
Comments by Subraman (page 88)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    Obviously, members of the winning team don't pay bitches shit. We offer our management services in return. But, for the rest of these guys, I agree with the previous sentiment. nice, it's almost painful to watch you go through backbends trying to logic this out with comparisons to lapdances and escorts (why not throw in SB PPM? Out of everything else in the sex industry, OTC is closest to a date with a SB who is still on PPM, whereas it does not resemble anything ITC and only marginally an escort). OTC price is OTC price, there's no reason to base price it on any other service.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    -->""Don't feed the trolls" has been an ineffective mantra since UseNet." That "don't feed the trolls" mantra is borderline delusional. There's always enough people who won't play along. The ignore-block was finally a tool that could keep a troll from running amuck in your threads, but maybe founder is trolling his own forum by taking it away :) Of course, very few of you nincompoops bothered to use it. Last thread I created starting getting trolled, I blocked a single troll for a couple of weeks, we had an interesting thread, then when it scrolled away to oblivion I unblocked him again. No idea why so few people used it, it worked great
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    Yep, the big advantage of block is, you could have a thread and keep it from getting disrupted and disrailed, which is the real aim of the trolls. Ignore does nothing for that -- you can't see the particular troll, but you can see all the troll feeders filling up the thread with responses and arguments. Block was an amazing good tool to keep the increasingly-overwhelmed high quality threads in this group, on track with on-topic content
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    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    ATF / CF v2.0
    Nice! I have mixed experiences. They come back better, or worse, or the same. Sometimes worse if they now have a bf or some change in mindset that leads them to lowering their contact or raising their hustle. Higher if they're more comfortable, or have made a mindshift change to favor regulars.
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    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What would cause you to turn down FS in the VIP?
    I have a buddy who, like you, has no real standards other than that she be breathing and willing. We make fun of him, but I have to admit, he can walk into a club full of 4s and be perfectly happy. And isn't that what the buddha taught us, to be happy with what we have? Okay, maybe it wasn't the buddha, but it was someone holy who had probably met my buddy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sign at the Palomino
    -->"Whenever I've gone in there, girls have always offered discounts on VIP" When I went there, girls offered to pay me for VIP. Team WinningTeam, doing what we do best: WINNING!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The floor dances at Hi-Liter suck shit
    -->"Then invite the girl to the back room for FS, then take her home with you." I'm unsure of what to do once I get her back there. Would pumping loads into her be the right next move?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Should spinner be added to the glossary?
    Spinner is in widespread use, although I've been exposed to it far more in the context of the sex industry, than outside it.
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    5 years ago
    Question looking for honest imput
    -->"Pm a trusted regular. He can notify the dancers he knows" Seems like a good way to go. Plus once he notifies even one dancer, it'll spread through the club. and lol @ Muddy
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    “You aren’t going to write a review on me, are you?”
    -->"But on SF RedBook it was set up so that you could" Not just "could" ... the reviews contained detailed reports of acts and prices. For that reason, to this day I would never admit to writing reviews -- even generic ones that don't mention names -- or even reading reviews. The girls still have a seething hatred of "The redbook guys" The girls would sometimes read reviews and compare notes until they figured out who a review writer was. There was one particularly obnoxious guy who they identified and basically drove out of the club completely
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A stripper and her dog
    In my experience, the near-universal stripper dog is a toy dog, often a maltese, usually white. I don't know how many stripper instagrams and snapchats I've seen with those kinds of dogs. Never met a stripper with a pitbull. Not shocking, many come from underprivileged backgrounds and pitbulls are often admired there for the wrong reasons. But all my girls have toy dogs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How would you define
    lips only slightly parted, no tongue, lips only lightly touching, dry. If there's any noise, it's the friend-kiss noise Versus, says, DFK: mouth open however much, tongue, wetness, more pressure between lips, maybe playful nipping. If there's noise, it's slurpy noise
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sign at the Palomino
    SJG: as treasurer of #SJG_theOrganization, I strongly suggest we suspend that policy for nicespice
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Suggestions for additional discussion boards.
