SC's are luxury.. So.. Minimum salary?

avatar for FTS
A current discussion got me thinking. I'm a young guy who goes to strip clubs every now and then, and I know it's a luxury, so sometimes I wonder if I can really afford to go.

So, like the discussion that got me thinking, here's a question to the older gentlemen who have seen the highs and lows of interest rates and inflation, bull markets and bear markets..... if you could be 25 again and know what you know now at your real age, what would be the threshold income you would have to receive in order to go to strip clubs on a somewhat regular basis?


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avatar for FTS
9 years ago
And just to clarify: in 2016 dollars, not 1990 dollars.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
Depends on the city, the cover price at the club and how much debt you have, but in my case I would have to say the minimum would be around $40,000 a year to afford to go every month or at a club that has a $10 cover, $6 drink, and $20 per song. Three songs with you favorite dancer and tipping one or two rotations of dancers on stage would be around $90 to $100 a night.

The first few times you will probably end up spend more to find a good dancer, so give yourself around $150 the first few trips until you find a few good dancers.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I wasn't spending much in strip clubs at 25. I would make sure I got a roof over my head and can pay all my bills and have something for a rainy day before heading out to the clubs. I was already getting the full match in my 401k at work. If you have a 401k where you work, you need to save enough to get the full match the company provides or you are throwing money away. Then you need to start saving for other expenses like transportation and insurance, possibly a house down payment as well if you're looking at moving up. After you buy a house, you can spend a few extra thousand on putting stuff inside it. Curtains, rugs, furniture. more insurance, etc. after 15 to 30 years, you have the house paid off if you don't move first. with a house there are expenses like a new furnace and air conditioning system every 15 to 20 years, new washer dryer, new hot water heater, etc. I wasn't thinking about any of that at 25.
Salary is only one factor in a complex answer. Factor in expenses: do you mind living in Mom's cellar or do you want to own the high end condo downtown? Are you happy driving the 9 year old beater or do you badly want a new Audi A-8?
Then look at other sources of income. I once bought a 4 family apartment house for $147,000, put a lot of sweat equity into it and 2 years later sold it to Cumberland Farms for $275,000 (they tore it down and built a store). I reinvested most of the capital gain in a 5 family just before the real estate market crashed and lost most of it. My point is if you're working 9 to 5 getting by on a good salary but have some disposable income, save the difference. Save & invest now so you can blow it on strippers when you're an old fart.
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
I think it depends a lot more on someone's disposable income, as opposed to just their salary. If someone is in debt up to their eyeballs, it doesn't matter how much they make, they probably shouldn't be wasting a bunch of money in strip clubs.
avatar for UKfan
9 years ago
I make around 35 grand and I go once or twice a month. I am 26 years old with zero dependents. So the fact that I only have myself to feed and spend money on is helpful. I usually bring 150-200 dollars a visit. Other factors that help me is the fact that my car is already paid off along with my student loans from my college days.
avatar for aks451
9 years ago
The math is actually kind of simple: If you want to spend $300-400 CASH per trip to a strip club, just subtract that from your monthly paycheck after taxes. If you're left with eating ramen noodles every night, you're below minimum salary. If you're covering all your costs (rent, food utilities, x-port, retirement etc) you're good to go. Just don't make my mistake: I climbed out of debt several times only to whip out the atm and credit cards and took months paying it back.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I thought I wasn't paid hardly anything in 1990 but in today's dollars, the equivalent is over 46k using an online calculator. Almost my entire salary went to savings for a few years and then I had a lot of disposable income. I was living in a spare room at my parents house. I saved over 20k in less than a few years back then. I never went to strip clubs until a boss at work wanted someone to visit with him. If I had invested that money instead in Microsoft, Walmart, apple Instead of buying a new car, I'd be rich now, maybe.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I did enjoy lap dances a whole lot more in my twenties than I do now. I enjoyed just seeing the eye candy in the strip clubs back then. Right now I have no real regrets with having splurged when I did. I did have to occassionally cut back my spending a few times when I needed to pay some bills. I figure in another 20 years, I won't have a lot of interest in visiting strip clubs. I see an inverse relationship between enjoying strip clubs and the amount of disposable income most guys have to spend in them. Shadowcat may be an exception. I can hope he's not but I hear in tv commercials testerone levels decrease as you age and your level of horniness plummets.
If you have the "special" talent of LDK, you can have a good time for $20
with all these answers, it really explains why mostly only old people go to strip clubs....because priorities. Unless you live with your mamma until she dies...and she pays off her house. Its only embarrasing if you care about having a significant other.....because man would I make the best out of that situation....until I have $100,000 in the bank.
Where I work there is overtime, so that is how I fund my whore mongering whether its strippers or escorts. If I were 25 again, I would save up for the high end escorts and have some wall shaking good times with them freaky bitches. I only frequented strip clubs rarely in my twenties as I found it to be a waste of time and money. Truth be told, I still view the clubs as a waste of time and money, but as I get older my pathetic nature seems to be growing.

I agree with DaOnion, as he summed it up best, imo. It all comes down to the debt you have, which is the biggest variable of how much will be your disposable income level. Also, like several others have said, if you are tight on your budget, then save up and bring just that amount of cash, and leave your atm and credit cards at home.

