
The Dream Trip

layin low but staying high
Friday, January 30, 2015 8:54 PM
A couple weeks ago I asked for advice about taking my DS on a trip, and I promised to report how the trip went. Well, the trip is over, and this is my report. The trip was awesome -- everything that I had hoped and imagined that it might be. While I had feared that 3 days together might reveal previously hidden SS, there was none. The entire time my DS was her usual fun, entertaining, sexy, friendly self, and we got along great. I chose a list of about a dozen activities that we could do, and then I let her chose a few from the list. We have very similar tastes in many things, so there was no problem finding fun things to do together that we both enjoy. She stayed with me the whole time, and I'm sure that she genuinely had fun. I do think three days was a good trip length, at least for this first time, and any longer might have been too much (plus the little head would never have survived). My most fun discovery during the trip was that I love smoking pot, especially with the DS. This was the first time I've smoked pot in my life, and it was amazing. When high, everything good was magnified in intensity, particularly feeling horny. The first time we smoked, I felt nothing for a good 30 minutes. Then it hit me. As soon as I felt the high coming on, I looked at my DS. She was suddenly much more attractive to me (which I still can't believe because she is already my 10) and I instantly couldn't wait to have her. I got an immediate erection and went over to her chair to fondle her and tell her everything I wanted to do to her body. It turns out that getting high makes her horny too, and she starts fondling me and telling me the wonderful things that she is going to do to my body. So each night we would smoke pot, and in between taking hits we would fondle one another, kiss, and play with one another's bodies. Eventually when we were both good and high, and too horny to stand it any more, we'd go to the bed and act out our fantasies. It was the best sex of my life. She was already a sexual freak, but being high took us to an entirely new level. If you don't smoke pot when you have an OTC date with a stripper you've got to start. Speaking of sex, we had a lot. No worship sessions this time, just straight fucking and sucking in every imaginable position until we were both completely spent. We slept naked each night holding one another most of the night. Each morning I put my head on her huge breasts and admired the view while I waited for her to wake up. We had sex every night, and also had sex two of three mornings. She also woke me up one additional time in the middle of the night by sucking my dick. The little head performed admirably but is taking a well deserved vacation this weekend to recover. Another fun time was our first ever shower together. To keep the length of this post down, I'll let you imagine what happened in the shower. But whatever you think, I assure you it was at least 10 times better than that. I will never forget it. I also brought along my 35mm camera, and took pictures of her the whole time. I got pictures of her in a half dozen sexy outfits, and then took pictures of her slowly removing those outfits. It totally fulfilled my high school fantasy of going into business photographing nude women. I could share a lot more but don't want to be accused of being SJG. I highly recommended taking a stripper on a trip if you know her well, get along with her well, and trust her (understanding that trust is a relative concept when it comes to strippers). This girl's position as my Dream Stripper is now more solidly established than ever before. She was my total fantasy in every way, and I can't imagine how I could have had any more fun on a trip with a woman.


  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I'm envious. Now that you both have learned to like each other's company, where do you see this going? You've previously described your assignations as being without payment. Did you pay her for her time and sex on this trip? If it's all "on the house", what are her expectations? What are yours? It sounds as if you're moving beyond a sex object. She's young; significantly younger than you? Is she now your sugar baby? Or is it "one day at a time" & don't ask practical questions; just let it flow? You describe a situation which is too good to be true. And you know what's said about that, I assume.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    gawk, The word "caretaker" enters my mind. :)
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Very nice.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    Awesome report, thanks for the vicarious thrill. Sounds like you've hit the jackpot trifecta with this girl, I hope it continues to bring both of you great pleasure!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    gawker, she's perfect in every way but one. It's not free. Sex is never free. I pay her generously -- not a set amount, just whatever I think is fair each time. She is so awesome that I just about always think what's fair is a lot. Not sure what I might've said to suggest it's free, but it's definitely not. Obviously I get the whole she's not my girlfriend thing, and I get I'm her customer not her boyfriend. However, she is not acting when it comes to sex. She had at least a couple of dozen orgasms on this trip, and a few were the most intense I've ever seen a woman have. There are some personal reasons I don't want to share for why we are so amazingly compatible sexually. I'm her best customer ever, and she's my dream stripper. The relationship works for what it is.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    When is the wedding?
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    I'm jealous.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Not my cup of tea but as long as you enjoyed it and have no regrets, then life is good.
  • jaxman5150
    9 years ago
    Sounds like a great trip but be very carefull traveling with her if she has drugs on her. Or is buying them at the destination. A position arrest would put a damper on your trip.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Congrats, John, and I have to say that I'm envious, too...except for the pot part. My brain and my body are messed up enough as it is; I don't need any drugs -- legal or not -- helping that out. The anxiety of any potential busts (police busts, not hers, though I'm sure hers are a very welcome anxiety *g*) would put a huge damper on any trip for me.
  • rockie
    9 years ago
    Congrats JS69! I agree that 3 days also may be the optimal time together in many situations. In my experience, I'd be thrilled if the only drug that was in play on a trip with a dancer was marijuana in a misdemeanor amount.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I used to share the various anti drug sentiments, but I was wrong when it comes to pot. It greatly enhances a dancer encounter and the risks are very minimal. I made it very clear to her that no other drugs were to ever be involved in our encounters.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Almost forgot to ask: Did you two make it to a strip joint?
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    JS69, how much would you say you spent on DS on that trip?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I tried greasing a few bouncers the night before she got there, but I could not get any club to let her in. The only way they would let her in was if she formally applied for a job. In the end, however, I really didn't mind this. We had a great time every evening, and I probably would've just been fighting the other PL's off of her in a club anyway. As for costs, with airfare, a really nice hotel in a very popular area, several fun activities, meals at very nice restaurants, taking her shopping one time, and paying her something, it easily cost a few thousand. But it was worth every penny in my view.
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