
Girls on their phones

I think my club might be cracking down on girls sitting on their phones in the front room ignoring the customers. It makes sense if they are, because it just looks bad. It's one thing for girls to socialize with management or the DJ or the bartender or each other, and if they want to be on their phones they can go to the DR. But nothing screams "I'm not interested in any of you" more than a girl on her phone while there are several unattended customers.


  • rick33
    8 years ago
    Makes sense. Shortly before the demise of Monarchs, 4 out of 5 of them were on the back bench reading texts while one worked the floor..
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    This is not exclusive to strip clubs.

    My buddy who owns a restaurant/bar has a rule - if you get caught while on your shift on your phone, you get fired.

    I'm bad about being on my phone too, so when I go see a customer, I leave my phone in my car. Yeah it sucks to come out to 3 voicemails and 5 texts but I feel it's more important to focus on the customer I have face to face.

    Nothing pisses me off more when I go tip a girl dancing $10, and ask her to join me when she's done, and when she walks off the stage she goes over to the corner and starts pecking on her phone.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Management has also got to minimize the time they hang out in the DR too. If told to stay off of their phones out on the floor, the lazy bitches will just flee into the DR and get on their phones in there.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @lopaw Exactly.

    With one of my favs, I routinely have to text her ITC to get her out of the DR and onto my lap and eventually VIP. It works, but god help a custie who doesn't have her number. Sometimes she responds shes in CR or VIP or another customer will soon VIP her (which I guess means multiple regulars of hers have her number). Atleast I know its time to go after some other dancer for the next 10-30 minutes.

    Girls on phones on bench is better than girls in DR. I've had to pull them from the ol' bench o' strippers on their phones.

    Once every 3 months, some stripper I "know" tells her stripper friends "hes really cool, make room" to move over on the stripper bench and make room for me. Then its me, stripper I know, and 6 others sitting in a row on the bench. The conversations are usually candid stripper to stripper talk completely ignoring a customer is sitting between 2 strippers. Latest drama is the Manager demands house cut of LD in LD room that he says happened but the strippers say never happened, and its "always the same girls" being accused. Guess I got friend-zoned again although clearly they know I'm not gay from the VIP room.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    Being ignored sucks under any circumstance. Phones should be banned while on the floor of showclubs.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I understand banning telephones on the floor, however, dancers hiding in the DR is actually worse. Since I'll have to get sometime (tip) to fetch the dancer. Which is annoying. It's like the dancers don't want to make money.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^"get someone to fetch the dancer"
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Ever have one on her phone while giving you a dance? I have and needless to say, she only got one from me.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    A couple of the higher end clubs here don't let the girls use their phones on the floor. They also are pretty good at patrolling the dressing room and flushing the girls out (and fining them if they're slow about it). I'm sure the girls hate being treated like children, but I have to say, it's really made those clubs waaaay better.
  • s88
    8 years ago

    One of my regular clubs refuses to do that by policy. No staff member is allowed to tell any customer if any dancer is or isn't there that night. That basically means I will never ever come on a weekday unless I have the dancer's number, AND she responds QUICKLY (30 minutes) that she is in the club already after I ask, or she knows to text me the minute she walks in. I've had a dancer tells me her weekday schedule on fri night, I come on that weekday and pay door fee to find out "not there" and according to another everyday dancer, fri was the last time she worked. I didn't tell the everyday dancer the actual schedule the fav told me. I've had cases where they don't respond for hours, I drive to the club expecting the text, no text, wait 30 minutes on a side street, then go half way home, finally get the text. 50/50 chance I decide to turn around and go back.

    Another club around me posts the dancer schedules online and fines them for not showing up.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    s88: I've had strippers text me at 9am that they were getting ready and would be there for dayshift at 11:30am ... and then not show up. It's almost funny.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Initially when I started SCing I hated seeing hot strippers on their phone only because I wanted dances from them. Then from my viewpoint on money and how they make it I just wonder why they'd use their time like that. But at the same time, who knows if they circled the floor before I got there.

    There's a girl at a SC I frequent that is hot, but she works the entire floor then sits to only occasionally get on her phone in between.

