This topic is as result of my discussion on an entirely different thread...
Eye Candy OR High Mileage:
Which do you prefer & why?
While I prefer Eye Candy, Papi_Chulo prefers High Mileage...
i.e. if a Strip Clubs offers a lot of Eye Candy but low Mileage, I will still visit the club on various occasion
If a Strip Clubs low to no Eye Candy but High Mileage, I wouldn’t pay the Strip Club a second visit...
To me that’s a waste of money...
The number one reason I visit the Strip Clubs is to have access to extremely beautiful ladies {8’s, 9’s & 10’s} that wouldn’t give me the time of the day if I wasn’t paying them...
I would seem a waste of money to me to visit a club with low eye candy...
If I wanted a sure thing when it comes to Mileage, I’m better off hiring an escort...
I can see really pretty girls on the internet, but I get bored jerking myself off. If there is no mileage in a club, then I'm wasting my time. The girls need to be attractive. But a give me a really friendly seven over a frigid nine any day of the week.
I wouldn't visit a 7up club with air dances - ATL has a lot of air-dance clubs with the best looking girls but I've yet to visit those clubs in my multiple ATL visits bc of the lack of mileage - looking and not touching is not for me - I won't necessarily get dances from any girl that gives mileage but if I have to choose b/w someone that looks pretry-good and gives mileage and someone that looks awesome and gives no mileage, I always choose the former.
I like it all. However, if FS or BJ is my absolute goal, then AMP is my destination. If a fun relaxing night is my goal with the possibility of extras, then SCis my destination. I never expect Extras in a SC. I do expect beautiful girls. I know exactly which clubs to hit up for extras. That is never a problem for me. So .... high Mileage vs Eye Candy is dependent upon my mood. Sometimes I just want stimulating talk and there are clubs that i pick specifically for that as well. I know,I know, I go to way too many SCs if I have them all pegged out like that.
My main club is in the middle. There is some low mileage eye candy and there are hookers I wouldn't rate above a 5. I like balance, but eye candy low mileage is a good combo to save cash
I’ve got a saying “I’d rather be with a 7 that’s hot than a 9 that’s not.” One of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen in a strip club (long time ago) was a complete cold fish and an awful dancer. Ever since, I’ve expanded my taste and look for things other than just looks that turns me on. High mileage is where it’s at.
I can't imagine making the decision just on those things. For me, first of all, not interested in any club that doesn't have at least a good number of 7s, at minimum, no matter what the mileage. Beyond that:
If I'm SCing with my buddies: I choose whatever club will be the most fun for the group, which means 1. alcohol, and 2. low hustle. The alcohol part means it's a lower-mileage club. The low hustle part usually (but not always) means it's not the club with the very hottest girls -- but since lower mileage clubs usually have hotter girls than higher mileage clubs, still pretty good looking girls. So, bit o' both.
If I'm SCing alone, and I have a CF/ATF: Wherever my CF/ATF works, nothing else about the club matters
If I'm SCing alone, and I'm hunting for a new CF/ATF: I personally have more luck getting OTC and other things I want from my ATF, at lower-mileage, higher eye candy clubs. But not exclusively.
If I'm SCing alone, and just want to get my rocks off: high mileage club
When a visit a new Strip Club & on arrival you’re disappointed with the talent on display {4’s, 5’s & 6’s}
Do you exit the Strip Club after a while let say 30 minutes & call it a loss and waste of time for the night?
Do you maybe grab a drink & sit for a couple of hours hoping that the talent improves significantly throughout the night to 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & possibly 10’s?
Can you give multiple of examples of Clubs that offer both Lots of Eye Candy & Higher Mileage at the same time...
I mean what Strip Club can I visit that enable me to see a lot of hot strippers {8’s, 9’s & 10’s} offering extras?
I thought that the hotter strippers usually don’t offer extras since they might make enough money just stripping...
But even if a hot stripper is offering extras the prices are usually out of range & way too expensive for what most people are willing to pay for extras...
--->"When a visit a new Strip Club & on arrival you’re disappointed with the talent on display {4’s, 5’s & 6’s} Do you exit the Strip Club after a while let say 30 minutes & call it a loss and waste of time for the night? OR Do you maybe grab a drink & sit for a couple of hours hoping that the talent improves significantly throughout the night to 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & possibly 10’s?"
