In fact, I hear that rickdugan keeps a piece of SOS in a pit in his basement. He’s named it “Bessy” and he visits it every day. He plays “lambs” with it. That starts when he lowers a bottle of lotion in a basket into the pit and says “it takes the lotion from the basket”.
I think you can see where this is going: nowhere particularly brilliant!
A travelling salesman was driving past a farm one day, and he noticed that a good sized pig had two wooden forelegs. Curious! He saw the farmer out in the barnyard, so he stopped to ask the farmer about the pig.
"Well," said the farmer, "that pig is a hero. We were all asleep in our beds when the house caught fire. He noticed that the house was on fire, broke out of the barn, broke into the house, woke all of us up, and then led us all to safety!"
"Wow!" responded the salesman. "So, he lost his legs in the fire?"
"Oh, no. His legs were all fine. But Hell, boy. That pig is a hero! Special! You don't just eat a pig like that all at once."
last commentIf you do I’m sure rickdugan thinks it is brilliant!…
I think you can see where this is going: nowhere particularly brilliant!
"Well," said the farmer, "that pig is a hero. We were all asleep in our beds when the house caught fire. He noticed that the house was on fire, broke out of the barn, broke into the house, woke all of us up, and then led us all to safety!"
"Wow!" responded the salesman. "So, he lost his legs in the fire?"
"Oh, no. His legs were all fine. But Hell, boy. That pig is a hero! Special! You don't just eat a pig like that all at once."