
Is it peer pressure or PLs just being PLs ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of an NJ club - I'm intimately familiar w/ aggressive tip-parades in Miami and put my PL-foot down to deal w/ it but apparently NJ PLs can't bring themselves to say no to dancers in g-strings:

Rahway, New Jersey

New Jersey

Too Much $$$, Not Enough Variety
March 31, 2019

I had the week off from work so, after a few days out of town, I decided to spend a large part of my Thursday revisiting some of the area strip clubs. I would have been much better off attending the Yankees home opener as I would have at least been guaranteed a fun experience had I done that instead. I am not going to bother reviewing all of the clubs I went to, just some brief comments about some of them.

We all know about the ridiculous dollar parade which is always in full effect at Breathless, no matter when you go so no point in rambling on about that other than to say that I believe there may actually be such a thing as having too many girls working. This place has more dancers on staff at 12:30pm on a Monday afternoon than all other clubs have on Saturday nights. Having 6 or 7 girls on stage for 15 minutes who all come down for a tip, one right after the other, and then repeating the same process 4 times every hour is just too much. It would also be nice to have some diversity from which to choose. More than 90 percent of the women at Breathless are of Dominican or other Hispanic descent and do not speak fluent English. The lap dances are fairly high mileage (this time I did not get one as there wasn't anyone who caught my eye) and extras can definitely be had if you are into that (I'm really not), but this isn't like going to the Sansone Auto Mall up the road where you can find dozens of different models. It's basically a lot of the same type of car with the occasional stray trade in thrown in. I don't understand why they don't hire any American women to dance here. Or is that the Americans don't want anything to do with this place?

Thursday Afternoon
Under $100

Review Publishers

Vegas Baby

New Jersey

Review Comments
In a VIP near you
This doesn’t make sense. There is plenty of clubs filled with American girls, and they are not hard to find.

New York
Im not a fan of the dollar parade either, but after a few visits my understanding is most guys dont come here for lap dances. This is a club where you come for the eye candy and to enjoy a few drinks. Clubs dont discriminate when it comes to hiring certain enthnicities. However, girls are very cliquish when it comes to ethnicity. You will find brazilians like to hang with brazilians, spanish like hanging with spanish, russians/kazakhs/ukranians hang together, and americans (black, white) tend to hang out together. Also guys who are into a certain type of woman tend to go to certain clubs so an "american" girl wouldnt make a lot of money here.

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tips are not mandatory - can't you just say no and/or just tips the girls you want - I assume most dancers will still give you dances if you don't tip (why turn down the dance $$$) - these tip parades making custies feel obligated kinda feel like a shakedown

New York
20 Hours Ago
@papi This is a place where if you dont plan to tip its best to just not come. Other bars have areas where you can sit to avoid the parade, but this bar was designed for girls to make money on the tip parade. If you dont want to tip you would have to say no to 20 girls per hour which would be tiring for me. Most bars I budget around $15 for tips, $20 on drinks and $100 on a LD. This place you have to budget $50 for tips, $10 on drinks and $60 for a LD. Most guys who come here dont ask for LD as well which is why the tip parade has to be so high. If it wasnt girls would find other places to make money. That and most of the girls here cant give a great LD, but they are nice to look at and dance well on the stage

New Jersey
12 Hours Ago
Also I would feel awkward saying no to many of the dancers when nobody else is resisting the constant barrage of tip requests. Probably the best bet would be to completely stay away since the shakedown is obviously not going to stop.

New Jersey
12 Hours Ago
The tip parade is what drives me away from many clubs. The dancers circulate behind the bar non stop asking for a dollar. You can say no but the dancers get hostile or just won't walk away. It ruins the experience. Managers do nothing so I take my business elsewhere.

Black betty's only let's the dancer on stage accept tips after her stage set is done. One lap around the bar and she is done. GGR forbids the dancers from asking for a tip. They may accept them but can not ask.

