
Comments by IwillLapAdancer (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    @SJG "I don't think spending too much time per week with women is good." Dude, that really depends on the woman. I have poked fun at you with my imitation of your type of posts, but I was trying to point out that every woman is different, and some are going to be better to be around more than others. If I have something in common with a girl, other than sex, then chances are real good that we will hang out most of the free time we have. She is in essence a lover and friend. If I have very little in common with a girl, other than the sex, then the conversations will be lagging and being around her will be hard and awkward. She is in essence a fuck buddy. Just a troll's .02 worth.
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    8 years ago
    Not Worth It
    @Papi_Chulo "I think we make it complex in America – in many other parts of the industrialized world (e.g. Europe; etc); P4P is not seen as such a big deal as long as there isn’t trafficking/pimping going-on." I fully agree with you. As I have not left the U.S. in my adult life, I was looking at it from that POV. I always thought the "De Wallen" section of Holland is the best, where the mongers actually window shop for the girls. I know coming from a pervert like me that ain't saying much. lol
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    8 years ago
    New York
    do I fire dancer #2?
    ^^^"I may be the only one who will tell you that here on TUSCL, since most abhor whores." Okay, I stand corrected. GACA beat me to it.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    do I fire dancer #2?
    "Her answer was "maybe you should get an escort". Does her last answer, answer everything, on whether I have any hope with dancer #2? Does her saying "get an escort" mean anything about her, or it was a joke that was specific only to the last thing I said?" I did the best I could to slowly read and understand what all you wrote. The part I quoted, may be the most important part. It seems that you are seriously hung up with the "extras" that you feel you are missing out on. This dancer number 2 basically is telling you the same thing I would be telling you if you were telling me your woes over a couple of beers. It sounds like you are in a club that really does not offer extras to start with, but a few of the girls may be engaging in them on their own. In your last thread, you stated that dancers #3 and #4 offered you a BJ. Yet you did not pursue them this time either. You never mentioned dancer #2, yet now she is your desired ATF. You got this SC soap opera thing going on. Maybe you need to research the escorts on TER site in your area, and just have a relaxing fuck you brains out session in the comfortable confines of a hotel room. I may be the only one who will tell you that here on TUSCL, since most abhor whores.
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    8 years ago
    Not Worth It
    I think it works for some, but like AZDD says, the true sex addict (I count myself as one) will continue against his better judgement regardless of the consequences. I feel that the numbers that they portray are grossly exaggerated to keep public support for their over zealous campaign to try and stamp out the oldest profession in the world. It costs the states a good chunk of their budget to prosecute these misdemeanor cases, meanwhile the violent crimes continue to go unchecked. Anytime LE and/or the states attorney office posts numbers, I am always suspicious. It is easier to hassle johns and hookers, than go after the kingpins. They can ruin the lives of horny citizens with impunity, while looking good to the masses through the smoke screen that is covering up the hard fact that they really did nothing to make the world a better place to live. Are women forced to work as prostitutes against their will? Yes, there are many. Yet there are as many if not more that do it out of the necessity of trying to make ends meet. The problem is complex and not isolated from economic misfortune of the unskilled, and the drug addiction that most likely pulled many of these unfortunate women into it in the first place. People sell stuff. People have sex. Those two statements are okay. Now, people who sell sex. Oh the humanity!!! Hypocritical bullshit if you ask me. Okay, I am done venting and steppin' off the condom box now.
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    8 years ago
    OT: Do's and dont's for females when fucking and/or dating a guy
    The irony of the deadbeat boyfriends. I sometimes think that the girls enjoy the deadbeat boyfriend. She gets to be in control of the relationship by acting as the breadwinner. Strippers as a rule love the power they have over guys, so why should it be any different for them at home? As unproductive as it seems to me, the girls seem not to notice anything wrong with their SO being a deadbeat.
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    8 years ago
    I Tell You Boys
    Tourist visiting Baltimore "Where can I get good crabs?" Baltimoron "See Shelly, she works at Club Herring on Baltimore Street." Tourist "Geez, not that kind of crabs" Baltimoron "Stop your clammering, and just go see her and get some of that snapper"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Y don't club's make shit easy on the patrons and dancers ?
    Actually they do have an ultra easy transaction method. After you take all your identification type cards out, just hand over your wallet to the stripper of your choice. She'll make sure that you get your change in the form of an empty wallet. Easy-peasy.
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    8 years ago
    SC's are luxury.. So.. Minimum salary?
