
Comments by IwillLapAdancer (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper body language
    She just gotta pee is all, but don't have enough money to pay the bathroom troll, so she sits around moving her foot in circles to hold it, while she waits for a sucker to tip her.
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    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    your welcome
    Doctor Phil? Wasn't there a Doctor Phil who was Oprah's bitch? Not that there is anything wrong with that. Got a tv show out of it, right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Tips on Ordering Strippers to Your Hotel? (Bachelor Party)
    ^^^Why yes, yes there is: http://www.dectar.com/strippers-app
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Mixing politics & porn
    Would love to hear one of these politicians just come out and say, "yes, I was viewing porn on my laptop, and I also drink beer, so what?". Then he'll be free to watch porn and drink beer to his heart's content as an ex-politician. Political correctness...It's a grizzly bear to bear.
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    8 years ago
    ATF Says I Need to do More - Pt.2
    ^^^"In most cases, the moment she sends you off, there's 3 PLs willing to take your place." Yup, and if one goes back to the club again, and she is there, one will find out that she is doing just fine without a hard to get PL. Bitches got all the pussy, and half the money. Well, they got half of my money anyways.
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    8 years ago
    General Election
    @Papi_Chulo I wanna see you say "General Erection" three times real fast if Hillary wins. Better take the blue pill before you see how far that rabbit hole goes. LOL
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    General Election
    All but one will after November 8th. If Trump should be the one to win, hopefully he'll turn the White House into a SC of sodomy...oh wait, that was already done. Okay, maybe he can add an addition like the Trump Taj Mahal...shit, that's right, they already have the senate to gamble the nations wealth away. Oh well, nothing new will come from yet another election cycle. Yeah, I wish they would all just go away too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ATF Says I Need to do More - Pt.2
    "No matter how fine she is, there is some poor bastard that is sick of her shit." I have heard a saying similar to this. For every hot bitch, there is some guy tired of fucking her. Funny how a shitty attitude will take points of a woman's appearance.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Tips on Ordering Strippers to Your Hotel? (Bachelor Party)
    ^^^Then again, having a party that LE had to show up for, might make for a hell of a story.
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    8 years ago
    Tips on Ordering Strippers to Your Hotel? (Bachelor Party)
    Some of the SC in my area will have an event room that can be rented for Bachelor type parties, and conveniently they have strippers right on the premises (who woulda guessed, lol). Not sure of your budget as this is not necessarily cheap, but it might be a better bet than attracting attention at a hotel and having LE called.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL Gurus, Thank You!
    if you continue to SC really hard, then one day you can be "THE" PL among PLs, just like the most interesting PL in the world JohnSmith69.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Attributes of a Grade A Hustler
    I've been hustled by strippers for drinks and dances, but there is usually a lot of alcohol involved. As in my having consumed an unhealthy amount to impair my inhibitions to spending money. I have never meet any stripper with the kind of voodoo to make me want to pay her car note or rent. Then again, she would have to weave her magic wand and make my bank account grow exponentially for me to have enough to entertain such thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is/should be the biggest factor in lap dance prices?
    Definitely B is most important. A decent amount of two way contact is not too much to ask for. I assume two way contact during a lap dance does not include touching private areas such in FIV. In Baltimore I've seen mostly 30 / dance, with some 20 / dance specials here and there. One club went up to 40 / dance and all but killed their lap dance business, and before long the hiring dancers sign finally went up. Not surprising part of that was that all the better dancers left that club to work in the 30 / dance places. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    WTF happened?
    On an occasional night that I am being ignored by dancers, I figure it must be because I'm ugly to them...then I realize I'm ugly to them all the time anyways, so it just must be something in the bottled water. Seriously though, I believe on occasion people will have something on their minds and subconsciously project it outwardly. It can make others uncomfortable when they notice something seemingly amiss. I could be wrong, and usually I am, lol.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    How to ask for DATY
    "Girl, you look so good, I'd like to sop you up with a biscuit." On second thoughts, don't use that. I would go with the Bavarian's suggestion of, "Can I go down on you?"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How much should you tip the bartender in a strip club?