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
9 Hours Ago
Some clubs down here in Miami have very aggressive tip parades - some of these clubs are fairly large with 50+ dancers and a lot of custies on a busy night and dancers milk the tip parade where not only the dancer that gets off stage asks for a tip for her stage set, but there are dancers that circulate the club all night asking for tips to where during the course of one song you can have up to a half dozen girls come up to you asking for a tip and you spend half your visit reaching into your pocket for $1s - and it seems the more you tip the more they approach you - it was too much and one is taken for a chump and I just started saying no bc I felt I was being taken advantage of - some of the girls got nasty but it didn't last long and they more aggressive ones stopped asking me for tips and would just walk past me w/o asking me and go to the next chump that couldn't say no (I would still tip the ones I liked) - after I started saying no I would observe the guys that couldn't say no and they looked like trained monkeys giving a tip every 20-seconds non fucking stop, ridiculous.

Yeah many times I would avoid those clubs bc of the tio parade but if I felt like going I would and just tip as I felt.

Many dancers do a lot of the shit they do bc too many custies don't stand up to them.



  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I fucking hate these tip parade things. When I first started to see them I didn’t really know what to do either. Alright here’s a dollar go away. But they just keep coming so if you want to hang out there your gonna eventually have to tell them to fuck off (in my case in the nicest way possible) Next Time I got you girl I want to see more pole work!

    I don’t run into clubs too often with tip parade but im not gonna lie it’s fucking annoying. Unless it’s a 7 up factory a tip parade place will never be my go to club.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    I actually don’t mind these at all. Especially when in a backwoods strip club that have broke fucks who frequent. The dancers need to make money so that I can come watch them Titties!
  • K
    6 years ago
    I take my business elsewhere. I cant think of a better way to to say no. What is your issue with that?

    Are you feeling insecure and need to knock others down to stoke your ego? Go ahead if it makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Anything posted on TUSCL is up for discussion and that's what this thread is about, to discuss a topic like many other topics are discussed - I don't think I'm the one being insecure, perhaps you are projecting
  • K
    6 years ago
    Show where i posted this was not up for discussion.

    You took a jab at us but you cant take one back? Thin skin.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I wasn't taking a jab - I was commenting on something posted on TUSCL - for w/e reason you personalized it - I don't think I'm the one w/ thin-skin if you took it so personal.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I might have a stronger opinion on this if I ran into it often. As it is, there's only one club here where that happens. I don't go there often, and there's not a whole lot of customers, so I just shrugged and figured this was the club culture, and when in Rome and all that. I didn't mind that girls would dance for 3 songs and then come by for a dollar. But, this is a club I rarely visit, and the only club in the area that does this; I'd probably not be so casual about it if I were dealing with Papi's clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It sucks to feel obligated to be constantly tipping even if you're not interested in the dancer - it would not be so bad if it was just the girl on stage coming around after her set - but in clubs w/ tip-parades often times the dancers milk-it and are over-aggressive about it in that they expect to be tipped ever time they go up to a PL and ask for a tip.

    Per NJBalla's comment:

    "... Most bars I budget around $15 for tips, $20 on drinks and $100 on a LD. This place you have to budget $50 for tips ..."

    Which makes me think the dancers at this club may be over-aggressive w/ the tip-parade which IMO/IME can be more annoying than the avg tip-parade.

    As Nidan posted, some custies like the tip-parade but seems many if not most don't wanna be treated as a piggy-bank and having to be reaching into your pocket continuously to tip instead of just being able to enjoy your visit - in many of these clubs even if you are talking to a dancer, the tip-parade will interrupt for their tip - in some clubs w/ floor-dances they'll interrupt your f'ing dance to ask you for a tip - not saying this is what happens at the club in the OP, just commenting what I've seen and how annoying it can be.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    I don't stage tip casually. I stage tip big when I want to get a dancers attention. I'll occasionally give the dancer I'm hanging out with a few bucks to tip her friends during their stage sets, and in rare circumstances, I'll tip a dancer who's putting on a hell of show (ex: impressive pole tricks). Other than that, I save my money for drinks and the VIP.

    My patience would run out within minutes in any place like what is mentioned here that more or less sounds like you're guilted into constant tipping. Not my scene, and it directly interferes with SC agenda. I'd be a hard pass.
  • K
    6 years ago
    You dont think this is a jab "apparently NJ PLs can't bring themselves to say no to dancers in g-strings:"

    Perhaps you have no concept of trash talk, fans of one team or residents of one state go back and forth with the fans or residents of another trading jabs and barbs.

