
Comments by a21985 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Inflation
    Was at FC this afternoon. The costs are really not too outrageous. I've had equally outrageous quotes at LS in the past too. Now with how FC itself is raising prices and nickel/diming customers lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they've really hiked up their tip outs for dancers and their higher prices people are seeing from dancers are a direct reaction to that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Going VIP again
    @maskath - who would they be telling at the club that they're doing OTC? No club wants girls doing OTC because its potentially pulling business and their cut thereof away from them. Its a risk any dancer who does OTC takes on (whether it being fear of: retribution of the club, law enforcement, or weirdos) because of the better profit for them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are these discussions so shitty??
    I come back after 8 months away to see things have really changed around here...and at the same time, they haven't changed a goddamn bit. Good to be back.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Supreme Court rules in favor of allowing states to legalize sports betting
    *but now, if a legal sportsbook opens in my state, or there's a reputable stateside online sportsbook available to use in my state, I would never go back to Bovada. This completely screws them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Supreme Court rules in favor of allowing states to legalize sports betting
    Vegas is still a destination. As someone who goes there often, I don't go to do sports betting, but I always do it anyways while I'm there and in the betting mood. I think the ones that will really suffer are the offshore online sportsbooks, namely Bovada. I casually have used Bovada, mainly for college basketball (which I personally feel is the best sport for big money parlays). But now, if a legal physical sportsbook
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    @ish - I think that's the fair approach. Like I said before, go the route with the least potential to end up with getting your teeth kicked in. That's good advice for most things in life. @flag - some mixed race individuals don't truly understand the painful use of this word in the US, or try to justify it by it going by what they do in the Carribean or what the original mean of the word was prior to slavery. Believe me, as Nina will tell you, the debate over this word is not a rare one amongst us mixed folks, unless you are of mixed black heritage, it's a foreign debate. Similar conversations take place when it comes to whether use of the N word with the a rather than er is acceptable. I don't really expect you to understand. @nina - It's Moorish origins are pretty cut and dry, so I'm not debating it's etymology, but stateside it began being used as a slur somewhere down the line like you just said, and since ignorance of that runs rampant, many of us have condemned it's use regardless of what other countries do. If per one of your last responses earlier, your use of it is in a take back the word type of manner, I can respect that 1000% more than just using it because of it's original intended use outside the US.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    You keep repeating yourself without adding much of anything new like you have something to prove to me. I already have my opinion made on this and you on this topic, and you have yours I'm sure. We're done here, relax.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    I will end my side of the debate by saying I find it interesting that someone who likes to present themselves as educated refuses to even submit to saying they'll research it further. I'm not saying to give any ground to me, but I am saying if you ever want to grow from being smart to being wise, you must never turn down an opportunity to learn more or at least see what the other side says. At least take that as a lesson, no matter how much ever fiber of your being is telling you to fight that notion. Anyways, as just an observation, it is quite funny how this word is truly the most divisive, non-unanimous slur (or not, depending on your view) that we have in the U.S. Some mixed people vehemently defend it's use, while other mixed people passionately protest it. Non-mixed people standing on the sideline watching the debate are just wondering what the holy fuck is going on and leave not knowing what to do. My advice to them is to go the route with the least possibilty of getting your teeth knocked.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    Nina, I respect that you're intelligent, and often know your stuff. But the reality is you don't know everything, and this is one topic I can sense your passionate about (in a take back the word type of way), but are not as educated on as you think. As I said before, I know it is accepted in central and southern america, but the countries there are not the United States, and that word does have a negative connotation here despite what they do there. It was and is often used the same exact way as the N word and it is as negatively powerful as it when someone uses it purposely in that manner. The difference I will concede to is that more people ignorantly use it without understanding the negative connotation of it. Ignorance of how negatively the origins of the violent past of the word was used doesn't excuse making it acceptable for common use. Additionally, you think that mixed race individuals were treated better than their fully black peers, you have a little bit of reading up to. In many cases they were treated worse, because not only were they treated as if they were black (ever hear of the "one drop" rule?), but the also had to deal with jealously and personal hatred from their white family (and sometimes from their black family as well). Word like mualatto, quadroon, octoon, half-breed are all about apart of that hatred directed towards individuals with mixed black heritage. Again, you are welcome to make your own decisions, I just simply ask you to do a little more research on the decision you are making from the United States point of view. Your decision from there is none of my business as long as you at the very understand it's your choice for you alone, and that you don't refer to other biracials as thar word unless the approve of it first.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Fishsticks Your card has officially been revoked...
    @nina - mixed guy here. I'm sure you could get in a debate with burlington here that it's not based on "mule" but instead has arabic origins meaning exactly what you said. Both sides have strong arguments there, so it's a wash. The N word also has a more seemingly reasonable etymology, so let's not let the potential arabic based meaning blind us there. That said, while it's accepted in the the Americas outside of the US, in the US itself, it's considered deragatory and has been used as such in it's history here. I personally do take offense to it given its historical use in the states and treatment of half black/white people, which in some cases was worse than the horrid treatment of blacks. To me, it's on par with someone calling me the N word. You're welcome to your own decisions of course, but I implore to reconsider your acceptance of the M word.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you make conversation with SC employees?
