In a brilliant place!
Comments by 4got2wipe
discussion comment
6 years ago
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
First things first: brilliant trolling CJKent! Who could possibly predict that disrespecting religion would get a response? ;)
Second, I’m going to push back on Papi_Chulo’s comment that it takes as much or more faith to believe in the Big Bang and evolution as it takes to believe in religion.
Come on. Both of those theories are believed by huge numbers of scientists who have literally devoted their lives to studying the details of the issue. Religion is based on faith without evidence. Science is never 100% certain but when there is strong consensus I think it takes a lot of misplaced faith in your own understanding of the issues to reject it outright. No disrespect, but that strikes me as Dunning-Kruger on steroids!
Besides, one of the first proponents of the Big Bang (before it was even called the Big Bang) was Georges Lemaître, a Catholic priest. I read an interesting biography of him and he actually anticipated a major role for the cosmological constant in his work, something for which there is now evidence. Regarding evolution, one of the founders of the modern synthesis (Theodosius Dobzansky) was an Eastern Orthodox believer.
So if you want to say “I don’t understand the details but that scientists who spend their lives studying this in detail probably have the majority of ideas right, but I also choose to have faith in God” then brilliant. Some scientists believe the same thing, many are atheists. But if you start declaring the scientists wrong I’ll say you have misplaced faith!
Third, I’m beginning to think that skibum609 is trolling a lot more than I originally thought. After all, I’ve never heard AOC say anything about religion and I don’t think she’s an atheist. Why bring her up?
Either you’re trolling or you’re actually attracted to AOC and constant obsession with her reflects your attraction. Do you have a big poster of AOC that would look like a Pollock under a black light? We’re a bunch of weirdo deviants here so I’m sure we won’t judge. ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Brilliant post reverendhornibastard!
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6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Also, don’t forget that the prosecutor is now our secretary of labor. He should also get punished for making a way too lenient deal and basically not doing his job. Not criminal punishment, but this was an egregious enough fuck up that I don’t think he should be rewarded with a cabinet position.
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6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I suspect Epstein will get a fairly severe punishment this time.
That said, I’m of two minds about this. Rather than just joking around, as I typically like to do, I’m going to be totally serious. Here is the thing: it is clear that Epstein is a creep. There is way to much smoke for there not to be a blazing inferno. I have no sympathy for a him. Therefore, I’d like to see him get as much time as possible.
That said, I think this comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy. Before any of TUSCL’s resident legal experts chime in I recognize that there are often many ways around the double jeopardy issue. I don’t know the details in the Epstein case but I’m sure prosecutors think they can get him.
I also said “comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy” because it is clear the the federal prosecutor in this case made a sweetheart deal. That was fucked up. But what about the next guy where things are less clearly a federal prosecutor giving a fucked up sweetheart deal. This could be a dangerous path for us to go down. Sometimes guilty people get less punishment than they should because the system protects innocent people. Or it should protect the innocent. So be careful what you wish for.
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6 years ago
Atlanta suburb
shadowcat, did you at least tell Big Boobs McGee (which is what I sincerely hope she calls herself) to wait on the breast reduction until her boobs start to sag?
At least let some other folks enjoy her BBTs (big brilliant tits)!
discussion comment
6 years ago
Come on skibum609, you criticize jester214 for commenting on a typo after you got on san_jose_guy’s case for using “looser” rather than “loser”. Let’s get real. Any TUSCL poster who doesn’t make the occasional typo is likely to be putting too much time into their posts ;)
There are two things I just don’t get about this thread. First, why you keep doubling down on this. Admit it: the whole “kids these days are too stupid to cross the street because their parents are progressives” is stupid.
Second, if you really believe what you’re saying then the world is fucked. If so, why do you care? If we’ve reached the point where kids can’t cross the street there is literally you can do about it. A rational person would just enjoy themselves. Why not do that?
But you are keeping on this thread obsessively. So either the horrible situation you have constructed in your mind really bothers you or you are enjoying yourself because you’re trolling us. If the latter, I have one thing to say: brilliant trolling!
You might ask why I’m responding given that I think this is either trolling or profoundly stupid. Simple answer to that: I want to see how far you’ll run with something that is possibly the most trivial complaint ever posted on TUSCL! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Alternative idea: it was rickdugan running a new system.
Imagine this system: show up wearing your suit claiming to be a chemical engineer and hold a meeting to show the girls how important (and rich!) you are. Then get down and dirty afterward.
I’m not saying it’s a brilliant system. In fact, I call it the d-bag system. I’m just saying it is a possibility ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
SirLapdancealot, no disrespect, but different people want to engage in different ways.
I wrote my last review when I had an story to tell that I believed to be entertaining. I gave a lot of detail about the club on the off chance it might help somebody, but my goal was entertaining myself. The VIP room isn’t that active and I wouldn’t write a review with the goal of getting access. To be honest, even reading the reviews isn’t that useful. Numerical scores are average so they have the benefit of reflecting the wisdom of the crowd. Any individual review might reflect the useless ramblings of a weirdo.
I’m not saying that san_jose_guy engages with TUSCL the way I engage with it. He doesn’t.
No disrespect to san_jose_guy, but I’m not actually that interested in why he engages the way he does. He’s alway been nice enough to me so I’m not going to disrespect him. I’m interested in behavior I find paradoxical (e.g., rickdugan claiming he hates trolls but still responding to them regularly). I don’t see that paradox in san_jose_guy.
