Comments by Bavarian (page 50)

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    9 years ago
    Dodged a bullet - taking strippers shopping
    "tell her you need to cannonball her fiddle cove with your pork steeple before you keep dumping money on her" LOL. I met my favorites at BDD. It's best to move on without asking. I just don't see how a stripper who makes good money selling clean dances would agree to it.
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    9 years ago
    Dodged a bullet - taking strippers shopping
    @JS69 Sad to say, but I have spent thousands on her and have not even caught a glimpse of her pussy. I don't think I can salvage anything out of this. It's best for me to wean off of her. My previous favorite showed me her pussy on the first dance without me asking. It was part of her dance routine. I also spent thousands on her but never did OTC. If I can't even manage to get laid by a sex worker, I don't know why I think it would be easier with a civvie. Maybe because I think with a civvie it will happen organically?
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    9 years ago
    Dodged a bullet - taking strippers shopping
    @Subraman - I do lurk on stripperweb just to get an idea of what strippers think of PLs. I need to stop because I am starting to drink the kool-aid and it's obviously affecting my interactions with strippers. Their ideal PL is a charming,handsome gentleman who takes them to CR to drink champagne and have a nice conversation at $600/hr. Yeah, good luck with that!
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    9 years ago
    Dodged a bullet - taking strippers shopping
    That's what strippers think their time is worth. (20 songs per hour * $20) =$400/hr Most want at a minimum $450 per hour for VIP. Every song spent chatting or drinking with a PL, they feel they could be dancing for another PL. Especially after they have already emptied your wallet. I offered to take my CF shopping for outfits/bikinis since she mentioned she wanted new ones. I figured that it would be a couple of hundred. Not bad if I am already spending that in the club. I was not expecting anything but her company. She then changed the conversation to wanting to go shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag. I feel that something that expensive merits something more than her companionship but I don't want to make her feel like a ho by bringing it up. I doubt that a stripper thinks "this guy is buying me a LV handbag, the least I can do is give him some pussy" If the PL does not bring it up, the stripper ain't offerin' shit. I am not willing to bring it up so I am not taking her shopping.
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    9 years ago
    Need some life advice
    I knew I could count on TUSCL for great advice. I am going to bookmark this thread. @JS69 Haha, I like your advice about the pot. Some of the smartest, most creative people I know, smoke pot. Don't know if there's any correlation though. I've only had two favorite strippers and both claim to be 19. To me they look older, like 23. Must be the makeup. @Papi As usual, you are like the oracle of TUSCL. You are very wise. I would like to visit Miami one day and club with you. I don't like chocolate though. If Tootsies has cubans, and south american women, I'm there. @Lopaw I think you are on to something. I am missing intimacy. Something a stripper can't provide since we are just walking ATMs to them. @Gawker I agree with you. Most people start dating during their teenage years. Something I did not do. I have no explanation for it. Must have been strict upbringing by parents. I don't blame them though. They kept me out of trouble. I also don't want to scare my stripper away. She's a clean dancer and only 19. Not to mention that she is not hurting for cash. She's very pretty and PLs have spoiled her by paying her good money just for company. I only pay for dances. @Mr Seaboard JamesSD, Shailynn, GACA, Ujay, et al Great detailed advice guys. I actually go to the gym. I am fit and not balding. Knock on wood. I think this explains my current situation: 1) My social circle is small. To make matters worse, they are in the same predicament. I will work on going out more to meet new people. 2) I have a strict policy against dating fatties and single moms. Don't know if I can get past it. Online dating seems to be full of them. I guess at my age, I can't be too picky though. 3) Living with parents. Instead of getting an apartment after college, I decided to stay home and help my parents. I have been paying all bills and mortgage ever since. Eventually I paid off the remaining loan balance with a lump sum. Thanks for the advice y'all ( It's a Texas thing)
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Legs ?
    Long lean legs
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    9 years ago
    Porn reducers boners?
    I can see how porn can induce ED. For over a decade, I looked at soft porn images of beautiful nude women to the point where it no longer did anything for me. The women at the strip club don't compare to the women on line so I hardy get turned on at the strip club.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The greatest thing I've ever felt
    Keep those stories coming JS.
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    9 years ago
    Favorite moves
    I'm a simple guy. I like when my CF sticks her ass in my face. It looks so good I could kiss it. Just the right size, toned and zero cottage cheese.
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    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Hong Kong Gentlemans club
    I would like to visit HK. Just waiting on cheap airfare to San Diego. It seems like a safe club and fairly priced. It's the only club I would visit in Mexico. I just came back from Mexico City, but I know to stay away. Most strip clubs are there to scam you.