    In my experience the ones constantly on the phone give mediocre dances.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I've seen at a few SC they have a monitor that has the lineup on it. Can't save you gas but time in the SC.
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    phones in general annoy me whether on a date or in a club. It is just rude to be texting when you are interacting with someone. Smart clubs ban them from the floor & most I have been in do. If a dancer wants to text in the dressing room I guess they can but they obviously are not getting are missing out on dances and $ if they spend all their time off the floor. Having said that so many people are glued to their phones these days so we all just must cope with it and many of the ladies I know fall into this category.
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    The dancer I visited recently does not even bring her phone to the floor, she keeps it in her locker.
    She is the only one I know that does this.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    It's somewhat generational, but that's not an excuse. Strip clubs need to have (and enforce) rules limiting phone time.

    Customers predominantly go to strip clubs for the erotic fantasy aspect. A bunch of pretty girls hunched and frowning into their phone screen isn't a fantasy; it's a coffee shop.
  • DaOnion
    8 years ago
    I have a loony idea that this thread made me think of. Since some of these girls and the younger generation like being on their phones so much, they should use it as a selling opportunity inside the club. The club could have their own app that you turn on once you get inside the club. Then all the online users (dancers, waitresses, bartenders, customers) who are in the club could have conversations Tinder style. The dancers could use it to message customers and flirt with them, to try to sell dances. Customers could message a busy waitress or bartender to bring them a drink. The app would only work inside the club, to restrict outside users. Not everyone would want to use the app, but I bet some would, like the dancers sitting on their phone anyway. I think it might build up excitement leading to a dance.

    Maybe a stupid idea, but thought I'd share it.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I think it's rude when dancers are constantly checking their phones in the club. By the same token - a customer looks rude when constantly using a phone in the club too. Basically clubs are social situations - that require face to face interaction.

    The clubs shouldn't need those rules - but it's good that some have them. If a dancer makes more money by using her phone to coordinate OTC hookups - then she's not making money for the club (by selling dances, etc.) - therefore she should be doing that either in her car or at home (and only minimally in the DR).

    If a customer is constantly on the phone - he's simply wasting time and money - by doing that in the club.

    The idea of walking into a club to be ignored by the dancers (all using their phones) isn't very welcoming. But the idea of walking into a club and seeing no dancers (because they are all in the DR on phones) isn't good either.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    All the posts about strippers on their phones makes me wonder what kind of clubs you guys are in. I mainly like upscale clubs and nightshift and I don't see this nearly as often as what tuscl would have you believe. Sure I see it every now and then but for the most part if strippers are on the floor they usually are with a customer or talking with their stripper friend/bouncer/bartender. I notice strippers on their phone most on day shift.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    DaOnion: Perhaps I lack vision here :) But the idea of the dancers and waitresses being EVEN MORE on their phone, added to the idea of a strip club sponsored app that can snoop on me in who knows what ways, definitely doesn't appeal to me. I am usually against fine-based club rules, but in this case, I think the clubs who have a policy of, "we'll fine the girls if we catch them on their phone on the floor, and also fine them if they spend too much time in the dressing room" have really improved the girls' behavior, if not their morale.

    But I have a much more parochial concern: I think one of my advantages vs most PLs is that I ask for phone numbers early and often ... the fact that I have the girls' phone numbers, and very few other PLs do, gives me a huge advantage is scheduling and reaching the strippers I want. This is one of my competitive edges vs other PLs, and I don't want to lose it to a lowest-common-denominator app that just any ol' PL can use :)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Thanks s88. My CF is a flake, too. It's actually part of her charm since my wife is so reliable and punctual. However, I do have my limits. Then I'm happy to spend time and get laps with the others.

    I have noticed that 2 most reliable dancers ITC for remembering commitments are the smart student and the body rub (fbsm) girl. That's not surprising, as I doubt either would be successful outside of the strip club if either acted as flaky as the stereotypical dancer.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    Subraman - I would have similar concerns with allowing a strip club app on my smartphone. It seems quite dangerous. It seems that strip clubs aren't always the most upright places - so there is a good chance a lot of other snooping shit could get loaded too -
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Proper phone etiquette is not isolated to strippers. It's a societal issue.

    I've been in the drive-thru lane of a fast food place when the car in front of me gets to the speaker. A voice over the speaker says "may I help you" and the idiot in the car who is talking on their phone actually has the nerve to say "Hold on". I wanna get out and kick their tail lights.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, cell phones are a real issue!

