
Comments by a21985 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    @papi - getting off topic, but it works both ways: there are dancers who will get upset when they're regular if the PL wants to play the field at the club while their CF is there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What’s wrong with this review
    No info on the club itself and too much info on what went on with the dancer...all in their one and only review in their first month as a member. I call bullshit...and it shouldn't have been approved.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Eye Candy OR High Mileage
    High mileage, or extras? If we're literally talking mileage and nothing further than that, then I'd say I'd go for the eye candy. I don't go to the club to get blue balls, so I'd rather be entertained than teased.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Whenever my I used to see my ATF in the club, she would be by my side for as long as I wished to be there. Even if she was hanging out with someone else, she would drop them and come hang out with me as soon as she saw me come in. Once I finished doing what I needed to do, I would tell her to go get her hustle on with other PLs, but she would routinely refuse and prefer to keep hanging out with me. My mongering approach with her had nothing to do with any other PL and was not intended to lock her down or slight anyone else. It was her decision everytime, and it was based on the rapport (and money invested) that I had with her. Those are the perks of having a good regular relationship with a dancer, and I earned that choice of hers more than anyone regular PL who comes in off the street looking for a dance. Now that I've moved on from being anyone's regular, I have zero delusions of being owed anyone's time. I don't walk into a club assuming I get to talk to or get a dance from anyone I want. I need to be on the hunt for someone who's available, knowing I'll play second fiddle to any regular who comes in. To think that anyone is entitled to any dancer is insanity and I think its some of most annoying whining a PL can do on here. The dancers get to spend their time with whomever they wish, even if it means they're with someone the whole time. They have a tipout to pay, and as long as they are hitting that for the club, they can do as they please. Politely, get over it, and find someone who is available rather than obsessing over someone who is not.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancer named Angelina
    I once knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    RIP - AAF
    That's a bummer. I liked how they distributed players based on geographic tie ins and was looking forward to an expansion to the midwest. It was nice to see some of my favorite former Michigan Wolverines have some professional success that they weren't attaining in the NFL. As for the XFL, they won't have a midwest presence (I don't count St. Louis), nor do I think a Vince McMahon ran football organization fits in this era of strict concussion avoidance, so I really was hoping the AAF succeeded as the main compliment to the NFL.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    That's unfortunate, especially as Israel has some of the hottest women in the world. Not to downplay true victims of human trafficking or other forms of abuse, but given most of those women in Israel are badass and served in the military (at least all the ones I've personally known), that's a bit of stretch to assume they could easily be "victimized."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is it peer pressure or PLs just being PLs ?
    I don't stage tip casually. I stage tip big when I want to get a dancers attention. I'll occasionally give the dancer I'm hanging out with a few bucks to tip her friends during their stage sets, and in rare circumstances, I'll tip a dancer who's putting on a hell of show (ex: impressive pole tricks). Other than that, I save my money for drinks and the VIP. My patience would run out within minutes in any place like what is mentioned here that more or less sounds like you're guilted into constant tipping. Not my scene, and it directly interferes with SC agenda. I'd be a hard pass.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    This is Badass
    *minutes, not months
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    This is Badass
    She's 24 and German. I just spent the past few months going through her instagram. Took a peak for her ass, stayed for the crazy bike shit...and her ass. I'm convinced she doesn't know how to ride a bike normal anymore.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Drank till she puked.
    My wife used to try to keep up with me whenever we went out in our college and immediate post college days. Problem was I outweighed her by a 100Lbs. Usually didn't end well for her, I'd say she was a 50/50 shot at puking by the end of the night. She quickly grew out of that phase and hardly drinks at all anymore. Getting tipsy is fine by me, but sloppy drunks are no fun...especially those who are incessant on getting that drunk once they're past college aged. I'd rather not be a babysitter to anyone who's not a baby.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Any leads on Shalynne ??
