I'm worried

avatar for JohnSmith69
I'm fucking my first MILF in a few days.

She's not nearly as hot as the girls I'm playing with tonight.

And she can't hold a candle to a DS.

But she's good for her age.

I'm not sure how I'll react. If I'm high I might be honest. But weed helps me get horny.

Here's my fear. I'm afraid that strippers may have ruined me for women my own age.

Should I be worried?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Nah. If she's not ugly, you know how to make the sex good, and she probably has a few tricks she's learned over the years as wel.

Youth ain't everything. Some experience is good once in a while.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Most likely it wont' be nearly as good as what you've been conditioned to getting; but only one way to find out.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Oh man your winky is gonna be a limp noodle and your MILF is gonna say "didn't you bring some Viagara?" Lol

You'll be fine, how do you know for sure you're going to get laid? I hope you're not paying MILFs now too!?!?
avatar for K
9 years ago
No worries. A MILF will likely go down on you and provide any help you need to get in the mood.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
There is a song that covers your situation:

The Very Unfortunate Man

There was a lawyer, his name was Clay
He had but two clients and they wouldn't pay
At last of starvation he grew so afraid
That he courted and married a wealthy old maid

At the wedding the lawyer made one big mistake
'Twas not in omitting the wine or the cake
The ring was well chosen, they had a big feed
But the lawyer did not get a warranty deed

At night in their chamber the lady arose
And began to prepare to retire and repose
Her husband stood near her admiring her charms
That gave him such pleasure to hold in his arms

She went to the washstand to bathe her fair face
And thus she destroyed all her beauty and grace
The rose on her cheek quickly grew faint
When he saw on the towel, 'twas nothing but paint

He's a very unfortunate, very unfortunate, very unfortunate man

She went to the mirror to take down her hair
And when she had done so her scalp was all bare
Said she, don't be frightened to see my bald head
I'll put on a cap when I get into bed

She hung her false hair on the wall on a peg
And then she proceeded to take off her leg
Her quivering husband felt sure he would die
When she asked him to come and take out her glass eye

He's a very unfortunate, very unfortunate, very unfortunate man

Her husband was biting his quivering lips
While she removed her counterfeit hips
Just then her false nose clattered down to the floor
And the poor lawyer, screaming, ran out of the door

Now all you young men who would marry for life
Be sure to examine your intended wife
Remember the lawyer who trusted his eyes
And a little bit later got quite a surprise

He's a very unfortunate, very unfortunate, very unfortunate man
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
Five or six years ago my then 25 year old ATF told me that she had now ruined me for anyone near my own age. "You'll never get it up for an older chick" she laughed.
I haven't even tried. Good luck , JS69.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
Can't do it. Unless they are under 32, my shit won't work
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Geez, what a bunch of Negative Nancys. MILFs know how to fuck. What they lack in perfectly smooth skin and youthfully perky breasts, they can make up for with the experience to give you what you want, and the maturity and confidence to give new things a fighting chance.

The MILF I've been seeing hasn't quite spoiled me for younger girls, but it's a good thing she can only see me once a month or so.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Of course it helps that at 35, she has a body that looks a decade younger and makes many of her 15 year younger coworkers jealous.
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
depends on how old this MILF is. Are we talking 40's? If so you should worry john..LOL
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I've never juggled that many women at once. How to you keep up your stamina? Wow. You must eat and train like a porn star!
avatar for Eagle1191
9 years ago
Just give her a chance, if she fails then you will have proof that she was not worth it, but if she passes and does some great things for you then there will be a smile on your face in the morning.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Your dick will fall off and you will lose all street cred on TUSCL. You have too much invested to start over.
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
There's a position that'll make it passable.

I occasionally hook up with a chick who borders on being a fatty. She fluctuates in weight but most of it is in her belly. She's got a pretty face a decent ass and nice tits. So I get her facing a mirror and hit it from behind, that way I see the most attractive parts and not her jelly-belly.

You can make it work.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
“… You must eat and train like a porn star …”

Call him Rocky Ballsboa
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
The original MILF was Stiffler's mom but I really never understood why. She didn't/doesn't do anything for me. The older I get the more it takes to arouse me.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
I have yet in any of your posts ever hear you talk about wanting to date women your own age. So what's the problem again?
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
This is too many words for me to read and respond to. But beguiled's response worries me. Am I making a mistake? I'm not going to marry her. I don't think. Did I mention that she's a redhead?
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
No, you aren't making a mistake. Enjoy the milf. If you make her feel desirable - she will make you feel like a king - and she will do things 18-21 year olds haven't learned yet!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Your days of fucking anyone over 30 and enjoying it are long gone. This is going to be a train wreck.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Lone Wolf, thank you for your loving encouragement. If I can't get it up I'll admit that you were right. I'm sorry to disappoint you.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
She's almost in a decade that starts with a 5.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Stay thirsty my friend
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Damn John, just fuck her already. Broads that age are almost always horny and know how to fuck. What's wrong with knocking off another piece of ass? Unless she is hedious looking, which we know she is not or you wouldn't be considering it.

All those MILFs I've been with the past few years have been great in bed. And yes, besides being eager, they know how to fuck, they know how to give a BJ, they can be extremely slutty. And at the end of the day isn't this what we are all after. Go get your dick wet.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Thank you Corvus. I feel better now.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Keep the lights low and undress in some other room than the bedroom. This allows her some coverage and will increase her comfort. Make sure you start in before she gets ready for bed. You will want the full make up effect. Have fun. What's one night? I'm 58 and 1/2 and it does take more stimulation than it used to. Hell-close your eyes and fantasize and just ride the wave.
avatar for K
9 years ago
Just left my lady friend over 35. Was with the under 25 last night. I enjoyed today as much as last night. She is just more skilled and she enjoys the attention more
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