If I'm by myself: I usually sit through the entire lineup once, then if still not looking good, go to the next club.
If I'm with my buddies: we decide on the fly. Sometimes we leave to the next club. But we're all firm believers in "the worst day at the strip club getting drunk with my buddies, is better than my best day of work"... there are times we just sit our asses down and drink together. It's rare at the SCs we go to, that there won't be at least one or two 7s, and we'll snatch them up
Too many uber-hot strippers in my area have developed bad cases of GPS, so now I prefer the B team who are happy to oblige your deviant requests without you having to take out a goddamn loan to pay them. So I'll take mileage over high-priced eye candy any day.
Here's the real question. Taking a 7 with high mileage over a frigid 9 is a no brainer. Anyone would do that. But would you take a high mileage 5 over a frigid 9?
-->"So what happens when the one or two 7’s available are already preoccupied with their Whales before y’all came into the Strip Club..."
We are the guys who lock the girls down all afternoon :)
I'm not being evasive -- we've been going to the same few clubs for a decade, often at least one of the guys has his CF lined up (or in other words, there's at least one attractive girl waiting for us), we get to the club shortly after it opens on dayshift. The scenario you describe really doesn't happen, it's not something we need to deal with
One thing one learns on TUSCL is how diverse people's likes are w.r.t. women and clubbing - for many guys clubbing is not worth it if their fave is not there - they understand the game perfectly they just like to play it a different way - guys that successfully lock down dancers one can argue they know the game better thab most to be able to do that
As you may have noticed I post plenty about how I prefer variety so no I don't like a guy taking a dancer out of circulation in the club for hours - but like I said this has been discussed to a pulp b/f like a damn TUSCL civil-war with PL against PL and no resolution
Let's face it. For most of us the 5's, 6's and 7's that provide the bulk of enjoyable extras would not give us the time of day in the real world either :-)
30- minutes max then let her loose and give others a chance.
There is actually a club somewhere, can't remember (maybe Ohio), but a dancer can only dance like 3 or 4 songs for a custy b/f she has to go and circulate the club.
I don't think that's a good system - IMO as long as the custy is spending on her via buying dances or VIP he should keeo her - what I don't like is a custy that dangles dances or VIPs as a carrot with the caveat she needs to sit with him for an extended period of time else she doesn't get anything.
I like the Go Go Rama system in Laurence, NJ - in that club they have a # system - if you want a dance from a girl you tell the DJ and then he'll call your # when she's free - that's a good compromise IMO - the dancer gets to sit with her regular and if someone wants a dance she gives the dance and then comes back to him - but the lock guys don't think that this is fair either - they want/need her undivided attention for his whole visit.
The ones that annoy me is the girls (not the guys-- I do not blame the guys) that let a guy monopolize them without spending any money hoping to get a big VIP score. Then you often hear her complain that she wste 2 hours with that guy and only got 5 free drinks.
I do notice that free drinks somehow throw the economics of making money out the window.
But the problem is most regulars don’t want the strippers to go give a dance to another custy & then come back to them....
They want/need her undivided attention the whole time which is not good for other PL’s...
So assuming a regular is Strip clubbing from let say 9:00 PM - 3:00 AM so regulars expect their faves to spend a whole 6 hours with them...
I mean what can you be possibly doing with her the whole 6 hours...
IMO 2 hours is more than a enough to spend time with her, chat with her, get a dance & if possible get a vip & then let her circulate to other custy as well...
Strippers are there at the Strip Clubs to make money & I believe that’s their number one priority...
Making $$$ in many clubs is a crapshoot - it's often not easy to have to go from custy to custy to find one that likes you and wants to spend $$$ on you - many dancers like regulars bc it's sure $$$ in an otherwise unsure environment - I understand the regular/dancer dynamic and see how it can be beneficial to both sides, but within reason - I always state a regular should have priority but not exclusivity to where he has to have the dancer only to himself the whole time he's there - but it is what it is.
I actually kind of see Papi and Eva's point even though I'm a fave guy. 6 hours is definitely unreasonable. Two hours is fair. If you want to see her for six hours though, take that OTC.
@Evasparkling You seem to think strippers are community property, they aren’t whether you like it or not, the choice is theirs, don’t blame the guys if the girls know what’s best for them, find another girl, the ones you like are out of your league anyway.
