
becoming a stripper

i need to know like everything there is about becoming a stripper because im not gunna lie financial stability is failing right now and its like last resort so some help please thanks


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Stripper Rule #1: if you're ugly then I hope you like to give blowjobs because that's the path to financial stability in a strip club.
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    im not ugly at all reason 17 i think i can do it
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    What exactly do you want to know? "Everything" is too blurry, sorry.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Okay here are some questions you have to ask yourself:

    1. Are you okay with being nude in front of people?

    2. Do you have a specific club you want to work at picked out?

    3. Are you able to attain the correct license to be a stripper (required in some places, not required in others)?

    4. Are you willing to have sex with strangers in exchange for money and/or drugs?

    5. Do you have transportation to and from the strip club?

    6. Are you responsible enough not to drink at the club and drive home enabling yourself to get a DUI?

    7. Are you willing to submit photos on here so we can rate your chances of succeeding?

    8. Do you know what BBBJ means?

    9. If San Jose Guy asked you to marry him and live in his moms basement with him and play WOW (world of Warcraft) would you be okay with that?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    10. Do you have a green card?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    ^ Oops! :(
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    we need boob pics in order to properly evaluate your chances of success
    also are you a swallow or spit girl ?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Pfft, you guys will scare her away, lol.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    This is like going to Stripperweb and asking how to be a proper PL
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Dancer95 If she gets scared enough will it make her nipples get hard ?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    points to mikeya02
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @twentyfive, we will see when she shows us her tits. Woooo
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    I MEAN like how they dress do all strippers have to have sex or give head whats the difference between strip clubs if there are any differences is your pay all off of tips do you have to get completely naked and @shadowcat i don't need a green card i was born in California prick and @mikey i dont even know what a "PL" is
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    oh and do they have lesbian strip clubs and im not posting my boobs
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    oh and do they have lesbian strip clubs and im not posting my boobs
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Strippers do NOT have to fuck or suck. It's a duty of prostitutes. Don't let anyone convince you in opposite. If you are okay with doing extras, then escort instead.

    Speaking of your income/wear - depends on the club. Some require gowns/short dresses, others are fine with lingerie and bikinis. Clubs can be bikini/topless/nude. Buy tuscl VIP membership to read reviews, do research, call clubs to ask about dress-code, etc
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Nope, no lesbian strip-clubs
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    thank you @dancer95
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Illiteracy isn't always a handicap for a stripper as long as she understands two words, blow and job!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Your pay largely comes from grinding on guys and letting them grope you, not from getting naked on stage. I think that's something a lot of girls don't get going in.

    What city in Cali?
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    Did you say you were 17?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Another aspiring dancer posted earlier this month, and the subject of a dancer's mindset came up. It's a job where you definitely need a thick skin and some very solid interpersonal skills. If you can't take criticism, deserved or not, if you can't stand guys trying to hit on and to touch you all night, stripping probably isn't a job for you.

    Here're the links to those discussions. It's some food for thought.


  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    As long as you take your customers dick in your mouth you'll be fine as a stripper , and you don't have to swallow just spit it out if you want
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    I agree with dancer95
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    @ latin diamond @ dancer95
    I think that you need to get mentored by dancer95 cause she's such a cool chick and the only dancer that we let get away without doing bj's but you have to show us your tits that is a job requirement
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Dancer95, I think you got lost looking on the inter webs, you need to be over at stripperweb, not here, you belong over there.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @latindiamonds: Well, if the comments here upset you, you're too thin skinned to make a living dancing. Also, if you're shy about showing your boobs here, you'll never make it (no, you don't need to show your face!). Not that actual dancing is a necessary skill, but it helps.

    No, you don't need to have sex with customers to make a lot of money, but you need to work in a non-extras club. You might tell us where you are and we can help steer you to the right place.

    The main point to remember is you're in show biz/sales. You are selling fantasy, and also a performer. If you don't understand either task, you'll never make any money dancing.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    @latindiamonds- yes there are lesbian stripclubs here in LA, but they are underground and known to insiders only. PM me if you want more info.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    She's "like" a 17 yo lesbian "Valley girl".
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • crsm27
    9 years ago

    Like others have stated if you can't take these comments it will be hard to work in a club. Guys will hit on you, say nasty things, think that if they pay you $20 they can feel all up on you, etc.

