The floor dances at Hi-Liter suck shit

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Yep, given the rules the floor dances at Hi-Liter are the worst in the valley. Pathetic.

Went from the best to not worth the ten bucks.

Club is still packed based on glory days but eventually that may fade.

Sad. Club was lit back in the day.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Do girls come and sit on your lap?

Can you approach them while standing, hand them money, then administer a feel up?

If so, then probably you can get a front room makeout sessions going, if you just learn how to talk to them.

Then invite the girl to the back room for FS, then take her home with you.

Buying dances always was a chump's game.

Are other clubs in the Phoenix Metro better?

avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"Then invite the girl to the back room for FS, then take her home with you."

I'm unsure of what to do once I get her back there. Would pumping loads into her be the right next move?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
You've got it. But you still have to sleep sometime, unless you have already been converted into a Show Donkey.

avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
Club is packed with new girls keeping guys coming in hoping to find some talent. Going to be too difficult and expensive to wade thru the robs. If you don't have a contact that has an agreement with the floor staff, then anywhere else except Bandaids and Essex will be 100 times better. Any valley club that is in any way associated with any part of the HL group is soon to be on life support.

Tucson and Tijuana here we come !!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
When a club gets in the crosshairs of the-powers-to-be, hard for it to continue to be business-as-usual
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
I had a veteran dancer tell me when I went in a week ago that the recent raids have sent the bouncers into a tizzy. The girls are on strict orders to not touch out on the floor, even so much as putting a knee into the crotch will get them sent home or banned.

The last raid many tickets were written by LE, so something local is going on in another wave of attempts to curtail extra curricular activities. I was told OTC solicitations were being watched, so make sure you know your provider well before proceeding.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
The last time I went to BSC, the crowd was larger than I expected. I guess I know where the regular HL customers are going.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Any other places in Phoenix starting to look good, meaning high mileage and anything goes?

avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ Yeah, I heard your mom bought a house in Phoenix, so there you go!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Just from online, the places which look potentially interesting to me are:

Eve's Tease
The Essex

and then this new El Tubo Tubo.

But not having been there I really don't know about these clubs. I prefer max mileage and dives, black and latina best places to start.

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