
ITC vs OTC vs Escorts

Thursday, March 3, 2016 8:33 PM
Which do you prefer? Why?


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    OTC = favorite. A few hours drinking and strip clubbing and getting horny with a gorgeous stripper, than back to the room to fuck it off. Even better when it's a stripper who I"ve had to pursue, and who hasn't, in theory, fucked 5 other guys that day before I get to her. ITC = meh. I totally understand the instant gratification angle, but for the same price I pay for 20 minutes in a booth, I get all-day OTC with. And again, the ITC girl has fucked how many guys before I got to her that day. I spend time in the club just socializing and having fun with her, working up my desire for her, and working on her to give in for that first OTC (if it's her first and she's playing hard to get) Escort = barf. Nothing about the experience with an escort appeals to me. Not saying it's not right for some guys, but it's the opposite of the kind of experience I'm looking for, in a lot of ways...
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    ditto - subraman. OTC - best option for me in america ITC - too scared Escort - gross
  • IwillLapAdancer
    8 years ago
    Escort is the easiest, OTC is the hardest. ITC is everything in between. Escort is least amount of drama, OTC is a lot of drama. ITC is everything in between. Escort is the least expensive, OTC is the most expensive. ITC is everything in between. At least that's been my experience. For me, a decent indie escort gets me the most bang for the bucks.
  • K
    8 years ago
    OTC We take our time. No bouncer sticking his head in every few minutes. As someone pointed out above, I am not number 5 today
  • IwillLapAdancer
    8 years ago
    Guys are a bit gun shy about the escorts. Gotta ask, if you are porking a stripper in the VIP section, you did have to pay to stick your cock in her dancer pussy, right? Escorts and strippers are gonna say that the money is just for their time and not for sex, and I get that's what some of them have to tell themselves to cope with the reality of what they are doing, but hey, we are all grown ups here. And if you believe a stripper when she says that you are the first cock she has put inside her that day, well, I guess all those stripper babies are from some kind of immaculate conception too. LMAO. It seems you guys are grouping all escorts under the street corner ho label, but that is not what I am talking about when I say a decent indie escort. They do take showers and wash their coochie in between their johns. As well as use mouthwash before the session starts. Think what you will, doesn't affect my mongering any.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    OTC is better than ITC, you have more control over the situation. Escorts are best once you vet them on TER.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Call me vanilla if you want, but the fact that my prostitute took a shower and brushed her teeth since the guy she fucked an hour ago doesn't give me a lot of comfort. OTC with strippers is better for dozens of reasons, all of which have been discussed here in detail before. Yes it costs more, maybe a lot more, but you get what you pay for sometimes.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I never have had FS sex in a club and I don't intend on starting any time soon.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I think IwillLapAdancer sums this up the best. I also think a lot of guys are blind about ITC. For example, my last club visit I ran into a girl I have had several ITC sessions with. She greeted me like a long lost boyfriend. According to her I was her only ITC that night (up to that point) and I believe her because she was complaining how slow it was. Although I may have felt a little special at that moment, I realize that on some other nights I have seen her, I may have been victim number 4. Who knows, and I really don't want TO know. Escorts vary too. You may meet one that had an incall setting up appointments all day and it's scary to know which number you were that day. On the other hand, I have met several that do escorting on the side of their "real" job and may make only 1 or 2 (expensive) appointments on the weekend or a night after work and that's it. One difference I have found is that you're more likely to find an escort more "mechanical" or "just going through the motions" or the most popular "a faker" than you will with a stripper. That seems to happen at every level with an escort, no matter if you're paying $200 an hour or $1,000 per hour.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"It seems you guys are grouping all escorts under the street corner ho label, but that is not what I am talking about when I say a decent indie escort." Okay, more of an explanation... I'm just speaking for myself, but I have a feeling all of us who said the same thing, are thinking mostly the same way. And I can tell you I DEFINITELY am not thinking of street corner ho, I'm thinking mid-scale and above escort, since that's the only I'd consider. I'll make one quick note: your entire original response was based on exactly 3 things: how easy, how much drama, and expense. For me, that puts you in the "I'm just looking for a warm hole" experience category ... which is absolutely great for you, it's just miles away from the experience I"m looking for. I'll illustrate this by describing what my experience is with escorts vsr OTC. Escort: A week before, I figure out which exact day and time I want to have sex. I send her my references and check up if she doesn't send me a "You've cleared" message. Hopefully, when my appointed