@ Eva if y’all say so, you are sounding a bit butthurt. That’s life bro, because I have no problem getting non-strippers as well. I’ve clubbed with the best, and I have fun just ask around, you’ll find out what I’m telling you is true.
I never knew it was your style until I brought it up...
Heck you never said so...
Like I said before like Papi_Chulo states Clubs can come up with a rule that allows Strippers to rotate around & give dances after spending anywhere from 2 hours - 3 hours with their Whales/Regulars...
They can always go back to their Whales/Regulars once they’re done giving dances to other custy...
@Eva I get that but clubs aren’t gonna come up with that rule or they’ll lose their most reliable dancers, but if y’all think that your game is so strong why would you concern yourself with how other guys club, or better yet pm Papi and join us some time we both have a great time just hanging.
I'm spoiled. I want it all. Nothing less than a 7 gets near Rick Jr. anymore and I club in areas where that works out just fine. I am also mobile enough if need to be hold out in bad areas until I get back to better ones.
But with that said, I hear what lopaw and others are saying about having to make some trade offs. I do not know CA all that much outside of L.A.,, but I've seen it there and in other expensive areas, including NYC. Hot girls in NYC clubs make enough money playing it straight that they don't feel a lot of pressure to do extras, so often you'll need to find someone on the B Team. Just one more reason why I keep my club money in my pockets during my trips to expensive places and save it for saner clubbing regions. I've also noticed that many Southern girls have no interest in leaving the warm weather and cultural roots they have, which is probably the only reason why I do not have to compromise as much.
High mileage, or extras? If we're literally talking mileage and nothing further than that, then I'd say I'd go for the eye candy. I don't go to the club to get blue balls, so I'd rather be entertained than teased.
There's a difference b/w being a regular and being a locker.
A locker damn well coerces the situation - lockers will spouse that it's her free will but then again:
- if he told her he was coming in and she dares be with another PL when he arrives the locker gets upset bc he told her he was coming in
- is she's with another PL when he arrives she better leave him ASAP - if she can make some $$$ off of that PL by closing the sale, the locker will have none of that, she better drop w/e she's doing and come to him bc he's there - he will not be made to wait
- if she's on stage and a PL approaches her for a dance, say what? Of course she can't go - well she can go, butnl she shouldn't bother coming back, he will not be disrespected that way (doesn't she know who he is)
If this doesn't apply to you, you're not a locker - a locker is not content with getting attention on every visit, he demands/expects complete attention - the dancer circulating once in a while and making extra $$$ then coming back to him is unacceptable and lf she dares even suggest such a thing she's already on thin ice for suggesting such (she's disrespecting him)
Time and time again lockers have posted on here how they don't accept their fave being with another custy upon his arrival and her not cutting loose the other custy and coming to him and how that is not acceptable - a locker *will* coerce the dancer, if she does not spend *all* her time with him, vs most of her time, then she's disrespecting him as a regular and it's often grounds for termination - a locker just doesn't want her attention, he wants to completely monopolize it and anything less is unacceptable.
There are some clubs, particularly on dayshift, that a PL can't get a dance pretty much at all - most of the girls sit with their regular sometimes just sitting there not even talking and just looking at the stage - the only time she'll move is to go to the stage where she'll not dare even make eye xlcontact or flirt with any other custy - as soon as her stage set is finished she is expected to walk right back to him and not dare interact with any other custy bc she knows the consequences of ever so slightly pissing off the locker in any way - the lockers will say "it's her choice" but again the choice is him and only him or hit the road - there are clubs you go into and can't get a simple dance bc of this scenario.
If you don't tolerate your dancer interacting with any other custy during your visit, then being a locker applies to you, o/w not - a regular should have priority and get more time/attention, but not expect demand complete attention where she can't make some side $$$ while he's there lest she gets fired.
LLockers wanna treat the SC visit like a date while she's at work/in-the-club.
It's pretty-much the guys that are into faves that will defend this practice bc they pretty-much do the dlsame thing or would like ro do the dlsame thing.
I wouldn't call a woman not willing to prostitute herself "frigid"....
I remember this topic before and being attacked by a certain clique of geriatric members who claim every strippers does extras if they want to keep working...