    Why are new yorkers so depressed? Because the light at the end of the tunnel is new jersey.

    Eskimos put the weak and feeble minded on an ice sheet and set them adrift. We in nj arent as kind, we send ours to florida.

    my comment should make it obvious i say no. I take my business elsewhere. I do this with every business with crappy product or service. I consider the tip parade to be crappy service.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Fair enough
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    I have only been in one club where the tip parade occurred. Salina KS. Again, I really didn’t mind it. The 3 gals that I was hanging with informed me that the tip is NOT mandatory, but they do it because the majority of the patrons are cheap asses and come to drink their beer and watch naked women without ever going to the stage nor getting LD / VIP and rarely buy them drinks. I was like...WOW! There are bars around the road if they wanted. The girls stated that the bars around the corner do not have naked women for them to look at. So... I feel good about tipping in the tip parade mainly because they all put their titties in my face for a buck. I personally see most dancers (and women, for that matter) as beautiful women. I am lucky that way; most women are beautiful to me no matter what.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    We have a bunch of clubs here where that used to be common, a lot of PLs resisted and now there's only one or two that I can think of where that still goes on. I usually decline anyway, not easily intimidated,
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    there are logistical reasons why this is popular in nj. many go-go style bikini bars are set up here with the stage a few feet behind a wrap-around bar, ie you cannot stage tip unless you literally throw money over a bartender onto the stage. the dollar parade is basically seen by many pls (and sometimes this is enforced by club staff if dancers complain) as the price of admission to sit at the bar and watch the show. A lot of these places dont charge covers. Is it annoying? fuck yeah. Have i had multiple dancers tell me not to tip certain girls or not to tip if they dont do anything? yes i have, so i suppose it is technically optional but with no other option to tip (stage is not accessible to custies and not all girls will come around to customer side of bar on their own) it becomes de facto. Not ALL clubs here are designed this way and not ALL dancers act this way but it is a popular layout in NJ, hence all the dollar parades. Nobody likes them but its just kind of part of the deal where clubs are physically designed to encourage it.
    Why is this a jersey phenomenom? I have no fucking idea. Some theories - we have many small, divey, very local, low-key gogos that serve a usually low-roller, neighborhood crowd where singles are more likely to be spent than twenties. The more well known, larger clubs that draw people from a wider area typically dont have an intense dollar parade. Ive never been to the club in question so i cant speak to this place specifically, im talking in general.
    Any club that has a full bar cannot by law have nudity on stage. I know of zero all-nude juice bars that have a dollar parade, at these places you stage tip, the juice bar is totally separate from the stage area and dancers circulate throughout an open club. This law is, im guessing, to protect dancers/staff and to keep the crowd under control. The inaccesible-stage-behind-the-bar format may be encouraged by laws, municipal ordinances or insurance rates for the same reasons. Its these places that have the intense dollar parade and for whatever reason this format seems popular in jersey. for the record many of these smaller, divey places are a lot of fun, have very hot dancers and some are basically anything goes.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The clubs I've hit with a tip parade are fairly good sized so I guess one does not stand out as much if one refuses to go with the crowd - I guess if in a small club one may feel more self-conscious not going with the crowd
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Tip parades as you describe them would drive me away. Not from the cost, I don't have an issue saying no. It's just really annoying. It's like the "Wanna dance" girl, only more annoying because shes begging for money.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, you'd have to go to clubs in N. NJ and Queens to understand. For starters, they build the bar around the stage and almost all of the seating is at that bar. During their sets, each girl circulates around the inside of the bar for tips, stopping at each person and flashing titty or something similar to coax a tip. Some of these places have 3-5+ girls on that big center stage at the same time, so something they literally line up at each guy during their tip walks.

