I hope it was not one of us

avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver

At a club and there is a guy taking up prime seating across the bar from me. For a solid hour he is LOUDLY on his phone. Has earbuds but is yelling at his phone. We all could not help but notice it was some sort of business meeting he was leading. Yelling, arguing, cursing for a an hour. Having to yell because the music was very loud.

Girls tried asking for dances and he rudely dismissed them. "Can't you see I'm on the phone?" At one point people next to him got loud in their own right and he barked "Hey, can't you see I'm on the phone?" The other guy and two girls just moved away.

So random thoughts:

Who the FUCK goes to a strip club to hold a conference call? Sit in your fucking car and finish the call before you come in.

I noticed he looked around from time to time. My take was this was not seeing if he was bothering anyone. It was more like he was making sure people noticed he was such an important jackoff because he was on a conference call in a strip club. Over time the seats around him emptied and he actually started walking around and talking. It was probably unconscious, but it was like somewhere deep down if he could not annoy people sitting in one place any more he would walk over to where they were and annoy them.

He was obviously annoying people, obviously not tipping or otherwise partaking and even being rude to dancers. No one that I could tell ever did anything about it. Not the bartender (from whom he was buying nothing) or any of the floor staff. Should the club have done anything? I don't know the context. For all I know he owned the joint or was good for dropping a grand when he got off the phone.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

Wasn't me. I'm retired and never take my cell phone into the club.

avatar for goldmongerATL
5 yrs ago

I never bring mine either. If they want to see pictures of my dog they can come sit in my car to look at them :-)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Sorry man - it was actually an important call - next time you see me on the phone kindly fuck off - thanks

avatar for loper
5 yrs ago

haha PC

avatar for prevert
5 yrs ago

I think I might have sat right next to the fucker and paid every stripper in the club to come sing Happy Birthday to me a few dozen times.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Dammit you see me talking on the phone and you think it’s ok to interrupt me how rude and inconsiderate

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

I love this

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

I'll just sit next time that start shouting "Hey! Look at me! I have a cell phone! I'm important!" I've done it several times at PJs Coffee and other places, but never in a strip club. I think I would have to make sure whoever was on the phone knew he was in a Strip club

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Lol. That is the kind of ASS that you don’t want to see in a strip Club, even if seeing that ASS was a freebie!

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

Usually they hang out in the men's room where it is a little quieter.

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

Was he wearing a three piece suit? Was he talking loudly about fake chemical engineering stuff? https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=63092

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

Can't stand wanna be flashy pieces of shit like that. No one gives a shit if you're some hotshot business man in the club. UNLESS he's a regular known to drop at least a G every time in the club. Maybe he does and that's why he was not asked to leave by club staff.

avatar for AtAboy
5 yrs ago

I was gonna say too TFP unless he’s a BIG spender, I’m surprised the bouncer didn’t show him out. And if he was a big spender and thought because of that he can act like an entitled prick and ruin everyone else’s time plus be rude to the dancers then he’s still a d-bag no matter how deep his pockets are.

avatar for DeclineToState
5 yrs ago

The loud phone talking douchebag described reminds me of the Ken the stockbroker character in Breaking Bad that was doing the loud phone bragging/talking in the bank and had the KENWINS license plate. I couldn't find the clip of that scene but here's the clip from later that episode where Walter White blows up his car, which was awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GI4rwSqrEk

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

Even if he was that much of a baller, still dumb. An actual baller can buy a bottle and get his own space, or pay whatever fee to be away from the front room plebs.

Yeah if dancers and patrons both are getting annoyed then it would have been in club staff’s interest to do something. My guess is “manager’s friend” (I’m sure there’s a few who aren’t complete pieces of shit—but if they exist then I wouldn’t know because they do absolutely nothing to let me know that)

avatar for 4got2wipe
5 yrs ago

Alternative idea: it was rickdugan running a new system.

Imagine this system: show up wearing your suit claiming to be a chemical engineer and hold a meeting to show the girls how important (and rich!) you are. Then get down and dirty afterward.

I’m not saying it’s a brilliant system. In fact, I call it the d-bag system. I’m just saying it is a possibility ;)

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Who really cares? If he's not disrupting anyone or stirring shit, doesn't matter.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

^but he was.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

So people moved away big deal, I would have listened and made about jokes about it to the girl. And if he were really posing a disruption, management would have told him

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

I wish I was important enough to be able to work from a cell phone. Maybe I could be an asshole and get some good stripper attention. .... naaaa, not a chance!

By the way, he was apparently disturbing others to the point of them getting up and leaving his space just as Icey said to do. HOWEVER, the asshole apparently then got up and began walking the floor while continuing his bullshit rant on the phone. Attention seeking at its worst.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Any time, any where that someone wants to be loud enough to involve me in their phone call I get involved. I'd have made myself part of the meeting. If Icey said to grovel and move away from the loudmouth you know its the wrong move....for a man.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ I’m with you the right thing to do is always the opposite of whatever icee says.

avatar for goldmongerATL
5 yrs ago

No three piece suit involved. Dude did not even meet the club's posted biz casual dress code. Shorts, golf shirt and sandals (no black socks).

It is not that I am not used to seeing people do the I'm important and don't care who I disturb act at Starbuck's, grocery store, restaurants, regular bars, etc. This is a first for me seeing it at a loud strip club. I have actually seen people asked to take it outside at restaurants. Saw a guy at McDonald's doing this at the front of the line. Finally they just started taking orders from people behind him.

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