
Dodged a bullet - taking strippers shopping

Friday, May 22, 2015 8:51 PM
Hello TUSCLers, Now I know why you guys are adamant against offering to take a stripper, shopping. I know that a stripper's time ITC is worth at a minimum, $400 per hour. In my PL mind, I figured that her time OTC would be worth much less than that because there is no opportunity cost. My CF likes to come in late at night, so she only has like 6 hours to hustle. She chats with me for less than two songs before she starts pushing for dances. I happily oblige. I figured that it would be a good idea to offer to take her shopping, so I could spend some time with her without any rush. Well, she is thrilled with the idea of going shopping. My problem is that she wants to shop for a new Louis Vuitton handbag. If I'm not mistaken, those are worth $1000+ I don't think I'm going to follow through with the offer. Looks like she is expecting to be compensated at the same $400 hourly rate rate OTC, maybe more. No thanks. At least ITC, I can touch her ass and boobs. If I want conversation, I think taking a civvie out to dinner would suit me better. A stripper would probably want $500 on top of that.


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Macy's is ok, but for god's sake don't take her to Saks Fifth Ave.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Dude. Dude. No. Nononono. I could have at least two OTC threesomes for that kinda cash. This is meant as tough love: do NOT try to buy a woman's affection. Especially not a stripper.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    If you're going to take her shopping, it should be for lingerie or bikinis. And you get to be in the dressing room.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    A stripper's time is worth $400/hr ITC? You're thinking on a typical shift, the girls make 8 hours x $400 = $3200, every shift? That number sounds like it's straight out of the delusional minds at StripperWeb. No girl makes $400/hr ITC, much less outside the club! Right off the bat, you're thinking crazy, man. I typically pay a flat fee for OTC, usually $250 or less, and that's for a multi-hour encounter, plus sex. Do yourself a favor, don't believe anything about rates that you read on SW
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I have to agree. I know of no girls who even come close to $400 an hour in a club. If she's telling you that's what she makes, I call bull shit. The only girls that I know of that make $400+ an hour, are escorts. And they pay for the hotel room. She's blowing smoke up your ass if she's telling you that rate ITC.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    "I know that a stripper's time ITC is worth at a minimum, $400 per hour" That's not accurate. Dunno where you got that figure from, but it's too high.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Thank goodness not all guys are as smart as you are james. That would like suck;)
  • Mal2
    9 years ago
    I suspect he's going by full dance ti.e for the hour. 25/song, 16 songs in an hour..... he's forgetting to account for downtime.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nothing wrong with taking a stripper shopping. It can be a lot of fun. My rules are 1) I get to see her model everything at the store dressing room, 2) I get to approve of each purchase, 3) we have a budget and stick to it, and 4) she wears my fav outfit in the hotel room and I get to take it off. Be a man and set the parameters for the shopping trip. Lay out your rules, whatever they are. She can take it or leave it. She doesn't get to unilaterally dictate terms.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I never understood the appeal of taking a stripper shopping, but I guess it'd be nice seeing her modeling for you in the bedroom what you bought, or her rocking it on stage.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I took my ATF shopping a number of times. Most expensive was the 9mm. Second most, a custom made anklet. Also dining was not expensive as we just didn't care for the expensive places. Best thing about being out with her, the "looks" from others. :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I don't like taking any woman shopping, even when she's spending her own money.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "I suspect he's going by full dance ti.e for the hour. 25/song, 16 songs in an hour..... he's forgetting to account for downtime." Mal -- I'm certain you're right. You can also think about it as 4 $100 VIP dances per hour also -- again, $400. As some theoretical target in fantasyland (or StripperWeb, if you're really out there), I get it. I just want to make sure he understands that, as a practical matter, that number is ridiculous. And IMO, only someone who has been reading StripperWeb too much would ever cite such a number ... someone with a bit more ITC (& OTC) experience has a better handle on things. I don't want OP setting himself up to drastically overpay for everything. In addition, that stripper likely isn't thinking in terms of $400/hr ITC either. She just thinks she has a sucker on her hands -- maybe he's giving off vibes that he's weak? -- and so asked for strippers' fave accoutrement, the designer bag. I've known girls who come back from shopping trip with $3000 bags (!!!!!!), so he's dodging a bullet if he gets away with $1000 :) Overall, I'd leave the shopping trips to experts like Clubber (closed track; experienced driver; do not attempt)... I NEVER do shopping trips, and suggest in most cases that's the best course.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Some of my biggest PL mistakes have involved shopping trips with girls. I now avoid those opportunities and suggest you do the same. Or at the least keep strict control on the activity.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    That's what strippers think their time is worth. (20 songs per hour * $20) =$400/hr Most want at a minimum $450 per hour for VIP. Every song spent chatting or drinking with a PL, they feel they could be dancing for another PL. Especially after they have already emptied your wallet. I offered to take my CF shopping for outfits/bikinis since she mentioned she wanted new ones. I figured that it would be a couple of hundred. Not bad if I am already spending that in the club. I was not expecting anything but her company. She then changed the conversation to wanting to go shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag. I feel that something that expensive merits something more than her companionship but I don't want to make her feel like a ho by bringing it up. I doubt that a stripper thinks "this guy is buying me a LV handbag, the least I can do is give him some pussy" If the PL does not bring it up, the stripper ain't offerin' shit. I am not willing to bring it up so I am not taking her shopping.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Gotta bring it up, son. You can bet she IS thinking all that. Tell her that even the ride to the store is only as free as the road head.