That said, I don't go to strip clubs looking for hookers. So I definitely rather have eye candy
Doesn't need to be prostitution. If anything, prostitution might suit frigid women who just want to lay there better than giving a high contact, good lap dance would.
A stripper friend once told me about a regular of hers who had a frigid wife. They didn't have sex in 4 years. The wife would actually make him cry when she'd shame him for having an erection and for masturbating. She followed him to the club once, and accused my friend of being a "harlot" who was "corrupting" him... It ended up in a divorce coz of her. After the divorce, the guy came back and thanked her for saving the rest of his life!
last commentWhat’s your exact definition of Mileage?
i.e. Boob touching, Pussy touching, Massaging your dick etc
Do you mind giving me your own idea of Mileage so we can be more informed...
I would say eye candy is more important though. More potential.
If I'm SCing with my buddies: I choose whatever club will be the most fun for the group, which means 1. alcohol, and 2. low hustle. The alcohol part means it's a lower-mileage club. The low hustle part usually (but not always) means it's not the club with the very hottest girls -- but since lower mileage clubs usually have hotter girls than higher mileage clubs, still pretty good looking girls. So, bit o' both.
If I'm SCing alone, and I have a CF/ATF: Wherever my CF/ATF works, nothing else about the club matters
If I'm SCing alone, and I'm hunting for a new CF/ATF: I personally have more luck getting OTC and other things I want from my ATF, at lower-mileage, higher eye candy clubs. But not exclusively.
If I'm SCing alone, and just want to get my rocks off: high mileage club
Lower Mileage= Higher Eye Candy
Higher Mileage= Lower Eye Candy
So Higher Mileage= Guaranteed to get my dick wet i.e. Follies Atlanta
Lower Mileage= Enjoy the Eye Candy while getting dances i.e. Cheetah Atlanta
When a visit a new Strip Club & on arrival you’re disappointed with the talent on display {4’s, 5’s & 6’s}
Do you exit the Strip Club after a while let say 30 minutes & call it a loss and waste of time for the night?
Do you maybe grab a drink & sit for a couple of hours hoping that the talent improves significantly throughout the night to 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & possibly 10’s?
Can you give multiple of examples of Clubs that offer both Lots of Eye Candy & Higher Mileage at the same time...
I mean what Strip Club can I visit that enable me to see a lot of hot strippers {8’s, 9’s & 10’s} offering extras?
I thought that the hotter strippers usually don’t offer extras since they might make enough money just stripping...
But even if a hot stripper is offering extras the prices are usually out of range & way too expensive for what most people are willing to pay for extras...
Do you exit the Strip Club after a while let say 30 minutes & call it a loss and waste of time for the night?
Do you maybe grab a drink & sit for a couple of hours hoping that the talent improves significantly throughout the night to 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & possibly 10’s?"
If I'm by myself: I usually sit through the entire lineup once, then if still not looking good, go to the next club.
If I'm with my buddies: we decide on the fly. Sometimes we leave to the next club. But we're all firm believers in "the worst day at the strip club getting drunk with my buddies, is better than my best day of work"... there are times we just sit our asses down and drink together. It's rare at the SCs we go to, that there won't be at least one or two 7s, and we'll snatch them up
So what happens when the one or two 7’s available are already preoccupied with their Whales before y’all came into the Strip Club...
I know people like RickDugan likes to lock down a hot stripper for the rest of the night...
So what happens under this scenario?
I guess y’all just spend the rest of the night drinking together...
We are the guys who lock the girls down all afternoon :)
I'm not being evasive -- we've been going to the same few clubs for a decade, often at least one of the guys has his CF lined up (or in other words, there's at least one attractive girl waiting for us), we get to the club shortly after it opens on dayshift. The scenario you describe really doesn't happen, it's not something we need to deal with
I hate guys that lock down strippers be it day, afternoon OR Night...
Strippers should be free to move around the club & make money from other P/L...
If mongers need someone to lock down then they should get a girlfriend or maybe a sugar baby & lock her down whenever he wishes...
This is a Strip club for Christ sake & no single P/L or group of P/L should assume monopoly over any particular stripper...
I believe there is a General Agreement among P/L that the lowest type of Stripper they did go for should be a 7 whether or not she is High Mileage...