    Lots of the questions you are asking is what you need to ask the clubs themselves. Each club is different....

    1. Some clubs are nude others are topless some are just bikini.
    2. Some clubs require gowns/dresses others don't.
    3. Each club has their own "tip outs" or "fees".
    4. Some clubs are extra's (Sucking and fucking) while others are not.
    5. Some clubs allow touching by customers and others don't.

    So you see you need to find out what you are comfortable with and then pick the right club.

    Now as others have also stated...

    This is more about attitude and sales than just looking good.
    What I mean is if you are a perfect 10 and have a shitty attitude you won't make shit.
    You need to make the customer feel like they are the king of the world and that you are total interested in them. It is a "fantasy" for them. You need to listen and be nice towards the customer. You need to think sales!!! .think of the people that are good in sales... how do they act around clients and customers. How do they get customers to say "yes".

    Take all of this with a grain of salt.

    But like others have said if you get pissed off by some of these comments from the guys on here. You don't have thick enough skin to be a dancer. Sorry but it is the truth.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I believe that any girl that asks a bunch of mongers like us if she should be a stripper, or any related questions and wont show us her tits is probably a troll, even though I find these types of conversations to be extremely hilarious. feeding the trolls is fun some times.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I agree with twentyfive. Tits are the validation for questionable topics posted from new women contributors. It's now a TUSCL rule. Well, maybe not a rule... but at least it's a guideline.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    You never know......maybe she's just looking to start a blog.

    lopaw, an underground lesbian SC? i have a feeling anyone wondering if dancing at a normal SC is for them would get eaten alive (no pun intended) at an underground lesbian SC. i think it'd be cool to go with mrs sea to a place like that and i could just sit in the corner observing human nature. unless of course they refuse men entry since SC's still like to do that sort of thing...lol
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Rockstar666
    Lets make it a rule and put it into the official rules and bylaws of TUSCL
  • hiroaki
    9 years ago
    If you think you're going to just do stage and make any kind of living you're in for a bad time. The whole "Guys will just throw all their money at me because I'm so hot" thing is a myth.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Ignore the crass comments – this is a website related to strip-clubs and is 99% horny dudes and we often have a locker-room “boys will be boys” type of behavior – plus – some on here believe anyone coming on here claiming to be a dancer is a shill/dude pretending to be a dancer and pulling our chain.

    Anyway – strip-clubs vary often by locality – the norm these days is two-way contact dances – i.e. the dancer grinds on the custy usually topless and w/ a small g-string on (custy sitting down and her on top of him) and the custy gets to feel her up (groping her tits and ass) – that is the basic lap-dance in most places.

    There are cities w/ strict rules where the dancer and custy cannot make contact – i.e. air-dances – of course any dancer will tell you the more she lets a custy feel her up the more the custy will spend and the more $$$ she will make.

    There are clubs where dancers have sex in VIP w/ custies – but it's not as if every dancer in that type of club does it and a dancer can still make good $$$ by just doing traditional 2-way dances.

    I would advise you to do a couple of visits to strip clubs so you get an idea of more or less how they work (and if you can go w/ a male friend and have him get some lap-dances while you watch so you can get the gist of it).

    You should also check out StripperWeb.com since that site is for dancers and this site is about strip-club custies - StripperWeb.com has a lot of information already on there for new dancers to read on and they also have a message board to post questions (but I would go thru the info they already have posted and then ask questions).

    There are a lot of us here w/ a lot of knowledge about strip-clubs - if you describe yourself, or better yet post some pics of yourself (preferably topless and in a g-string since that is how the custies will see you in the club); and you state what city you wanna work in; we can give you some pointers as to which clubs may fit you best (you can upload some pics if you want to photobucket.com then post the link on here – and you need to put your TUSCL name on the pic so we know it's you and we are not wasting our time giving you info).

    Lastly – first and foremost – dancing is a sales job – and thus it is a people job – in the dancer biz you always gotta have a smile on your face and make the custy feel like the greatest thing since sliced-bread – that is what sales is all about and in the dancing game you are selling yourself.

    Best of luck – nothing is easy when first doing it but most tings get easier w/ time.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Notice that Pap starts his rap about he's a nice guy but after he thinks he's done enough selling he does exactly what all of the rest of the folks here do at the MardiGras parade he says show us your tits LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ hey – nice guys also like tits :)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Yeah Papi tits rule
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    "Dancer95, I think you got lost looking on the inter webs, you need to be over at stripperweb, not here, you belong over there."