    Tipping these girls barside has become an expected cultural norm in these clubs and easily 90+% of the guys sitting at the bar are giving each girl at least a buck. So if you start refusing, you can expect lots of pouty looks and uncomfortable long moments with girls just standing there and staring. That alone makes many guys just buckle. Not that wouldn't bother me so much and I'm sure it wouldn't faze many other hard core tusclers either. But unfortunately, bucking the norm has other consequences, including the assumption by many of the dancers to assume that the guy is cheap or broke, which is not a good look for those who are trying to attract hotties.

    The NJ boys understand all of this, which is why they've been making their counterpoints. Yes it sucks and leads to charity tipping and high cash burn rates, but they understand that bucking this cultural norm leads to lots of min-dramas and a distinct lack of female companionship in the seat next to you. Sometimes you just have to be there to fully soak in the situation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I would assume if the only seating is barside that would be analogous to sitting stage-side ar rhose clubs thus making it more uncomfortable - under those circumstancea I might relent but if dancers we're abusing it by continuously coming around to ask for tips even if rhey have not just been on stage I wouldn't give into that - also, if I wasn't planning on getting any dances then I'd be more apt to tip the parade.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    About 2 years ago I was SCing with a fellow SoFlo TUSCLer (a 20-something fella that rarely posts) - we're at one of the infamous Miami tip-parade clubs that is almost all Cuban dancers many of whom are aggressive - we were talking about the tip-parade issue and he said he hated it too - a dancer not my type is making the around the club tip parade and I pass on the tip, she then moves over to him and I'm expecting him to follow my lead, when the dancer stands in front of him and stares him down he looks at her for a second then reaches into his pocket for the tip - she moves on and he turns to me and tells me "I just couldn't do it" - LOL
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    The only strip clubs that I’ve been to with a dollar tip parade are the ones in the San Diego area. I did find it annoying.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I saw a tip parade once and I only tipped one of the twenty or so dancers, after that all of the passers (except the one I tipped) ignored me for the rest of evening.
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    @Dugan- nailed it
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Assmanjoe has it - it’s part of the comp system. We have them in a good number of MD clubs. Consider it as part of the whole of your expense. Are you paying cover? Are you paying high/low prices for beers? Parking? Coat check?

    The girls, non-dancer employees and owner all need to be paid. The customers are the only ones paying. Different clubs do it differently. As long as you understand what the pricing is, you can make a decision as to whether or not it’s worth it to you.

    It’s not a judgment about whether or not you’re a wuss. That’s either true or not regardless.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^Most every alcohol club in N. New Jersey that I've visited was like this. Same with the clubs on The Block in B'more MD. Virtually every club in Queens NY is like this, as is Pumps in Brooklyn. There are also a few clubs in the east side of Philly are like this. So too are Keepers in Milford CT and Glass Slipper in Beantown. I'm sure there are plenty of others that I just haven't visited.

    On the positive, you rarely see a skip song or girls trying to get out of stage because they know that they are going to get something. In fact, in those clubs, I've heard girls bitching about the DJ putting them up less often than other girls. It's also an incentive for hot girls to work even on slow nights because they know they aren't going to leave the club in the hole.

    But it also sucks because it makes clubbing even more expensive, especially in a couple of Jersey clubs where the girls abused the shit out of it - shout out to Johnny A Hitching Post on that one, where it was painfully bad. It also subsidizes B and C Team talent that might otherwise hang it up.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't mind spending $$$ in the club and I usually do -I just wanna spend it on my terms (which I feel I have a right to) vs having the dancers dictate how I spend it and having to subsidize dancers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I understand the points being made, I just don't necessarily agree with the concept nor necessarily agree with having to adhere to that kinda manipulation (unless one likes that type of methodology/clubbing)
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I agree with pretty much everything you said Papi. The sad reality though is that, in these areas, it's almost impossible not to subsidize some dancers without fucking up your fun in other ways. The only real option is to go to a club that doesn't run this sort of gimmick. I consider myself as hard nosed as any club hound around here, but I am no more immune to caving into it than anyone else if the alternative is to become a pariah to the girls. It's why I always complain about the "cash burn rate" when I review a club like Gallagher's 2000 in Long Island City, which is a decent club by NYC standards but expensive by national standards. Now you see why NJBalla recently expressed amazement that anyone would hang out in clubs for several hours, because trying to do so in one of these clubs comes at a steep cost.