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "I offered to take my CF shopping for outfits/bikinis since she mentioned she wanted new ones. I figured that it would be a couple of hundred. Not bad if I am already spending that in the club. I was not expecting anything but her company. She then changed the conversation to wanting to go shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag. I feel that something that expensive merits something more than her companionship but I don't want to make her feel like a ho by bringing it up" Bav, It's ridiculous to think you'll make her feel like a ho by bringing it up, this is just something you've created in your head -- or rather, she's manipulated you into thinking, she could tell you're soft. But the good news about you being reluctant to suggest this is, your thought that it would be fair to trade a $1000 handbag for OTC sex is still fucking ridiculous. $1000 handbag for four OTC sexings, okay. If you're still thinking this way, you're on a course to far overpay for everything. A couple of hundred dollars in swimsuits just for her time, a thousand dollar handbag for sex? You either have more dollars than sense, or need a bit of a reset. Not trying to give you shit, BTW. Just a little brotherly knocking-some-sense into you. No, girls don't make $400/hr ITC, no, you should spend hundreds of dollars just to hang out with her, no, you shouldn't spend $1000 to have sex with her... maybe unless you're filthy rich and the $ don't matter to you
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ^^^should be, you SHOULDN'T spend hundreds of dollars just to hang out with her
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    @Subraman - I do lurk on stripperweb just to get an idea of what strippers think of PLs. I need to stop because I am starting to drink the kool-aid and it's obviously affecting my interactions with strippers. Their ideal PL is a charming,handsome gentleman who takes them to CR to drink champagne and have a nice conversation at $600/hr. Yeah, good luck with that!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I can't begin to understand why you will not ask this woman for sex. No stripper is going to be terribly offended by a guy asking for sex because they get asked constantly. She knows that's what you want, and you being afraid to ask is one of the reasons she thinks she can take advantage of you.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I took my ATF on a quick shopping trip recently. It was late morning on a weekday and we went to a large mall. We were in a small store aimed at teenagers and she wanted to try on a couple of dresses. The only clerk in the store was stocking merchandise so my ATF asked me to come to the dressing room. Without shutting the door she slipped off her shorts and lo and behold she was commando. As each dress went on and off I got a nice show. Before we went into the mall I had given her $300 for our hotel visit to follow. She used that money to buy her clothes. There's several dancers that I've brought to Victoria's Secret to buy lingerie (expensive), but it sure is sexy later.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I will take any dancer shopping. I have many times. However I get to know them better first. The ones that get carried away are given a couple Benjamins and when they spend it they are done. One dancer I gave 2 Benjamins and her sister came too so I only gave the sister one. The ones that respect my finances get to shop on my credit card. (Of course I hang on to the card but they can buy anything they want and I will pay for it at the check out.)
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    @JS69 Sad to say, but I have spent thousands on her and have not even caught a glimpse of her pussy. I don't think I can salvage anything out of this. It's best for me to wean off of her. My previous favorite showed me her pussy on the first dance without me asking. It was part of her dance routine. I also spent thousands on her but never did OTC. If I can't even manage to get laid by a sex worker, I don't know why I think it would be easier with a civvie. Maybe because I think with a civvie it will happen organically?
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    For four hundred dollars, you could be taking out different civvies on dates every night of the week and maybe be getting bang-bang for free. What club did you meet your dancer at? The Lodge? Silver City? She seems to have a big ego and be pretty delusional if she thinks her time is worth $400/hr. She is taking you for an easy mark. Lay down the law and tell her you need to cannonball her fiddle cove with your pork steeple before you keep dumping money on her. If she doesn't agree, move on. Don't let this bitch think she is in control of you.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    "tell her you need to cannonball her fiddle cove with your pork steeple before you keep dumping money on her" LOL. I met my favorites at BDD. It's best to move on without asking. I just don't see how a stripper who makes good money selling clean dances would agree to it.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    You're doing it all wrong, stay away from strippers it doesn't seem like a game you should be playing.
  • Mal2
    9 years ago
    I've had several ask for 400/hour for otc. Never happened. I've overpaid in vegas, but the little head was in total control then. I was starting to give up on massage parlors, but recently I've had some nice luck at places with multiple smoking hot girls giving full service for $200.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    My ATF asked me to take her shopping for lingerie once. Here's how that conversation went: Her: "You never got me a birthday present. You should take me shopping for something sexy to wear when I dance for you." Me: "I don't give a shit what you wear. Get some other jackass to take you shopping. By the way, how DO you get guys to buy you stuff?" Her: "I don't know; I just ask for it." Me: "and they buy it for you? just because you want it?" Her: "Yep" Me: "Whatever. I'll make you a deal: I'll buy you whatever clothes you need replaced because I rip them off of you." Her: "haha okay, deal."
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "@JS69 Sad to say, but I have spent thousands on her and have not even caught a glimpse of her pussy. I don't think I can salvage anything out of this. It's best for me to wean off of her." Not brilliant! :( Assuming you're not pulling our collective leg with the 30-year old virgin stories, I have some advice! Don't wean yourself off her! Just stop! Take a short vacation to a city where hookers are easy to get! It sounds like you have money, so that shouldn't be a problem! Then pop your cherry! It's brilliant! ;)
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    sinclair wrote: "Lay down the law and tell her you need to cannonball her fiddle cove with your pork steeple . . ." Priceless!
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