Ever wonder what is to become of topless clubs...

avatar for deogol
when women get over being topless in public? (Free the nip, breast feeding, etc.)


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avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
I have yet to find a breast feeding milf that is willing to give us a lick!
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I'd imagine we may become a bit like europe, where topless beaches and sunbathing aren't taboo, but just like you don't see shirtless dudes in class or at work, nor will women be topless everywhere.

Also, in public you're not really supposed to gawk. There is a nude beach here, but gawkers either get shooed away or make the women cover up.

At a topless club, you're paying to gawk.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
I think topless clubs will always have a draw. There are still states where dancers can't be topless when alcohol is served - so there's a long way to go.

The idea of exposed breasts is fine - no big deal. However, when alcohol, suggestive dancing and VIP rooms are added - it's quite different than a breastfeeding mom.
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
High end brothels
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"Also, in public you're not really supposed to gawk. There is a nude beach here, but gawkers either get shooed away or make the women cover up."

Ace point!

Plus, there will always be some women showing it off for free that you really don't want to see! Hopefully they won't be in the high end clubs!
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I think the topless clubs are slowly turning into bikini clubs, thanks to the Religious Rights groups.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Dominic, what evidence can you cite that titty bars are turning into bikini bars? I've visited at least 80 different strip clubs over the past 20 years and the *only* bikini bars I've ever seen are Parkway Tropics and Sensations in Grand Rapids and half a dozen places around Chicagoland: Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village, All Stars in McCook, and five bikini bars in Melrose Park and Stone Park. I haven't detected this lamentable trend away from toplessness.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Lust and Platinum Plus in Greenville SC now are pasties clubs, used to be topless.
All upscale nude clubs got shut down years earlier even though technically legal if located far enough away from all the churches, schools, homes, fire hydrants, parking meters, highways, and whatever extra crap they can think of to restrict locations.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
I do my best to avoid topless and pastie clubs even if it means a large downgrade in dancer quality. Waste of money. You could have a tranny LDing you and you'd never know lol

If I dont see pussy, its not a woman in my head.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
It's really just Ohio. I need to make the trip to Detroit sometime. The girls have lots of restrictions on being topless and one way to get around that is pasties or bikini dances so the nipple and areola are not exposed.

avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I'm just upset the laws took away my choices. The dancers do try to get undressed for me still, but they risk prostitution charges for it. It seems unfair to me for the law to do that.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
The way South Carolina is heading, we will be able to open up clubs where girls can wear shorts but must be covered up otherwise. Then LE will come in and inspect the length of the shorts and threaten to shut down shorts clubs because that is just like prostitutin showing bare naked skin in public like that. Then they can send undercover officers in spending 2k a visit to get girls to break the law. Shorts clubs will get shut down, then we will have to go to ankle only clubs.
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
I have to travel quite a ways from Cincinnati to even get to a decent topless club. I used to hate that it is all bikini clubs around here until I learned that it made a lot of girls more wiling to take extra risks for the right price.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To Jamessd if the strippers in the clubs start to look like the average woman you see at topless beaches I would poke myself in the eyes with a fork.
avatar for impala
9 years ago
Here in PA, it use to be if you sell (not just serve) alcohol bottoms were supposed to stay on. From what I understand the law statewide has loosened up but many counties still use the older law.
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