    The only thing that I've found even worse are dollar tip parades in places like Milwaukee. Each girl that does a stage set circulates around the club after for a tip. If you want to talk about abuse, I am certain that half the girls who do this were never on stage to begin with and it constantly interrupts the flow with whichever girl one is sitting with.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    New members: pay no attention to Ricky Boy. He’s delusional and it’s impossible to tell if anything he posts is based in reality or just a psychotic fantasy. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php…
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    What I don't get is, why not just order your drink and sit AWAY from the bar?
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    I have learned in any club with a bar surrounding the stage, to just step away if possible. A club worth its salt has seats away from the bar. I know in g2K and Starlets, the bar gets filled up faster than you'd like. But no skin off my bones. I prefer to look from afar and only approach if u see a girl I like.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Fighting the tip walk in any club that relies on it to pay their dancers is not a good strategy. You will lose. This is how the dancers make some part of their money. Its embedded in their comp system. It’s like telling them that their $40 dances should be $30 and you’re only paying $30 and getting mad when they kick you out. You have the ability to opt out. Go to another club. If you still want to go to the club, guess what? You’ve voted that it is worth it to pay the tip walk. Just suck it up and understand how it works.

    Rant aside, I’d agree that a tip walk like the one described by the OP of $25-30 an hour is pretty steep.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Jimmy, in some clubs it's no big deal because they only put one or two girls up at a time and those girls will only go for a single tip walk at the end. It's just the price of doing business, so to speak.

    But imagine a place that puts 4-5 girls on stage for 15-20 minutes at a time (depending on how many girls are on duty) and each crew does two tip walks, one in the middle and one at the end. That's what Gallagher's 2000 is like on the night shift.and some of the Jersey clubs are as bad or worse. The cash burn rate can easily exceed $40-50 per hour, especially if you give girls you really like more than a single.

    This is why I club sparingly in the northeast nowadays. Since moving south, I get to party in places where I have a lot more control over how I spend my $$$, so I tend not to blow my SC budget in churn em and burn em places in NJ and NYC.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    I agree. I call it the “seat fee” in my reviews. It’s important to understand what it costs to be in the club and also important to understand what is variable (number of drinks, dances and discretionary tips). The tip walk is a mandatory fee disguised as a discretionary expense. Just see it for what it is and react accordingly. Complaining about it is like complaining the cover is high or mandatory valet is high. Maybe it is. But you’re not going to change it. If you can’t live with it go elsewhere. It’s all budgeting what an appropriate price is for your entertainment.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    In the clubs I've been to that have tip walks...

    They don't generally approach you if you stage tipped. If they do, a simple "I got you on stage" suffices.

    If I don't want to tip a dancer I won't watch her set. When she comes around I simply tell her that I didn't see her dance as I was otherwise engaged. Usually I'm talking with one of the girls.

    If I watch her stage set, I feel I should give her at least $1.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    In the clubs I've been to that have tip walks...

    They don't generally approach you if you stage tipped. If they do, a simple "I got you on stage" suffices.

    If I don't want to tip a dancer I won't watch her set. When she comes around I simply tell her that I didn't see her dance as I was otherwise engaged. Usually I'm talking with one of the girls.

    If I watch her stage set, I feel I should give her at least $1.
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    bushytops (mcnulty) got the right idea. its not about "caving" to naked hot chicks, the dollar parade is how the club is set up and its a built-in cost. if it bothers you that much dont go there or play pool all night in the back and never talk to any dancers. this discussion brings up an interesting point...
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    @estafador ive been to multiple clubs where the only actual seats are at the bar so its either wallflower it or bite the dollar bullet at the bar. all of the bar-seating-only clubs have a heavy dollar parade - theres definitely a correlation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    That's bullshit IMO - it *is* caving in - the "well it's the way the club is so it's what you should do" is BS - analogous to clubs w/ the drink hustle where the club gets dancers to pressure PLs to buy them $20 drinks b/c the dancer gets a kickback (and the drinks probably don't even have alcohol in them the way they down the drinks).

