
Putting the P in PL

Nina's recent thread of some guy spending a lot of money just talking with her in VIP got me thinking?

What's the most PL thing you've ever done in a strip club?

I'm still kinda new to the strip clubs, but mine is telling this stripper that I love her. It's not like she said it to me first or anything. I just said it out of nowhere. Of course her being the smart hustler she is, she said, "I love you too baby". Lol

Honorable mention for me would be making it rain insane amounts of money on girls. I can't get that money back.


  • Clackport
    8 years ago
    Making it rain 5K recently.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    My policy is the word "love" is for civies only. Saying that ITC seems too desperate and it will never be returned (short of fucking for free but then you might be her BF or baby daddy at that point). "I love your tits" is fine, "I you baby" is not.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    There've been so many. How do I pick just one?

    In the club, probably giving a couple of my favorites birthday presents of cash. Like $100 for a couple.

    Outside the club, the same "I love you." I meant it, though.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I'd recommend never using the word love inside the club. I don't even think Juice mentions his love for chicken fangers inside the club.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Tipping a dancer when she asks for a tip. Only one occasion was it a significant amount. It still happens, but it's only $1 - $5 so she'll leave me alone.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Most pathetic thing I ever did was acquiesce to a manager asking me to turn out my pockets after a stripper accused me of stealing 5 hundred dollar bills from her during a lap dance.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Nothing that anyone but me knew about. My biggest PL moment was very early on when I found myself starting to get jealous or pissed off if a fave either spent too much time with someone else or made me wait for her too long. To me that is total PL behavior, and one night as I was storming out of a club all pissed off (again), it dawned on me the level of PLdom that I had achieved. From that moment on I never let that happen again.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Very, very, very, early-on in my professional PL-career when I believed a dancer was actually/genuinely into me and not just doing her job – LOL.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    I guess mine would have to be bring a birthday cake and present in for a fav about 5 years ago..LOL
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Early on in my PL career I was in town for work and I met a dancer who travelled into this town to strip as well. She said she was lonely and could use some company and txtd me nonstop for 3 days. I eventually figured out it was all a ploy to just get me back inside the club to blow more money on her.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Butterman- LMAO. I just spit out my coffee laughing.

    Other major PL instances for me was early on in my strip club career, I was too pussy to tell girls (I didn't want to get dances from) "no" when they asked for a dance. I would always just say maybe.

  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    I hate to admit it. But, probably my most pathetic loser move was to actually have a couple dozen roses delivered to a a dancer and a waitress while they were working at the PH club.

    I know... Pathetic.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    When I was a newbie, not sure which was worse, loaning a dancer money or asking a dancer out without a clue when she said something about dong a private party and never once said it was going to cost me money.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I once offered to pay a dancer's electric bill. When I said I would go with her to the local electric company service center and pay the bill there, rather than giving her the cash (now that would be the ultimate PL), she lost it, started screaming at me, threw various items at me from her truck and patched out of the lot. LMAO, I started laughing so hard at that stupid cunt, I almost fell over.
  • vajmon
    8 years ago
    I have so many, it's hard to choose! LOL. But probably my biggest PL moment happened when I first started clubbing. I was madly in love with a cute young non-extras dancer. I was going to the club every week to see her. One night she needed a ride home. I thought that she genuinely liked me and was my friend (maybe even wanted to be my gf). So I drove her home. On the way she gave me the usual sad story about not making any money that night and needing money for rent on Monday. She had always been adamant about not having sex for money but on some occasions hinted that maybe I would get lucky if I was "a good boy". So I thought maybe asking for a ride home and telling me her sad story along the way was her way of indirectly offering extras and that if I came to the rescue with lots of $$ she'd invite into me to her place for some fun. So I stop at the ATM and withdraw $400 (the going rate for OTC) and give it to her saying I just want to help her out as a friend. We get to her apartment, she smiles, gives me a kiss on the cheek, thanks me for the money and then springs a surprise that her boyfriend who she never mentioned before is waiting for her inside. I drove off with my dick in my hand. Next time I visit the club I found out she told everyone there that I paid her $400 for the pleasure to drive her home and that I was the biggest sucker she'd ever met! 
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    @vajmon- ouch!
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'm too embarrassed to answer this one. But of course it involves the DS.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I posted this story a couple years ago. It still ranks as my greatest PL moment:

    I had a great moment in PL history this morning. A stripper called me because her boyfriend need gas to go to work and neither of them had any money. She asked me to meet the boyfriend at a certain gas station at 11AM. She indicated she would repay me with interest (so to speak).

    I got the to gas station a couple minutes before 11. No boyfriend. I waited 10 minutes and then called the stripper. It went to voice mail. I waited another 5 minutes, called the stripper again, and got voice mail again. I left a message saying he could get his own damn gas.

    I've been stood up by strippers lots of times, but this is the first time I was stood up by a stripper's boyfriend.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @vajmon-I guess the question is did you get any more dances from her after episode?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ vajmon;

    Yeah - that sounds about right
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    I could write a book about all the PL related cash I pissed away clubbing but what really makes me cringe is when I think about all the stupid shit I would tell the dancers thinking I was smooth. This, long before I understood the dichotomy between the civie world and the bizarro sc world. Clubbing is a lot more fun once true PL sc enlightenment is reached.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I can't compete with you guys.

    I used to waste strippers time when I was new I guess.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Maybe larryfisherman should ask this question again when we all are drunk. Say after midnight on January 1st. C'mon fellow PLs ! this shit is lame (maybe lopaw gets a jail pass). Y'all got some deep PL stories.But I'll top em.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I hate to admit but I've done many of these that don't involve insane amts of $. I have to say the worst was the same as lopaw's only that I have committed that several times and probably will again.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I wonder why Bavarian hasn't commented on this thread??
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I had spent most the night with the same girl; probably spent about $700 on her. She was definitely my favorite at the time, by a long shot. I was about to leave, she was about to leave too. She asked me for $150 because that would help her reach her goal of making $1,000 on the night (most of it having already been from me). I pulled out the $150, only a little hesitant that I wasn't getting anything for this $150, gave it to her, then we called it a night and each went on our way.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I was in a club a few days ago - during the afternoon. The club wasn't too busy - but there was a decent Monday afternoon crowd. A very sexy Latina approaches the guy next to me - and hits him up for some dances. The guy doesn't have the cash. He takes out an iPad mini - asks for the wifi info - so he can transfer money. Evidently this PL isn't trustworthy - and this is painful. After moving his money - he goes to the atm. He keeps trying - and trying - and trying. Still - no luck! It was painful. I moved to a private dance area before seeing if he ever got the cash -
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I spent another $40 plus $10 tip on a low mileage dancer that I rejected before to get high mileage dances from my CF. I gave first dancer the tip the second time around because I felt bad that she didn't earn a tip, even though she (or her dancer persona) seems like a nice person. I also admire someone who sticks to her beliefs, even though it hurts her money.

    She seems like the only one in the club trying to dance to the letter of the clubs rules and her lack of earnings and lack of repeat dances show it. She keeps a professional demeanor out with the customers but I hear from CF that the first girl complains vaguely in the DR about it. It's kind of sad to watch her slowly cave in to touching. She really belongs in an air dance club (or a 1-way touching club) but I don't think those exist much any more.

    I guess feeling bad for that young woman (and spending money on dances from her that I barely enjoy) are the most pathetic things I've done in a while.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Butterman wins:-)

    Pathetic is saying I love you, buying them gifts, thinking we mean something to them. That's not me.

    I think when a lot of money is involved, it's no longer pathetic but stupid. That's where I am.
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