    I usually go about 50% of what the drink cost me. To be ignored by a dancer is one thing, but to be ignored by the bartender just sucks, as watching all that pussy on stage makes me thirsty. After a couple of visits, I noticed that the bartenders recognize me and will say hello and how you been, and I get my drink served in a very reasonable amount of time. I always tip well to the people who handle my food and drinks, whether it be in a strip club or civvie world bar/restaurant.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how much to stage tip ?
    If you ever find yourself in a dive type club with the stage in the middle of a wrap around bar, then the girls will do a tip walk around the bar. It is in one of these type places that it is good to keep it at a $1 to $3 range per song tip. If you don't tip in a place such as these, then the girls will be calling you Mud for sure. In a club where you can sit back at a table away from the stage, you don't necessarily have to tip the girl dancing on stage, unless you desire to anyways. Then a $5 or $10 spot for her whole set seems about right. Then again, I have gotten a bit more tight with my tips lately. That's been my experience anyways.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The white man's preferences for the black/ethnic woman
    During my teen years, I had a crush on Tina Turner when she came out with her Private Dancer album. I had the LP version with the bigger photo of her stretched out in the black tight dress and heels. Though she was a lot older than me, it didn't stop me from jerking off while imagining her romancing my boner. Youth, wasted on the young. :-P Variety is the spice of life...for sure!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Girls only play inside the club..
    Tao of the Hustle, used by the Mingmei Yip, must have been translated for the modern day strippers. Women in general know how to play men, but strippers have mastered it ten fold. Welcome to the realm of the suckers and fools, aka Pathetic Losers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your stageside face
    I have the look a wolf has when viewing a doe. And yes, I telegraph with my eyes exactly the fact that I'd eat her pussy. That's why I am at a SC, to stare intently at the hot flesh of the opposite sex. Never had a stripper not want to sit next to me and offer lap dances, because I'm all caveman in wolf's skin.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: Stripper Ages
    Strippers between the ages of 21 and 35 are the most appeasing to my eyes, and the eye candy aspect is very important to me when I visit a SC. I have yet to see a stripper over forty on the stage that has yet to blow me away. I have had strippers over forty blow me, and for that, experience regardless of age is more important.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how much to stage tip ?
    I used to tip a lot for a good stage show, but I realized that the strippers don't really appreciate much. If I tip just a dollar or two per dance, then it really does not matter whether she notices me or not. To tip a twenty and be ignored is just annoying. I have never not been offered a lap dance. If anything, the girls tend to bother me too often whether I stage tip heavily or not. Must be the fact that I have no game, that makes me out to be more the pathetic loser, thus a magnet for gold digging strippers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    Hard to put an exact number on the time spent when it comes to free time. Dinner and a movie to finish out an evening. Washing the dishes together, or going to the laundrymat. On the weekends going for a drive to nowhere in particular. I've only met a handful of girls like that. A common taste in movies and/or books helps the most, as that is one of the easiest ways to have a common ground to explore. I usually have to compromise an awful lot as well, and put her interests ahead of mine, but for a cool babe it is worth it while the relationship lasts. Oh shit! That's right, it's called a relationship, and not the kind I have with strippers in/out of the club. Then that's just my view of it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    do I fire dancer #2?
    ^^^Thanks for explaining. From the way you describe them, I would take #2 over #1, but that's just me. Good luck to you, in whatever you decide is best for you, s88.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: Do's and dont's for females when fucking and/or dating a guy
    @NinaBambina "2 - I'm attracted to guys with jobs." You certainly break the mold of the strippers I've met. The strippers I've met seem attracted to money first, and bad boys second. I do admit that when I am around strippers, I usually have a few to drink and don't think too coherently. Thanks for the insight.