    The "well the dancers gotta make $$$" is bullshit - most clubs don't have a tip-parade and I don't see them devoid of dancers; it isn't the custies' responsibilities to make sure dancers make $$$ anymore than one should buy something when walking into a store to make sure the store makes $$$ - if anything it can be argued a tip-parade may hurts business, and may hurt the dancers more than help them - having to tip a dancer just b/c she asks is analogous to having to get dances in the club from dancers you don't like b/c "hey the dancers gotta make $$$"

    I have not been to the club in question, but have been in clubs with tip-parades and club w/ dancer drink hustles - the custies there are often getting raped with either hustle and they tip even if they don't want to - I've been in these types clubs and it hasn't hurt my ability to do what I went to the club for - i.e. I go to the club to get dances not participate in constant tipping - and for the most-part a dancer at these clubs has not refused to give me dances when I've wanted them (which would make sense that they don' pass up the dance $$$).

    To each their own, but saying that saying no to a dancer is not an option I think is a chump move and being afraid - if you don't mind the tip-parade, or enjoy it, fine - but if you dislike it you should not be so easily intimidated.
  • Assmanjoe
    6 years ago
    papi the clubs are set up differently. you need to imagine concentric rings with chairs around the outside -> :[o]: the circle in the middle is the stage, the parantheses are the bar, colons are barstools/patrons. girls dance in the middle like 5-10 feet from the customers at the bar and then do the dollar parade inside the bar and only inside the bar. in some places thats the whole fucking club! were talking small. maybe a pool table off to the side and an LD area. they dont walk around the club demanding dollars, this happens only inside the bar. if you throw money on stage, literally throw since theres a bar in the way, they generally wont bother you. if and when they abuse the system ie walk without dancing, put on a terrible or non-dance, or dont put their titties/ass in your face for the dollar you dont give it to them! its like tom hanks at the end of saving private ryan "eaarn this...candy. earn...it." no shimmy no dollar. most girls know the drill.
    also none of the places i frequent do a drink hustle, never seen it or have it happen to me in dozens of visits so i dont understand that analogy. pretty sure that did happen to me in florida though so maybe thats common down there. actually most of the girls at these places are pretty laid back, they just want their dollar on their turn and maybe to dance for you. its not a hustle unless some lazy, ugly or fat chick abuses the concept. then you tell em to earn it. again most of these places have no cover, no parking fees, no phone/coat checks, $3-$5 beers, etc. its just kinda part of the deal. my main gripe is that it does subsidize lazy and non-attractive (or niche) dancers.
    it very rarely impacts my mission either. you sit through a few rounds of parade to see the lineup and chat em up while giving the dollar to pick your ld girl.
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    At Visions club in New Orleans the "tip parade" is pretty much required. The girls "parade" across the bar-top (club has two horseshoe-shaped bars which both loop back to connect at same level with main stage). They do so continually (depending on how many girls and what time of night, etc.) and if you are sitting at the bar (permanent stools bolted to the floor @ 3-foot intervals), you are required to tip minimum $1 to each and every girl who comes by your place at the bar. See reviews, it can get expensive. Basically there's not much stage-tipping (relative to other local clubs AND relative to what I've seen in other bigger cities) because the tipping is all part of this mandatory parade on the bar-top. It serves to force tippage benefit to go to the ugly girls, which is perhaps necessary on some occasions given the lower-than-ideal quality of the full stable of dancers. It also causes some truly-P of the PL's to get up and stand three feet away from the bar for the entirety of their visit just to prove how big the P in their own PL actually is. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Showgirls in Miami has two stage rotations - one in on the main-stage (a traditional good-sized semi-circle stage with maybe 20 seats at the rail and two dancers on stage on busy nights) - after the main-stage the dancer proceeds to the bar - the bar is a rectangle and the 2nd-stage rotation is her dancing on the bar-top on one side of the bar - the way the layout is set up is that most custies sit w/ their back to the bar in order to see the main-stage and main-floor (or sit w/ their side to the bar) - the dancers walks the length of the bar and if the custy turns around to look at her then he's expected to tip, o/w if stays w/ his back to the bar/bar-top she just goes on to the next guy or goes stands in the corner of the bar-top where there are no custies till the song is over, but the tip is not required and most people don't tip but most don't stare "for free" either - it's a cool setup in that one gets a great view of the cooch when she's dancing on the bar-top (it being full-nude stage-dances), but some dancers just choose to stand in the corner and not walk/dance the bar-top, IDK if it's b/c they are not comfortable w/ PLs staring up at their bare cooch, or b/c many don't tip (I assume it's partly both) - the girls will do a tip-parade after they get off the bar-top/2nd/last stage rotation.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, sadly they are not wrong. It's a cultural difference that is just embedded in parts of the northeast. I know this is hard to grasp when you haven't experienced it, but unfortunately it is the state of affairs in places like Queens and parts of N. NJ.