    You are the one who seems lost if you think you can tell me where I need to be.:) I told her that she doesn't have to do extras to make money and if one provides sexual services, she is a prostitute, not a stripper - do you disagree, sir?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    @ dancer95
    You stay right here with us you have my protection don't let any of these paper tigers scare you off besides we love your tits ;-)
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Awww, what a gentleman:)
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    well actually none of your comments upset me i mean it might be a little annoying that you keep asking for a tit pic and i dont know how to post one since i just signed up for this yesterday and im not lesbian im bisexual but i prefer women and the whole "im so hot men are just going to throw money at me" myth i know thats not true also i do understand that im going to be dealing with a lot of people like the ones on here and it doesnt bother me a jobs a job and i believe you have to do what you need to to get by but im asking questions because i dont want to go into a strip club looking for a job as a dancer and then have to do extra things on the side i can deal with comments and being felt up or whatever but im not trying to do anything else because i feel like stripping is already an extreme and if i were to go any further than that i might as well stand on corner and find a pimp (no offense to any of the dancers on here) and @dancer95 can you pm me so i can talk to you about this stuff because i'd rather know from someone whos been in the business
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Oh, and I forgot to tell you, OP, save, save, save that money! As much as possible. It was your my first summer dancing and fuck, it was so slow! Fortunately, thanks to my savings, I wasn't stressing about bad nights, however, these girls who spent money made during busy season, were struggling. Make sure to have money for 6 months of your bills ahead, just in case you will get injured or face severe burn-out.

    If you want to be a full-time stripper, treat it as a job, ie, you have to learn self-discipline in sticking to your schedule and working as much as you can. Personally I work 5-6 days per week during busy season, but when summer hit us, I cut it off to 2-3 days.

    Don't do drugs (at all)and don't drink alcohol at work. Not even "a little bit to loosen up". If custies will try to get you alcoholic drinks, just order water/juice instead(you are "diabetic" for them). It's a night out for them so they can afford to get drunk but if you start drinking every night you work, you will look like a hag.

    As I said before, don't do extras and be clear about it. Never promise anything you won't do. He can be undercover cop looking to arrest you or he might get mad and assault you for "not providing". Expect them trashing you online for being a ROB. And it's just a bad work ethic, imo.

    I would suggest yoga or at least,some stretching before your shift and deep tissue massages once a week or so.

    Define your boundaries from the very beginning and don't let anyone cross them.

    And don't listen to guys, lol. I mean, I really like tuscl boys(specially when they don't ask me to go away to SW) but they are hardcore hobbyists, hence a different animal from average customer.

  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Sure. PM'ing you.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I agree with D95 that top earners don't have to do extras in some clubs. But you have to find a really strict club in an affluent area for that. The dives will require extras to make decent money.

    I also agree with her advice above, except for one point. I've only met one dancer in my decades of dancing that did not drink or do any drugs (including pot) that was any good at it, so while the advice is good, it's pretty unrealistic. Better advice is to check addictive personalities at the door and concentrate on your job. Being in music, there's the same issues; mostly alcohol abuse. I would love to get loaded before shows but I want to play the best I can, so I don't. That includes pot. It's more fun to work stoned but you won't be nearly as productive, especially as a newbie.
  • latindiamonds
    9 years ago
    thank you guys i appreciate it
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ what - no boobs?