    I was wondering why I hadn't seen him around here since I got back. I like your theory juice: a wife imposed break from stripper related extra-curricular activities.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    "I recently told a stripper how I beat 2 felony cases last year....just didn't say in what capacity, and it made her panties so wet she's all over me now." Bahahahaha, oh god that's so gay. That's the comment that did it for me. Absence from the site for a while has made my troll detector a bit rusty. Icey, you're clearly a troll or the most easily manipulated PL on here. I'll steer clear of engaging with you from now so you can mess with others instead. Happy trolling, buddy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Yup she’s mad
    Listen to subra on this one; he consistently doles out the most sage advice on here. I've become infinitely better at this game thanks in large part to him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The Moral Stripper
    Man, thank goodness I've never come across a stripper that's taken issue with my ring. Most all of them ask about it and use it as the greenlight to start talking about their own relationships with me. If anything, I'd like to believe it makes me less of a risk to them as they assume I'm just there to get mine and not be an irrational clinger on who thinks its anything more than it is.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Yup she’s mad
    You bought into a long term fantasy with a dancer, and that comes with all the baggage she and fake "relationships come with." I do think these girls are smarter at playing men then we want to believe and that there is some tactic behind this. That said, to indulge you, if her move was emotional, then look at it like you would a real relationship: once a real relationship goes south, even there is a reconciliation, the chances are exponentially higher it will fall apart again. You can of course do whatever you want, but if you take of the PL goggles for a moment, I'd implore you to realize she's ultimately a dime a dozen (just like you are to her). It might be better to start over with the knowledge you gained rather than investing more time/money/emotion in something that will more likely than not fall apart again. Also, try cutting back on the drinking. No one likes a sloppy drunk.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    Being a deadbeat, unemployable ex-con; the true way to a strippers heart!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    @loco - so you pick up on the overt SS quick enough to not fall victim to it. Doesn't mean they don't manipulate, in fact it supports that idea. The mere fact that they pretend to want to spend time with you or me is manipulation at the most basic level. To think it's not is the embodiment of being a PL. They are manipulating us into thinking we're doing anything more than simply roleplaying a fantasy from the moment they talk to us. The difference between you and I and most everyone here is we're not ignorant (for the most part) and know how to play the game. We're the smart ones out the hobbyists. That awareness lowers the house's odds and makes it so we get what we want out of the situation. The grand majority of custies are ignorant, fall victim to the manipulation and don't get what they want...or greatly over pay for it. Again, to think these girls aren't profiting off their manipulation of men just because either don't fall for it or don't recognize it in its subtlety is beyond silly. In the OPs situation, this dancer's cold shoulder power play is manipulating the OP into continuing to think about her more and possibly visit her more than he recently has. It might actually payoff for her too...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Nicole diaries #5 : dream guy. (DISCLAIMER:THE BEST GUY IS NOT ALEAYS THE "DREAM
    "He still neefs to be good at debate and listen in to people." Odd combination. To be good at debating, you need to always be thinking about your next talking point. Thus, a good debater is only listening only well enough to get ammunition to load up on...thus meaning they don't truly listen, absorb and ponder on what the other person is saying. In other words, great debaters usually make for poor listeners.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    You may not know what manipulation is if you're equating it to a really hard Vegas style hustle. Manipulation is more often than not quite subtle it's approach. If you feel a dancer has never attempted to manipulate you outside of Vegas, chances are you've been manipulated by dancers alot.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    Selling a fantasy vs manipulating: 6 to one, half a dozen to another. We're called PLs for a reason. Most of an SCs clientele doesn't have the experience and foresight we have here. So I'm sticking with the manipulating stance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Quantity vs quality of sex?
    Bs across the board. Quality over quantity since I can always just go on intimate dates with Miss Michigan in between encounters.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    @3131 - these girls make their money by manipulating men. I think it's shortsighted to assume it's just an emotional reaction. Like I mentioned in my earlier comment, yes they are indeed prone to really dumb decisions in their life which led many of them to this career. However, when it comes to PLs and the money they get from them, they usually make quite strategic decisions (often based on their own experience, or experience of other dancers who've mentored them). Thinking any dancer isn't potentially playing a calculated game with you as is a very PL move and how you set yourself up to get ripped off.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Afternoon Shifts
    Early, always early. I can at least tell myself I'm not getting freshly sloppied seconds. Ignorance is bliss.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    Many of these girls aren't dancers because they're good at making smart decisions. On the other hand, this hard to get move may have gotten an old regular to start paying up and visiting her more than ever in past, making it a calculated move. For my former ATF, when we broke it off, I didn't see her for a year, and when I made a one time visit to see her for old times sake, she let me do even more at that time than she used to back when we were meeting up a couple times a month. Still didn't make me a regular of her's again, so the move didn't payoff. I guess it goes both ways. Anyways, your (former?) CF has played her hand, and you should assume it was a calculated move. Your move now, but if you stay, you should probably set some better boundaries so doesn't try to power play you again if you take another break.