Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged

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avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

The Miami Herald has a more detailed story about him. Watch the videos.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

Good for him. Hopefully bubba takes good care of him

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

I read the article. Sad stuff. Yeah, teens in the foster care system or runaways are at the highest risk of doing sex work as a minor. It’s why I wish more things related to child labor laws would get pushed back. 😢

But maybe more remote/online opportunities in the future can change that? Idk

...also I’m very impressed that one particular troll account hasn’t logged in yet.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

As of this arrest, there are a lot really nervous rich guys out there right now.

avatar for 4got2wipe
5 yrs ago

I suspect Epstein will get a fairly severe punishment this time.

That said, I’m of two minds about this. Rather than just joking around, as I typically like to do, I’m going to be totally serious. Here is the thing: it is clear that Epstein is a creep. There is way to much smoke for there not to be a blazing inferno. I have no sympathy for a him. Therefore, I’d like to see him get as much time as possible.

That said, I think this comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy. Before any of TUSCL’s resident legal experts chime in I recognize that there are often many ways around the double jeopardy issue. I don’t know the details in the Epstein case but I’m sure prosecutors think they can get him.

I also said “comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy” because it is clear the the federal prosecutor in this case made a sweetheart deal. That was fucked up. But what about the next guy where things are less clearly a federal prosecutor giving a fucked up sweetheart deal. This could be a dangerous path for us to go down. Sometimes guilty people get less punishment than they should because the system protects innocent people. Or it should protect the innocent. So be careful what you wish for.

avatar for 4got2wipe
5 yrs ago

Also, don’t forget that the prosecutor is now our secretary of labor. He should also get punished for making a way too lenient deal and basically not doing his job. Not criminal punishment, but this was an egregious enough fuck up that I don’t think he should be rewarded with a cabinet position.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

May I suggest soap on a rope?

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

I don't think we've seen the new charges against Epstein yet, and so we don't know if double jeopardy is involved. He abused so many young girls. Maybe the prosecutors have found other victims not covered in his plea agreement.

Epstein doesn't have to worry that his lawyers will pull out every constitutional and procedural issue and will intimidate the victims and throw up smoke screens. One of his lawyers is Alan Dershowitz, who helped get O. J. Simpson acquitted. Epstein has billions of dollars to spend and he has friends in high places. If it appears he is going to be convicted, he could flee to some third world country and live the rest of his life in luxury. I am not at all convinced that he will ever be punished.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Secretly, many on here feel for the pedophile....

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

^ Hm, not the vincemichels account I was expecting, but close enough I guess.

avatar for NinaBambina
5 yrs ago

I thought his prior conviction was for rape and these new charges are for child sex trafficking.

And how is it double jeopardy, anyway? It's my understanding that they're not trying him for crimes he was already tried for, but bringing new charges. He can be tried for the same charge twice if they were different instances.

avatar for boomer79
5 yrs ago

My understanding was the original deal was with federal prosecutors in Texas and South Florida. From what I read it’s not binding on federal prosecutors in different parts of the country. These charges are for federal crimes committed in New York.

I will say these charges are for crimes committed in the early 2000s. I don’t really believe in long statutes of limitations and since there was a plea I don’t really believe in bringing it back up unless there were new crimes committed after the plea. I doubt I’ll get many who agree with me on that but 15 years since the crimes and 10 years since the plea deal is a long time.

avatar for mark94
5 yrs ago

A search of his safe found hundreds of videos of apparently underage girls, nude and partially nude. They also have videos of Epstein’s friends with the girls.

As someone said, lots of nervous people out there.

avatar for daddyfatsack
5 yrs ago

I was thinking the same thing icey

5 yrs ago

Jeez stories like this make me feel better about my mongering. at least i'm not a child molester

avatar for NinaBambina
5 yrs ago

Boomer79, heinous crimes typically have no statute of limitations, including sex crimes against minors.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 yrs ago

Original charges were pled down to solicitation of prostitution. He served 1 day a week in jail for 13 months and was released 6 days a week so he could work. He got off pretty lightly. Deal was he wouldn’t be prosecuted for other charges but that usually requires the defendant to identify any other crimes. If he didn’t identify all his victims, I think there’s no double jeopardy. There was also an issue in that the FL prosecutors did not tell the victims about the plea deal, but not sure if that would’ve invalidated it.

Sounds like a scum bag who should go to jail for a long time if they can prove it.

avatar for boomer79
5 yrs ago

Nina I am not arguing they’ve violated the statute of limitations. I’m simply saying I generally object to the lengthening of statutes of limitations. It used to be just murder without restrictions. In many places there was even a statute on manslaughter. In my mind the time has long since passed to make a prosecutorial decision about this case. Of course that puts my main objection with Congress.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Epstein can die in a tire fire for all I care.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

^^^^That would be lovely. Unfortunately, we all know, when you have that kind of money you can literally get away with murder, and this douche bag will find a way to beat this rap and probably continue doing what he's been doing until someone makes him fellate a revolver.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

This case will be a great example of the best justice money can buy....

60% of those in jail are there coz they can't afford bail...not coz they were ever convicted of anything.

Judges love rich offenders... guess they think they're looking at future campaign contributors...

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Of course Trump weighed in on this he said “he feels badly” for Accosta his cabinet secretary who was instrumental in Epstein’s original favorable plea deal. I’m not surprised that the president who himself is a sexual predator feels that, Trumps Mar-ALago club is less than a mile from Epstein’s Palm Beach Mansion and has been buddy- buddy with the disgraced Epstein for many years.

avatar for minnow
5 yrs ago

Some snippets from my web search on Epstein:

  1. It appears that a lot of reporters are latching on to the billionaire label, and running with it. If they really did their homework, they might just have noticed that Epstein has never been on Forbes 400 list.

  2. Although much of his wealth may be outside of reporting constraints (Virgin Islands based), some sources have listed his net worth as being ~ $2B. Can we really believe every thing that we read on the web ? (roll eyes emoji)

  3. According to wiki, Epstein attended college, but did not graduate. Yet he still taught math at school for a few years. Looks like he was one of the exceptions for lack of a degree holding him back.

Now go back to speculation on legal proceedings..........

avatar for ime
5 yrs ago

Ole Bubba Clinton who ditched his secret service detail many times to fly on the Lolita Express and go to Epstein's Island is mighty nervous right about now.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

" Epstein attended college, but did not graduate. Yet he still taught math at school for a few years. Looks like he was one of the exceptions for lack of a degree holding him back."

Just reading about this asshole for the first time. He dropped out of the Courant Institute, which is a famous place and ranked #1 in the country for applied math. Not sure where he was teaching math. Perhaps middle-school for girls?

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