  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    I don't know, rockstar - I just think that if a girl has to drink/use drugs to handle this work, then probably she shouldn't do it at all. I got a drink only before my first night ever and after that I always worked sober. And I do make decent money. I know girls who don't get wasted but they are doing fine too.
    It's definitely a hard job though and my coworkers always claim that they make more $$$ being drunk but imo, it will only hurt them in a long-run.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    95: That's what I said: you do a better job sober. I think it's a chicken and egg thing. Some girls can work waste and manage just like some musicians can, but it's good advice to moderate as much as possible. Your post implied no drugs or alcohol at all, and we both know that's a nice goal but not the norm; the key is to keep it in check. I'll have a couple drinks before I go on stage, but I'm never impaired. That's for AFTER the show! LOL
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    No fair dancer95, stealing the new girl before we had a chance to break her in we never even got a wardrobe malfunction not even a nip slip
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I wonder if we'll ever get a thread from a dancer asking for advice on how to become an extras-girl – you know that would break the TUSCL record for comments LOL
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    I never drank or did drugs or extras (sorry guys)while dancing but I was a small minority. Then again I didn't have to for a variety of reasons including that things were different many years ago and I was in a different income level than most dancers. I don't think drinking or drugging while dancing is smart and puts the dancer in a horrible situation. There have been many threads on SW about drinking/drugging and most of them admitted to it.Not surprised, have you seen some of them? I'd need a drink to get a dance from them (assuming I'd want to, which I don't being straight and female).
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Excellent advice from Dancer95
    My favorite dancer drinks a little but not to the point of getting fucked up. She gives a good grind and allows tits and ass to be touched. That's as far as she goes. No handjobs, no blowjobs, no kissing, no sex, no OTC.
    You do have to work at a nice club though that attracts a professional clientele
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    Research a club before you start to work there. You need to pick a club that fits what you a willing to do. Is it a 'by-the-book' club or a club where management lets things like extras slide? Depending on where you live you may have a wide range of clubs to pick from or not.

    Also... if you haven't figured it out yet and if it hasn't already been mentioned.. the opinions on here slant towards higher mileage per dollar interests.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    Are you going to offer bbbj ?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I agree with Dancer95 on her advice, too.

    Saving money is a damn good idea. After your first couple months, after you get an idea just what you MIGHT be looking at for an income, start setting some goals for yourself. I knew one dancer in Dallas who owned six rental properties and had (IIRC) a hundred grand in the bank -- and this was after her loser husband drained her accounts and ran off with the money. Another I know is saving her money to buy a B&B in Panama after she retires. Mind you, she's 53 right now and she's only been dancing for 13 years. And I've heard of a couple other dancers who moved on and started their own clubs.

    Very much agree with everyone's advice to watch the drugs and alcohol, too. I've seen dancers who were so drunk they couldn't even walk straight and had to get sent home. Met a couple others who regularly got drunk so they could get through their shifts; course, they spent so much on the booze that they walked out with hardly any cash. You might want to be careful claiming you're diabetic though to avoid any drinking; a good diabetic would go for water or coffee -- juice, pop, and alcohol would blow your cover (although you might get away with a diet pop).

    If you aren't into yoga for stretching, there's always tai chi -- a very low-stress, no-impact form of exercise.

    It probably couldn't hurt to check out a couple of the clubs you're looking at as a customer, see what it's like from the customer's point of view. You might also want to see if they have any amateur contests, not only to get your feet wet but to get an idea what things might be like behind the scenes there.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Offering extras is one thing. Touching is another. Look at some recent threads about how clubs have changed in 10 years. Touching boobs and ass are no longer considered extras. They are part of a standard dance in most clubs. If you don't want to be felt up and groped. you better choose your club carefully or else you'll bd on the sidelines making no money.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I found this thread late. I guess all the requests for tit pics and bj's hasn't scared the new girl away yet. lol
    This site has no moderation or moderator. The other site some refer to has a strict moderator I heard and guess where they go after getting banned.

    Anyway my two cents if you get in the business, think of it as a long term temporary job. You do not see many girls still working in their late 30's or 40's. There are new young hot girls trying to get the same money from customers every year. It would be wise to study and learn other job skills even if you are raking in the money while young. You might be happy one year, then get fed up with it all on another day. I think a lot of society in general still looks down on stripping as a profession. I don't tell anyone who doesn't already know that I visit strip clubs. I see nothing wrong with it but I don't want to hear disagreements from those opposed.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I have wondered why some dancers seem to change clubs so often. I assume they go where they think there is more money or maybe it's less hassle. I heard some clubs have rules where dancers can't work at other local clubs. Some clubs require all dancers to show up at a certain time or they get fined. Some clubs hire or allow too many dancers to work and some of the girls leave with less than minimum wages. Example platinum plus clubs. They hired everyone. Even 200 pound really fat girls that most guys don't want to look at. I guess as an independent contractor, the dancer pays the club to work there and or takes a portion of every dancer or a set fee so a club makes more money with more dancers but that is no guarantee that the dancer makes more money.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    The economy must be bad lol
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