The old JohnSmith69 thread that was just bumped used the abbreviation "LDK" like a gazillion times! But I couldn't find it in the glossary! What does it mean? I'm sure it's brilliant!
wipe, you will learn, but the glossary is an impenetrable, unchangeable, sacred document. It was revealed to founder on golden tablets written in a strange alien language. An angel taking the form of a dream stripper led him to these tablets and interpreted them for him. Only a direct action by the strip club gods can result in a modification of the glossary.
What are you guys smoking? LDK's are totally awesome and you dont need to be below the 7th grade to experience one. Just find the right dancer, wear thin pants and have a fuckin blast!!
I agree (as usual) with shadowcat. The term is childish and I refuse to use it. That's not the same thing as refusing to enjoy the pleasure that it describes! In my part of the country, with rare exceptions, a lapgasm is the best outcome you can expect in the club. As seyes259 points out, a nice sensual grind by an experienced dancer combined with soft thin pants on the PL can result in an awesome experience.
Let's see if I can make an analogy. I've previously pontificated on this subject by using the initials of Alfred E. Neuman, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Neil Patrick Harris for various sexual predilections. Here's another: If Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been especially fond of jerking off, would we refer to masturbation as "FDRing" or "doing an FDR"? No, we would not.
Conclusion: LDK does *not* belong in the glossary.
" The term is childish and I refuse to use it. That's not the same thing as refusing to enjoy the pleasure that it describes!"
I'm exactly the opposite. Well, I do agree the term is childish ... that's what makes it even funnier to me when people use it. You ever watch a movie that's so bad it's good? LDK is a term that's so retarded it's funny. But I don't indulge in "the pleasure that it describes" -- I can't imagine splooging in my pants just from a lapdance!
MrDeuce, if FDR had been inordinately fond of masturbating I would indeed use the term "pulling an FDR" when I go have a good wank! Saying it that way would be brilliant!
Interesting: Subraman and jackslash (and, no doubt, many others who live in extras-friendly places) have no objection to the term LDK and no interest in the activity that it describes. I, on the other hand (and, without a doubt, many others who live in extras-hostile places) object to the term but welcome the activity. To paraphrase a JS69 comment, this discussion board (and life itself!) would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
LDK82, please tell me you put on a condom for the lap dance.
I can't imagine someone creaming their pants. That's just nasty. Semen has a distinct smell and if it has been a while since the last release, it can be a massive load.
There's a lot of silly stuff that goes on here on the boards, and for the most part, I stay away from the threads that basically are about the personalities or habits, real or imagined, of various members. But I'm of the belief the LDK is worthy of becoming an official part of board lexicon.
In the strip club world, it happens and I bet it happens plenty. For dancers who give a good grind and do a decent number of dances, I bet they make it happen at least once a month. That guy who goes for lappers with a girl and stays back there for 12 songs? Probably holding out until she makes it happen. I think we once had a thread about it and determined about half the guys here have had it happen. Yes, there are guys who claim they never come close to having it happen and don't understand how someone can. And you also have guys who have only clubbed in extras-friendly areas who don't see the point. But, on the other hand, you have LDK, who has embraced everything surrounding it.
It's kind of an icky thing to discuss if you try and be direct about it. Someone posted The Lonely Island song. It's hard to imagine guys wanting to say, "Oh yeah, I was ready to jizz" or "She was going to make me blow my load," or ejaculate, or cum, or whatever. It's an act that kind of needs a stand in, a code, and "LDK" is as good as any.
Everything about it seems encapsulated by those three letters. The good feelings of release, pleasure and happiness? There. The bad feelings of dancer shame, monger shame and poor self-control? Also there. The mixed feeling of knowing a hot lady just "took you there," yet knowing you'll have to make the walk of shame across the club and wash your pants as soon as you get home? There. Dancers have widely varied reactions to it happening -- some like it and say it's their goal, others are disgusted by it, others are somewhere in between, ranging from not minding to being slightly put-off, unless you give a large tip. That's seems to be implied with the initials, too.
Read the threads surrounding the guy's tales and they have all of those things. And he celebrates it. All of those things, distilled down to three letters: LDK.
For those of us around here a lot, you say it and people know what you're talking about. It's a three-letter way of describing something that otherwise would take everything I said above to describe and understand. As such ... I think it's gotta be in the glossary.
last commentI like how you say lapdanceking82 is a tireless advocate of cumming in your pants! Just brilliant! It should be in the glossary!
"No one beyond the 7th grade has ever actually experienced a LDK"
"No one beyond the 7th grade has ever actually experienced a LDK"
Lots of strippers have post that their experiences are quit to the contrary.…
Here is the female response.…
Let's see if I can make an analogy. I've previously pontificated on this subject by using the initials of Alfred E. Neuman, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Neil Patrick Harris for various sexual predilections. Here's another: If Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been especially fond of jerking off, would we refer to masturbation as "FDRing" or "doing an FDR"? No, we would not.
Conclusion: LDK does *not* belong in the glossary.
I'm exactly the opposite. Well, I do agree the term is childish ... that's what makes it even funnier to me when people use it. You ever watch a movie that's so bad it's good? LDK is a term that's so retarded it's funny. But I don't indulge in "the pleasure that it describes" -- I can't imagine splooging in my pants just from a lapdance!
The glossary is out of date. Founder should let us add to it.
I can't imagine someone creaming their pants. That's just nasty. Semen has a distinct smell and if it has been a while since the last release, it can be a massive load.
In the strip club world, it happens and I bet it happens plenty. For dancers who give a good grind and do a decent number of dances, I bet they make it happen at least once a month. That guy who goes for lappers with a girl and stays back there for 12 songs? Probably holding out until she makes it happen. I think we once had a thread about it and determined about half the guys here have had it happen. Yes, there are guys who claim they never come close to having it happen and don't understand how someone can. And you also have guys who have only clubbed in extras-friendly areas who don't see the point. But, on the other hand, you have LDK, who has embraced everything surrounding it.
It's kind of an icky thing to discuss if you try and be direct about it. Someone posted The Lonely Island song. It's hard to imagine guys wanting to say, "Oh yeah, I was ready to jizz" or "She was going to make me blow my load," or ejaculate, or cum, or whatever. It's an act that kind of needs a stand in, a code, and "LDK" is as good as any.
Everything about it seems encapsulated by those three letters. The good feelings of release, pleasure and happiness? There. The bad feelings of dancer shame, monger shame and poor self-control? Also there. The mixed feeling of knowing a hot lady just "took you there," yet knowing you'll have to make the walk of shame across the club and wash your pants as soon as you get home? There. Dancers have widely varied reactions to it happening -- some like it and say it's their goal, others are disgusted by it, others are somewhere in between, ranging from not minding to being slightly put-off, unless you give a large tip. That's seems to be implied with the initials, too.
Read the threads surrounding the guy's tales and they have all of those things. And he celebrates it.
All of those things, distilled down to three letters: LDK.
For those of us around here a lot, you say it and people know what you're talking about. It's a three-letter way of describing something that otherwise would take everything I said above to describe and understand. As such ... I think it's gotta be in the glossary.