Overall, I’m mostly interesting in crazy stories and (sometimes) the reasons why certain people engage in certain ways. Kind of like people watching at the park. But focused on weirdo deviants. san_jose_guy is just a different kind of weirdo deviant.
discussion comment
6 years ago
skibum609, honest question here: are you serious?
I get it, you don’t like progressives. It just seems like you really zoomed in on the most trivial and apolitical issue imaginable here. I was going to joke around with the question of whether you were sure you were actually a “patrol boy” or whether you were just one of the slow kids and they told you that you were a patrol boy so you wouldn’t feel bad when they dressed you up in reflective clothing so people knew to stop their cars.
But now I think you are just putting us on. I’m 99% convinced that flagooner’s primary goal in his “political” posts is getting people worked up. He doesn’t care about the details of reactions, he just loves reading the circle jerk that ensues. I’ve always thought you were both a nice enough guy and 100% sincere. Unbalanced and ill-informed, but still sincere. But this thread is a bridge too far!
On the other hand, if you are sincere in this thread I have a question: did they strap a helmet to you head so you didn’t hurt yourself during your patrol boy days? If so, I have to break the news to you that “patrol boy” was just a euphemism for “one of the slow kids that might walk into traffic if left to his own devices” ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
skibum609, are you joking?
Of all the things to focus on you decide to pick the most trivial: crossing guards. And seriously, 11 year olds should be able to cross the street using street lights or by looking at traffic, not by having another 11 year old stop traffic. I mean really, 11 years old is 6th grade. For me that was the first year of middle school. I knew how to cross the street safely in elementary school. And the same for my friends. Were you only there to help the slow kids? ;)
The only reason we have adults helping students cross the street is that we live in a litigious society. Kids today are perfectly capable of learning to cross the fucking street! Immigrants too. In fact, I suspect there are roads in Chinese and Indian cities you’d probably hesitate to cross. But somehow Chinese and Indian kids learn to cross the fucking road!
Relax. For a guy that claims to smoke marijuana you really get angry about a lot of things. I can think of three explanations for that. First, marijuana isn’t as brilliant for helping people relax as they claim it is. Second, you don’t react to marijuana properly. Or third, you aren’t smoking enough marijuana.
You should figure out which issue it is. See whether your friends get angry about crossing guards and gauge the amount of marijuana they’re smoking. Then smoke that amount and see if it helps! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
New York
Brilliant point SergeD! How can you not love “REAL Fake scenario But what”?
I have no idea what that phrase means but I still love it! Djscudmaster = aces writing! ;)
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6 years ago
Evil Lair
Is the guy flagooner’s long lost cousin?
If so, brilliant! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
“Nicole if you had to daydream about a TUSCLer who would it be?”
No disrespect Muddy9, but that is a non-brilliant question. How can you even ask?
You know that Nicole1994 has repeatedly indicated that she’s in love with you. I think she wants to do a threesome with you and the guy who claims to be a turtle! ;)
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6 years ago
New Jersey
“...I’m club furniture and...I’m an OTC lowballer...”
Just thought I’d be brilliant and fix it for you rickdugan. ;)
But don’t sell yourself short. Your cheap suits also make you a fashion icon. In fact, I even found your photo on a fashion website:
discussion comment
6 years ago
In a brilliant place!
But IceyLoco, that isn’t badass Rick-style fish.
Well, maybe the ginger and scallions part. That stuff is brilliant. But a real badass would just throw the fish into a bag with scallions and crystallized ginger, let it flop around for a bit, and then take a bite out of the still living fish.
And maybe drink some chrysanthemum tea as an accompaniment. After all, you’ve got to be civilized. But a true Rick would drink the chrysanthemum tea out of a repurposed Mountain Dew can!
discussion comment
6 years ago
I’ve always thought georgemicrodong was a bit off. Perhaps georgemicrodong kidnapped Shailynn. Non-brilliant thought: he could be in his basement saying “It puts the lotion in the basket” right now!
discussion comment
6 years ago
God Bless Dancers
In fact, I hear that rickdugan keeps a piece of SOS in a pit in his basement. He’s named it “Bessy” and he visits it every day. He plays “lambs” with it. That starts when he lowers a bottle of lotion in a basket into the pit and says “it takes the lotion from the basket”.
I think you can see where this is going: nowhere particularly brilliant!
discussion comment
6 years ago
God Bless Dancers
If you eat SOS, do get to watch the cow take a bolt to the brain and get creamed?
If you do I’m sure rickdugan thinks it is brilliant! https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=67439
discussion comment
6 years ago
New Jersey
WILLYSGOTAWOMAN, you’ve left out the most important part of any brilliant system: you have to wear a cheap suit and claim you’re a chemical engineer! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
New York
I bet that if Djscudmaster translated rickdugan’s posts into Djscudmasterese they would sound less d-baggy! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I thought this was going to be some sort of horror movie plot about a murderous Prius.
On the other hand, a pure electric wouldn’t kill you with carbon monoxide. It might run you over like the Star Trek guy, which is also non-brilliant, but it won’t smother you.
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6 years ago
Evil Lair
Was it flagooner?
If so, brilliant! ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Extra Mile
I hit the word limit and got cut off in a review of a Seattle club. I was probably prattling on too long, but I finished the review in comments.