Since most are paying for it, going for anything less than 6’s would be a waste of money...
If it was for free then most people wouldn’t mind going all the way down to 4’s...
You can always ask for doggie that way you don’t have to stare at her face...
But when you’re paying for it, most people generally want at the barest minimum the 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & if possible the 10’s as well...
Nobody should be able to lock down a stripper all night...
Most of us are simply trying to get dances from different group of girls who’re extremely pretty...
I think most P/L tend to forget that this women are only interested in their money...
If money wasn’t involved most of these women wouldn’t give them two glances...
What side do you belong?
Do you think P/L should be able to lock down a particular stripper all night?
I don’t think so...
I agree with that.
Can sleeping too long kill your child?
Find out more tonight at 11:00.
I just started a discussion about it too...
I also like variety just like you...
Maybe Strip Clubs should come up with a rule that states the Max time any given Stripper is allowed to stay with a particular PL during a visit...
I believe 2 hours is more than enough time to spend for a Stripper to spend with a PL...
Then she should be free to circulate so other PL’s can also buy dances...
If you intend to lock her down all night then maybe ask for OTC OR Dinner...
You can’t be greedy in a Strip Club...
Afterall sharing is caring...
If any PL’s wants monopoly then they should either get a Sugar baby OR Girlfriend...
There is actually a club somewhere, can't remember (maybe Ohio), but a dancer can only dance like 3 or 4 songs for a custy b/f she has to go and circulate the club.
I don't think that's a good system - IMO as long as the custy is spending on her via buying dances or VIP he should keeo her - what I don't like is a custy that dangles dances or VIPs as a carrot with the caveat she needs to sit with him for an extended period of time else she doesn't get anything.
I like the Go Go Rama system in Laurence, NJ - in that club they have a # system - if you want a dance from a girl you tell the DJ and then he'll call your # when she's free - that's a good compromise IMO - the dancer gets to sit with her regular and if someone wants a dance she gives the dance and then comes back to him - but the lock guys don't think that this is fair either - they want/need her undivided attention for his whole visit.
I do notice that free drinks somehow throw the economics of making money out the window.
But the problem is most regulars don’t want the strippers to go give a dance to another custy & then come back to them....
They want/need her undivided attention the whole time which is not good for other PL’s...
So assuming a regular is Strip clubbing from let say 9:00 PM - 3:00 AM so regulars expect their faves to spend a whole 6 hours with them...
I mean what can you be possibly doing with her the whole 6 hours...
IMO 2 hours is more than a enough to spend time with her, chat with her, get a dance & if possible get a vip & then let her circulate to other custy as well...
Strippers are there at the Strip Clubs to make money & I believe that’s their number one priority...
Making $$$ in many clubs is a crapshoot - it's often not easy to have to go from custy to custy to find one that likes you and wants to spend $$$ on you - many dancers like regulars bc it's sure $$$ in an otherwise unsure environment - I understand the regular/dancer dynamic and see how it can be beneficial to both sides, but within reason - I always state a regular should have priority but not exclusivity to where he has to have the dancer only to himself the whole time he's there - but it is what it is.
I totally agree with you.
Regulars should get priority but not exclusivity...
But guess what Papi most regulars want exclusivity...
As long as a regular is around the dancer must spend the whole time with him except when she goes on stage...
If not, most regulars threaten to cutoff the dancer & most dancers don’t wanna loose out on $$$
Most Strippers don’t know what’s best for them...
If they do then most wouldn’t be a train wreck with death beat baby daddy plus have to resort to stripping to make ends meet...
I don’t consider a girl out of my league if I’m paying her, if I can afford her then she isn’t way out of my league...
She maybe be way out of my league maybe outside of the Strip Club but she would also be out of your league as well outside of the strip club...
We both know that if it wasn’t for the financial compensation most Strippers wouldn’t give most of y’all second glances...
Meaning, I try to find a dancer who will provide the most mileage and has the best looks. I suspect most guys fall into that part of the bell curve.
I’m not butthurt...
I’m one of those people that tend to speak my mind...
You might not agree with me but I still gotta say my mind...
Having said that I guess we disagree to agree...
Honestly speaking I don’t get the allure of tryna to lock down a stripper for the night...
I usually love to get dance from different strippers and maybe vip depending on how deep my pocket is for the night...