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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Getting Greedy Now
    Speaking of greediness, my CF at BDD does not want my measly $100. She now wants $200 or to fuck off. I have stopped going to her club but I might pay her a visit this week. It's been two months.
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    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What exactly is a LDK?
    LDK82, please tell me you put on a condom for the lap dance. I can't imagine someone creaming their pants. That's just nasty. Semen has a distinct smell and if it has been a while since the last release, it can be a massive load.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Dating Civvie cutting into my SC Funds.
    What a nice problem to have GACA :-)
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    10 years ago
    Really upset right now
    @ilbbaicnl - I am a grown-ass man. I'm 35.
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    10 years ago
    Really upset right now
    Gentlemen, thanks for the reality check. I have no shame in admitting I am a pathetic loser when it comes to women. I'm really out of the norm. In my lifetime, I only approached one civvie. I got her cell # but it went nowhere. People say it's a numbers game. You have to approach 100s until you will eventually find one who wants to date you. I, like any other person, craves human touch. Getting to that point with a civvie requires mutual attraction. I figured strip clubs were an easy way to fill that craving. You find a stripper you like and you pay her. It would not matter if you were her type because they are just selling a service. I guess I was wrong. Some strippers are worse than civvies. I understand that strippers don't give a fuck about me, it's all about the money. I am OK with that because I am not trying to date them. All I expect from the stripper I like, is a good attitude and showing up. There are other strippers who are very professional. They keep a regular schedule, they approach me and engage in good conversation. I get a few dances from them to return the favor. Too bad I am not attracted to them. It's very difficult to understand how attraction works. People say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I took a cousin to the strip club and I pointed out to him my previous favorite. He did not find her attractive at all. To me a favorite is someone I lust for. Someone who turns me on and I don't mind spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I've only had two favorites and both have been less than professional with me. I guess I am like those women who are attracted to men that treat them like shit. @GoVikings - Yes, both of my favorites are Mexican ladies. To me they appear mid-20s but they claim to be 19. I have no reason to doubt them. They were surprised when I told them I was Mexican. They thought I was White. I figured I would get better treatment from someone I share a common heritage with, but I was wrong. Women will act the same way no matter where they were born. @GACAClub - You make some interesting points. I agree that the frustration inside me reflects on my face and body language. Some dancers have told me that they recognize me as a regular to the club but were reluctant to approach because I have a "serious" look on my face. My buddy who got the number does not have much going for him but he's always in a good mood and always a smile on his face.
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    10 years ago
    Back to North Idaho , Soon on tne Space Coast
    Strip Club Shorts - A question for Dancers
    I guess this is a good reason for a dancer to be on birth control. Pre-cum and cum can easily seep through thin fabric.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A Sexual Surprise
    Damn. I wish I had a DS. With the amount of time she spends with you, I think it's more cost effective than an escort. My CF could be my DS, but I can't even coincide with her at the club. Keep those stories coming JS69.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Chicken shit bust in San antonio.
    I thought they got busted for flashing the kitty, but no, it was the butt crack. Give me a break.
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    10 years ago
    I want a hot woman on my lap. I want to enjoy the strip club activities but minimize risks as much as possible. I just think it would suck to get herpes from a handjob. It's a shame that I have to limit my fun at the club. I wish I could kiss a dancer's neck or her breasts but the thought of getting herpes on my lips, stops me. Maybe I am extremely cautious or paranoid. A lot of hands and lips have been on their bodies before me.
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    Any Ideas for Valentine Day gifts for CF?
    Maybe a gift card to Victoria's Secret. I have seen strippers with the same thongs every time I go to the club. I have only seen my CF with three different outfits. I would give her a GC if she was a good girl, but she's not. She would rather have me come in and waste my time sitting at the club than to give me her cell number so I can check if she's working that day.
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    10 years ago
    Musings of a PL who frequents a topless club in Dallas
    I am just used to better service by restroom trolls. I have been to other clubs where the troll greets me. He turns on the faucet, gives me soap, and a towel afterwards. Now that is going the extra mile and deserves a tip.
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    10 years ago
    Musings of a PL who frequents a topless club in Dallas
    Lol. I actually do feel better after typing that. TUSCL is therapeutic. The strip club is supposed to be a relaxing place, but sometimes dealing with stripper's shit can put me in a bad mood and I need a place to vent.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The Dream Trip
    JS69, how much would you say you spent on DS on that trip?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Your strip club bucket list
    My bucket list is the same as GoViking's I exclusively go for Latina dancers. Not big booty ghetto Latinas though. I go after the one's that are more refined. I am a latin guy, so I can spot latin blood in a girl even if she looks White.
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    10 years ago
    Dirty Cop
    Just like strip clubs, Tuscl is a bizarre place full of interesting characters