
A stripper and her dog

Detroit strip clubs
"Ginger" is the best friend of my CF and so I often sit and drink with her and my CF in the club. Ginger has red hair and is in her late 20's.

The other day, after I had been drinking in the club for several hours, Ginger came up to me and told me she left her Xanax at home. She asked me if I could stop at her apartment, which is on my way home, and pick up her Xanax for her and bring it back to the club. I said, "Sure." I'm always a nice and helpful guy.

Ginger said, "Let me know when you're going to leave and I'll give you my keys." Then she added, "Don't be afraid of my dog. He won't hurt you."

Instantly, I remembered Ginger talking a few weeks ago about her new dog. It was a pit bull.

Now I'm always willing to help someone out. But I'm not going to walk into an apartment with a pit bull that doesn't know me. I don't want my leg bitten off.

I did not want to debate the issue. Dog owners always claim their dogs won't hurt you. So I waited until Ginger was on stage, and then I got up from my table and walked out. I staggered a little so that Ginger would think I was drunk and had forgotten her request.

What is it with strippers and pit bulls? They seem drawn to aggressive dogs.


  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    One of life’s many problems that would be solved by everybody agreeing that their canine buds should be dachshunds.

    Dachshund system = brilliant!
  • nicespice
    5 years ago

    What my dog thinks about this.
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    I’ve owned dogs my entire life and I’ve noticed people often pick dogs whose personalities emulate theirs. If you like outdoor activities you’ll pick a dog that enjoys being outdoors and active as opposed to a breed known for being couch potato. I don’t agree that pit bulls are naturally aggressive dogs but because of their strength and fearless attitude if you want an aggressive dog owners can train them to be that way. Perhaps your girl an other dancers live on their own and feel they need a guard dog for protection. Dancers meet a lot of fucked up people over time.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    safe move jack.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I think dogs and weed are regarded as nearly universal requirements to be a stripper.
  • joewebber
    5 years ago
    strippers will select dog breeds that make it almost impossible for them to rent an apartment.
    they like to add to their resistance
    it's also reflective of the thug culture that most of them are attracted to.
    the drug dealers keep pit bulls, rottweilers, etc to guard their 'business'. the strippers naturally get the same dogs that their boyfriends/babydaddies have.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    That is a cute hot dog you got there nicespice!
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I agree with jsully63 on pit bulls. They are great dogs if raised right. I encounter a lot of dogs and rarely have an issue with them. Pit bulls are usually big babies with me. The ones you have to watch are cocker spaniels. Those little basterds love to bite. I remember seeing a list of dogs that bite the most and cocker spaniels were on the top
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    American Bull dogs are great also. They have more strength than a pit bull. Pit bulls are known for their bite strength. They can clamp down at 1,300 psi when an American bull dog can clamp down at 5,200 psi.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    There's a shit ton of reasons dancers like Pit Bulls, I'm not gonna rehash them all now but don't underestimate availability as a big reason. There are so fucking many of those dogs out there, at least around here. People give them away constantly and they are always available for adoption from various places. Half the people I know with Pit Bulls have them because someone they know was trying to get rid of them. Either they moved into a place where they can't bring theirs, or it had puppies, or whatever.

    As far as them being aggressive, I find I'm much more often 'attacked' by small dogs than Pit Bulls. I'm around them a lot and don't find them to be aggressive any more than any other dog. The issue isn't that they're more likely to bite you; the issue is that they're almost certain to cause some damage in the unlikely event they do. For most, the idea of walking into a scenario where a nip from a little 10lb lap dog is 99% probable is much preferable to the idea of one with a 75lb monster with a 0.1% probability of causing enough damage to hospitalize you.

    With all that, I'm 100% on board with not wanting to go in there on account of the dog. But sneaking out like you 'forgot' is kinda a bitch move. That's the kinda thing strippers do that guys here are always complaining or making fun of them for. It's more than a bit hypocritical to do the same shit to them, then expect anything less from them.

  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    In my experience, the near-universal stripper dog is a toy dog, often a maltese, usually white. I don't know how many stripper instagrams and snapchats I've seen with those kinds of dogs.

    Never met a stripper with a pitbull. Not shocking, many come from underprivileged backgrounds and pitbulls are often admired there for the wrong reasons. But all my girls have toy dogs.
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