    ^^^Brilliant Sorry about stealing 4Got2Wipes line, but that really is brilliant. LMAO
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    In order to keep up with the times and the freakish nature of the perverted minds of today, the organization that I am building will also offer up the Bonnie Rotten model. You will be required to spend a crazy amount of time fuckin' the shit out of her, simply because she is a nymphomaniac. The organization has to apologize for not allowing you to hang her up in your closet when you need a break, as there will be a waiting line of other pathetic losers who wish to get a chance to stick their dick in her as well. Unfortunately the organization only has the one and only prototype Bonnie Rotten model, so you will want to put in your reservation form ASAP. IWLAP Bonnie Rotten on Platonic love http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=2063304912 Part II http://www.tube8.com/hardcore/bonnie-rotten-rouch-%26-tough/17269651/ Part III http://www.xvideos.com/video14964543/bonnie_rotten_rough_anal_sex_squirting_everywhere
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    Also in our organization we will be promoting platonic relationship with the woman you like. We will be promoting our Tara Christine model for those pathetic losers who wish to just look but not touch. The Tara Christine model comes with a Ken bouncer doll, who will be there to supervise the platonic visitation. However, you may not hang her up in your closet at anytime as that would require you touching her in order to do so. IWLAP Plato on Platonic love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeWfJJ6iEwI part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDiyQub6vpw part III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjlSiASsUIs
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    In the organization I'm building, you spend as many hours as you like with the woman you like. When you are done with her, just hang her upside down in the closet till you wish to spend time with her again. We also have many models to choose from too, if the current BSC woman is no longer ideal to spend time with, then bring her back to the display room and pick another. We'll have plenty of women to choose from when our organization is up and running. IWLAP Mozart's take on marriage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OZCyp-LcGw part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDWD5vK3fJo part III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob7wkXKmiKw
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What do you prefer a sober, slightly drunk, or very drunk dancer
    Slightly drunk to drunk strippers are my favorite. It also helps when I get slightly drunk with them as my inner clown gets a chance to shine. Humor is a great aphrodisiac for women in general, and most strippers like to have a good time too. As Shailynn mentioned though, money flows out of my wallet as well with the flow of the alcohol.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    SC's are luxury.. So.. Minimum salary?
    Where I work there is overtime, so that is how I fund my whore mongering whether its strippers or escorts. If I were 25 again, I would save up for the high end escorts and have some wall shaking good times with them freaky bitches. I only frequented strip clubs rarely in my twenties as I found it to be a waste of time and money. Truth be told, I still view the clubs as a waste of time and money, but as I get older my pathetic nature seems to be growing. I agree with DaOnion, as he summed it up best, imo. It all comes down to the debt you have, which is the biggest variable of how much will be your disposable income level. Also, like several others have said, if you are tight on your budget, then save up and bring just that amount of cash, and leave your atm and credit cards at home.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I think I'm probably pathetic
    ^^^The dancers that spin the best illusions, will make me fall deeper into the ring of fire. Luckily, the dancers always find a way to muck it up and release me from their spell. PHEW!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How porn stars blackmail a ton of married NBA players
    Bet them porno bimbos high five each other, when they slam dunk a NBA playa. I'm not understanding why these guys get married in the first place. I'd tear up some of that porno pussy if I were a single NBA playa. I believe being outed from baggin' a porno whore, still earns some street cred. Won't get a Nike contract out of it, but maybe a book deal like Wilt got. Hey, maybe one of them teams could use a PL that can't jump, I got a mean shot from the three point line. LMAO
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    stripper brushes off VIP room for me, but not others, at an extra club
    "She sits on other customers laps, nuzzling their ears, all kinds of front room foreplay. She doesn't do that with me." That statement says to me, that she is serving you up a cold dish from jump street, or she is knowingly cuckolding you. It could also be that another dancer said some bad SS about you, and you unknowingly have a bad rep with #1. I'd go with the other strippers who offer the BJ, and avoid #1 for a few months. If she never approaches you, even when things get slow, then it was never meant to be. If she does approach you, but does not offer the BJ, then you have the leverage of having enjoyed the company of the other dancers who did. Personally though, if some dancer was giving me that kind of a cold shoulder, then I would say to hell with her. I know that being a PL lends to abuse of my dignity by these bitches, but damn it, there are limits to the amount of abuse I'm willing to take. LMAO
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ITC vs OTC vs Escorts
    Guys are a bit gun shy about the escorts. Gotta ask, if you are porking a stripper in the VIP section, you did have to pay to stick your cock in her dancer pussy, right? Escorts and strippers are gonna say that the money is just for their time and not for sex, and I get that's what some of them have to tell themselves to cope with the reality of what they are doing, but hey, we are all grown ups here. And if you believe a stripper when she says that you are the first cock she has put inside her that day, well, I guess all those stripper babies are from some kind of immaculate conception too. LMAO. It seems you guys are grouping all escorts under the street corner ho label, but that is not what I am talking about when I say a decent indie escort. They do take showers and wash their coochie in between their johns. As well as use mouthwash before the session starts. Think what you will, doesn't affect my mongering any.
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    8 years ago
    ITC vs OTC vs Escorts
    Escort is the easiest, OTC is the hardest. ITC is everything in between. Escort is least amount of drama, OTC is a lot of drama. ITC is everything in between. Escort is the least expensive, OTC is the most expensive. ITC is everything in between. At least that's been my experience. For me, a decent indie escort gets me the most bang for the bucks.
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    8 years ago
    Police Seek San Jose Man for Questioning
    Bravo! A most entertaining read!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What states allow you to touch boobies and butts during regular lap dances?
    Ask Tara Christine, she'll tell you all the states that don't allow touching. Apparently she's worked them all. Just watch your wallet around her. LOL
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Would it disturb you or someone you know if the US government said aliens were r
    Since Earth girls are easy, you know there's a bunch of freaky ass aliens hittin' that ass.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you beat off?
    However, if I was jerkin' the gerkin' and thought about Tara Christine, I'd just beat myself with a stick for thinking like a jerk off. LOL Now that's using your dipstick Jimmy!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you beat off?
    Answer: G) All of the above.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Relatively New Article Posted
    I will concede this: In the TUSCL world, this Tara girl definitely isn't politically correct. Funny how controversy will make her infamous on this site with just a few posts. Infamous for a few days anyways. She reviewed two clubs in Baltimore, which is where I frequent SC. There goes the neighborhood, LOL.