
Strip club who duped cardiologist out of $130,000 when ring of erotic dancers dr

Detroit strip clubs
Chutzpah champion of the year.



  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I hope this never happens to Juice
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Chutzpah indeed.

    My guess is that their defense is gonna involve the fact that the girls were independent contractors. How they're going to get from that to "we deserve to benefit from their fraudulent behaviour" is what eludes me.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Scores is stupid. I can't see how they would not tell their attorneys to drop the case, or at least make a deal with the doctor that he won;t sue THEM! Suing the doctor will open them to a deformation suit that they will lose, and doctors don't have to prove damages so the dollar amount could be staggering. He was the victim, and Scores isn't completely innocent in the crime.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    A suitcase nuke would come in handy.
  • grand1511
    8 years ago
    Man, 130 grand ought to get you a lot better looking strippers than those pictured
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I was ready to throw Scores in the "guilty as fuck" class, but when I read the article I'm not even sure the strippers worked at Scores. He met a chick at a restaurant and started hanging out with her & her friends. They drugged him and brought him to Scores and racked up a bill. it's not like he went in to Scores & met some strippers that were dancing at the time & they drugged him.

    So, I'm kinda thinking Scores worst offense here is that they failed to recognize that the dude was involuntarily dosed and incapable of consent to pay the bill. Given the scenario, I'm willing to forgive them for that. This really should be a dispute between Amex & Scores. I don't see how Scores could possibly be defaming the guy, from their perspective a rich dude walked in with a couple slutty chicks and a buzz on, then proceeded to drop a lot of cash. That's gotta be business as usual at that place. It's not their fault he got drugged, and I don't think they ought to be accountable to make sure customers aren't fucked up. I mean, if the the video shows the guy all fucked up stumbling/drooling/etc, I'll throw them right back under the bus. But if he looks reasonably coherent, I'm on their side. People would be all pissed if they refused service cause he was just a little buzzed.

    So, in short, sorry for the guys bad luck, but this isn't on Scores. I'm not a Scores fan by the way, the one in Palm Springs sucks.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Dolfan, if the girls didn't work for Scores, how can they get any benefit from the CC charges? All the money would go to the club.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    The articles say the non-dancer girls took the customer's ATM scrip, my thoughts r the CR dancers payed a comission to the madam for that customer, or the SC gave her a cut of the bill or a promoters comission but it cant be proven.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Dolfan, if the man was intoxicated to the level he is alleged to have been, it would have been illegal to continue to serve him and rack up such a huge tab. At the clubs I've worked at (in several states), the clubs that actually follow rules will not allow a customer to keep getting cash advances if he's too intoxicated (ie failing to probably write his signature as it matches his ID because he's so drunk, or falling asleep, etc). Same was true when I worked at restaurants. We had to take classes and pass tests before we were able to serve people because the restaurant can be held accountable if the person is over served and ends up dying or being critically wounded.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I hate to do victim blaming, but that's why I don't being ITC that which I can't afford to lose. I never bring plastic. Even though the chance of being drugged and robbed by dancer is low, my family deserves better, so I don't take the chance. Still that sucks for this guy (and any family he has).
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I'm not blaming the victim, for sure. He could be an idiot, but I don't know enough to know that.

    As far as him being obviously/visibly fucked up, the article doesn't say. I know in my high school/college days I took some shit that turned me into good time charlie. Unable to remember the fun I had, but by all accounts still very much coherent enough to pass for "just a little buzzed." That's what I meant about the video, from what I've seen of club video systems they've all been good enough to look at and decide if he "appeared" to be without his faculties. If he was obviously so, I'm all for throwing them back under their bus. I wouldn't have any sympathy for them, and I doubt a Judge/Jury would either.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Always keep control of you drinks. I even take mine to the men's room.
    If I do not know the club I insist they leave the cap on my beer any the lid on the bottled water.
    If I do not know the club I never get a mix drink nor drink from a glass. I never get a drink in any bar if I ever see the bartender scoop ice with a glass instead of the ice scoop. (good way to end up with glass sharps in your mouth!)
    Bottles or cans only opened in my presence.
    I have even tipped the waitress so it happens.
    Most club would never put up with that behavior from their employees or contractors because it would not take long for word to get around and they would be out of business.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    The headline is dramatically different than the actual facts alleged in the article. It appears that the doctor was enjoying the company of these four "sisters" outside of the club. It seems that they wanted to get paid - and they drugged him so they could get compensated via their trip to Scores.

    It's wrong what the girls did - to get money out if the doctor. But - the doctor must have a giant ego to think those hot girls were interested in his witty conversations. Both parties aren't operating in reality.

    It sucks to get scammed by a girl you think actually finds you attractive - but it's important to not make a mark of yourself. The movie script must be soft core porn - definitely going straight to DVD.
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