day and time comes, nothing will have come up at work, and I"ll still be horny. Drive up there. She opens the door. 99% chance she doesn't look as good as her pics, and now I get the thrill of figuring out HOW MUCH worse she looks. Phew, this one is okay. Talk for a few minutes ... and whether or not there's any connection or I"m horny at all, it's off to shower and then the sex. At the end of my time, a little more talk, shower, GTFO. Maybe think about that fact that, even though she brushed her teeth and washed her cooch between customers, I may have been her fifth of the day. Don't contact her in any way again, unless it's to set up another appointment. (really good "drama free, just find a warm hole" experience) OTC: There's a lot of ways OTC can go, but here's one way: A day before, I've contacted my stripper and set up OTC. Drive to the city.... she's a stripper, so there's some risk here, but I tend to stick with the girls who don't fuck me over (much), so chances are, she'll get there, even if she's a few minutes late. She shows up -- and let's talk about her for a second. I've had a few outrageously fun times in the club with her, each trip drinking and flirting for hours... I am crazy in lust for her, I am ACHING for her, I know exactly how beautiful and sexy and sweet and flirty she is. There's a decent chance that she waffled on OTC at first, and I spent a few trips charming her into it and gaining her trust, and this is my payoff -- physically, I am incredibly attracted to her; psychologically, I am crazy for her. We spend some time drinking and flirting and bar-hopping, and probably end up having a wild time at a different strip club together. After a few hours of WAY more fun than I deserve (and hours that are NOT on the clock, since she's not an escort), we head to the room. She's a drunk party girl, and unlike an escort does not approach every minute together clinically, and the sex is going to be crazy wild, even more so because of how crazy I am for her. After the sex, we may go home, but with many of the girls, she'll ask sweetly "do you want to get another drink?". Fuck yes, I do. Okay, hopefully the difference in experience is obvious. I am really NOT trying to over-romanticize the OTC experience, the above is mostly how I view it ... and, mostly how I view the escort experience. But I'm not just looking for a drama-free warm hole, I'm looking to spend hours on end partying and flirting and sexing a girl I am insanely attracted to. Nothing wrong with the experience you're looking for, I'm just looking for something waaaaay different
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    The escort session is like a Wendy's hamburger, and a DS/ATF OTC is like the finest cut of filet cooked to perfection. I eat both, both will satisfy my hunger, both are beef, but I enjoy the filet about a 100 times more than I do the cheap hamburger. Nothing wrong with guys who eat hamburger. I eat hamburger sometimes. But if time and money allow, I'll have the filet.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    ITC - Not done it yet, maybe this year in Vegas OTC - You get to see before you 'buy'. Can be very unreliable and may or may not happen ESCORTS - Too expensive in the U.S. I would never book an escort of there in the U.S. Quality is terrible and rates far too high. Check out the girls at two London agencies and you'll see what I mean. [view link] [view link] I wouldn't like to guess what girls of this quality would be in the U.S. At least $1000 an hour maybe?
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @londonguy: Depends. Do they look as good in person as the photographs? Do they provide GFE, or is it fuck and leave? Are they generally clean, or are there drug issues? With the right answers, I'd expect them to be in the same price range as posted there, i.e. $500 per hour.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    londonguy, I have to take issue with one of your statements. Escorts aren't necessarily more expensive here. Over the years, I've seen independents, who don't generally charge a lot of money, I've been to brothels in Nevada which are EXPENSIVE. One of my buddies swears by them. I've gone with him and other guys I know, I enjoy the experience, but I've always felt they are expensive. There i a guy out there that has been buying them up as fast as he can, I have no doubt, he's raised prices even more. Having only been in your country once, and only in the airport waiting for a flight back, I don't have any experience in your country. I've seen some of the agency gals in the websites they are on, and I agree, they are relatively inexpensive. I've had some very fine babes here in the USA for very reasonable cost. To each, his own.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I've never used an escort and don't plan to ever contact one. After all I have seen "Risky Business". :) I prefer OTC to ITC when I can get it but only with girls that I know well.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @londonguy: I realize it's not typical, as I live in what is fondly referred to in the US as "flyover country," but just up the road in Cincinnati, there are agency girls, well reviewed ones, in the $2-300 per hour range. Not model looks, but still in the "hot enough" category. Now, in NYC and the eastern seaboard, along with the left coast, is where I'd expect to see the $500 and up prices, even for mediocre looks and performance.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    ITC for me...I like for it to be a quick nut at the best possible price so I can move on with the rest of my day. I rarely do OTC because I like to get the know the dancer for a while before I see them out of the club and also because of the higher price tag. Escorts I have never done nor do I have the desire to try one.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I would say that ideally you only do ITC when you first meet your girl. You do whatever her club allows ITC. But then if you like her you keep seeing her, but OTC. OTC means more time and less money to the club. It could even mean her place or yours, which saves more money. Now where I live what you can do ITC is nothing. But in other places it can be more. ITC is great because you can actualize See-Want-Get, the ultimate power trip. But once you have done that with a girl one time, I would say OTC. SJG