    ++++1 to Off topic board with active moderation to move threads over
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    I think it's easy to poke holes in any definition, and find corner-case counter examples, but I'd loosely say, it becomes a fetish when your sexual attraction is triggered to an "abnormal" degree. I find black women attractive, love their curves & skin tone = preference Don't even care about the woman, just being black is a huge turn-on = possibly on the way to fetishizing I love black women who, when they pass by the TV, their ass is so big that I miss 3 episodes = you're Papi Chulo
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Suggestions for additional discussion boards.
    -->"The Parking Lot (already named by SJG) - This is for threads that are so far off topic that they don't really belong in the Front Room. This would be the spot for Bitcoin, historic quotes, law school fantasies, diary entries, race baiting, and about 90% of SJG's recurring posts." This by itself would make the board much, much more usable and enjoyable. But someone would need to be moving threads into it, since I can't imagine that the small crew of dingbats who create all these off-topic threads, would voluntarily post there instead. No way founder wants to do it. So he'd need to be okay with appointing a mod whose sole role is to move OT threads to the parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"Subraman, the thing is most bisexual women, even those who can truly date and love both genders, usually end up with men." James, I find that believable. But OP didn't say the strippers are all bi, she said they're lesbians. Totally believable that many strippers are bi, or go through a bi phase at the club, or are the stereotypical "bi for the guys", but that as long as she's playing for both teams, there are societal or other reasons they all end up with guys. I'm saying, though: they DO all end up with guys, and that the majority are not lesbians even during the time at their club, they're bi at most Still, have to root for a few, for lopaw :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    California Girl
    Lines that make you get a dance without a fail?
    This notion that particular lines with entice, or intimidate, a customer into doing a dance, is mostly a StripperWeb thing. But that may be a result of the kinds of customers SW girls go for -- I've seen even the StripperWeb girls write that an experienced regular is not going to be one-lined, coerced, intimidated, tricked into going in the back ... most of the time (everyone has a bad day, of course). So, where it might be believable that "let's go to the back, I want to have more privacy to get naughty with you!" is a great deal-sealer for your average amateur strip club customer, not only does it not work with experienced PLs, but gets our radar up that you're the worst kind of hustler. PLs will more often know what experience they want, and won't be tricked by one-liners into getting it. Be charming and sexy, and align with what we're looking for, and you're good. Save the clever lines for obvious less-experienced customers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Icey and the San Jose Creep, WTF?
    -->"c'mon join the winning team!" It's comments like this that will definitely get you an invitation to join Team WinningTeam!
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    5 years ago
    -->"One of my favs was bisexual by her own admission, and was probably much more towards the lesbian side of the spectrum. Despite that, she was unfailingly hot and I often bought dances from her." Of course, I'd guess for most of us, if she's providing us with an amazing time, who cares if she also likes girls? This is not the hot news OP naively thinks it is. That said, though, I've found they are often bi-curious during their stripping period, and extra bi-for-guys (they know being bi in the club gets them $$$). But, I have literally dozens of strippers on my social media, some from girls as far back as the turn of the century. All the older ones have husbands and/or have gone through a string of boyfriends; the younger ones, still going through a stream of boyfriends. There's sometimes sexy pics of a little playful bi on girls night out. 0 out of dozens is in a lesbian relationship or lesbian marriage, at least not publicly on their social media, not that I've been keeping close tabs on them all. It's "they're all pure lesbians" that's painfully naive and something guys who don't really know any of the girls over the long term, conspiracy-theory-ize in their heads, then regurgitate like it's some controversial secret only they have access to
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    Anyway, as I've said in the Vegas threads, Vegas is a good place to avoid the sex industry entirely. Go spend a few hundred shooting machine guns and drinking at the many awesome bars, you'll have a great time
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    Only tricks spend money. I'm going to have to re-think your membership on Team WinningTeam. I make the Vegas bitches pay me, at least $250 to suck my dick. Or $25 per dick pic.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    wall: and honestly, 97-03 was probably the sweet spot!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    -->"What's truly sad about this list is that 15-20 years ago most of these cities were off the hook for liberal extras" Yep... 20-25 years ago, I'd say SF was possibly the best SC city in the country, not the worst. And the best SC that has ever existed in the US is 1996-2006 MBOT, at least for those who had a little cash at the time