    Sure, you can stick to your guns and simply refuse to tip, but you'll be dealing with constant mini-dramas all night and you will definitely be doing so alone. You can also be one of the wallflowers - they do exist - but you'll still be alone, both because (1) the girls consider the wallflowers to be the broke asses, which is often true; and (2) they gravitate to guys at the bar who tip them the best and otherwise seem generous.

    Now you see why I enjoyed travel clubs so much when I first started posting on this site. Places like SC, FL and TX, among others, seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to my local options.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    The local clubs I used to frequent had high cover charges and no tip walk. When I switched to clubs that had no cover and a tip walk (not intentionally looking for a tip walk, the old clubs had gone downhill) I did the math and it worked out to about the same on an average visit.

    Once I realized it wasn’t worth fighting the system, I even found something that was a positive. In a club like the Millstream in Maryland, the dancers are very low pressure so you have to be more aggressive if you want attention. Compounding it, the $30 non-room dances suck. The value is in the 15/30 minute rooms which cost $180/300. Yes, clubbing here is difficult. Before dropping that kind of change, I like to spend a little time with a dancer to assess whether it’s likely to be worth it. You can get their attention by tipping at the stage, but you’re likely to get interrupted, it’s not much time and everyone in the club is watching. All you have to do is wait for their tip walk. When they come around, run your game and keep your money in your pocket until you’ve asked her if she’s free to come back and sit with you or whatever your move is. She’ll hang around until you pay the buck. It’s still not great, but at least you get a little intel for your buck.

    Or you can bitch about the tip walk, sit in a strip club incurring the wrath of the dancers and be miserable. But at least you can go home and tell yourself “I didn’t cave in” before you jerk off and go to sleep. To each his own.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    Cover charge versus tip walk cost... if the cover is free then I’ll take my chances with the tip walk.

    my dance requirement is :
    1. looks.
    2. sexiness.
    3. possibles.
    Number two and number one are equally rated.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Jimmy posted: "The local clubs I used to frequent had high cover charges and no tip walk. When I switched to clubs that had no cover and a tip walk (not intentionally looking for a tip walk, the old clubs had gone downhill) I did the math and it worked out to about the same on an average visit."

    How long do you stay in the club, 20 minutes? Also, you're comparing apples and bananas by comparing tip walks to high cover charges - one has nothing to do with the other and there are plenty of clubs that have both. The girls don't generally get a piece of the cover charges.

    Oh, and to be clear, in many places the tip walk sucks ass. It is abused in many places and more guys SHOULD stand up to it. Maybe your willingness to keep lecturing us is simply a function of your ignorance on the matter, idk, but it's getting tiresome and it's also a lot less customer-ish than I expected from you.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    So Ricky Douchebag wants to chastise someone for lecturing us? Yeah, Jimmy, stop doing that. You should know the Douchebag is the only one allowed to lecture us.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Aww, Dugan, you’re so cute when you try and stir the pot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In my area almost all the clubs have no cover on dayshift, but only one has no cover on nightshift (a very small rundown black dive that's more bar than strip club, doesn't even have a DJ) - even then, most clubs that have a nightshift cover it's usually not more than $10 - so I don't think the cover vs aggressive tip-parade is comparable - one of the Miami clubs with the most aggressive tip-parade has a $20 nightshift cover, up to a $10 dayshift cover (depending on the time), and they charge you for parking even if you parked on the street, and then you get hit with a supa aggressive non-stop tip-parade inside.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^Jimmy, I'm sure that sounded great in your head, but it came across as kinda' creepy and more than a little gay. Just sayin' bro. ;)

    Look back up at your posts to see why I responded the way I did. I've clubbed in MD several times and maybe it's the relatively benign nature of the tip walk system there that has led you to feel the way you do, idk. But in some places the girls abuse the shit out of it and it is certainly ok for guys to object to that.