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I seriously doubt that those girls look that good (look up pictures of movie stars without make up, many are not attractive. A photographer can do wonders with lighting, makeup etc. I agree that movie star looks may be very expensive on the coasts but we in fly-over country manage ok. I have been in clubs in both LA and NYC and I agree also the the prices are not worth the looks. I have also perused the web for fun and found yes 'model quality' escorts are in the $1000 range that I would not pay unless I won the lottery! I usually stay with ITC with the very occasional OTC. Never an escort as I think they may not be safe and the ones that are likely to be safe require vetting (you giving ID etc.) so then I have concerns about discretion. I am not currently married but my boss and many I do business are quite stuffy
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The benefit of Strip Clubs is that you can use Rick Dugan's System, and line up strippers for all your OTC needs. Meeting them f2f first is always better than calling ads. SJG
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    fkn professional photography. That's why I never rate anyone a 10 anymore (9 is my highest rating), since our expectations of a perfect 10 is far from the real world, as not even be achievable for the <10% who are genetically blessed. Airbrushing and Photoshop as allowed many a photographer to create a woman that does not exist in the real world. I'm giving them a pass with flattering clothing, cosmetics, beauty treatments, surgical enhancements, lighting, and camera angles. I always assume the photographs have been altered when I see sex worker ads. F2F meeting, first, is the best way to approach this.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^^It looks like my comment was clipped. Never mind. the criticism was mostly about photographs being doctored with airbrushing and Photoshop manipulations (tuck tummy, elongate neck, etc). That even before we get into pro level photography tactics like lighting control, flattering clothes, cosmetics, pro level hair, and camera angles.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ITC versus OTC? Well F2F first meetings are always better. So you don't ever want to call escort ads. So you go to Strip Clubs or AMPs. So then ITC versus OTC, is just do you want to see the same girl again, or another girl? If it is the same girl, call her up and OTC. If it is to be a new girl, then ITC. Neither of these situations are ideal though, as when you go to a new girl you probably lose access to your old girl. Best would be if you had a pool of women and you could go and pick which ever one struck your fancy that day, and take her directly to private space without the need of motor vehicles and without her having to change clothes or take off her extreme high heels, and spend as much time as you wanted with her, including eating, sleeping, and bathing, and doing computer stuff, and still know that the others and your old favorites will still be there for you. This is how it will be in the organization I am building, 365 days per year, and there will be zero cost to this. So the question then is, in an ideal situation of total pussy saturation, how many hours per week do you want to spend with women? SJG Arnold Schoenberg: Variations on a Recitative for Organ (in D), op. 40 (1941) [view link] fixed and idealized temper tuning instruments are the best for his type of music. But most people don't like such music.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    @ gmd. I can assure you the photos of the girls on those two sites accurately reflect them in real life. I have seen quite a few of these girls, not only do they look great but the service is fantastic in most cases. @vincemichaels . Ok, I take your point. Maybe one day you can come over here at get out of the airport and experience girls like this yourself.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think it still better to meet for the first time f2f, before any commitment has been made. It is not just to be able to check the girl out, it is because with f2f first meeting you can fraternize her and flirt with her, and likely make whatever ensues go much better SJG Old style burlesque, complete with B-girls, and also Kim Novak [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @londonguy: As I said, here in flyover country, prices are probably somewhat distorted. Below is a link to one of the top rated providers in this area. I've met her (she strips on occasion), and she is also as hot as her picture. [view link] Her stomach and ass are, indeed, as tight as they look. From all reports, she's clean, doesn't do drugs and is a nice girl to boot. She charges $250 per hour. From my standpoint, her only flaw is that her boobs are fake. Most others don't seem to mind they, though.
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