    I don't know, they seem to have been designed especially 4 young women. That's who seems to use them the most. That's who seems to pay the most attention to them and see them as the most essential.

    They have far less interest in email or full sized desk top computers or other digital tech forms.

    Dominic77 is correct that hiding in the DR is worse. I'm comfortable walking up to a girl standing or seated, but in the DR I can't get to her. And yes, most strip clubs have rules against hiding in the DR.

    Cell phones are a problem when she is 'with you'.

    Also, last year I agreed to session in an AMP and then they tried to swap girls on me as the first girl had a regular text her. She even showed me the text message.

    Of course I refused this, and got my money back and would not session at that shop or with that girl again.

    It happens that that shop is closed now.

    So the girl getting texts in the dance booth, the VIP, or when she is just sitting with you is no good. Her phone should be either switched off, or locked in a Faraday Cage.

    And then with civilian dating, the phone should either be off or in a Faraday Cage.

    And then even with my ex-wife, nothing ruined our times together at home more than that damned phone.

    It was always one of her IDIOT friends with their lastest newest dramas, and getting my wife roped in to their sort of reptilian thinking, and destroying our peace and serenity!!

    The cell phone is a real problem!

    I have experimented putting them in metal cooking pots and canisters. You actually need a bit more than that to guarantee that it can't ring or beep in response to calls or texts.

    Maybe I should design and market special faraday cages for making girl's cell phones vanish from the system! I could make some really funny advertising videos to explain why these are a necessity.


    Zarathustra, Strauss
    In this video they show you the organ pipes, the organ console, and the organist. They will always have a rear view mirror so they can see the conductor. In this one they don't double the pipe organ with anything else. So on my computer, 32' C = 16.4hz, is not hearable at all.
    Probably Strauss keyed this in C so that he could use the lowest note on pipe organs.
    So imagine today being able to do it with a 64' C note = 8.2hz, or even 128' C = 4.1hz

    In this other version I can't tell if they have the 32' rank pipe organ or not. But they do use the wood basses. Those only go down to 16' E. So they could play 8' C. Or maybe they have a brass instrument which can do 16' C, and then they could do 16' G on the basses. You see that they do real short fast bowing so it sounds like a rumble. Playing 16' C and 16' G will make your brain believe that there must be 32' C being sounded. This is a psycho acoustic effect.

    Of course the E and E flat tympani's are what really make this interesting. Understanding this, it would not be that hard to write something like this of one's own. :)


    Here it says that the string bass can do 16' C, so it would be one octave below a cello. That was not my understanding.

    I guess there is "double bass" and then even lower, "contra bass".

    Anyway, this reed instrument goes a bit below 16' C = 32.8hz

    sounding pitch, down to 32' B flat. So an 88 key piano goes down to 32' A

    So probably this can do it too, non-reed
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    In any type of work where one has to interact w/ the public the use of cell phones looks bad and IMO should not be allowed.

    As Subra mentioned; many higher-end clubs seem to enforce this (as well as not allowing the dancers to hide in the DR) – I don’t think I’d ever seen a dancer at Tootsies (or Baby Dolls when I lived in Dallas) be on their cell ph.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    “… By the same token - a customer looks rude when constantly using a phone in the club too …”

    Yeah – I’ve heard of dancers complain about this and one would have to agree – with the difference that the dancer is actually the one that supposed to be working while the custy is there for his/lopaw leisure.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    “… The club could have their own app …”

    There have been some threads in the past about some clubs trying to implement this but IDK if any clubs may currently have them.

    Technology often-times makes things more efficient and I would not mind using such an app but would have a separate burn ph (which I already do) to use as my club/ho phone.

  • DaOnion
    8 years ago
    Subra & Cashman: Yeah, you are right. Like I said, it was probably a bad idea. I agree with the privacy concerns. I thought it would be cool to be able to see every girl that was on shift on your phone and then message her to come see you, if you didn't see her in person. The drink orders could be sent right to the register, prints a ticket, and delivered to you, so wait staff wouldn't have to be checking phones constantly. You're right though, if everyone was on their phone it would ruin the atmosphere.
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