At age 19 College aged Male student walks into strip club in His Hometown/Area of residency. Its College night and males with college id get in free. He goes with friends into a packed house and stays a bit 1-2 hours and then leaves. Upon leaving club Male student goes to bouncer and says great club etc... Next weekend Male returns to club and is ushured in without having id checked. Club is not so packed at time of His arrival and the stripper crowd is small. Within 5-10 minutes of having been there and has drink served to Him He looks around room and sees that some of the make patrons have been looking at Him with disgust. He looks at stage and at female strippers around and notices some are/had been staring delibertly at Him almost all simultaneously. Some strippers are even talking about Him to each other as He is being stared upon. A female stripper Who has a male patron bury his face into her chest whist his two make friends are watching this unfold starts to look at male who was apparently talked about and starts licking her lips and smiles at Him.A Bouncer notices this and is telling her outloud dont do this. Male friends of patron who had face burried in chest makes male stop and they whisper in ear what has happened. They turn to Male and look disgusted and look at bouncer and say whats going on? within few minutes either after Male is being grilled or apparently Bouncer noticing a stripper has come close to Him and starts to flash her pussy to Him in this a topless joint He is escorted out with said friends. Next weekend male friends of college aged student go to club and upon entry have female strippers constantly going up to them and say either a)What happened last weekend or b)Why isnt your sexy friend here with you guys? Following weekend on a friday male who had been escorted out is trying to return to club and bouncer says your under aged or your not 21 or your ID is fake etc....Next day with friends He tries to return in and bouncer says everybody can come in except Him(referring to College student) Protests or comments by group as to why has bouncer saying This is the rules take it up with management but not now If yall persist all are banned. Hmmm What were your opinions
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