
Comments by s88 (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    what's your favorite beverage on the way to the club ?
    Coffee interferes with Viagra, so either one or the other for that night at a SC.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Fraud escalated at Club Paradise after police warned management, detective says
    Lesson of story, never drink alcohol in a SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    District of Columbia
    OTC!! Quote
    A pornstar with DVDs and a website is $500/hr. No escort or stripper is ever worth more than that. Go on BP, look at the prices for your local city. Multiple by 2 or 3. That is your cap. Never go above that unless its $1000 for 2-3 days (weekend).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I Used To Love Strip Clubs Until I Realized ‘Escaping’ Wasn’t A Good Thing
    That article sounds like it was written by a SW stripper pretending to be a customer. If you SC long enough you will somewhat learn to have real relationships with men and women. You need to be very aware if a stripper fakes a connection or makes such a real connection that it is forever unknown if it was fake or real. Figuring that out or trying your games on low risk strippers is great practice for real life. Youve "degraded" yourself the moment u walked in the door not when you get extras. If u think u ever degraded yourself being in a SC u should've never walked in. The author does a poor job of hiding his conservative christian talking points.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Texting a stripper in the club
    I text my favs all the time ITC. Are they DR, VIP with another customer, smoke room, preparing to do a stage rotation etc? Lets me figure out whether to go watch a stage show or chat with a random other dancer or not.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Rushed into Dances with Unknown Girls Right Before You Leave
    It takes 1 hour or more to see all the dancers in the SC that night. In a totally new to me SC, I have no idea how likely it is for 7s and up to be accessible to me. After 30-45 minutes, I'll pick almost any dancer at a new SC for a test LD just to see what the style is of the SC and how likely I am to get hands knocked off or security comes at me. After 1 ugly dancer, I wait till some dancer that is fuckable and I have an idea what to negotiate and ask about and minimum service level in the SC based on the experience with ugly dancer. Some SCs have no standards at all, so unless you say 2 way contact or no deal, you will get a no contact air dance from the dancer or be charged $40 a song for touching. ($20+tip you don't realize).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hot and Cold with a dancer
    Drugs, or if she has an appointment with a regular at the SC that night. If she has no appointments, she will work the floor and deal with Z list random customers like you. Also how much she made that night so far determines if she wants to continue to hustle or not. "I made only $50 tonight, better go to the PLs and degrade myself with being rejected 9 out of 10 times for LDs" or "I made $250 tonight, I'd go home right now but club rules dont allow me to leave early before the club closes for the night".
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And yet another case.
    Another argument for strip clubs having a day care/kids section. Both customers and dancers need it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Adult entertainment Empowering or degrading?
    "Being a PL, respectable or shameful?" Just as a dancer looses all respect infront of certain male and female friends when she says what she does. A PL will loose all respect infront of certain other men. Some people will never look at you the same way again. I only disclose I SC to friends who tell me first they have paid a sex worker atleast once in their life, even once. Once they admit it, I'll say everything openly with them. "Is that a black/white one?" How strong are you in being stereotyped? What goes through your mind when you are fucking a sex worker or have one grinding on you? Do you feel disgusting and used by her for cash? Do you regret afterwards spending the $? Do you think of all the other mens she fucked when you fuck her and is that a turn on or a turn off? Do you think why can't you get a civie woman for free? Or is she a memory you will never forget and never regret? Some favs of mine, not #1 or #2, are 18 years old, but low mileage but 10s look wise and talking wise, they always LD with their eyes closed for most of the time for me. I always thought that means they hate their jobs and dont accept they are sex workers inside.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    "Courtesy" dances...
    Pity dances are an alternative to tipping her for sitting and talking with me. $5 or $10 for talking to me for atleast 10 minute, or if she brings up a dance after 10-20 minutes, ill go for $20/$25 dance with no tip. In a rare case, I'll put her on the repeat list after a pity dance if she is sufficiently high mileage or dirty or gets me hard even tho I thought she was too ugly to do that. Never say never, but Ive atleast once gone to VIP room after a pity dance. Very rare, but it has happened.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    talking topics with full time strippers with no life
    @JS69 You described my ATF. I can talk with her about her kids, her shitty family, how she runs out of $ (and she never asked me for above minimum SC prices), housing/landlord problems, beauty and style advice, stripper clothing, worst customer of the week, manager drama, transportation to and from work problems, accidents and poor choices when she is high, all kinds of negative, tragic, otherwise not nice stuff, and neither of us are offended by it. Alot of these topics are personal between me and her, and I can't say it to anyone else since that would be gossip. I almost never criticize her judgement or choices. But I can't talk to a random stripper I never met before like that. I dont think I can. I'd look a judgement condescending hypocrite and probing too hard into her outside the club life. When I say "no life", it means she won't say what she does 24-5-2-7=10 hours a day on work days or on her off days. Shopping/clothes? no Concerts/live music? no school? no kids? no. Whether she tells me the truth, or complete fiction, IDK and IDC, but I dont want to start talking about myself with her nodding, smiling, and going uh huh for half an hour but that seemed like all she wanted me to do. Was that all I was going to get that day?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    ATM card with $0, dance and dash?
    "They will make you suck dick to pay the debt off" BBBJ or CBJ?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Adult entertainment Empowering or degrading?
