me, we don't want to get recognized just as much as you. Specially at our another work! We could make a trouble and embarrass you to your SO only if you did something really bad to us ITC(assault, for example).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    OTC Question No 1
    Ehhh, I don't know, she sounds like a pain in the ass, is it even worth this hassle?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    becoming a stripper
    "Dancer95, I think you got lost looking on the inter webs, you need to be over at stripperweb, not here, you belong over there." You are the one who seems lost if you think you can tell me where I need to be.:) I told her that she doesn't have to do extras to make money and if one provides sexual services, she is a prostitute, not a stripper - do you disagree, sir?