
The Moral Stripper

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Sunday, March 31, 2019 11:24 AM
From a recent review: Ole Glory Daze Akron, Ohio The Moral Compass March 30, 2019 This was only my second time at this club, but I will definitely come back. First the basics, I entered the club there were about 10-15 guys and only 5 girls. Most of the guys gathered around the pool table or sat at the bar. There were roughly 5 tables with high chairs, I sat at one and the other 1 was occupied as well. Not a good ratio to begin with, but this is what I've come to expect at 5pm, so I wasn't disappointed. There were 3 AA and 2 W girls. I know Akron clubs get a bad rap, but 2 of of the AA girls were super fine (Brie / Destiny), I would give them a 10+. That brings the club average up, because the third AA girl was average 6, the 2 W girls were below average (1,5). I only give the one girl a 1 for effort. She had a nice pair of natural tits, but her muffin top was eating her bikini bottoms. I'm no expert, but she might have also been high or drunk or both, because she walked around with glazed look on her face and with a McDonalds cup in her hand. And lastly the worst part is she had an odor, but I figure she has to work somewhere, so I gave her a 1 for trying. The other AA girl was ok, but nothing special that I remembered. She ended up leaving soon, so I never got a clear view. I waited for Destiny to finish with her client and she stopped by my table next. Once she arrived, I didn't want to let her leave. I had one floor dance (5 bucks) and asked about the VIP. She said 20 / song, but 25 if I wanted a HJ (and yes I certainly did). We headed to the curtained off corner, and I let her carefully close us up in there. The first dance was quite handsy and I roamed every where I could reach ... both inside and out. The second song, was just as handsy but she did catch a glimpse of my ring. And that was our last song together. She yelled to the bar tender that we were done and she closed up shop. When I asked for another dance, she mentioned the ring and that she probably wouldn't see me again ... so apparently one of us had morals. So I went back to my table and contemplated life ... no, I think I just went back and waited for Brie. We did the typical one table dance, and she sang the entire time. But she was super hot so I didn't mind. She did ask for money for the jukebox, so I gave her a couple 1s ... I always carry a couple stripper ones. But this club didn't even have a stage, just the tables, a pool table, and the curtained off corner. So she fed the machine and we went to the curtain corner. She closed it off just as carefully. The first song she danced and sang, she really does like to sing. She sat on my lap for the next two songs and practiced her stick shifting. The shifting was not bad, but we never left the garage. My mouth was filled with those cute little nipples the whole time. I couldn't do nearly as much roaming, but it was certainly worth it. I'll go back in a couple months and try again. Wednesday Afternoon 1-5 $100-$300 Place8 Satisfaction9 Value10 Review Publishers smguy26 Pennsylvania DickyDoo2 New Jersey TheAdvisor Minnesota Review Comments TheAdvisor Minnesota 18 Hours Ago I would bet the White girl rating a 1 was the infamous Sassy. She just won't go away. Papi_Chulo Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club) 1 Hour Ago That other stripper having issues with your ring is dumb and just likes riding her high-horse - if she was so "moral" she wouldn't be s stripper, allowing strange men groping her, and giving handies to strange men [view link]


  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I knew a married dancer years ago that went to church with her BF and his patents.
  • 3131
    5 years ago
    Never had a dancer mention mine
  • 3131
    5 years ago
    Never had a dancer mention mine
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I thought you were calling out the approvers of this Review because names were given out in regards to extras. But some people don't regard a HJ as an extra. I normally don't wear my ring when clubbing. But if a girl asks, I am honest with her though. Most girls expect it.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Many strippers are married or have boyfriends, but that doesn't stop them from blowing and banging me.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    @Papi: “if she was so ‘moral’ she wouldn't be s stripper, allowing strange men groping her, and giving handies to strange men” I’m confused. What is immoral about stripping? Or giving handjobs? I’m aware that the latter is illegal (as is rendering *any* sexual service, including lapgasms, in exchange for money). That doesn’t automatically make it immoral. So exactly how is the stripper’s morality worthy of comment?
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    If it weren’t for married guys, strip clubs would be hurting for business.
  • MrT5
    5 years ago
    I’ve had dancers tell me they prefer married men, less bull shit and more honestly.
  • a21985
    5 years ago
    Man, thank goodness I've never come across a stripper that's taken issue with my ring. Most all of them ask about it and use it as the greenlight to start talking about their own relationships with me. If anything, I'd like to believe it makes me less of a risk to them as they assume I'm just there to get mine and not be an irrational clinger on who thinks its anything more than it is.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    A man isn't any more "moral" than the women he sees. Maybe less so in this case, he's the married one paying a stranger for a hand job. Only reason I've heard of dancers not liking married guys is if they're locals, they don't want the potential drama. Wives come in, etc.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    My ring has never been an issue. Matter of fact, my most recent SC visit resulted in the dancer giving me her phone number so that I could call her if I talked my wife into having a threesome with her. I reviewed that club this month, I believe.
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