
LOL, didn’t know there was actually a limit for club review being too long

Extra Mile
Sunday, June 16, 2019 7:25 PM
Just posted an unusually long review and I see that it actually got cut off. Only missing the last few closing sentences, no big deal. But I had no idea there was actually a character limit per review. Learn something new everyday. (It may well say this somewhere and I’ve just never noticed) Also, to the guy who rejected it for being “Way TMI”... kindly fuck off.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    What club was it
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    This probably happens to Chulo all the time ☺️
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't think there's a limit - I've posted a review that was about 9K words and a couple of 5K or 6K words, not characters
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    Here's his review. [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    w.r.t. the missing characters decent chance it was user error in the process
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    Don’t think it was user error but understand you are saying there isn’t a limit... I just re-read and noticed a section in middle is also missing. I did not copy and paste this - was written directly into TUSCL post window. I also proof read it before posting. Very strange.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The review that posted was about 2100 words - most my reviews are that long and some much longer. I always write my reviews offline - not uncommon in the past for folks to have lost reviews by writing them on TUSCL
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    Papi, I just looked at some of your long ones and I do see they are quite hefty. Off hand, do you know which one was your 9k word review? I’d like to read it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    w.r.t. the guy that commented on your review - I follow reviews of black clubs which he happens to review and his reviews are often very light on details about the club so IMO he's not one to be making critics.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    @Serge I admire your bravado Let me look in my reviews to see where in the list it is
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @Papi much appreciated
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    @Serge I believe this is my 9K words review - but if you gotta work tomorrow you might not make it: [view link]
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @Papi haha! Thanks for the warning! I’m going for it!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Cool - I'll visit you at the hospital
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @Papi just finished reading! Epic it was. Great stuff. I’ve actually never been to Follies yet but planning to soon so this was perfect. Thanks very much. (And yes I read every word. Took almost 30 mins I guess?)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I started re-reading it myself to reminisce and couldn't get past the first 1/4 of it - I need to do a better job of staying on point
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    There IS a limit on review limit. TUSCL member Pizza wrote an epic review of Hong Kong. We noticed it cut off at the end and asked him why. Apparently it cut off the rest, and there was plenty of review left. He had to break it up into three parts. Part 1 of Pizza's HK review is here: [view link]
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    I hit the word limit and got cut off in a review of a Seattle club. I was probably prattling on too long, but I finished the review in comments.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Chances are you hit a command prompt on your computer I have only once had something cut off and that was because I hit backslash then {}
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @Twenty I actually did use “< >” right around where it cut off! Must be related. Thanks!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Oh yeah - if you use the less-than-sign in the past that would cut off everything after that I'm still not convinced there is a limit bc I have written very long reviews and never had an issue but maybe there is sone very very high limit
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