    As a matter of principle, I'm also not particularly thrilled being pressured to give money to every pig that thinks that she deserves a medal just for taking her clothes off and I think that most guys would agree - in some places those girls leave and are replaced by hotties rather than dancing on through charity subsidies. The hottest girls should also be less than thrilled as some of that is money that could have gone to them.

    Again, just sayin.'
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Papi and Rick, to me it’s just math. How much does a night in the club cost me? I don’t get hung up on whether I’m paying a tip walk or not. If it’s ‘mandatory’ meaning if you don’t pay you’ll be shunned, then I just figure it into the over all cost and reach a conclusion about whether the club is good value. So, yes, I am mixing apples and oranges when totaling costs. It’s all food. My reviews of tip walk clubs typically just warn readers to budget for it and I do the math of song length and dancers per song to come up with an hourly seat fee. It’s just not worth wasting energy being angry about it.

    If I don’t like the price I go somewhere else.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Why shouldn't we complain about it? Isn't that what a site like this is for? After all, I'm on an Internet discussion board, not in Gallaghers 200 right now. ;)

    And who knows, if enough guys complain about it and stop just accepting it, then maybe change will happen. Nothing lasts forever.

    Besides, if you were forced to factor in $50 to 80 per hour on busy night shift (including extra tipping to girls you like), you might be complaining too. That of course is on top of a $20 cover, $40 or more per hour in drinks, lapdances if you buy them, etc. In fact, I never come out of one of those NY/NJ tip walk clubs down less than $300, even when I don't do any dances. There's nothing wrong with talking about that here.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    Point taken - I think the guys that get upset the most are the ones that strongly dislike the tip-parade but still pay up every time - in the Miami tip parade clubs, I just nod my head no or just say no thanks although it being Rome per say I do tip the girls I like and/or may wanna get dances with - thus in my personal case I neither get angry, nor shunned by the dancers I'm interested in bc it'd be dumb for them not to take my dance $$$ just bc I don't tip every girl - and the dancers themselves know lots of girls milk the tip-parade and take advantage (in the Miami tip-parade clubs).

    Not every one is comfortable SCing the same way - and there are pros & cons to SCing in different areas and in different clubs - I was just noting that from my personal experience tipping every girl in a tip-parade club is not the only acceptable way to club in those clubs.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Fair point Papi. Sounds like Miami is different than Baltimore (go figure) in that the tip walk fee is much higher and you can decline. I was mostly responding to your initial position that paying the tip walk was some sort of personal weakness. In Miami, some of that may be involved. Here, it’s not the case. Most tip walks will cost you $6-10 an hour and everybody is guilted into paying so it’s not that big a deal. Many of the dancers will give you some value and interact with you, skip you if you came in after their set, say you don’t have to tip if you tipped on stage, etc. Sounds like different expectations due to geographical differences.

    Also fair point Rick. Nothing wrong with complaining about excessive tip walks. I made that point in my reviews of Excape (tip walk every song, meaning no dancer on stage half the time) and Fantasies (2 girls on stage for one song = $2 every 3 and a half minutes). My point is that the concept of the tip walk just needs to be considered in light of everything else. It’s why every review of PHC Detroit or Follies mentions the valet, coat check, etc.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Jimmy they try that guilting here too, difference is there are more options available, I don’t get intimidated into anything by young women in their underwear, you should tip who you want, and not tip who you don’t want, it will make your experience better, and you will still be able to get dances from anyone you like, the girls will respect you for respecting yourself.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    @Assmanjoe eh the places that don't have seating away from the bar, I'll just wallflower it. Or tip EXCLUSIVELY when I want to tip a particular woman. It shouldn't be bothersome especially if more dudes prefer to tip strippers onstage than get a private VIP. Thus I don't stay standing for long.
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