
Comments by Eagle1191 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Either I'm really frugal (or cheap) or I'm really poor
    @Estafador I am in my late 20's and the only reason I even know about extras is a dancer asked me if I wanted more, this was a a cleaner club too so I was pretty surprised. Perhaps its where you live that effects it but here where I am I usually get asked by the dancers if I want more then the standard lap dance, I do not flaunt cash or anything else either. It seems the better your manners are, and if you treat them with respect it goes a long way, gotten some free extras from a number of dancers cause I was a gentleman instead of how others apparently act when in the club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Either I'm really frugal (or cheap) or I'm really poor
    If your willing to spend $100 on lap dances then honestly $100 more for FS is not that much, just have $300-400 one time and see if you really like a dancer enough to get extras from her. Not saying to spend $200 on some random street walker but if you really find a dancer willing to do extras that you click with then go have fun.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Pump it or Dump it ?
    I'd dump this one, not my type.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sugar baby from hell
    That is an old ass woman who looks a bad 42, she is no sugar baby in any shape or form.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm worried
    Just give her a chance, if she fails then you will have proof that she was not worth it, but if she passes and does some great things for you then there will be a smile on your face in the morning.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Seeking arrangement
    "Otherwise the SD/SB relation is a great one. Hell, I wish I was UHNW I'd have a sugar baby or three on my payroll, if I could! And I'd pay her (them) well. Personally, I don't think multiple thousands of dollars per month is NOT out of line for a sugar relationship. I'd want to pay mine enough so she could make six figures each year to live a pampered life of luxury and leisure. So $10K/mo or $5K/mo plus gifts&tips sounds about right to me. Others may disagree. " The question I have to ask is what are you getting out of this as a man(SD) to justify the expense ? Are they giving you some physical fun or is it just to have arm candy when you go out to eat or to go out for the night ?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Baltimore Block: Any advice?
    The block is a fun place but know other then the Hustler Club anything goes at all the other places. Hustlers is the only true strip club there as the other places will allow you to go pretty far as long as you have the cash. As for safety theres no issues during the day shift and most times the block will be empty unless theres a ball game going on so you will have the chance to have the pick of the liter. At nighttime is usually when the drug pushers and the cops are out patrolling which is when you need to be a little smarter about what you do. The block has had several raids over the years and many people who get caught are usually the ones doing something foolish at night time. The clubs are crowded at night time and some only open at night but thats also when cover fees, and upselling really come into play as its the prime time that they get business. Theres also more dancers at night but also more chances of running into the ROBs or the dancer who is there to give you very little for to much money. The Block is not as bad as it used to be due to the police cracking down on them hard at times but if your going to do something dumb or "go for broke" then stick to the day shift.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Seeking arrangement
    SA is a waste of time and money, no one should be stupid enough to support these women when hookers, strippers, and escorts are all much better options who will not have you wasting(it is a waste) 1K-3K a week, or month for just a date which usually does not involve sex of any kind or its reluctant since these women do not want to believe they are whoring themselves out for money which is part of the delusion they make for themselves. OTC is what the SDs need to discover cause them supporting these women on SA just to have arm candy with nothing else gotten out of it and the woman having most of the power for what they will and will not do is just unacceptable. A stripper, hooker, or escort is more honest then the women on "Seeking Arrangement" as atleast they know what they are and don't care.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dealing with Stripper Glitter
    This idiot needs to get kicked in the balls, this amount of stupidity is just pathetic.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Video that broke the Internet: Abigail Ratchford at In-N-Out
    I thought she was a pornstar at first, seems like this model is trying to break out into porn judging by that video. Why do you never see her body bellow the waist in this video ?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    How truthful are your posts?
    Honesty is the best policy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What have I gotten myself into?
    Just go with the flow, being close to her in age ans her not asking for money when she was at your place means she is likely looking for a fb, has a crush, or sees you as a potential boyfriend. Get to know her a little and keep her at a distance emotionally until you know what you want. Do not ask her if she wants money unless she brings it up, and treat her as you have since it never hurts to be polite and a gentleman.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Housing Whores
    A hell fucking no.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Getting burned even when you know better
    Lesson 1- NEVER USE A CREDIT CARD Lesson 2- The ATM at a club is never to be used, the cash you bring is your limit, if you want to get more find a non fee outside atm to use I made the mistake of using the atm at a club once to get a dancer I know a few bucks, she repaid me with interest next time I saw her. Getting the money back was the only reason I did so, and she thanked me other ways later.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    18 and barely legal
    I'll take your word for it, things do change with age.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    18 and barely legal
    Well I am in my late 20's so I prefer the dancers from age 20-30 maybe in their 30's but not into the really young girls, the 18 or 19 year old girl is just not something I go for, it makes me feel uncomfortable as she is still "just a kid" in my book.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Cold Turkey
    I usually don't go to the clubs in the winter time, its just to damn cold and not worth the trip unless theres a special event, or the weather is nice and warm. So about 3-4 months I am usually not in the clubs, I sometimes just take a break anyway to keep things from getting stale.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Little Darlings baltimore closed ?
    Will do that, thank you for the replies back.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    I have only seen this once and the guy looked like a complete fool, none of the dancers gave a crap and practically ignored him other then taking the money and moving back or onto the people paying attention to them or making conversation. I have also seen a person "make it rain" just to be the center of attention and it lasted all of 3 minutes and that was about it. I say "let them do this" as its their money to waste and no dancer really gives a crap that the fools are to "proud" to look at them yet they are in a club tossing away crap loads of money just for an image. I might be a younger guy who is still kinda new to strip clubs but I spend my money wisely most of the time to get the most bang for my buck.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why SW girls fail.......
    So true, and I stopped going there after seeing all the negativity and out right hate for the customers. If the dancers at the clubs I went to acted like the strippers(note how I do not even respect them enough to call them dancers) from SW then the places would close down due to not having enough patrons. Its one thing to have a bad day but the bitter anger from SW makes you have to ask why these strippers are still working at a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    It is extremely rare to find "love" in a strip club and those who think they will be the exception to the rule are only fooling themselves. The club is for fun only and maybe some friendship but when these things start as a business relationship it is unlikely they want to stop getting your money and see you for free without some kind of payment.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The Soap Opera Continues
    You should not let her effect you like this, it was not like you expected to marry this young girl or have a serious relationship with her. She found another person ,a fellow woman to replace you with, take the hint and drop her ass. Theres many dancers out there to have fun with, this "dream stripper" is just a nice fantasy that never lasts unless you change the relationship.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    3 words on John Smith's mind....
    This did amuse me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: R.I.P. Fred Thompson (1942-2015)
    Was sad to see this news myself today, lots of great people have passed this year.