    Nope, not outside general pleasantries. I certainly won't be an asshole if they engage me to have more of a conversation, but they are not who I go to the club to see, so I don't go out of ny way to talk to them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Can I know best strip club in sfo
    Yeah, you seem to post whenever you generally need to know about any good clubs in a certain area. They post a QUALITY review of a club you've been to, or pony up the like $6 or so for membership. Then you can get all that info you're resorting to the forum for.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Do you tell them you are married ?
    I do if it comes up. I always wear my ring, so many ask anyways. I'm upfront, don't talk shit about my wife and let the dancer know the wife is still #1 but I'm just looking for something physical on the side with no strings. I've never had a dancer get outwardly weirded out by it, if anything, they seem to open/loosen up after it. Often, they even start talking about their own relationships. I will say there was one dancer who purposely kissed my collar after a VIP session. I didn't really realize until afterwards when I saw the huge lipstick mark, I kinda think that was one scenario where a dancer may have been acting maliciously regarding my marital status. I dunno, that may be just my overactive imagination running wild.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Huh? The VIP isn't some hidden, taboo, shangri-la of the strip club. No dancer is going to be disgusted by you if you bring up VIP. Heck, that's the assumed end goal for both the dancer and the PL. She'd be more disgusted if you didn't. I have no idea who brings it uo first more often. If I had to say though, I imagine its usually the dancer first (directly or indirectly) as she's trying to figure out if I'm worth her time before she gets too sucked into spending of her time on me, but that's certainly not a conscious decision on my part to get her to bring it up first.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Dating Strippers from a club
    Too many comments to read through, but all I'll say is that him seeing her in the club for VIP fun is a huge red flag...either for this story being bullshit (he thinks its dating but it's not) or it not lasting long. Also, I can't imagine the managers are happy about free VIP visits. The dancer has to play the club money for those trips so either he is paying her to at least cover that or she's pissing off the club and they are gonna fine/fire her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Kentucky Derby
    @sinclair - what was the payout on your superfecta? I've hit a few trifectas, but never a super. I use twinspires.com for my horse bets. The derby is tough to bet on with the size of the field. I hardly ever win money on it, but have come out on top the past 5 Preakness races. Something about the slightly smaller field and track along with getting to watch how the horses ran the derby (and further analyze the ones just joining in for the 2nd leg) just works well with my pick process.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Kentucky Derby
    I'm not going this year. I've done the infield before and it's just too many people and no view of the track. Next time I go, it will be in the grandstand, but I have too many vacations planned this summer to splurge on going this weekend. Anyways, I bet on the race every year and I like a good longshot and some risky box exotics. I'm leaning towards My Boy Jack and Bolt d'oro, but haven't yet decided who the third in my trifecta will be.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dancer's teeth
    Taking care of teeth that are in poor shape is expensive as hell especially if you don't have dental insurance, and aren't money makers once they are shined up. Just do the math, without insurance, filling a cavity can cost around $200 a pop, a root canal and crown can run $2000 a piece and braces will run you $5k. With the damage done drugs, smoking and general lack of regular access to dental care, would be too hard at all to run up over a 10K bill for dental work, which is like at least double the cost of a new pair of tits. I'm not sure people realize how expensive teeth get, which is why my best advice to anyone is to take care of your teeth before you need to actually take care of them
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club ad or nah?
    Club ad.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Are Traditional Compters (Laptop and Desktop) Going to Become Obsolete?
    *I should clarify my opinions or for consumer use of computers. For computers at work, desktops/towers I do believe are irrelavent now and laptops can do the job. For my office, we have converted essentially every one to laptops (docked to multiple monitors and other peripherals), from support staff, to software programmers and server admins. Laptops are built with appropriate specs depending on need, and if anyone needs anything more powerful than that, they remote into virtual machines with beefier specs. It also seriously helps out with business continuity plans to have everyone moved over to more portable VPN capable machines over desktops.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Are Traditional Compters (Laptop and Desktop) Going to Become Obsolete?
    Great question. I have a work laptop, a laptop at home, a Samsung Note 8 and a few tablets. I've stopped using the tablets, I've converted my laptop at home to a laptop docked to a large monitor for the kids, set up my wireless printer to work with my phone and essentially turned my phone into my main computer. If I really need to use a laptop which is hardly ever, I'll use my work laptop for it. I think its worth noting that the rise of phablets are making even tablets irrelevant.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    I like to tell myself a story that I'm special whenever I go to the club. I always have plenty of money, I'm dressed in more business like attire, I'm articulate, I'm not bad looking at all, I'm well groomed, and I'm clearly in my mid 30s. The story I tell myself is that the dancers would prefer me any day over a kid in his 20s who may not have the money or manners, as well as over an older gentleman who may have the money and manners but not the look. There may be a smidge of truth in that, but the reality is the girls are out for money no matter who has it, and me thinking ridiculously thinking I'm any more worthy of purchasing a dancers affections is simply just a part of the whole overall strip club fantasy for me. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Cable TV
    I switched to Directv Now last year. All the channels I ever watch and HBO for $55, no contract. Great thing is when I'm out of the house or travelling, I have all of my TV channels with me at all times on my phone/laptop/Amazon Firestick. Granted its still a cable company owned service and I'm only saving $30 a month vs when I had both cable and internet througb Comcast, but I like the freedom of it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    NM.....or anywhere wet
    Fri night in PHX
    @galiziabob - just happy, or "happy and relaxed."