Depends on so many different things like the cost of living where you live how much you spend etc. I have been clubbing on & off for many more years than I care to count, both in strip clubs and regular nightclubs, along with regular vacations and long weekends, and I have never allowed myself to get into a situation where I would have problems with my finances. I work hard as the owner of a small business, pay all of my bills on time, own a house and a car, and I play just as hard as I work. I think its more about managing the income that you have and setting priorities, rather than just depriving yourself of any enjoyment. I have been fortunate and lucky in my life, 99% of luck is self made you need to be in the game to win. My retirement is mostly funded at this point in my life, and there is nothing that really I need, or desperately want that I cant afford.
Best answer I can give to the OP is that its all about balance, everything should be in reasonable moderation, so that nothing that you do infringes upon anything else, you need goals that you can stick to, as well as the ability to set priorities and budget accordingly. If you do this you should have no problems.
(income) - (expenses) < 0 means no strippas
(income) - (expenses) > 0 means chose wisely

Sorry about stealing 4Got2Wipes line, but that really is brilliant. LMAO
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
I would say the amount you piss away yearly on strippers should not exceed 0.5% of your net worth.

I often wonder how that works out for JohnSmith, or whether his drug-addled brain is capable of any math at all.
I don't answer income threads. It can create hard feelings.
I'd look at mjx01 equation - as that's a good starting point. Also - the decision is highly dependent on what you want to get out of a trip to a club. If you want a fun night out with hot - almost nude women - then spend wisely when you go out. If you want to fuck sexy women OTC - bypass the club and spend it on a great escort.
When I was in my teens and twenties I didn't see much of a need to go to SCs when I had a girlfriend (or later a wife). So I'm actually glad I didn't go most of the time. So after I bought a house and most of my free time and free money went into fixing or improving the house and saving/investing. Just set aside something modest, like 10% of your gross wages, as your discretionary fun money. If you want to use some of that fun money for SCs, so be it. Personally I would spend it on stereo / music / and beverages and invite friends over or have BBQs, like I did in my 20s. But SCs are fun too.

If you are looking for investment goals or guidelines, maybe set aside equals amounts. I.e., if you want to spend $400 on SCs, then set aside another $400 for saving ($800 total). You can put the saving money into a 401k, but I would buy a 12 month CD each month, first. You would have a CD mature each month, then roll it into another 12 month CD. The money is more accessible than a 401k, which is important when you are starting out. Basically when you have an emergency, you know you have a CD at maturity, which you can tap.
"I don't answer income threads. It can create hard feelings."

JS, why do you say that? I can't say for sure, but I think good ol' farmerart was one of the wealthiest (if not THE wealthiest) guys on the board and he was also one of the most well liked.
Motor, there was a thread (or series of threads) a while back that led to everybody joking that they made $350 K per year. As I recall a few people who said they had higher incomes were ridiculed and called liars. I get called a liar enough when I share stripper sex stories. So I decided after that thread that I wouldn't answer posts asking about details of income. It's not a secret per se. I've told a couple of people on here who asked in person what my income is. But I think such details are best omitted from public discussions.
^^^To JS I remember that thread well I don't believe that farmer art was specific about how much he made I think that he just indicated he was very comfortable. I agree with you how much you earn is your business I would never divulge my income to anyone other than my accountant but in this thread the OP asked an unanswerable question which is what I was trying to suggest, only the OP knows what he needs.
@Futuretrackstar: "if you could be 25 again and know what you know now at your real age"

If I could be 25 again, with the knowledge of my 50+ year old brain, I'd be a multi-millionaire, and not have to worry about making enough to go to strip clubs.
@25 I wasn't going to strip clubs I was going to regular clubs and bars getting grinder on for free. If you want to go to a strip club regularly, get some of your girl friends to go with you (I'm sure you've been friend zoned a ton)

That's a fun bad boy thing to do at your age. Might help get you out of the friend zone.

At any rate, @25 you should focus on spending money on 18-22 year olds civii chicks, taking them out. Because half of those girls are almost strippers anyway, And will be more impressed with your $150 spending in one night than any stripper will
^yep. You money will go a lot farther with civvi chicks your own age, even the hot ones. They will be more appreciative for the $$ spent too. I agree.
To GACA I think you meant @futuretrackstar with me you are just preaching to the choir
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
If you gotta' ask......
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
@GACA you're totally right, but after going to grad school and moving around the country a few times, my few female friends are not living in my area. And unfortunately, the few times that my female friends had suggested going to a strip club with me, I had never been and had no idea how much fun they can be.

When I get some more female friends I'll take them to strip clubs. Unless they're strippers, in which case I'll take the OTC lol
I think P4P sex of any form, and especially strip clubs, is an extremely expensive way to live. Take what you see, hear, and experience in strip clubs, but find so other way to realize that on the outside. P4P shows you how good things could be, but it is not really a solution.


origins of popular speculation…
I’d say if you are young and single and don’t have debt; then enjoy yourself if you like SCs – you only live once – in the future you may not have a choice and may not be able to go even if you want to either b/c of marriage and kids; health situation; or financial situation.

It’s always wise to save some $$$ or at least have a rainy-day fund – but if one is always waiting to be in a better/surer financial situation to then have fun, then one may never get to have-it.

As twentyfive sorta mentioned; depriving oneself sucks – best to focus on trying to make $$$ so one can enjoy themselves rather than just trying to save $$$ to get by; IMO.

Look at some finance websites and see what they recommend in terms of savings and see if you can do that – so if you are debt free and able to save a certain amount; then enjoy the rest (tomorrow will take care of itself).
At 25 I probably went 10 times a year and was making about 34 k. That was 1982 so it was more than 34 would be today. I work for myself so if I need more, I work more.
avatar for Tony777
9 years ago
When I was 25 who is living in New York City. If I wanted to get laid, there were literally hundreds of singles bar packed with available women just about every night of the week. I rarely went to strip clubs.

In any event, I always made sure that my basic expenses were covered. Any money left over I spent however I wanted to.
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
@georgmicrodong what do you know now that would have enabled you to become a multi millionaire?
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