    Stripping is a job. It is what you do with that money that makes it degrading or empowering. Spend all of it on drugs and live day to day, like your customers blow their wallet on you, or live a normal life with a SO or give your kids a good upbringing. Some dancers that strip not for $ but for ego upset me. They give up the same goods in a civie nightclub for free that they would in a SC for $. Its the same thing when I see certain dancers and certain regulars in my SC and I've never seen $ exchanged, them goto VIP, or them going to the POS station. Are these the BFs or drug dealers of the strippers or just "aspiring rappers" and the strippers think the rapper will put a ring on it and she will get half the mansion a few years later? This pisses me off, since these strippers are inaccessible except for their regulars, WTF do you even come here instead of schedule a date at a regular night club? Chain SCs like Scores or Ricks have pages of rules in a dancer contract, probably to avoid this situation where the strippers act like civie women on the clock. I have an ATF, but she regularly leaves my side any time she sees a new customer walk in, 9 out of 10 times, she is back very quickly unless he buys a LD. She knows how to do her job, its the "I never leave my regular for 3 hours on a friday night except to smoke and piss" dancers which piss me off. As much as I hate the drink hustle clubs, or bouncer taps dancer on shoulder and tell her to move on clubs, since I suffer the consequences, stuck up bitch dancers actually need to prodded along like cattle off their regular since they are star stuck thinking he is filthy rich and just maybe if she is lucky he will be a sugar daddy (NOT!) to her.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    To those who know/frequent a full contact club...
    Some customers can't get hard from a LD. Dancers know if you are hard or not during a LD. If you have white hair, you might prefer no contact so YOU aren't ashamed you aren't a man anymore. Some customers are paranoid about STDs and glitter/lipstick/perfume on them and want zero contact.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Unwritten rules of the strip club...
    "Never eat the food trust me" Depends. At my regular no-alcohol SC, the food is similar but usually better than Applebees or TGI Fridays. Think 3-4 star Hilton or Marriott hotel food. The food is also dirt cheap. A chicken Cesar wrap with bacon and Parmesan cheese and fries is $7. For price comparison, a diet coke is $7. The salmon with 2 sides and salad with soup is $23. Full meal salads max out at $14. Burgers are $6 to $9.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Unwritten rules of the strip club...
    No jerking off in public.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Getting involved with a stripper/escort?
    Another plus of dealing with 20 or 30 year old strippers who have the maturity of a 15 year old girl is, they are as passionate and fuck as crazy as back in HS. Its a rush being with them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Getting involved with a stripper/escort?
    @Subraman "I have a great cautionary tale to tell you, but I'll skip to the ending: the next morning, the ex-stripper with whom I'd become friends-with-benefits with, sat naked on my bed and called her (wealthy) fiance, and assured him she had just stayed in last night and slept over her parents house. The End." Yep. If you date a stripper, you are asking for drama that only 14 and 15 year old girls can cook up. Your story sounds like a teenage girl and her parents. Since most strippers are damaged goods, remember you are just another boy toy in her harem, and just the way you (I assume) thrive of having a harem of girls/strippers for the ego boost, she has a harem of men/customers for her ego boost.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I forgot to mention what I did, when she mentioned my face is a lipstick mess, I told her "baby all I want is you, I dont care that you got lipstick over me" and smiled, and then she silently started smudging it off my face while we both looked in each others eyes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My ATF (egh, she used to be CF #1 but shes ATF at this point) at the end of VIP told me her lipstick smeared on my face and I can't leave VIP looking like that. She then took her hand and with her fingers smudged it off my lips and chin. I gave her a napkin, she spat on it, and further cleaned my face. She then said I look perfect again, and we kissed a couple more times really quickly, hugged and parted in the VIP section.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Getting involved with a stripper/escort?
    Is there likely to be a pimp in the background being that she escorts? Yes, but it might not be a pimp but just a drug dealer she hangs (just friends or fucking/sucking) with to get free drugs from. Am I crazy for wanting to date her? No. What should I prepare myself for (as far as all the stuff that comes with dating her)? Dont discuss your other sexual partners, dont ask her about her partners. If she asks you, answer honestly, and then ask her. Its best if both sides remain unaware of what happens when you say bye for the night. Even if you suspect she would fuck a homeless bum for a rock, you dont want to admit to yourself and you dont want to convince your heart/dick that she actually does that. You will loose your feelings for her if you know she gives up the same experience to anybody. Just never ask about other partners but assume they are there in the back of your head, but you need to pretend they dont exist.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I thought that "Mother Fucker" was just a derogatory term.
    This is the last group of people I'd expect to be judgemental about sex relationships....
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    what is the meaning/purpose to life ?
    Fuck girls, get into her mind, get a kid, make kid work for life for you, when u die, kid fuck girls, get into her mind, get a kid, make 2nd kid work for life for the kid, and repeat
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strangest/weirdest/grossest patron you've ever seen at a strip club?
    If my SC had an espresso machine and power outlets, I'd be on my laptop working instead of my phone wasting time when there are no strippers on stage. Starbucks with strippers :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you ever been refused entry to a strip club because of their dress code?
    One overpriced posh SC around me has, knees and shoulders must be covered, no hats, no sweat pants, and no timberland boots, flip flips, or sandles.