Usually Within 30 minutes or Max 1 hour, I’m done with any given stripper & let go...
No need tryna lock her down for the remainder of the night...
I never knew it was your style until I brought it up...
Heck you never said so...
Like I said before like Papi_Chulo states Clubs can come up with a rule that allows Strippers to rotate around & give dances after spending anywhere from 2 hours - 3 hours with their Whales/Regulars...
They can always go back to their Whales/Regulars once they’re done giving dances to other custy...
Next time there is a meet up in Miami or Fort Lauderdale let me know in advance & I would be able to make it to the meetups if I’m available...
But with that said, I hear what lopaw and others are saying about having to make some trade offs. I do not know CA all that much outside of L.A.,, but I've seen it there and in other expensive areas, including NYC. Hot girls in NYC clubs make enough money playing it straight that they don't feel a lot of pressure to do extras, so often you'll need to find someone on the B Team. Just one more reason why I keep my club money in my pockets during my trips to expensive places and save it for saner clubbing regions. I've also noticed that many Southern girls have no interest in leaving the warm weather and cultural roots they have, which is probably the only reason why I do not have to compromise as much.
A locker damn well coerces the situation - lockers will spouse that it's her free will but then again:
- if he told her he was coming in and she dares be with another PL when he arrives the locker gets upset bc he told her he was coming in
- is she's with another PL when he arrives she better leave him ASAP - if she can make some $$$ off of that PL by closing the sale, the locker will have none of that, she better drop w/e she's doing and come to him bc he's there - he will not be made to wait
- if she's on stage and a PL approaches her for a dance, say what? Of course she can't go - well she can go, butnl she shouldn't bother coming back, he will not be disrespected that way (doesn't she know who he is)
If this doesn't apply to you, you're not a locker - a locker is not content with getting attention on every visit, he demands/expects complete attention - the dancer circulating once in a while and making extra $$$ then coming back to him is unacceptable and lf she dares even suggest such a thing she's already on thin ice for suggesting such (she's disrespecting him)
Time and time again lockers have posted on here how they don't accept their fave being with another custy upon his arrival and her not cutting loose the other custy and coming to him and how that is not acceptable - a locker *will* coerce the dancer, if she does not spend *all* her time with him, vs most of her time, then she's disrespecting him as a regular and it's often grounds for termination - a locker just doesn't want her attention, he wants to completely monopolize it and anything less is unacceptable.
There are some clubs, particularly on dayshift, that a PL can't get a dance pretty much at all - most of the girls sit with their regular sometimes just sitting there not even talking and just looking at the stage - the only time she'll move is to go to the stage where she'll not dare even make eye xlcontact or flirt with any other custy - as soon as her stage set is finished she is expected to walk right back to him and not dare interact with any other custy bc she knows the consequences of ever so slightly pissing off the locker in any way - the lockers will say "it's her choice" but again the choice is him and only him or hit the road - there are clubs you go into and can't get a simple dance bc of this scenario.
If you don't tolerate your dancer interacting with any other custy during your visit, then being a locker applies to you, o/w not - a regular should have priority and get more time/attention, but not expect demand complete attention where she can't make some side $$$ while he's there lest she gets fired.
LLockers wanna treat the SC visit like a date while she's at work/in-the-club.
It's pretty-much the guys that are into faves that will defend this practice bc they pretty-much do the dlsame thing or would like ro do the dlsame thing.
I remember this topic before and being attacked by a certain clique of geriatric members who claim every strippers does extras if they want to keep working...
That said, I don't go to strip clubs looking for hookers. So I definitely rather have eye candy
Doesn't need to be prostitution. If anything, prostitution might suit frigid women who just want to lay there better than giving a high contact, good lap dance would.
A stripper friend once told me about a regular of hers who had a frigid wife. They didn't have sex in 4 years. The wife would actually make him cry when she'd shame him for having an erection and for masturbating. She followed him to the club once, and accused my friend of being a "harlot" who was "corrupting" him... It ended up in a divorce coz of her. After the divorce, the guy came back and thanked her for saving the rest of his life!
Yeah that wife is straight up abusive.
When I'm not getting it and I'm looking who is offering it and for how much.
Looks are important too but if I had to pick, I would prefer FS from a 6 than just look at a 9.